
  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    I'm 5'3.6"....but my cousin (also diagnosed) is much taller....hmmmm.

    Vball...glad you haven't had any heart complications.  :) 

    I think the one of the most annoying things about this whole ride for me is..people act like I should just hurry up and die already.  I get the, "Well, how much longer do you think you have?"  question all the time....with the sub-text being..."Look I'm tired of thinking about you dying...would you just hurry up and do it!"

    A few instances.....I haven't seen someone in awhile and we run across each other, they act pissed off that I'm fit and look healthy.  (In most cases more fit and healthy than themselves.)  I know a couple people who think I'm LYING about having breast cancer.  LYING.  Can you imagine?  Though they'd never say it to my face, I can tell by the expression on theirs they don't believe it whenever someone asks me about it in front of them.

    Oh well.  I just smile and move on.  I don't have to prove anything to anyone.

    The worst was a gal pal with a pretty popular blog.  We spoke on the phone for a couple hours after dx.  I read on her blog a few days later that ...."While she has a great attitude, and will fight this, she knows the end has come.  We have to resign ourselves to the loss."


    So I wrote a blog titled.  "Not Dead Yet."  lol

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Tonlee: WTF!!!!! It seems we have all had some shocking stories. I am beginning to think that jealousy lies at the heart of episodes like the ones we are reporting.

    I received a small amount of life insurance so decided to treat myself to a convertible mercedes. (It wasnt new, but I loved it) Amazing how many people have ignored my new car or even made negative comments about it. I wanted to scream: "I had to go through f***** cancer to get this people!" 



  • eileenohio
    eileenohio Member Posts: 268

    TonLee, Oh my goodness.. I am shocked and angry that anyone would say such awful things to you. What is wrong with these people?   We do not need thoughtless insensitive people when we are dealing with BC.  I am a very sensitive person,comments like that would upset me and make me cry..   BTW  I am only 5' 3 1/2"..  

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    TonLee the next time they ask you tell them you have 4.5 days left. Seriously there is a lot of stupid going around. Yesterday I had to fill out another medical form (new place to get my LE sleeve). Drives me crazy that these forms ask my DOB then ask for my age. Next time I'm writing "101" for my age. If there was enough room I might consider "You do the math. I gave you my DOB." Tongue out

    Yes even I was asked "did they get it all." In this case the person just didn't know what to say so I cut her some slack… and explained why it wasn't a good question. Then email this video: linky  

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Okay ladies...

    Last week I asked my new MO if it was okay to get a manicurem go swimming , eat in salad bars and all that stuff even though both my RB and WB counts are still suppressed.

    He gave me the go ahead for all but the swim in a chorinated pool . Said I had to check with the RO since I was just a month out from rads. Saw my RO this week and she gave me the go ahead for swimming.

    Saw my breast surgeon who placed my port and asked if it was okay to do upper body work . He gave me the go ahead saying it was sutured in place.

    I had asked my cardiologist in March and he said not to rush in right after chemo and surgery ...thinking I should give my body time to rest and heal... but it was okay with him.

    Did I forget anyone?

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    LOL lago - 4.5 days!!
  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391 I missed the last part of your post. I just saw the top part about the NP acquaintance.  I missed the other about the text. What a bitch.

    Friends like that are a piece of work. literally.  Jeez   Enjoy your convertible Merc. I hope your "so called friend" chokes on her own envy whenever she sees your driving it around  LOL

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    TonLee.........are you serious?   Just lay down and die already ok?  OMG IGNORANCE

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    OK I think Nora takes the prize on that one. If anyone ever asks me how much time I have I for sure will look at my watch, say "oh shit times up" and hit the floor Tongue out. too funny.
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,251

    I have been very fortunate that my friends and fam have been great and supportive.  I have one friend, a neighbor from DC, who we exchange Christmas cards with who did not respond in any way to my dx, which surprised me since she is another military spouse who is a BC survivor, but it is OK - maybe she didn't read the card.  I am actually going to try to see her when I go up this weekend for the vaccine trial.  I walk with my two neighbors here in Tampa almost every night and the spouse of one has never mentioned in any way the BC, it must scare him to think about it - otherwise he is as nice as can be.  I really have not had any negative experiences with friends and family - I am grateful for that and sad that you ladies have had to deal with jackasses while undergoing this stress! 

    I did have one interesting, semi-creepy, but hilarious family experience.  My FIL is a doctor (he is now 87) and he and my MIL were Skyping us one night just before we were driving up to see them.  He asked if he could see my recon!  I am willing to flash but not my FIL!  He said "but I am a doctor" and my MIL says "I told you she wouldn't show you" and I said "you may be a doctor - but you're not MY doctor!'  Then we all started laughing, it was a little weird but pretty funny and right in line with his personality!

    For the record, I am a shorty - 5'2" 

  • megs986
    megs986 Member Posts: 25

    I am ER/PR positive. As for HER2, after 2 rounds of testing they determined it was negative BUT there was a positive patch of 4mm on my 2cm tumor. We discussed herceptin at length and decided not to do it. Hope I don't regret this some day. Anyone have a similar issue? Guess this is a pretty rare situation.

  • moni731
    moni731 Member Posts: 212


    But seriously, sorry you guys have to deal with such stupidity and down right vindictiveness! Fortunately, not everyone out there is so insensitive. I have had some friends drift away and others re-surface that I had not seen or heard from in many years. It is strange how the cards fall. But on a good note, my husbands co-workers have been absolutely astounding! He is a fire-fighter and most of the 'family' have never met me. City wide they have done fund raising for us, covered his shifts for months on end, sent dinners weekly, set up a maid service, gave us a vacation fund for the kids to go to Santa Cruz and visited me in the hospital and at home (we live over two hours away)! Almost daily one of them checks in with my husband to see how we are and if we need anything.  It has been incredible, and we are so thankful and humbled. We are attempting to 'pay it forward' but I don't think I ever will be able to! Some of  other things that have happened just don't matter when I think of them. On the other hand, my employer terminated me because I was not recovered enough at the end of my PTO/sick leave. Hmmm...

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Moni, wow.  That's awesome.

    Jack, I want to ride in your convertible!  Sounds fabulous.  Crazy but I think you're right.  Jealousy is at the heart of most of my flack.  In fact, when someone uses BC as a weapon against me, they give it far more weight and power than I ever have.  I mean seriously.  Talk smack about my family and we're going to throw down.  Talk trash about my breast cancer?  ~Yawn that time is up comeback....buwhahahaha.  I am going to do it the very next time someone asks me.  That is so in line with my personality.  Then to get up and roll my eyes.

    I tend to have a love/hate personality...and for whatever reason (my husband says it is scarily odd) I seem to bring out the worst in people who do not like me.  Often times by doing nothing more than breathing the same air, some (men) have even physically attacked me!  lol   But that's another story...another time.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    ashla, sounds like you've covered all your bases.  How low is your hemoglobin still? Just an FYI, if between 8 and 10, go easy with exercise (and no exercise under 8).  In general, exercise is good for building up your reds, but if you are really low, you have to go slow, b/c your heart is working harder to compensate for the low oxygen.  You just don't want to tax your heart too hard.  That's probably why your cardiologist told you not to rush into exercise after chemo/rads. 
  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Thank you for all of your comforting words. I am really glad that I found this site, I was relying on speaking to survivors at the y-me hotline since there is no one here for me to talk to...and they shut that down today. Very sad that a resource like that has been taken away.

    On the topic that was brought up earlier about height...I am almost 6 ft. I knew there was a reason I always hated being tall.

    As for stupid things people say to ladies with bc...I have been lucky. The stupidest thing I have heard is "don't you think your boob job might have caused it?" I tell my friends "wouldn't all of Miami have bc then?" no offense to anyone from Miami...but, come on...imlants are pretty common.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    That cardiologist who told me three months ago to take it slow on the exercise actually nailed it. He said ' your heart is fine but it looks like you could use a lblood transfusion!

    He was so cute. He was from Ireland and had cute little pointy ears like a leprechaun and it was ST Patrick's Day week.

    He also said I'd like to see you again( for a more extensive cardio workup) but right now it looks like your dancecard is full!

    Thx for the info. WBC is 4.1L..... Normal range being 6.0/9.0

    RBC is 3.7L. Range is 4/ 6.20

    HGB seems to be okay....11.6. With the normal range 11/18.8

    My neutrophils are still a bit low too... 1.96L with normal range 2.0/ 8.0

    Remember..I'm five months PFC!

    How are you feeling btw? Bit better?

    I feel so much better . Still get tired in the afternoon and have lots of minor SE's like tingling pins and needles in my hands and feet, joint and lower back creakiness, runny nose etc but compared to where I was even a month's night and day.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Jennifer404 Also please remember that all help from the American Cancer Society is free regardless of your income. They have a free hotline that I believe is 24 hours: 1.800.227.2345

    BTW what's with the 404? Did I reach a non existing Jennifer?

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    ashla - glad to hear how well you are doing!  I'm doing pretty good - 4 wks PFC.  Counts are still low (whites 2.1 with 4.1 being the low end of normal, hemoglobin 9.1 with 12 low end of normal).  I just got Diflucan to address thrush I've had almost nonstop the past 3 months; it's about 80% better but not gone yet.  My energy level is much better, but I still fatigue rather quickly, due to the low reds.  Despite these issues, I'm feeling GREAT!  So much better than when in chemo.  My reflux is very well controlled now and that was what was making me feel just horrible.  I was like a fire-breathing dragon with that stuff! 
  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Lago- yes,that is right...I forgot about the hotline with the American cancer society. Thank you. They have been helpful...

    As for the jennifer404...gosh, I came up with it years ago when I was in was part of my address and I needed a user name for aol:) just stuck.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    I'm 5'6. I guess that's not tall but I'm actually taller than most of my friends.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Asha 5'6" is above average for the US. I think average is around 5'4"-5'5"

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I am 5'4and 3/4! They measured me for chemo, so I go with that, otherwise I say 5'5! LOL I am the shortest in my family. My daughters are5'11and 6'3. The boys are 6' and 6'3. So I feel short!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I remembered getting measured for chemo. The tech measured me as 5'4". When I met my onc I said "I don't care what she  measured me as I know I'm 5'6". Boy am I glad I spoke up. Chemo dosage is based on skin surface area calculated by height & weight. Onc remeasured me and of course I was right… than ran out of the room I assume to have a talk with this tech.

    Sister-5'1" brother-6'3"

  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422

    Dancetrancer - great you are past the chemo part - brave girl.

    I was 5' 9" - when I got measured for chemo, I found out I had shrunk!!! I wondered why my DH looked taller :)

    My brother is 6' 5" and DH 6' 4"

    Hi to Lago, TonLee and others - thought I'd drop by and see what you are all up to.


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Sue!  How are things in Australia?
  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422

    Hi Omaz - I'm good - my hair is fabulous since I had it treated - getting quite long and no more crazy curls. It's amazing how having the treatment is helping me recover from the whole ordeal of bc - I feel like my old self again, until the next MRI:) I'm also a lot better since I ditched Arimidex in favour of Aromasin. We have a new grandchild - 9 weeks old - got back from meeting him a couple of weeks ago.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Sue - Congrats on the new grandchild - that's wonderful!  
  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422

    Thankyou Omaz - at least he is closer than the other one (only a 2 and a bit hours flight away). I wish we were rich, so we could pop over to the UK anytime we felt like it. Alexander (the one in the UK) is 1 now - we don't hear a lot from our son and I miss them both.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Susie so glad to "see" you and hear you are doing so well. Nice to feel like your old self again… me too.Don't sweat the mammos. Until someone says there's an issue no need to stress over it. Don't make me give you the seat belt lecture Tongue out

    Ironically today July 13th was my official diagnosis date 2 years ago. (Yeah I know it's the 14th down there already). Granted we knew before my biopsy results. Anyway I just played the lottery. Drawing tonight. We already had rain (lightening striking) so I'm looking at this as a lucky sign. (We are in a terrible drought right now). Wish me luck. If I win my husband and I are going on a long needed vacation. It's been decades. If I we win big I'm going to become a full-time volunteer.

    Nice to dream sometimes Wink

  • nora_az
    nora_az Member Posts: 391

    My boys are 6'5 and 6'7   Husband is 6'6.  At 5'9 I look like a shorty next to all of them and i am NOT short!