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  • bcbarbie10
    bcbarbie10 Member Posts: 148

    Moon, i know exactly how you feel!!!! I had my birthday 2 days ago and my two young ladies came home from the university!!!!

    Enjoy the day! Celebrate!!! More happy birthdays to come!!!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    That is awesome!  Have a great visit!  And YES you can make cookies out of it!  I add it to all my baking now, especially if the baking involves chocolate chips or banana nut bread!  My favorite is oatmeal choc chip cookies with pb2.

    Also, another awesome snack....air popped popcorn on a pan about an inch deep, melt dark chocolate (85% or higher, I get the sea salt kind for this, but can't remember the brand right off, starts with a CH) and mix pb2 in it, then drizzle over popcorn.  Shove in the frig and then BAM!  yummy treat full of fiber and low in fat!  (Well, depending on how much chocolate you use...I just use a tiny bit, enough to get the taste.)

    My cousin found PB2 at Jungle Jims.  Most grocery stores will order it if you ask them too....I'm telling you ladies, it is one of the best things I eat!  lol

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I realy need to get some of this PB2

    Speaking of popcorn here is a recipe for spicy popcorn with 2 variations (citrusy & sweet/salty): linky

  • Kitchenella
    Kitchenella Member Posts: 88

    I must have missed something.  Why is PB2 better than regular peanut butter?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,255

    kitchen - less fat and calories!

    tonlee - DH is also a popcorn and chocolate fanatic - this could be dangerous!

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    that popcorn looks so yummy! trying to lose weight, ive been walking, going to the gym, really watching what i eat and the scale has not budged in 2 wks - WTH is up with me?

    i am having some issues with a heaviness in my chest, almost feel like after i excercise when i am winded or a chest cold.  I hope to hell its not the H, i had a muga last week but i have not heard back from them.  Could it be the rads???  of course my mind goes to the dark place...its been going on for about 3-4 days

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Rozem do report this to your onc. I actually felt that way when I exercised a few days after chemo but it would away. Since I was power walking 3+ miles my onc/np didn't seem to be concerned.

    as far as weight loss. I find at times the scale doesn't budge. I'm kinda in that mode myself. Then all of a sudden it starts. Remember it's not only going to the gym and what you eat, it's also trying to get as much activity as possible in your day, building muscle and portion control. Don't give up.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Seeing my onc today. Hope I get back on Herceptin. Hope the echo showed EF over 50. And, if it is, is my going back on it nuts? Because I mean, two points? Oh, such fun. BTW, I have redefined my definition of "fun" so this works! LOL.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Did you see this article tweeted by Livestong? What do you think?


    Not a Cancer Survivor


    I am not a cancer survivor, and neither are the women in my cancer support group.

    Mary feels that cancer was a “blip” in her past that no longer defines her. Diane is a survivor, but not of cancer; she is “a survivor of treatments of cancer.”

    Patricia and Judy are not survivors, because they are undergoing their first treatments and have no idea how effective they will be. Not a survivor either, Sarah braces herself for the time — not if, but when — the cancer will return. And there is Allison, who, like me, feels put off by the word “survivor”; somehow the term sounds too heroic to claim for ourselves.

    In newspaper articles, on TV shows and Web sites, and at social gatherings, many people with cancer define themselves as cancer survivors. The term is meant to be optimistic, suggesting that such people have beaten cancer, defeated the disease. Through a valiant struggle to endure, they have managed to get through the trauma of cancer and emerge on the other side, perhaps sadder but wiser and possibly even better equipped for existence, for they are now attuned to the precious, precarious nature of human life."

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    Hi everyone - I thought I would update you on my lump/bump issues in that area above my port.  MO didn't think it was anything cancer related at all and suggested a port check to make sure there aren't any kinks or anything (she was going to start with an xray but they couldn't get me in yesterday and she didn't want me to have to drive back down there).  Haven't heard when they are going to schedule it yet.  The port is working fine though so who knows?

    I finally had my RO consult today. As I knew, I am in the gray area with only one node.  But luckily, this guy was on the ball - he quoted my entire situation to me where the MO/BS had sent him my lab reports and with my age (39), the "suspicion" of LVI on my biopsy, my grade (3), he said he would recommend rads.  That it was my choice, but I am choosing it - I just want to do everything I possibly can.

    Now I have to go back and talk to the PS about the planned TE's (at same time as BMX on 10/1).  The RO said they could go ahead and put them in but it is just a tricker situation with radiated skin and that I needed to get the PS opinion.  I am SO glad I pushed for the consult now - they were going to wait to send me until after surgery!  When the TE's would have already been in place.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    These are all decisions that no one should have to make but this  article supports your decsion .


    Benefit in Radiation After Breast Cancer Surgery

    Published: October 19, 2011

    Radiation treatment after surgery for breast cancer significantly lowers the risk that the disease will recur in the breast or spread lethally to other parts of the body over the next 10 to 15 years, researchers say.

    The new findings mean that radiation prevents recurrences for a longer time and saves more lives than was generally recognized, said Sarah C. Darby, a professor of medical statistics at the University of Oxford and an author of the report."

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Thanks for the link Ashla - I like reading articles like that.
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    TonLee - I got the PB2 and I got the 0% fat fage - now what do I do?
  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Moon - have a great bday & visit with your daughter.

    Kltb - glad your bump isn't anything that concerns your onc.

    Ashla - thanks for livestrong article. Im struggling with all these post treatment feelings and things like perceptions about me that may be real or imagined, but bother me just the same. I just hope its only another phase I have to get thru and can then make some sort of peace with the whole thing. I like the idea of thinking of it as a blip in my past - hope I can really believe that someday.

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Is there a standard number of herceptin treatments? I've seen different numbers. I had H x 12 weekly with taxol, then every 3 weeks by itself. Today was the 11th herceptin only every 3 week treatment. Also, is every 3 weeks typical for H once chemo ends?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Shore I had my Herceptin every 3 weeks the entire time because that's when I got chemo as well. I have also seen it given the way you get it too. I had a total of 17 treatments every 3 weeks. I know some people had 18 treatments every 3 weeks. The math is a little different for you but you do get the same amount. If you got H weekly then you only got 1/3 of the dose.

    Hope that makes sense.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,255

    kltb - make sure you talk to your PS about whether or not he thinks they can expand your already radiated skin afterward.  There are a number of women who can't do an expander on the prevously radiated side because the skin won't tolerate it.  They usually end up doing a flap instead.

    omaz - in case tonlee doesn't come back in a timely fashion - mix your Fage with 2T. of PB2 and a packet of Splenda (I used Truvia), then you can just eat it, or freeze it and put the sugar free fudge on top.  I just made some for DH after a pilgrimage to the store for more supplies, lol!

    rozem and moon - hope all is OK

    shore - Here is Genentech's dosing info, they can make the switch from weekly dosing during chemo to the every three week dosing post-chemo.  Some stay with weekly for the year, some (like me) only had every 3-week dosing.  I think as long as you get the total number of mg/kg within the year, you are good:

    ------------------------DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION----------------------For intravenous (IV) infusion only. Do not administer as an IV push orbolus (5.2).Adjuvant Treatment of HER2-Overexpressing Breast Cancer (2.1)

    Administer at either:

     Initial dose of 4 mg/kg over 90 minute IV infusion, then 2 mg/kg over

    30 minute IV infusion weekly for 52 weeks, or

     Initial dose of 8 mg/kg over 90 minutes IV infusion, then 6 mg/kg over

    3090 minutes IV infusion every three weeks for 52 weeks.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Thanks SpecialK - I'll try that!
  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    hi guys

    spent 6hrs in the ER MO wanted me to go because of the heaviness in my chest i told you guys about.  I did not want to go because i know its a full day event and i was hoping they could see me at the cancer center but they said any shortness of breath/breathing etc you should go to the ER.

    so they did xrays, on the xray there was some tissue that looked inflammed (or something like that) because of this they did the CT scan - all clear except for this one area.  They think its either radiation damage or the very beginnings of pnemonia.  They ruled out at pulmonary embolisim (which was their first thought) and lung mets (thank god).  So i have to make a follow up appt with my GP if my symptoms persist

      While i was lying on the hospital bed I was thinking how sad it was that under the shadow of cancer a pulmonary embolism would be good news.  My how our perspectives change

    moon praying your EF improves and you get your H

    klt04 grade 3 and LVI (plus possible node involvement) is also why my RO recommended rads even with a msx

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Well, looks like I got my last Herceptin three weeks ago. My EF went up to 52% on the echo, from 48 % on the MUGA, but MO does not want to give me more as it will undoubtedly knock me back Down into the danger zone. He wants me to see my cardiologist before its final, but thinks he will tell me I'm done too. I was hoping. Well even if I don't get more, I already received half, with the most important during chemo, so I am not freaking. Since as MO said, this was all a precaution, with no nodal involvement, He can't justify the risk. So I may actually just be heading tobthe finish line. Of course he has me coming in next week to check my mag level too.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Rozem, sorry I missed your post. I hope they figure it out soon. Just when you think you got a handle on this thing! Ugh!

    Ashla, thanks for the article.

    Omaz, thanks for reposting the recipe.

    Shore, I think we all share the same feelings.

    Much love to all.

  • Kitchenella
    Kitchenella Member Posts: 88

    Shore I am on the exact sam Herceptin schedule.  The weekly dosage is less.  The 3 week dose is 3 times the weekly one.  Interestingly when I spoke to the Onc. about skipping one 3 week treatment so I could travel to the usa for 5-6 weeks he said no.  I can only skip one week.  He said if I skipped a whole 3 week treatment when I came back I would have to do a mega dose similar to the first dose and that insurance would not want to pay for that.  So I'm stuck with a 4 week trip and will miss seeing some of my grandkids.  Boo hoo.  But.....we plan to go back in May after Herceptin is over, G-d willing I will still be healthy, and spend a nice long visit with everyone.


  • Kitchenella
    Kitchenella Member Posts: 88

    Low fat PB sounds gross.  I'm not a proponent of low fat I'm only cutting out bad fat.  


  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    I know you must be very disappointed but remember...this whole herceptin dosing is going to change shortly.  It seems the cancer community is very slow to change from the standards and I can fully understand why. With the advent of subcutaneous herceptin and longer range studies of Her2 patients we will all likely be in the stone ages with our treatment protocols.


    I am feeling  the same way.

    Right now it seems that life will never have that old sense of normalcy. That there will never be a day when cancer isn't driving the agenda. I know however from Lago and others in this forum and from family friends that most of us will be be able to make a good new normal life. For me at least this adjustment has been and continues to be most difficult. I told my mo I spend my days either very happy because I've made  it through this horrendous year or on the verge of tears. It's like that middle ground of everyday life where I once lived has disappeared.

    Rozem, Shore and everyone...Funny about Rozem's point about pereception. I just copied this cartoon . Pereception is everything!

    hope the link works.....

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    I like mine much sweeter.  I add FOUR splenda packs. Let us know how you like it.


    It may sound gross, but it isn't.  While it is technically "low fat" that isn't the primary reason I use it.  I'm happy to elimimate transfat from my diet, but with this specific product, I can ADD it to so many things....I love peanut butter.  Could sit down and eat an entire bowl of it.  So this satisfied my craving without killing my calorie/fat  budget.


    Thank you for answering Omaz's question!  You know me so  Some days I don't get a chance to check out the site.  Anyway, let me know if you bake with it.  One of the things I've noticed when baking is it takes much more to really get the taste to come through....

    I have an obsession with Fage.  I just can't find another protein source that is so packed with nutrition and protein and is low cal.  LOVE the stuff :)

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Kitchenella, have a great visiteven if its shorter than you would like because of H. On the one hand I can't wait til im done in nov, but I also like knowing im still getting something to help prevent recurrence. I may have a whole new freak out when im done!

    Moon, good way to look at it that you got half and probably more than is really needed.

    SpecialK -- thanks for dosing schedule.

    Rozem, glad they ruled out some of the scary stuff.

    Ashla --funny cartoon & so true! Im sure the rest of the world doesn't even notice my hair, at least not in the "Ewww" way im imagining. Now if I could just stop bursting into tears when I see a picture of myself pre-BC when I looked so happy.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Ashla you will get to the place when you don't think about cancer coming back. I'm not saying I don't think about cancer but it's more worry about other friends or when passes. I really consider myself cured but remember I just past my 2 year NED. You haven't even hit your 1 year since diagnosis. It really takes time to get over the fear of recurrence.
  • mcook301
    mcook301 Member Posts: 314

    Hello ladies

    I am new to your thread! I have been reading through your post and experiences. I am trying to make some decisions now on my next course of treatment and wondering if any of you might have done the same treatment sequence and have any experience that could help me.

    I did ac and taxol bf surgery, had bmx both sides three weeks ago with lymph removal on rt side. Path report came back after surgery with no detection of cancer! But because my tumor was over 5 cm and I had 3 positive lymphs bf surgery they suggestion rads. I have spoke to two oncolist and both say there is not enough data on women who do chemo bf and had the reaction I did who did not do rads to have a good prediction on reoccurence. I know this seems like I am playing with my life but I am having a really hard time making this decision. I am so stiff from chemo and I hope this gets better but I don't want any more toll on my body if I can make a educated decision. I don't know if I am just so burn out on all the trips to the hospital and making a decision based off just wanting this to be done. I handled chemo pretty well and surgery but like mention bf I feel like I have aged 30 years with this stiffness? Does it go away? I turn 43 in a few weeks! Happy this year to be celebrating my birthday and celebrating!

    Thanks for reading my post and if anyone has any opinions please feel free to lay it all out there I need someone who knows what I am going through to help me to think through this.

    Hugs! Michelle

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    mcook you finished both chemo and surgery! Yay. of course you don't feel like celebrating because you feel like your about 90 every time you walk up the stairs. Yeah, we all had that too. At about 5 weeks PFC (post finally chemo) it got so much better. It will even get better after herceptin. Trust me it will. I do 30 lunges and 60 squats (and more) 2-3 times a week just like before treatment… but now I'm holding higher weights.

    I too had a tumor bigger than 5cm but I didn't have any node invasion or LVI. Typically people with tumors above 5cm do get rads regardless of node status at the time I was being treated. I got a pass because I was in a grey area. I think in my case given the location of my tumor the rads would have a good chance of hitting my heart, lung and ribs. My guts says that the risk for me wasn't worth it.

    But this is what my BS feels about chemo shrinking tumors. He said that we really don't know how the tumor will shrink. If it shrinks like Swiss cheese there is always a chance that something may be left behind that can't be seen. If his theory is correct then rads would kill any of those things that can't be seen. 

    I'm sure others will chime in that have more knowledge on rads than I do. Good luck with your decision.

  • kltb04
    kltb04 Member Posts: 234

    mcook - I am in a similar situation.  I had 4 a/c, 4 taxotere and am having a BMX on Oct 1st.  I had a rad consult yesterday and he recommended rads.  My tumor was only  3 cm and I only have one positive node.  But due to my age (38 at dx, 39 now), my grade of tumor (3) and the fact that my initial path report from my biopsy said  "suspicious" for LVI, the RO said my risk of recurrence with all the latest research was about 20% if the cancer is aggressive as they think it is.  And it would drop to around 7% with rads.  Mine is right side as well and he is only radiating the right side so the heart will not be affected.  He said if I were older it might be a different situation or if it were a lesser grade, it would be a different situation.

    I have done a lot of research and I agree that our neoadjuvant chemo hasn't really been addressed in a lot of the studies that I have read.  But for me, I am just continuing on with my "throw the kitchen sink at this" mentality and trudging through.

    SpecialK-  yes, I have a call into the PS office but he is out til Monday.  RO said many PS will go ahead and put in the TEs and just take it slow after radiation.  If he (PS) feels he can do it, I am going to go ahead with it and just hope it works.