
  • bucky317
    bucky317 Member Posts: 178
    special k  How frustrating!!!! Damn Insurance Companys!!!
  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    Good to meet you too, Moon!  Thx

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    SpecialK, that SUCKS.  Man, what a let down. Frown

    And yes, nice to meet you Nora!  

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,249

    I know - I am kind of bummed.  Apparently they order the injectibles the night before and the insurance needed 24 more hours to complete the referral.  If they ordered the meds and then the referral was not approved I would be charged.  At least they were looking out for my pocketbook, and with surgery on Friday I probably need the extra time to scrub my baseboards with an an old toothbrush and sterilize everything in the house! LOL!

  • dragonfly1
    dragonfly1 Member Posts: 516
    SpeciaK That's disappointing-sorry the scan didn't get approved in time. Will be thinking of you Friday and sending lots of positive vibes your way:) Forget about those baseboards-they're not going anywhere. Put your feet up and eat some Cadbury eggs-did you notice they're out now?
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,249

    dragonfly - thanks!  I was in the military exchange store the other day after an appt. and they had Valentine's Day stuff on one side of the aisle and Easter stuff on the other - .  I wish we had better holiday separation - they put Christmas stuff out with the Halloween candy too!  I love Cadbury - the milk chocolate with fruits and nuts is my fave.  Takes me back to childhood!  I am too nervous to stop cleaning, except spent part of the day moving investment accounts from one brokerage to another - OMG the forms are ridiculous! 

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Sucks about scan Specialk. Will be thinking about you friday.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749


    i have decided to take them off too...don't want to feel left out :(

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,249

    shore - thanks for the good thoughts! 

    rozem - there are a number of ladies on this thread who kept them, so assuming you have a choice, don't take yours off so you dont feel left out - only do it if it feels like the right thing!  

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Darn it SpecialK:  But it will still happen and glad they saved your pocket some $$'s.  I agree, relax as those baseboards will still be there.  :)

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    Still got both my breasts - just had lumpectomy. This is what all the drs recommended. My breasts are easy to scan so I feel comfortable with this...

    Regards Jenn

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    thanks jenn

    i was starting to wonder....all my docs said the same thing but then reading this thread got me worried

    i'm still going forward with a bmx after i heal from rads but that is b/c i have dense breasts (had to have rads because of LVI)

    on a seperate note - did anyone else who had a msx/no nodes get rads b/c of LVI? seems that some RO's consider it a positive node and others don't

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245

    rozem:  Count me in as one who has their original boobs!  I find it very interesting, but very confusing when some of the medical stuff is talked about because I've not been through it.  Heck, I think my lumpectomy was the easiest part compaired to everything else I've been through!

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Yep, I still have my boobs too...I had a lumpectomy and hope I don't regret it.  March 1st is a year since my breast surgery. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,249

    rozem - I had two positive nodes and LVI, had a BMX and complete axillary dissection, but no rads.

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Hi Rozem, I had 0/4 nodes but did have LVI present. Had bmx, AC then taxol/herceptin but no rads. I did ask BS, MO and RO whether LVI but no node involvement would mean rads for me, but they said no. None were concerned about the LVI.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    thanks ladies

    this is interesting...i believe tonlee's RO said the same thing as mine regarding the LVI - but obviously there is no consensus on this issue.  My BS and MO never mentioned LVI until i saw it on my path report, RO is the only one who thought it was an issue

    a second opinion onc at Dana also did not seemed concerned about LVI - she said with Her2 tumors they see LVI very frequently

    makes me question if rads will benefit me - makes me crazy that we can ask 10 different people and get 10 different answers !

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Laolson they should have given your mom a sedative. The breast MRI found some LCIS in my other (right) breast. LCIS typically doesn't show up on an MRI or US. My head and arms were not in the tube when I got my MRI.b  Your mom shouldn't get a BMX if she doesn't need one. 

    Hate insurance companies.

    rosem why are you taking off the boobs? I had no choice since I had big tumor and small boob. The other side has some suspicious stuff that would have to be biopsied every year so my BS recommended removing both. As far as LVI I read they look more closely at lymph node status because it is more of an indicator of risk than LVI. I was shocked I didn't have it.

  • Kitchenella
    Kitchenella Member Posts: 88

    My surgeon said that different area's of the world have different stats. as to BMX vs Lumpectomy.  He said USA docs tend to push the BMX's.  I wonder if it is because of malpractice fears or (don't like to think this one) that they get paid more.  My doc. said that their is no strong evidence a lumpectomy is 'worse' than a BMX (assuming the diagnostics support lumpectomy).  He said even with a BMX one can still get another cancer in that area. Ergo I went with the lumpectomy.


  • Kitchenella
    Kitchenella Member Posts: 88

    What is LVI ( I lost the link to the list of abbreviations)


  • NWArtLady
    NWArtLady Member Posts: 239

    SpecialK, I'm so sorry to hear about the insurance company! Hoop jumping makes me crazy.

    Rozem, I still have my girls. I had a lumpectomy + AC + Taxol + Herceptin + radiation (right now-ouch!) + Tamoxifen (to come).  We get 10 different answers 'cause we're all different, including our oncologists/surgeons/radiation oncologists who go with what they know and trust, so we better trust them or get another one (if possible)!

    I asked both my BS and Onc about mx, but both said no need - that my prognosis would be the same either way. I'm large-chested and my BS said that I had plenty of tissue to work with and that there would be no problem. 12 centimeters of tissue later, he was right! Glad I went with a BS rather than the general surgeon my PCP wanted me to go with... I may be getting a new PCP here in the near future...

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,249

    My BS was breast conserving initially, based on my stats, but receptive to my wish for a BMX.  MRI failed to show 2 positive nodes and ADH/ALH in the "prophy" breast - surprise!  He agreed it was a good choice in the long run.

    NWArt - I am OK with no scan right now, it would have been nice to get it in before the surgery, but it was not urgent so it is OK.  I can't complain about insurance too much - I have fantastic coverage, they just couldn't get it processed in time.  No biggie!

  • oandtolivo
    oandtolivo Member Posts: 20
    rozem--   Every country is different.  I'm a Military spouse being treated by German doctors.  I have a board of seven doctors and they decide whats best for each patient.  Majority rules!  I had rt mx, chemo and rads, because I had 3 large tumors, my age and the grade 3.  The board felt my chance of recurrence would be less if I had rads and chemo.  I just had to have faith in the experts and go with their recommendations.  I often feel alone here and turn to these boards, because there's a wealth of knowledge and experience.  The women here help me ask the right questions and I', grateful for thatSmile
  • laolson18
    laolson18 Member Posts: 64

    Lago- My Mom did take a sedative, but apparently it didn't help.  They can't knock her out for the test since her head is down and she could stop breathing.  She has the Pet Scan scheduled for tomorrow and she is waiting to hear if they want her to go for a more open MRI or just another ultrasound.  I keep hearing that the Breast MRI gives too many false positives.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    I still have one of my boobs!  lol

    My Surgeon refuses to take healthy tissue....and I didn't push it because I agree.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    So it is official.  As of yesterday..

    Rads knocked out my thyroid (even though it wasn't hit at all).  I was hypothyroid before BC and my Endo has been watching my numbers every 8 weeks since.  He told me yesterday that my thyroid is KURPLUNK!  No longer working at all.

    Ah goes on....

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    laolson they are aware that MRIs give false positives. In my "good' breast there were 4 suspicious areas but only 1 that they were concerned about. Remember the LCIS would not have been spotted had I know done the MRI on the good breast. Remember you are going to a top place. I'm sure they have some of the top radiologists reading these MRIs too. I know my BS likes to do MRIs to have a better look of what's going on before he starts cutting. I don't know if your mom has dense tissue but I would assume the MRI would be very useful.

    BTW I did read that in the US more women in the midwest and south get MX than lumpectomy.

  • laolson18
    laolson18 Member Posts: 64

    Lago- she does have dense tissue.  Will the Pet Scan show the same?  The nursing staff was going to see if she can get an open MRI if the doctor still wants to see something.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I did a CT scan not a PET scan and it wasn't for my breasts. Those intial CT & PET are usually for abdomen and sometimes brain but the brain as initial scan seems less common. (I did't get the brain.)

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    lago -

     2 surgeons that i consulted with said that i was a great candidate for a lump (smallish tumor/enough breast tissue/not multifocal etc) after chemo i had to decide lump or msx (similar to ashla) i was told with either that i would need rads b/c of LVI - so i decided to do the lump and then msx later so i could do reconstruction at the same time (they do not do TE's or implants here if you need rads) so after chemo i was told i was in a grey area for rads b/c of my response to chemo. After much discussion and my case was brought up to the tumor board i decided to do the rads even though they said it would most likely not offer much benefit

    so i have my boobs but i do want a bmsx...why?  i had 2 other suspicious areas on the mri prior to chemo that ended up being b9 but still freaked me out, i have dense breast tissue so screening is an issue for me for sure.  I know its drastic but i guess it comes down to peace of mind, even if there is no science behind it.  Has anyone done the MRI guided biopsy?  it was truly horrible for me