
  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Hi fluff and thanks for your post. I would love to go to the games. Will see what the ticket situation is. All a bit last minute. The opening ceremonies to me are always good fun if not a little eccentric. I've heard London's will involve cows, green fields and umbrellas!


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Fluff, here's hoping everything goes well for your DS. Specialk, air mattresses are really pretty comfy, once you get down! LOL. Jackboo, there are probably tickets to syncronized swimming or discus still available LOL. Much love.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    hi all

    just catching up on all the posts...was on a mini vacay with my fam and parents last week

    jenn i am having a bmsx either in aug or sept and finish H in Oct, my surgeon said that he can leave the port in and "work around" it.  I am good with that because i had 1 chemo done by IV and it was so painful and they couldn't find a decent vein  

    shore  i have taken 2 flights both less than 2 hrs in the last few months and have not worn a sleeve.  I had a snb aswell but did have rads.  I have a 5 hr flight coming up in a few weeks so i am not sure if i have to get a sleeve for this since it is a longer flight.  I left a message w the lymphedema clinic and will let you know what they say

    on the subject of weight...i lost about 12 pounds on chemo, I was about 125lbs when i started and went down to about 112lbs.  I am back to my original weight, in fact i think i am heavier.  I am assuming now that i am in menopause it will be harder to lose.  Mind you I can't blame all the weight gain on meno alone, I ate nothing on chemo i was so sick.  Once i got my taste buds and appetite back i just ate and ate b/c food actually tasted great again!  i am short, only 5'2" (barely) so every extra pound is a big deal on me

    as for sex...well at this point i am feeling like if i never had it again i would be fine by me.  It was so painful anytime we have attempted.  Thank you early menopause.   So if i don't "use it i will lose it" ?! geez!  I am hoping that changes, i'm only 43 and i truly feel badly for my DH.  But emotionally and physically i just still feel so blah.  I am just now starting to feel like myself and now i am having this surgery and will be out for another month uggh

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Rozem it may take a while but don't give up. Sex was painful at first for me too. I was WTF is that and you know I have a high tolerance for pain. It took time, use of replens and other things I have mentioned. Still use astroglide but I truly have no pain now. I don't even use  Replens even 2x a week anymore.
  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    fluff - good luck with your son's surgery.

    Special K - hope you survived DC traffic - I can't imagine trying to navigate that!

    jackboo and Moonflwr - had to laugh on the synchronized swimming.  We rented a Wii game that was a London Olympics edition and my that was my youngest's favorite "sport" on there - quite hilarious to watch.

    rozem - I think I missed the port conversation regarding surgery...but I hadn't thought of it being an issue until now.  I have a port for chemo but I had assumed it would be left in place during my BMX so I could still have it after for Herceptin.   Hope port is my friend.

    Have a good week all - today is the only day I have any plans to do anything.  Lab work (this is my week #3) and then out tonight with SIL for dinner and then to see Magic Mike.  I feel it is my duty as a member of the Low Libido club here to see it for research purposes.

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391


    Trying to figure out Wii Synchronized swimming?  I have the Wii, I have the sports stuff with it too. Just cant imagine  :)

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    nora - It was rather ridiculous - you just move your arms into certain poses - but she loved it - she would dance around even though no other movement was necessary!  We have the sports and the Mario Kart but never got any more games (we only got the Wii at Christmas) - since Redbox has the games for rent for a couple bucks we have started renting some to see what we might want to buy.  I definitely want Super Mario Bros - old school - we had it this weekend too.  I posted on the taxotere board that I thought I was developing nueropathy in my thumbs last night, not making the connection that I literally sat for 4 hours in front of the Wii yesterday with that controller in my hands.  Um, yeah, not chemo related!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Kltb,you might consider getting the Wii fit board. It's a good work out for people like me that are um, not in shape. Just the balance games are a challenge for me. Your daughter would probably love them. Also, the carnival one is just fun.

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    EEEgaaadssss!! I had NO idea premarin was horse pee. Gaaacckkk!!! The other day my car battery was sluggish. The mechanic opened the hood and said the connections were a little corroded. He popped a can of coke, and poured it over...said it eats up battery corrosion faster than anything on the market. And people ingest this stuff.

    TonLee has it right. We have to learn to trust our instincts. There is SO much conflicting data out there. I had 13 nodes removed, cording, rads and I fly a lot. I have flown coast to coast, flown across Europe without a sleeve and I haven't had major issues. I do stretch my arm, rotate it in circles and massage it in flight, stroking from finger tips down to chest area the way they did to me in a lmph massage. I do it just to be on the safe side.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    My dad, who passed away almost ten years ago at 88 years old, used the coke trick since he first put his first car and motorcycle together in the 1930's. I don't drink coke. LOL

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Oh, and if you can make a glo stick out if Mountain dew, I don't want to drink it either.

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Hi ladies:

    Looking for some feedback for those of you on Arimidex. 

    I'm beginning to have waves of nausea and dizziness...they come and go and don't hit every day.  Could this be from the Arimidex?  Pretty scary actually!  Been on the Arimidex nearly a year!

    Thanks, Arlene

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Arlene It could be although I would have thought they would have started sooner. Definitely call your onc. Is there anything else you started taking? Maybe a new brand. When do you take it? If its minor maybe you could try and take it at night.
  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    Speaking of coke working for battery the battery cables.....baking soda and water does the same thing. When my car was like that as a teen my dad told me to get him a tablespoon of baking soda, stir it up in a glass of water and he cleaned up the cables that way.

    I agree on the horse pee stuff.   YUK  I dont think I could take that without thinking I am ingesting pregnant horse pee.

    Arlene, I have dizziness but there is so much else going on since chemo, I really dont know what to contribute it to.

     I got back from the infectious disease doctor yesterday. I had a CT scan of my lung area April of 2011. I don't remember that but he had it there. Then the scan taken March of this year when I was having lung pain. He said I picked up Valley Fever sometime between that time period to make the infection active like it was at the time of surgery. Now after being on anti-fungals for almost 2 months it is no longer active.It's sort of like TB though because once you have it, you'll always show a positive test but just not for the active infection.  Anyway, I was asking him why I still feel like crap. He said it could be the high doses of fluconozole I was on, or that I am 7 weeks post op, or the chemo and herceptin and I am still "not there" yet to feel like my old self again. 

    How many of you are around the same time-line as me and still feel "off"???    This is starting to get old

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Nora_AZ I remember starting to feel better around 5 weeks PFC. It can take some folks 2 years to get this crap out of their system.
  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303

    Tonlee - hoping your exchange sx goes well today (if I remember right).  Here's to no complications and a speedy recovery!

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Thanks Lago and Nora.  Seeing onc tomorrow and will ask her. 

     Good luck Tonlee!.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Good luck Tonlee. Arlene, hope you start to feel better. I am 6weeks PFC and just now beginning to feel stronger. But my red blood count is still considered anemic and they tell me that's why I still tire easily. Much love to all.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Best wishes for your surgery TonLee! 

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    Best of luck TonLee!!!!!!!!!!   Let us know how it goes.  Oh and flash us when ya can  :)

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    ♣♣♣♣ = three 4 leaf clovers. These are for you TonLee

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Best wishes TonLee!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Tonlee, can't wait to hear about the new twins.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    May the force be with you TonLee!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Thank you so much ladies.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate your good wishes.

    Got the TE out and implant in!!  WOO HOO.  This has been by far the best experience I've had.  Now I don't mean the way it looks, because I haven't seen it yet..hah.  But the people at the medical center were so friendly and awesome.  I didn't meet a single person who wasn't an "up" personality.

    An old man, volunteer, kept coming up while in pre-op telling me jokes.  Everyone.  Even administration was nice.  My anesthesiologist was from Russia and her name was name in Russian!!  lol

    So I'm sore, of course.

    I am wearing a support bra and a BAND.  Because my TE was in so long (almost 2 years), the pocket it formed was way up high on my chest, far from where my other side droops.  So my PS cleaned out the scar tissue at the bottom and lowered the "fold" to match and inserted the implant.  This band (kinda like an ace but industrial strength) has to be tight against the upper chest. 

    The implants natural tendency will be to go and fill that original TE space up high.  The band stops it.  It chaffs and I have to wear it at least 2 months.  But so what.

    Oh!  I asked specifically about the exercise.  My PS doesn't want my heart rate up because it causes:

    1.  bruising

    2.  Hematomas (sp)

    So I'm looking at 6 weeks minimum of down time.  I'm not sure I can do it.  Gonna try, but I dunno how.

    I'll post pics when I take them:)  And not on the photo forum.  I couldn't find Lago or anything else on that site, it's not user friends to me.

    I didn't throw up and I am still a little bit if this is fragmented please forgive me.

    More later.


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Tonya I'm so glad things went well. I too had to wear that band for a while. Not fun when it's warm.  I found it itch, granted I find most things itchy. I wore it over a thin t shirt. I don't remember how long I wore it for. Interesting about the exercising. I know I did walk (not power walking though). I was under the impression that after surgery they want you moving that blood around so you don't get clots.… granted you do have herceptin heart issue.

    BTW in the pict forum I'm in the "Under Construction (women only)" section, page 3. I haven't updated since the end of February.

  • bcbarbie10
    bcbarbie10 Member Posts: 148

    Tonlee, way to go! You're on the homestretch now!

    Btw, to the other ladies ahead of us, do nipples loose sensation after MX then implants?

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Ladies, how exactly does exercise help reduce reoccurrence of bc? is it just connected to lower levels of estrogen.

    Sending healing wishes to you Tonlee.


  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303

    So glad things went well Tonlee!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    bcbarbie I didn't have nipple sparing but I do believe they loose sensation. My reconstructed nipples have no sensation.

    Jackboo I'm not sure if they really have an answer to that. From what I read drinking less alcohol and maintaining a healthy weight reduces both your chances of getting and recurrence. I would think both of those have to do with lower levels of estrogen.(one of many sources

    In this article it says something about insulin resistance/recurrence risk and exercise. In general you do find more sedentary people have more health issues.

    Bottom line is until they know for sure what causes breast cancer then can't say for sure this will work. The studies do show a trend. 

    Luminal B breast cancer patients (that's us) typically don't drink a lot alcohol. (Lost the source on that sorry). So go figure.