Stitching the pieces together



  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2011

    Hi Knitgal, welcome.  You will like the ladies here, nice folks.

    Paula what is WWW, all I can think of is Wide World of Wrestling! LOL


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited December 2011

    Lol Ginger. I guess I shouldnt have used caps on the www.  I can see how thats confusing.  Its the world wide web.  I forget sometimes that Im not chats with my sissy when I type stuff. 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited December 2011

    Ok gals I am puttn on the thinking cap and I know this sounds weird but thats just me.  I love love primative art and saw a black crow with a santa hat on and feel in love with it.  Here the thing, Im still a very new sewer and want to try and make one.  Does anyone have any pointer for making stuffed stuff for a newbie.  Thanks!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2011

    Since you love primitive art it may be a little bit simpler for you to craft your Santa Crow. If you know what a blanket stitch is you could sew your crow together, wrong sides together, with a blanket stitch perhaps in a mat natural color. 4 hole buttons for his eyes with the stitching done criss cross. You could use wool felt for a nice effect, the poly felt is less expensive if you wish. Wool would also be nice or some hopsacking cotton.  

    Draw out your pattern on a paper grocery bag. Keep it simple. 

    Others will chime in with more help. 

    Laters Ginger

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited December 2011

    Paula, if sewing by machine, used small stitches, but not too small! Sometimes when you're stuffing something, if the stitches are too small, they rip open like a serrated edge! Stuff FIRMLY. When you think you have enough in...double it!!! Use a couple of real feathers from a craft store to mimic wings or give him a cool look in the tail end. Have fun! (Felt is a great fabric to work with too.)

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited December 2011

    Well my attempts to make a crow are not working out but I will get there.  The beak is giving me fits but I'll get there.  I figured I had to practice abit until I get it down pat.  When I do I'll post some pics.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited December 2011

    I started an ugly Christmas sweater last night.  Its been so fun.  The tacker the better.  My hubby keeps on wanting to add stuff so I told him he needs to make his own, lol.  Hope mine wins the prize. 

  • sling99
    sling99 Member Posts: 18
    edited December 2011

    I love this thread! I make sock monkeys among other things. When I was making the first one, it looked like just an ugly stuffed sock with appendages until I made the face...then was as if I created a little friend with personality...I fell in love. If you want to see some pictures check out the link to my on-line store in my profile. Not sure how to post pictures on here.

  • sewingnut
    sewingnut Member Posts: 475
    edited December 2011

    Those sock monkeys are adorable!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited December 2011

    Very sweet sling, I checked them out too! Do you sell a lot off etsy??

  • sling99
    sling99 Member Posts: 18
    edited December 2011

    Barbe, No I don't sell much off etsy. I find you have to constantly promote your store through other social media like twitter, facebook, blogs, etc.  I am not that dedicated and only do this for fun. I,ve made some for friends and family and etsy is a place for me to show them examples of how I can customize it for them.

    I can do basic knitting and thought I would try crochet but I'm finding crochet much harder. It feels awkward holding the yarn and hook and I get confused as to which "hole" to put the crochet hook through. 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704
    edited December 2011

    Sling, I'm not a big sock monkey fan but yours are cuter than normal!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited December 2011

    sling, that's too funny!! I knit so tight that I can't put the needle through the right hole!! Tense am I? Stressed????

  • tedwilliams
    tedwilliams Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2011

    Very cute sock monkeys....

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited December 2011

    I'm with Eph re: sock monkeys, but yours are adorable, sling.

    Edited to add:

    I just have a thing about sock monkeys and clowns.

  • thatsvanity
    thatsvanity Member Posts: 51
    edited December 2011

    That is a beautiful quilt meecee! I quilt too I love it but I do not sew enough, I'll try to post some pics, I love quilts with round blocks!

  • sling99
    sling99 Member Posts: 18
    edited December 2011

    That's okay Eph and Meece. I can see how they can creep some people out especially the traditional ones with the big red mouth all dressed up in people type clothes.

    Very nice quilt Meece! 

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited December 2011

    Hello, Ladies!

    I'm one week out from my BMX/immediate recon w/TEs, and somehow I just can't seem to get the pain under control. That is, until I found this thread, and spent quite a bit of time reading all 34 pages!

    I started quilting two years ago when a church friend got me into her "Senior Adult" quilting class through the local adult school. All members must be over 55 years of age. I think I'm the youngest one there! All these women are true artists, and most have been quilting for years and years. They love to help beginners (that would be me) and are the funniest women I've ever met. For $30 per 8 week session, it's SO much cheaper than therapy!!! I laugh my head off every Thursday morning. Plus, I'm so inspired by all the beautiful things I see during "Show and Tell."

    I've started many projects but finished few. Will look around and see what pics I can post.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2011

    Blessings. Welcome back from your surgery. I am glad this thread has helped with your pain. I think you are so right about a class being cheaper than therapy. I am all for therapy but somehow therapy during chemo didn't really halp me I needed other women to relate to and laugh with. I attend classes at a local sewing store and was very surpriesed to meet women older than me. I laugh every time I go and realized as I was laughing that this felt really good. 

    I am stilllll organizing and unpacking my sewing room  and I am thinking that isn't so bad because I feel better every time I go upstairs to my place. Thanks for writing because you reminded me of some things I need to remember to feel better. I hope your pain is better and gone soon. 

    Barbe, that was funny about your knitting. I have learned basic skills but just can't get back into it, my hands hurt and I can't gather myself to push through it to become competent. My daughter is an amazingly good knitter and I am happy for her. She makes my MIL so proud because HER DGD is "domestic." It is sort of funny because DD house is messy and MIL quite neat, but I think as with all Grandparents, we have a blind eye to any fault in the Grands. I think that is part of natures plan and a good one at that! 


  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited December 2011

    I joined a quilt guild when my husband started driving long haul truck 6 years ago and that is the cheapest therapy I know. When I started the guild our dues were $1 a week, now it is $25 a year, the new treasurer didn't like keeping up with weekly payments. I love the yearly payments. and if we don't have the total amount at the beginning of the year, we can make payments over 3 months.

    This new year we are doing a 6 month 'Challenge' quilt based on a favorite memory. they are trying to get us to think outside our quilting box/comfort zone. the rules are, 1) they will give us 3 pieces of fat eighths and it must have a recognizable piece of each in the quilt and we can use up to 5 additional pieces of fabric. 2) size must be between 16" square (64" around) up to 40" square (or a total circumference up to 160") 3) must use 3 types of embellishments (folded fabric elements are allowed as embellishments). 4) at least one applique piece. 5) must have quilters name hidden in the quilting stitches somewhere on the quilt. and 6) a short written story about your quilt explaining your quilt/telling your story. The guild members will judge the quilts in July based on our story, how well we portrayed the memory and on workmanship.

  • sewingnut
    sewingnut Member Posts: 475
    edited December 2011


    I just giggled at your quilt challenge rules. Still have chemo brain and couldnt get past the 2nd thing. Guess I need to join something so my brain will start to function again. The local quilt guild did a challenge on nature quilt. They gave everyone the same piece of "river fabric" and told them where to place the fabric. When the quilts were done they were displayed "in the round". All the quilts linked together to make a wonderful picture showing all 4 seasons.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited December 2011

    SWelcome to all of you who are new to this thread.  I am so glad you are enjoying it.  Winter is my quilting/sewing season.  I like sitting down to my sewing machine and listening to a good movie, or sitting by the fire with a quilt in progress acrossed my lap.

    i have reclaimed my guestroom as of this past Saturday so I can move some of the extra stuff out of my sewing room and put it back in there.  That will make it easier to get motivated.   I wish I could join a quilt group here, but with my work hours there isn't much time left.

    I think we need to see more pictures here...since I haven't been sewing recently, ladies.....

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited December 2011

    Sheila, I LOVED challenges!!! As my forte is wall art I had a blast!! I won many, many ribbons. I LOVE ribbons too!!! heheheheheehee

    Meece, you are a little pinhead in your pic!! Zoom in and let's see your smle again. I still remember when you were sitting inside a big shell. That WAS you, wasn't it??

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited December 2011

    Glad to have you join us 'sewingnut' 

    This is the first challenge quilt that we have done. I am still trying to think about what I can do with just 8 colors since I don't know what three they are giving us. Several years ago we did a 'mystery quilt' and I posted the picture of the one I did several pages back (pink/purple/green). My mom has done some challenge quilts from Keepsake Quilting in New Hampshire. The year she was diagnosed with bc (2001) she and my dad had planned a trip to New Hampshire to see her challenge quilt hanging in Keepsake quilting. She didn't tell dad she had noticed a difference on one of her breasts until they were in New York, she really wanted to go to New Hampshire and see her quilt hanging with all the other completed challenges. She knew she wouldn't win anything with her quilting but to have the honor of seeing her quilt hanging there was excitement enough for her.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited December 2011

    I have a huge blank wall right over my desk at work.  I have been thinking of doing some seasonal wall hangings so I can switch them out.  I think appliques might be best, but I am not skilled at that.

    Yes, I was the seashell girl.  I'll have to dig that one out.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited December 2011

    Meece, do you ever do paper piecing? It gets AMAZING shapes and blows people away, and yet it is so easy!! I do paper piecing for challenges sometimes because people assume it's so hard.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2011

    There was a little girls pattern about 10 years ago that had little children on the (forgot the word) top front of the dress. I wonder if those were paper pieced. I would like to know how to do that!

  • blessings2011
    blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited December 2011

    I LOVE paper piecing!

    Once I remember how to do it (each time) then every block is near perfect! A far cry from my own sloppy efforts...Undecided

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited December 2011

    A good tip for paper piecing: use a smaller stitch when makes the paper rip off SO much easier!!!

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited December 2011

    Meece, I had several seasonal wall hangings I made over the years when I worked at the office and I hung on the blank wall at my office before I got laid-off last year. Valentine quilt with various red pieced hearts, Easter Egg roll with paper pieced Easter egg blocks out of reproduction fabrics, Lighthouses in the storm (printed panel), Be true to the Red White and Blue (printed flag panel), Pink ribbon (why I race) pieced blocks, satin/silk Christmas ornaments (machine appliqued). All but the Christmas ornament wall hanging was hand quilted, that one I machine quilted but plan to do some hand quilted snowflakes in parts of it just to say I hand quilted on all of them. Many people did comment on the beautiful quilts that I had on my wall. the biggest is about 45 inches square and the smallest is about 18-20 inches in a rectangle.  I have an area in my kitchen that I could start hanging them up at my house but I need to install the curtain hooks on that wall.

    You can also recycle printer paper on the paperpieced blocks, just print the block on the back side of the paper.
