Join our Webinar: REAL Talk: Healthy Body and Mind After Breast Cancer Treatment - Jan 23, 2025 at 4pm ET Register here.




  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lady - That's great!  Wouldn't that be something to go to UCLA to speak!
  • mtnbiker
    mtnbiker Member Posts: 34


    I am so confused...I thought triple neg meant there are no receptors,HER2  ?

  • mtnbiker
    mtnbiker Member Posts: 34

    Hi Lady Madonn

    Dr Mehta at UCI in Irvine, Ca  I am going to read about it tonight ,  I will give you more infoSurprised tom..

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    mtnbiker - triple neg is ER-PR-HER2-, triple pos is ER+PR+HER2+
  • kennylynne
    kennylynne Member Posts: 75

    Anita 333 I am also from around your area and was diagnosised in May as well. Just had my tatoos Monday and will finish my taxol tomorrow although I haven't started the tamoxifen yet. I don't believe I start till next week \hang in there.

  • mtnbiker
    mtnbiker Member Posts: 34

    well I am on the wrong site I am triple neg :( sh--t,

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    mtnbiker - I am sure there is a 'triple negative group' thread, if not called that you could start one.  Also, you are welcome to stay here and hang out with us - !
  • mtnbiker
    mtnbiker Member Posts: 34

    thank you,  this sucks!!!!!!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Welcome to our newest sorry you have to be here, but so glad you found us!  This thread, this site is a treasure trove of information!!  I am so thankful for the women here.  I would have been LOST during chemo without the advice and occasional arguments!   lol

    Day 2 still no voice.  Had a fever last night..about 101.  Couldn't sleep very well, but the fever broke about 3am and my cough is now "productive" (I know, TMI) but I gotta hope that means I'm getting better!

    I feel like I just had a Nuelasta shot!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    TonLee - Quick, take a claritin! (c:
  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    TonLee:  Me either - no voice and yucky colored stuff being coughed up (again TMI).  Called the doctor when I saw the color of the stuff but no return call yet....I think when your general physician knows you've had bc, the seem hesitate to want to deal with least that is my experience and it may be time to switch doctors.  The onco sure doesn't want to deal with a cold!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    I'm in EXACTLY the same place with Drs right primary Doc is very hesitant to see me, give me a scan (for neck pain) or Onc refuses to do anything but chemo....he says, "See your primary care provider."  Then my primary care provider says, "See your Onc about it."

    Drives me bonkers!


    Ha.  I take claritin everyday!!  I wish it'd help this...I can't tell the difference between a cold and the flu.  Any helpful hints?  I had a fever and body aches with this but just considered it a cold.  They say if you have the flu you can't get out of bed.  Well, I guess I've never had the flu...I've never been so sick I couldn't get out of bed ... so I don't know if I agree with that description because I KNOW I've had the flu....

    Oh well....

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516

    ArleneA and Tonlee Hope you get over the crud soon and start feeling a lot better. I've avoided colds so far but I have noticed that my body can't handle things right now. Perfect example, my sister sent me a lovely tub of coconut lime lotion a while ago. Sounds great, right? I thought so too. Well, I finally felt well enough to use it and slathered it all over my legs and arms last week after a nice relaxing bath. You can guess what happened. I have an unbelievably red, itchy rash that won't go away more than a week later. (Thank goodness I only used it on my legs and arms!) I won't take benadryl because I think I remember that it interferes with Tamoxifen. I'm already on Claritin. So, I'm using clear Calamine lotion just to tolerate it. It seems that my normal allergies are in overdrive. Crazy! Now I'm waking up at night with hot flashes, pain from my frozen shoulder and itching-arghhh! Wish my body would just get back to normal (or some semblance of it) already!

    Mtnbiker Well, looking on the bright side you are well educated about Triple positive now:) I think there is a Triple Negative forum as well but we are glad to get to know you!

    LadyMadonna  So amazing that you met Dr. Slamon-any more breaking news that we need to know?

    Welcome to all the newest Triple Positive members! As TonLee said, sorry that you have to be here but you will find tremendous support and info...we're a special group:) 

  • Lady_Madonna
    Lady_Madonna Member Posts: 313

    Ladies, you will be amused but not surprised to learn that the majority of the information shared by Dr. Slamon and the other breast cancer researchers was not really ground-breaking to us!  We are a highly educated bunch :)  Taxanes were highly praised and oncs are tending to use Adriamycin less because of the rare but serious side effects.  I hesitate to bring "A" up because I know many women had it but I'm just the messenger!  Anyway, I don't think this is really anything new for anyone who's read Dr. Slamon's research.  When we were talking privately Dr. Slamon told me that there are many new drugs coming up, along the lines of Herceptin.  Targeted therapies.  We are very fortunate that they went to work on Her2+ because several times throughout the night I heard various doctors reinterate how nasty Her2+ bc is.  Surprisingly, one of the other docs (the one being awarded) told me TN bc can be cured 80% of the time.  He said it gets a bad wrap and it can be tricky but it's not as bad as people think.  Made me all the more grateful for Dr. Slamon's persistence in pushing for the development of Herceptin!!!

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    I hope that this neratinib trial I am on is one of the targeted therapies they are thinking about!

    That's fascinating that tn can be cured...what's the holdup? So many women don't seem to do so well with this type.

  • iLUV2knit
    iLUV2knit Member Posts: 65

    This may be a dumb question, but would it be 'worse' to be triple positive, or triple negative?? I am confused.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    iLUV2knit - here is my understanding of the trip + vs the trip -.  Triple positive BC is amenable to both estrogen blocking/suppression in the form of Tamoxifen/Arimidex/Aromosin/Femara and with targeted treatment of the Her2 aspect by Herceptin.  That being said, triple positive BC can be more aggressive.  Triple negative breast cancer cannot be treated with any estrogen suppression/blocking or Herceptin, so the currently the only weapons against it are surgery, chemo and radiation.  This is why you often see triple neg receiving neoadjuvent chemo because they have to be absolutely sure that the chemo is effective. The dilemma is that there is no further treatment for triple negative other than the initial treatment.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Well there are always other chemo txs tripe negatives could try.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    kay1963 - I think they do - the trip negs treated by my BS have imaging prior to each chemo tx - if the chemo cocktail is not working they switch to another combination.  I didn't mean they couldn't switch - I just meant other than being treated by chemo, surgery and radiation there are not additional options.  Sorry for the confusion!

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Finally, I'm almost a year since DX and I am scheduled for my annual mammo and ultrasound.  I would have thought it would be done at least every 6 months.  Scary stuff!  I do my BSEs but since my tumor couldn't be felt/palpated that is scary too.

  • Judy67
    Judy67 Member Posts: 213

    I don't have anything useful to post, just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all the info and advice that gets posted here.  I'm about 5 weeks away from starting chemo and I'm trying to take in all the info I can.

  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366

    Hi - I haven't posted here in a while. Just a quick update everything is going well. I had requested a ultra vaginal scan and it showed a cyst on ovary and the other ovary was darker in color , like more blood supply there.

    The dr said it cud be due to that I hadn't had a period for 3 months and actually did have one 4 days after that scan. She also said it cud be a result of chemo. As it does mess up ovaries. Anyways another scan in December to check status.

    Otherwise I'm back to normal and healthier than before chemo , thanks to body pump yoga and spinning classes.

    Oh and my vacation in India was phenomenal !!!!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Hi Redninrah

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Lago:  You back to work?

  • neetah74
    neetah74 Member Posts: 10

    Hi all... I'm new to this!!!  At the age of 37... Had biopsy in October w/ the lumpectomy on 11/8.  Just got the full pathology report yesterday.  2.9 cm to be exact.  Now I have to decide on treatment.  They want to start the "tch" 12/7.  Told 6 treatments every 6 weeks w/ the "h" every week and then every 3 wks for a year.  Don't know what to expect or even if this is something I should do.  Any feedback would be helpful.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    neetah - welcome, sorry you have to be here!  I am thinking you meant 6 TCH treatments every 3 weeks (not 6 weeks), with your Herceptin weekly until done with the TC portion, then H every 3 weeks for the rest of the year.  There are several ladies currently on this thread who followed that timing regimen.  With a 3 cm, grade 3, triple positive tumor I would definitely do it.  It is not a fun time, but you can get through it.  All of us will help you and answer any questions you may have, if we can.  I would suggest you have your oncologist run the recurrence/DFS numbers for you so that you are making a fully informed decision.  I am also assuming that you will be having radiation since you had a lumpectomy.

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    neetah, of course i'm not a doctor, but your diagnosis with her2 positive means you will need herceptin (the H in TCH).  herceptin is a 'miracle drug' that was developed just for her2 positive cancer cells.  in addition, herceptin is given with chemo at the beginning, usually taxotere and carboplatin because it works better that way.  you will read on here that chemo isn't fun, but it's doable.  i had my last TCH treatment on monday and i did really well.  there is a lot of good information here and lots of kind help.  let us know how you do and ask all the questions you want. someone will usually have an answer.  good luck!
  • neetah74
    neetah74 Member Posts: 10

    Sorry.... That is what I meant.  6 treatment every 3 weeks.  Typo on my part.  They did run the numbers for me but also said that there is no guarantee that it won't come back.  He said that with all the treatments the chances of recurrance is the least.  So much information and don't know what to expect with the treatment.  But yes I have to do the radiation and also a 5 yr stint on a hormone blocking pill.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    neetah - check the TCH thread (under the heading Chemotherapy) for specifics about what to expect and prepare for.

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516

    Neetah So sorry you are here but glad you found us. I noticed from your profile that you are in your late 30's and I'm curious-how was your BC found? I was 41 when I was diagnosed last year on my second annual mammogram. I also chose a lumpectomy and completed TCH x 6 along with a year of Herceptin (I'm almost done). I also had my Herceptin weekly during chemo then switched to every 3 weeks. I did radiation as well and now I'm taking Tamoxifen (the hormone blocking med you mentioned). Sounds like we have a lot in common with our treatment plan!

    This treatment is incredibly important in lowering our chance of recurrance-Herceptin is absolutely remarkable in its effectiveness. Her2+ BC is nothing to mess around with-it's aggressive and requires equally aggressive treatment. I have to say that chemo was tough but I worked the whole time with only a few days off in cycle 3-6. I had no problem at all with Rads other than being slightly fatigued and I've never had any problems at all with Herceptin. Are you considering a port? Many of us opted for a port because you will have so many infusions and it's much easier for you (and your veins). Stay in touch with us here as well as on the "Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin" thread. There is so much useful info and tons of support. Wishing you all the best!