
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,249

    Cowgirl - here is Komen's info on luminal A&B - 

    Figure 4.9 Subtype These tumors tend to be* Prevalence Luminal AER+ and/or PR+, HER2-, low Ki6742-59%Luminal BER+ and/or PR+, HER2+ (or HER2- with high Ki67)6-19%Triple negative/basal-likeER-, PR-, HER2-, cytokeratin 5/6 + and/or HER1+ 14-20%HER2+ER-, PR-, HER2+7-12%*These are the most common profiles for each subtype. However, not all tumors within each subtype will have all these features.
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,249

    cowgirl - sorry trying this again, it was a chart and didn't copy correctly, so I will paraphrase Komen.

    Luminal A - ER+ and/or PR+, Her2-, low Ki67%

    Luminal B - ER+ and/or PR+, Her2+, (or Her2- with a high Ki67%)

  • cowgirl13
    cowgirl13 Member Posts: 782

    Thank you, ladies!  

  • angela44
    angela44 Member Posts: 16

    I had my port put in today and my neck is KILLING me!  I can barely move at all.  Is this something I should be worried about?  I just took one of my left over pain killers from the BMX.  I've iced it all day.  They said it wouldn't hurt. I can feel the tube under the skin of my neck.  ouch!  It feels so bruised and is somewhat swollen.

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Angela44, my port hurt at first too. I can see the tube going up my neck and a small bump where the port is. It took weeks for it to feel better. That was back in September. I rarely notice it now. Of course call your doctor if you're concerned, but I remember thinking how mine hurt when they said it wouldn't. That said, im very glad I got the port. I would not have wanted to get all the treatments without it.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    My onc also says her2 trumps er+ for the first couole of years, then er+ beco es theleader forrecurrence.

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    Lago, The onc reporting in that study is mine from Emory!! How funny.

  • angela44
    angela44 Member Posts: 16

    Thanks for your reply.  Hopefully it'll get better soon.  I did end up calling the hospital and asking about it.  They said the same things, that for some people it does really hurt (wish they told me that before) but that it usually gets better in a few days.  I certainly hope so.  It's really painful. 

    Angela ~ feeling really wimpy

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    That is my understanding as well.

    I'll bring this up in a couple weeks when I talk with my Onc...I had all that crap saved on my hard drive, but now I can't find it.

    Thanks Omaz, that probably wasn't the best graph to's been tinkered with a little from the original study.  But I put it up more as a visual of how I remember the ER graph going they drew for my diagnosis. 

  • NCbeachgal
    NCbeachgal Member Posts: 67


    My port hurt like hell for several days. It still hurts if the seatbelt presses on it. Its good to have but I hate the way it feels and looks. I call it my alien baby. It should start to feel better in a few days. My MO gave me some pain meds when I complained. You are not wimpy-it freaking hurts. Feel better.


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    geewhiz so now we can trust the study Tongue out

    Fluff that may be true but again distant mets risk goes down the more years you are out no matter what the biology. But according to that study it flattens out for us. It's because more of us recur early and don't get the chance to for late recurrence. Does that make sense?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Angela, you ate not a wimp. It does hurt. I was lucky, most of my pain ent away in a couple of days, but there was a bit that would pop up if I sat funny. Ice, pain meds and it will get better and you will be GLAD you have it part. Hang in there. Much love

  • CRuth
    CRuth Member Posts: 8

    Angela, NCBeachgal & Moonflower -- I had my port put in last Monday and it hurt a ton -- I called the next day as well to check if it was ok since they'd said I could expect "soreness" that could be handled with tylenol.  Like for you, they said, oh ,yes, for some people it is more painful and I could go ahead & use my pain meds left from my DMX.  I told them I thought they needed to better inform their patients of the possible extent of the pain as I'd spent the entire night worried about infection! So, let's form a not-at-all-wimps club!

    Well, I probably can't join that club.  I'm starting TCH tomorrow, followed by Neulasta shot on Wednesday and, no matter how many times I hear it's not nearly as bad as "other" chemo, I am really scared tonight. So, I'm feeling wimpy and scared. But I suppose I'll show up bright & early and put that darn port to use (which does feel better, it's just a little bruised).

    Best wishes to all tonight!  Cyndy

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Cyndy, good luck starting your TCH tomorrow. I had AC & Taxol/Herceptin. Not wimpy at all to be scared - this is scary stuff! For me, the anticipation of the chemo starting was the worst part - once it started, I just wanted to push on thru. Hoping for minimal SE for you!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Yeah, waiting is the hard part. I am on TCH too. But they just postponed my 2nd tx cause I am back on antibiotics. I guess I always take the "scenic route" on this journey. Much love and small SEs

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    cyndy we were all scared. Most of us end up with very uneventful 1st chemo infusions. We sit there waiting for something to happen and nothing does. Good luck tomorrow. Most likely you will be bored. Bring a book or video game. It's a long day.
  • CRuth
    CRuth Member Posts: 8

    All -- Thanks for the kind words -- nice to know I'm not the only one scared.  Dowloaded Tower Heist to my IPOD, so hoping that will distract me for a while (and my DH will be there -- maybe we'll find some time to talk about something other than cancer!)

    Moonflwer -- looks like we're on a similar track (and with your delay, timeline), but I'm not sure what TEs are.

    Lago -- loved the DONE! on your status -- yeah!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Cruth, T E - tissue Expanded used to stretch muscle and skin until implants can be placed permanetly for reconstruction of the breast. I still have my right one in but lost the left one due to an infection. When I finish chemo, they will place another one in a quicksurgery and when they are injected with enough alone they replace them.wit what we her call squishies, the regular implants. Hope that wasn't too much information! LOL

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    cruth and other new port people. Demand and get a prescription for EMLA cream. It will help the needlestick pain  when they hook you up. You slather it on (donot rub in), then cover with saran wrap or press and seal about 30 minutes before your appointment.

    It numbs through several layers of skin. Once I got that, I rarely felt the needle.

    The first time, I didn't know about it. I asked for something and they used a spray with minor results.

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    i completely agree with fluffqueen!  i am stilling using the cream for herceptin with my port.  i few times i forgot and the numbing spray didn't do as good a job.  i love my numbing cream!  ask for it. for some reason, onco's don't tell you about it.  Frown
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    CRuth Yeah I'm DONE and COOKED (my PSs last name is Cook Tongue out) I do see him Wednesday for follow up on the tatts but they look awesome. It might just be follow up from here on in. If I didn't have scars I'd look like I had real boobs.

    I have used the emla cream but I find if I have a good nurse (like my onc nurse) access my port I hardly feel anything. My onc nurse is awesome.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    That is true too. A good nurse makes a difference! I used emla for my fills also. Always made the ps laugh, but that stick hurt worse that the port stick.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ok my port access feels like a pin cushion today! Both ER visits required them trying to access it, didn't work the time I was admitted, she tried six times, that meant ten total that Thursday. Then they put in an iv line anyway. They had to get an onco nurse the next day to do it right.Then Sunday, they tried four times before they got it, and today again, bit the onco nurse of course got it right first time . I wish I had had cream or even freeze stuff then!

  • Kitchenella
    Kitchenella Member Posts: 88

    achpurple this is the first time my daughter has had a problem with that group.  Everyone else has been wonderful.  She is going to complain to her ped. though.

    Re: ports.  OK I"m confused. I thought a port was supposed to eliminate a 'stick'. 


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    So did I!!! LOL no, really, it saves multiple sticks, if you need an iv, they have to chnge the position if you need it for more than three days. Also blood draws need to be stuck if you don't have port. So, ONCE THEY ACCESS It, you are better off. It would (or, better said, SHOULD) be one stick!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Moonflwr...ten sticks...omg! They learned on my first one that my port was deep. Apparently tye normal needle they use is 3/4 inch. They noted in my record to always use a one inch needle after that and it was not a problem. She really had to push the first time.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797 get one stick to hoom you up to the infusions. Chemo, etc is hard on your veins, so it also helps from having to dig around until they find one.

    On my recent lithotripsy, I had herceptin in the morning and had them leave it accessed and headed over to the hospital (attached to the medical building). The anesthesiologist and the nurses were all able to use it so I had no needle sticks. It was great.

  • CRuth
    CRuth Member Posts: 8

    Hi again all -- can't sleep tonight.  Thanks for the ointment reminder -- I have a lidocain prescrip and will definitely lather it on.  I like the press-n-seal idea for covering! 

     Moonflwr, so sorry to hear of all the sticks -- the least you can expect after going through the port placement pain is less needles and no ivs!  Thanks for the TE explanation -- should've gotten the reference since my tissue expanders are currently the thing giving me my most trouble.  They really still hurt, especially at night, even a month after the BMX.  As I lay trying to sleep before I logged on, I was even thinking of going in to PS just to have them looked at b/c they still feel swollen & hot at times (I won't get my 2nd fill until after the 20th).  I have 4 young kids and it makes me so sad that I can't just hug them without keeping them at a distance.  My Mom died two weeks ago and it's been very hard on all of us and more than anything I'd just like to pull my children to me and snuggle them, but it's just not possible with the TEs.  I'm so sorry to hear yours have been infected and required more surgery -- wishing you fast healing with that.

    Fluffqueen -- love your  Lindbergh quote, definitely applicable to me tonight.

     Peace to all -- Cyndy

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Cyndy, my TEs hurt till about 6weeks, kind of like broken ribs. Then it went away almost over nite, weird. If I hadn't gotten an infection, I would have been almost done now. Oh, well, that's the way it goes sometimes.

  • angela44
    angela44 Member Posts: 16

    Angie and Cyndy,

    Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one.  It's less painful this morning, so that is good.  At least I can function somewhat.  I have two painkillers left that I am trying to save just in case I need them.  I took one last night and slept pretty well. 


    you and I are almost on the same schedule.  I get my first TCH treatment next Monday.  We'll have to keep in touch.