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Australian Sisters



  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2013

    thx lovely trish and you take care.


  • Linda1966
    Linda1966 Member Posts: 441
    edited January 2013

    Liv thats wonderful news and Trish so glad its eased off. We're expecting the 40+ today, but as far as I know we dont have any fires threatening, so it should just be a stinking hot day for us.

    Jebdra, hope all goes well. Cant wait till you post to let us know how you are.

    Kylie, glad about the scans, fingers crossed for the results of the colonscopy. Hopefully more good news to come

  • mandymoo
    mandymoo Member Posts: 632
    edited January 2013

    Jan good luck today. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. 

    Cheers, Mandy xox

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Jebdra, It is after 10am in Victoria, wondering how you are doing.

    Thinking of everyone else who is recovering or having the surgery today.

    Swift recovery to all.

  • lolalee
    lolalee Member Posts: 164
    edited January 2013

    Liv that is great news, mix of chemo must be working well, so happy for you.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you Jebdra. Which hospital are you in?  I have a friend going through the same procedure today at the Mount.

    Hope everyone manages to stay cool today.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2013

    Good luck to everyone doing the surgery thing and will be waiting for updates to hear all went well.

    Good to hear that the fires are no longer a threat to anyone and hopefully all will be mopped up before the weather goes to extremes once again.

    Having a flat day energy and no incentive. Oh well I guess it is to be expected and I will get over I hope.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • Kazzie61
    Kazzie61 Member Posts: 418
    edited January 2013

    Liv.....that is fabulous news (((hugs)))

    So happy for you!! What happens now? You just continue on with the same chemo? sorry you're having a flat day :( As you say, bound to happen but it will get better with time xxxx

    A lot seems to be happening today, so good luck to everyone having surgery & tests...

    Have a lovely day girls.....

    Karen x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Hi Chrissy, sorry it's a flat day for you, take care of you!

    We love reading your posts, hope you're feeling better soon.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited January 2013

    Thinking of Jan... they are 3 hours behind the east coast so it's only 9.30am there...

    Kylie - glad nothing showed up on the CT. Good news!


  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited January 2013

    I went to doctor today, had a full blood count today, thyroid( i have hypothyroidisim. )  all the calcium, liver. kidneys, blood sugar, me old blood  is having a full work out. then i went to town and had a spend up on clothing, lol Hubby said, am i going to have to bring the truck down to collect all you brought. i got out of there otherise hubby will  be working for ever, its my yearly spend up. lol Winkoh well. i need retail therapy  sometimes. My GP was telling me i am now in the danger zone of geting recurances and explained the 5 year theory and i really need to  not miss the tamoxifen. it is my life line, as sometimes i give it a miss as i get sick of the foggy head and S/E, but he said i was getting into my half way of 5 years and he told me i had an angry tumour and the cells were angry, so they are going to be on to me and testing, like today. i see the hospital doc 23rd for my six month certification of  fitness. I will be asking some questions to her as my Bc nurse never bothers to return my calls.

    hope you girls are ok, going to the dishes and clean up my kitchen abit. have a great day,

  • Linda1966
    Linda1966 Member Posts: 441
    edited January 2013

    I think we all know the feeling Midnight, Im guilty of occasionally rebelling and not taking my arimidex, not for the s/e's any more, more for being sick to death of swallowing pills. But these meds are hopefully making it so we dont recur, so having heard what your dr said, I'll make you a deal, I'll take mine without fail if you do the same Wink

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited January 2013

    DEAL, lol yes we will  obey until told otherwise. I am going to take my morning as i usually take mine at night before bed and see if  helps my sleep at night, of not waking up and staying awake. so see if that helps. could be the end of my foggy brain.

  • Tammy_M43
    Tammy_M43 Member Posts: 565
    edited January 2013

    Good news that everyone has dodged the fire threat, fingers crossed for a safe weekend....

    I start my hormone treatment in about six weeks. I read that a fairly high percentage of people stop treatment early and when I mentioned this to my oncologist she looked me in the eye and said "not my patients", yes, we've been told and I'm happy to join the deal with Midnight and Linda!

    Kylie, great news about hubby...

    Best wishes to all facing the rounds on surgery and treatment....

  • mandymoo
    mandymoo Member Posts: 632
    edited January 2013

    Tammy, I stayed on my hormone treatment for the full 5 years and I took it vigilently even though I had a lot of arthritic pain. I had to stop after 5 years (Arimidex) and 2 months later,2 small bone mets were discovered. I dont know if that was a coincidence, but I regret having stopped the hormone treatment. I now have mets in the lungs, liver and brain....  I believe in the old saying "if you're on a good thing. stick to it".

    Good luck with the tamoxifen, I hope it keeps the cancer away.Smile 

  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2013

    hi luvlies -

    linda - lola lee -kazzie - thx for da good wishes.

    mandy - gee you have been through so so much and appear so positive, you really are inspirational to me.

    midnight - yes nothing like retail therapy, they should include it in standard treatment, sure it gets the serotonin moving and that is obviously what all cancer patients require in their treatment. nice to hear a onc tell you that you are in the danger zone for recurrence, wish all onc were so up front,he sounds on the ball.

    chrissy - hope your feeling a bit better today - you have been such a soldier the last 3 weeks with all that has happened and you had to just carry on regardless to sort things out and now your body is letting itself come down...takes time.

    anyone not feeling too good, it will change.


  • mandymoo
    mandymoo Member Posts: 632
    edited January 2013

    Good morning ladies, I hope today will be a good one for everyone. 

    Jann, I hope we hear from you today, and my thoughts are with you.

    Chrissy, I hope you are feeling a bit better today, I know that we sometimes have flat days, and that is normal. I am looking forward to meeting you soon. I go to Lewiston next week and will be going weekly again from Sunday pm to Tuesday pm. My 2 yo grand daughter will be going to child care gradually on those days, so that I don't need to come over to babysit eventually. My daughter has organised that on her own, as we don't know how much longer I will be able to do this. I think that she is so sensible and brave. 

    Liv, I enjoy seeing your posts, and I feel like I know you, it must be the IBC thing... lol

    My elderly mother had an accident in her car yesterday, and I live about 50km away. She came home from shopping and instead of putting her foot on the brake as she drove into the garage, she put her foot on the accellerator. Then she did it again!!! Apparently the garage was filled with smoke and the neighbours pulled her out of the car. When we arrived, there was an ambulance, police car, Fire brigade and SES truck. Dad passed away just over a year ago, but mum still wants to be independent and not "be a burden to anyone". Thankfully mum is OK and not injured, only embarrased and I will be leaving shortly to stay with her for a few hours as she gets quotes to fix the garage, as the back wall has disappeared and thankfully the watertank stopped mum from going any further. 

    BTW, I will be taking mum shopping every Wednesday from now on, even though it will be against her wishes. We can have a girlie day and have a nice cuppa and it will be a win/win for both of us. lolSmile



  • jebdra
    jebdra Member Posts: 37
    edited January 2013

    Good morning all

    Firstly - I've got good news to share - no signs of cancer in the lymph nodes - so I'm absolutely over the moon.

    The SN scan yesterday morning (24 hours ago now) was not nearly as bad as I'd been dreading - very little pain and only took about 1.5 hours.

    Then I went to check into the hospital and the fun started.  First, they had my date of birth wrong.  They'd put my admission date and my birth year!  So all the paperwork had to be redone.  You know how everybody always asked your name and date of birth and won't proceed until everything matches - so I was a bit paranoid that everything had been changed correctly.  Then I was told I was last on the list and wouldn't be done until about 6pm (it was now 11am - so I had a 7 hour wait). Then the girl who took us up to the room was very cheery and a little simple.  She asked how long I was staying and then said "well that will be a nice 2 days holiday for you" and I just snapped.  I said - I'm not here for a holiday, I've got BC and I'm having a BMX - and then she got all upset and started crying and I felt really guilty for being nasty when she was just trying to be cheerful.  Then when we got to the room, there was no bed!  So all in all it wasn't the best of hospital check-ins.

    But things soon got much better.  There was a cancellation, and I ended up being taken down about 3pm.  Saw the anaethestist, who was a lovely lady with a great sense of humor.  Went sleep and woke up in recovery with the nurse saying "it's all over and the nodes are clear" So nice of them to wake me that way.  So - no ALND - hurrah.

    I had an OK night - you know how they do obs every hour, and now I'm waiting for breakfast.  They finally gave me my laptop so I can share the good news.

    I know I'm not necessarily in the clear, and there may still be problems, but I'd just about convinced myself it would have spread and finding it hasn't is just the best morning of the rest of life.

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited January 2013

    Good morning ladies, Jebdra that is very good news about the Lymph nodes, glad yr day ended better than it started.  Jebdra, we can all be guilty of being snappy, its the  cancer and you were anxious about what kind of news you would receiving at the ens of that scan. she just got you at a bad moment and would know you never ment to upset her. Some people say things as they dont know  what to say and you said, she was being cheerful and you felt nothing like being cheerfull/ Did yr stings clear up ok/?

    Liv, that was my GP that told me that, i am still to see the onccolgist on the 23rd. But yes he told me how they gage the five year thing and that alot of recurrances can occur in the first five years, you get beyond 5 years and the chances get a little less likely and  after 10 years, you are in quite a good stead of not having to worry about it the same, but its still not 100% and you should  always be vigialant and remember cancer  is not a walk in the park or a matter for them to say, hey you have had yr  DX, you are having treament,  go and have  nice  life. they have to be on the ball as well and make sure we are looked after.  well i better get off my butt and do some work, so see you all later.

    Mandy, glad yr mummy ok, that would of been a bit of a shock for her. and that is easy enough to do, not just for an elderly person, a young one. so really  glad  she  did not get any serious injury.

  • lolalee
    lolalee Member Posts: 164
    edited January 2013

    Good Morning all!  Jedbra great news! What a relief, you must be feeling so good to know that there is no spread.

    What a numpty nurse.  There is a thread running on BCO and her statement would qualify for "STFU".  She will not be saying going into hospital is a holiday again!

    Hope you have a speedy recovery.  Best wishes Lola.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2013

    Oh Jan that is wonderful news about the nodes! I agree, what a great way to wake up! Hope you are already starting to heal.........take it easy and rest. That nurse needs to learn to keep her mouth shut for people prior to one every goes to hospital for a holiday break.

    Mandy I'm glad to hear that your mum is okay after her little's unfortunate but there comes a time in all our lives when we need to give up driving but it is sooooo hard to let the independence go and I'm dreading when I have to do it. I quite understand how your mum was feeling as I'm a fiercely independent person and fine it hard to anyone do for me.

    My car goes in for repairs next week but hopefully we can organise something about getting together after that. I'll PM you my phone numbers sh we can chat about other things

    Liv, yes, I do feel better today, in fact I was up early did three loads of washing, changed the beds and installed a glass rack in my kitchen all before 10am. For some reason the energy levels were good this

    Midnight have you had that talk with that errant employee yet? I really can't understand his whole attitude. Hope you get some satisfaction soon.

    Racy, have you located your glasses yet?

    Oh my this group has grown so much of late I'm having trouble remembering everyone! Just know that you are all being though of. Hoping those that are having active treatments are feeling okay, those that have completed doing better and those that are well out of treatment managing to live life to the full.

    Love n hugs to all. Chrissy

  • Kazzie61
    Kazzie61 Member Posts: 418
    edited January 2013

    Jan....great news :) Hoping you're healing well & home before you know it (& your holiday will be over...LOL)!!!! Which hospital are you in Jan?

    Chrissy......wonderful news you're feeling better today....gosh you've been busy this morning!!

    Mandy.....your poor mum, she must have got such a you would have.

    Nice cooler weather over here in Perth! My week off chemo so making the best of enjoying it & not being stuck inside in the air conditioning! Had coffee & a walk with a friend yesterday, having lunch with another friend today & lunch & retail therapy with my sister tomorrow :)

    I received a voucher for a day spa off my kids for Xmas so on Monday I'm going off for a 'Top to Toe' treatment......

    Does anyone know if it's ok to have the full body massage when I have bone mets?? I should have asked my onc last time I saw him but totally forgot about it .

    Have good day girls....

    Karen x

  • jebdra
    jebdra Member Posts: 37
    edited January 2013

    Thanks everyone for your happy dances - I'm not quite up to dancing yet!

    I think the lady taking us to the ward was a volunteer and probably quite new - I really shouldn't have snapped, but it was just the last straw on this camel's back.

    Karen - I'm in Bethesda - absolutely beautiful view from the room over Claremont yacht club and up the river.  I think I'll see if I can stay a couple of extra days just to enjoy the view.  I'll try for a photo before I go and post it here.  I didn't choose it, it was just the hospital my BS was operating in the first week he could fit me in.  He works at the Mount, here and Charlies.  I think I would have preferred the Mount, in spite of the view.  At least I wouldn't have to be driving up and down Stirling Highway from Nuclear Medical back and forth to the hospital.

    Chrissy - I wish I had your energy - it's great you're feeling better today.  You've had such a stressful time lately, I'm not surprised you were a bit low.

    I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again - thanks to all of you who've reached back to help those of us just starting.  I really don't know how I would have coped without this site. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2013

    Karen having a massage is fine just tell then not to go hard. I always tell them to be a gentle as possible and point out delicate areas. Enjoy!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited January 2013

    Great news Jan!

    Am sitting waiting for my oncologist appt. This is almost the last one while in treatment. The next appointment with the onc will be 14 February and my last Herceptin will be 15 February.


  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited January 2013

    Chrissy, yes we have, it turns out he was  having a birthday party for his child and he knew that if he had asked, he would not of got it, so he  took the day off and then the  next two he did not know quite how to handle it getting back,and make contact he told  his wife he had no work, and thats why she texted and asked  when was he ment to come back to work, she was in the dark as he told her this yarn and was too embarassed to admit to it. lol his partner was there at meeting and hubby said, she was looking daggers at him, , DO YOU MEAN YOU NEVER ASKED PERMISSON???? Oopps  ron said, he is in the shit  when he gets home, she can be a dragon apparently,   Ron felt  sorry for  him,.  it is now out of  hands,  the company we contacted to,gets the last say of what happens and he knows it. will have to see. Its trust issues that  are the biggest, he not truthful and can be light fingered. He may get casual stuff. i am hoping yes and on another way no. it will helpful to have a relief and no as i worry he will stuff up and be hard to get hold of. To talk to, he is a charming person, but its underneath is the problem.

  • jebdra
    jebdra Member Posts: 37
    edited January 2013

    Here's a photo of the view from my hospital room - pretty good eh?

    View from hospital room - Bethesda

  • lolalee
    lolalee Member Posts: 164
    edited January 2013

    ooh Jebra what a great "holiday" pic...... beats any Bali or tourist destinations.

    Are you out of bed already?  If you are then you are surely doing well.  I was flat on my back the first day and when the nurse attempted to take me for a walk she had second thoughts when my BP dropped and my face turned white.  I was back on the drip in no time at all.  I believe Ariom was home the next day so that would be a record to beat.

    Ariom how is the infection progressing, under control I hope?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited January 2013

    Hi Lolalee, I think the reason I was up and out so early was that I only had the UMx, not the double and reconstruction that so many of the others have had. I only had one drain too, and only the Sentinal Node removed. 

    I have been taking 4000mg of antibiotics a day for almost a week now, feel a bit average because of them I think. I don't have any pain in the wound, but still two small section are still a bit red. I will finish the meds tomorrow, and my next appointment is with the Surgeon on Monday. So I hope that it won't fire up again when I stop the antibiotics. Someone told me that this is quite common so I am not super stressing over it. Just kicking myself for being so stupid as to buy  a bra and put it on without washing it first. I am pretty sure this is what caused this. I was so careful about everything else, eating right, probiotics, antibacterial skin wash, aromatherapy, Blah, Blah, Blah, and then I was so thrilled that I found the Ahhh Bra that I could fit a softee in that was comfy, and then I just forgot.

    So that's my new advice for everyone, when your dressings come off, make sure everything you put next to your skin has been washed first.....Duh, I bet you knew that already!

    Gorgeous view Jebdra, take advantage of it and relax. Hope you are feeling good. Now it will be your turn to help others along with your positive story. It's a wonderful system we have going here.

    Chrissy, hope you are feeling a lot better, sounds like it, afer reading what you did this morning! Take care.

    Midnight, what a story, how stupid was he? Glad the other half stepped in and gave him a serve. at least you have an explanation. Doesn't make it any better for your losses because of his bad choices, but I guess it could have been worse.

    Hi Jenn, gosh you've had your fair share of appointments and procedures lately. Hope all is well, and you can enjoy a bit of a breather till Feb.

    Kazzie, enjoy that day of pampering. What a fabulous present from your family . I can't wait to get back into my massage routine again. Does anyone know when you can resume after surgery? I always had lymph drainage when I had my regular massage, thinking that may not be such a good idea now.

  • Kazzie61
    Kazzie61 Member Posts: 418
    edited January 2013

    Beautiful view Jan....I do remember now that you had said you were going to Bethespa! I had my port put in there & had the same surgeon as you... The view from The Mount is pretty specky too if you get a room on the river side! Hope you're up & dancing soon.

    Thanks Chrissy....I have booked my spa treatment for Monday, it's called the 'Top to Toe'!!! Looking forward to the pampering & relaxing.

    Karen x

  • liv-
    liv- Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2013

    hello all ((hugs))

    hitting the park for my power walk soon, then if feeling ok im going to gym to do pilates class, just started this a few weeks ago and cannot believe how inflexible i am but the girls assured me they were all the same when they first started and now they can bend and stretch and turn themselves inside out.

    its just beautiful here in perth today currently 26 deg.  feeling pretty good which always worries me as i tend to let my guard down, dont trust the critter!!!  reminder to self - dont let my guard down..

    have decided to have a week of all my vitamins and only take chemo meds. figure that too much of anything & including vitamins might not necessarily be a good thing.  i figure my body became immune to chemo after the 4th shot and told my onc of my plan on tuesday and he agreed that our immune system needs to be sparked up now n again. its so nice to just down 5 tabs instead of my truck load of about 25 normally.

    also when i was at onc this week i mentioned that i have been getting a weird sort of headache, doesnt actually feel like headache just a dull pain on the right side of head so he said will make an appointment to get checked out.  we talk so much as i have so many things that ive researched and always run out of time, poor onc didnt get to have his lunch as our appointment went for 55 minutes and when i came out the lovely receptionist told me off in such a lovely endearing way that the dr. needs to have his lunch and that im not to take that long as he will sit and chat forever.. such a great onc love him.  back to the brain bit, how do they test, is it a biopsy or scan or what?

    ariom - dont stop antibiotics if infection has not completely gone, ive seen some horrific infections that turned into major infections.

    jebdra - nice view, bet you feel like jumping into that water.

    midnight - like reading a great novel - hmmm whats next?

    jennt - good luck - next appointment 14th feb valentines day - thats a good thing, i think?

    kazzie - lucky you - i got one of those loofah things from the body shop yesterday, thats as close im getting to be pampered, enjoy.

    chrissy - its hard to remember where we post and would hate to miss someone new.  the dashboard is up running again, that keeps me on my toes, its like have a secretary & helps a lot.

    mandy - yes sister i feel like i know you are you today?

    lolalee - you are human - funny,  we all seem to have our days, i certainly do when i have no tolerance for  certain things.

    everybody try and stay strong and my tip of the day if constipated dont suffer -

    i take dulcolax every couple of days, does the trick
