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  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi was---I had mine done seperately and my port sta in the same spot ad they did take a few nodes out, if that helps.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    You're right about the mosqitoes! Don't tell anyone....we're gonna be rich...bug spray that costs a hundred grand per year!

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    wasgi i am having surgery on the 15th of Oct (bmsx) and they said they can keep my port in, the PS would work around it.  I am having it removed tho because i only have 1 H left after.  That being said it is highly doubtful that you have another BC while in active treatment.  Like ashla said you would have had all the regular pre-surgical screening.

    cami bugs are biting me like crazy!!!!! but what i have noticed is that i could go the entire day (i don't) without deodrant and i would not smell at all.  I know this is TMI but i am wondering if it has to do with lack of estrogen?  seriously, before BC I could never go without

    jenn i haven't noticed this lovely side effect of H but i am finding as I am nearing the end of it I feel even more exhausted and achy after each dose

    sol i did find the EXACT  same thing with sun exposure.  I wore spf 30 every day but its so hard to avoid the sun at theme parks, vacations, walking around etc  and yes i felt like i was definitely more tan then usual

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    a question for you gals - what type of other cancer screening are you doing? i have read that BC could be linked to higher incidence of other "female" cancers and colon.  Anthing other than the following:

    1. pap once a year

    2. transvaginal ultrasound annually (especially for those on tamox) should it be every 6 mos or is once a year ok? if there is an issue with the ovaries can they detect this with this test.  What about the blood test for ovarian ca? 

    3. colonoscopy - screening usually starts at 50, i have already had one (due to some issues) but i have read somewhere that if you have had BC you should be screened earlier and every 5yrs instead of every 10 - thoughts?


  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Yes skin is much more fragile and sensitive to the sun on chemo but I didn't notice any issues with Herceptin. Mosquito's don't like chemo.

    Jenn it might be from chemo. I know my nueropathy would come and go or intensify in my heel depending on the weather. At times it would even disappear. For the last month it's been "on" though. I was told that if it doesn't go away in 2 years its permanent. I'm closing in on 2 years so… but do check with your onc.

    Wasqij really hope its nothing. Chances are very slim since you are in treatment/just finished chemo for a new primary. BTW I had the double and my port is on the right. No problems in 2 years.

    Rozem I do:

    1. Pap once a year
    2. No trans vaginal US
    3. did the colonoscopy at 50. All clear. Don't need to go back for 10 years. They will screen you every 5 if they had to remove polyps that look suspicious or you have a 1st degree relative that had colon cancer. (My maternal grandmother died of colon cancer but that doesn't count)

    BTW the itchy stopped. That was so strange. I can't believe after all this time things are still repairing. 2 years from bmx and almost 1 year from nipple/fat tranfer.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Ashla how could we marketit--et loads and loads of chemo and u'll be bite free. LOL

    I have had a colonoscopy didn't have anything to put me in twilight, I didn't want anythin and I farted right in my surgeon's face and I said I always want to do that. See the low expectisies of my goal in life.

    and I have no female anything cuz that was a cancer issue a few years back.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,256

    Mosquitoes still love me, loved me all through chemo!  I am extra vigilant because here in FL they are the size of hummingbirds, lol!  I am always worried about my LE arm getting bitten.  I hate bug spray so I went online and read about a peppermint oil and alcohol combination so I made some and it works well, and as a bonus I smell minty!  The few times I have forgotten to spray it on they bite me like crazy.

    sol - yay!!!

    lago - I get phantom itching too and it always seems to happen when I am in a public place!  I am thinking new nerve connections  too.

    wasgi - possibly a cyst?  They would be unaffected by chemo - that is what I am hoping for, but this is exactly why I did a BMX - can't tell a bad lump from a B9 one, the worry would have driven me nuts!

    jenn - I am thinking your neuropathy is residual from chemo just showing up now.  Did you take L-Glutamine, Acetyl L-Carnitine and B6?  If not, you might start now and see if it helps.

    On tests - I went for a pap about a year ago and the doc said I should not have anymore.  I had a total hyst/ooph 11 years ago and have never had an abnormal pap, so she said it is now too risky for me because those tissues are too compromised and she said the speculum can crack the bladder as well!  I was pretty surprised.  I had a transvaginal US 6 months prior to the hyst/ooph that did not pick up the 3cm mass in the right ovary.  Hopefully, technology has improved since then.  Either that, or it grew to 3cm in that 6 months which is scary.  I had a clear colonoscopy at 51 and my MO ordered one after Herceptin was done (when I was 55) but my insurance company refused authorization, Their policy is that unless breast cancer patients are having symptoms they are not considered any higher risk than anyone else so they will authorize a colonoscopy every 10 years.  If I have any symptoms they will OK it.  As part of cost-cutting measures they also no longer pay for BRCA testing (I got in under the wire) and they have never authorized payment for my LE sleeves/gauntlets.  Lovely.

    I had a frightening moment at the end of this week.  I flew back from the vaccine trial on Wed. night and woke up Thursday morning and my right eyeball was bright red and dark purple from the colored part of the eye all the way back underneath the lid, and I had a headache.  I already had a port flush appt. that afternoon so I had them look at it.  It is a sub-conjunctival hemorrhage but it is pretty severe.  They think it was caused by the pressurized air on the flight - and the headache was coincidental.  Hope so - kind of looks like I got in a bar fight, lol!  You all can imagine where my mind went though.  It was my first serious "oh sh&t" moment since the end of chemo.

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Sol- I live in FL and worry about sun exposure so I always wear protective clothing and hats in the sun. So I am not much more tab than normal, however, I have unfortunately noticed that when I was leaving the hospital last week and took off my band also removed the top layer of my skin and now I have large scabs there. Ouch! Chemo has made my skin super fragile.

    Rozem- I had a colonoscopy last week. I had some questionable bleeding which is why i was in the hospital, and so they went ahead with the procedure. I am glad I had it done. I found out that everything is ok and at least got that screening out of the way. My MO and GYN both feel that a total hysterectomy is in my near future. They agreed on a ooph for sure and then my GYN said he saw no reason to keep the other parts. Since others cancers are a possibility.

    I guess I will cross that bridge when I get to it.

    I am so glad Mosquitos don't like us... They are nasty little creatures.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    SpecialK remember that usually brain mets is one of the last places  breast cancer likes to go. I used to get those blood bursts in my left eye during chemo. Big red glowing vein. Very creepy. I can only image how you look. Yikes.

    Mosquitoes love me. I had chemo in the winter so it didn't help me. I always carry around antibacterial cleanser, band-aid and some topical antibacterial ointment. Mosquitoes also don't like rosemary or Listerine. Put Listerine in a spray bottle and spray around you. You will need to respray.

    Acetyl L-Carnitine… I think Tonlee post an article that the latest studies from the NCI said that it might actually make it worse BUT they were taking mega doses. I still feel it helped me and I still take it for the memory boosting power.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566
  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    These a very real signs and symptoms that most women are totally unaware of...especially younger women. Also showing realistic photos of breasts of NORMAL women instead of Hollywood , real housewives versions may make more women less self conscious about looking and feeling around.

  • NancyJill
    NancyJill Member Posts: 127

    Re: Herceptin--no side effects in my case

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    SpecialK- what's your ratio mix on mosquito spray? I hate bug spray too. Plus, I have my 8 yo cousin living with us and they love her.

    Sorry to hear about your eye. Hope it gets better soon.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Special K...

    That is scary! Do you think it has to do with the trial? Do they give you heparin?

    Got teary eyed when you wrote about your dh and ds. My husband was in the AF too.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    Wasgij96 - I am having a bilateral MX with immediate free TRAM recon in 2 weeks, after having just a Lumpectomy back in December. Long story to do with not going ahead/completing rads...

    I still have 6mths of herceptin to do and both the BS and PS have said no problem for them to work around my port.


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ahhrrghhh! Lost my post. Begin again....

    Mosquitoes don't like me much this year. Any other year, I'd be bathing in peppermint soap, and using Avon's original skin so soft.

    As for the sweat, prepuberty, sweat didn't stink, and no hair underthere to hold it in also helps not smell.

    Specialk, guess you'll have to make another trip closer to Halloween.......LOL jk

    This thread isoving very fast today! Much love

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Oh, four posts ago someone.hit the 10,000th post! LOL.have to go back and look!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Yeah but I still have more posts than this thread Tongue out I'm the post ho
  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    LOL @ Lago! I seem to be working my way up, but I think the newest person with the highest posting rate is Tazzy, bit I could be wrong.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,256

    moon - I am going back twice before Halloween, lol!  Maybe I can hope for both eyes!

    ashla - I watched the PSA - I found it compelling and I thought it was a better message than the usual pink crapola.  Of course, my DH wandered by and couldn't really hear the sound just the pix - he gave me a look like WTH?  He gives me that look a lot!  I don't think the eye hemorrhage had to do with the trial - I really think it was the plane.  There was a moment where my ears popped that was pretty painful, unusually so - that may have been it.  I am going to contact the trial coordinator on Monday to let her know because they need to know about anything unusual. They don't give me Heparin.  I get two small syringes injected into the upper thigh.  Whatever it is raises my temperature almost instantaneously though because they do vitals every 15 min.  My temp goes up a degree and then comes back down. The onc office (P.A.) didn't seem alarmed once they looked at my eye and it is better today than I thought it would be. 

    mstori - 1 part peppermint oil to 10 parts rubbing alcohol.  I used a little spray bottle, like a travel size hairspray bottle.  The hardest thing is finding the peppermint oil! 

    lago - the post ho - you are funny!

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Hi everyone,

     I REALLY  hope this does not come across as being super self absorbed, but, I was interviewed by a  small local magazine for the October issue and wanted to share it with you all.  I feel that I am not always well spoken with my posts on this site and I am not great at posting from my cell phone (takes so much more time).  Not to mention  I do not have very much time to post...juggling chemo, kids, and a full time job...oh, and the bills...that is a full time job alone:) and I am certainly not a gifted my husband (who is) reminds me of lovingly and often, but, I wanted to share the article none the same.   The magazine interviewed so many inspirational women and I feel so honored to have been able to be among them.

      I think all of you are amazing and I hope this illustrates my thoughts  better.

    oh...the picture is really really bad...I had no idea  I would be photographed...or I would have run from the

  • melster
    melster Member Posts: 46

    Rose and kayb--- I Had FEC too and have no BO! Wtf?!

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    lol...I told you I don't know what I am doing...

    Here is the first page....‘I-am-so-glad-I-am-not-alone--

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Jen, very articulate article! Way to go, and, you do look good. We have to share trimphs even if we think they are small, they are always large because because they mean so much, we love happy news!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,256

    jennifer - you are beautiful and so was the article!  Be proud!

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Ah thank you Moon and Specialk...I really did meet so many women that are so strong.  One woman I met found out that she had breast cancer and then went in for a pet scan and while she was waiting she read a sign that said you should not have it done if pregnant or breast feeding (she and her husband had been trying to have another child for three years with no luck) and she had been having irregular she thought she should be on the safe side and have a test...and it was positive.  Hearing her story about chemo and surgery while pregnant was so emotional. Her baby is healthy and beautiful and so is she.        

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Jennifer404, nice article!

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Thank you shore1!  I really appreciate it...

    I saw a great post I am sure most of you have heard....thought I would share it again just in case...

    "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face."

    Eleanor Roosevelt

    oh and on the topic of  mosquitoes...we still hang the plastic bag of water outside (out of plain sight) on our porch.  It seems to work...any body else do this? lol.  Is it a southern thing?

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Specialk, my temp goes up a smidge too for an hour or so.

    Testing wise-I am on the colonoscopy five year plan as both my parents had some kind of colon cancer. I am 56 and have had 2. One at 51 and one right before chemo. All clear so far.

    My gyn is doing the every 6 months vaginal ultrasound. Good there. Still get a pap.

    I get a full body skin cancer checkup every year.

    Can't think of anything else.

    Mosquitos didn't love me last year, but they do this year. But I have noticed that, while I sweat a lot, with the hot flashes and all, it doesn't smell either.

    I have noticed the last couple of days my eyes have been itching and to ought, lots of eyelashes are falling out. That is annoying.

    Crazy week ahead. Daughter just got in tonight from NYC, and leaves for Thailand for three months next Sunday. In the next six days, I have two to get her ready, three at wake forest for my last trip until May, final fat grafting reconstruction surgery on Friday, and then off she goes. It is a whirlwind. Once she is settled, we are working on our trip to visit.

  • bcbarbie10
    bcbarbie10 Member Posts: 148

    Jennifer404, you rocked the picture, and the article as well!

    No BO here, too. As i keep forgetting putting on deodorant nowadays. I maybe just manage once or twice a week, but no odor. I was just telling my daughter about this.

    Mosquitos still bite though, sorry for them!

    There's this nagging question in my head lately. Will i stilll like sex after chemo, with tamox and ooph? Wont i be "genderless" after all of these?