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  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Kay I am so HAPPY for you!! WOO HOO!!!!

    Brag away sister!  There is nothing wrong with low body fat...except you're gonna FREEZE your butt off this

    It's so weird.  Someone pointed out above that this thread is about to hit 10,000...and I can remember looking all over this site for triple + and not finding glad we found each other!  I've learned a lot from you ladies :)

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Thanks kayB- I found an OT/PT lymphadema specialist 30 minutes away. Yay! And she has her doctorate. So after talking with her, I feel comfortable. Will see how I feel after I see her.

    Special K- you make me laugh! I am already feeling weird sensations under my armpit. But mostly numb still. I was wondering how it was possible back inside part of arm to be numb but itch at same time.

    Powermum- welcome, I'm fairly new here too. These ladies are great, and have more than helped me walk down this path, and as you can see, continue to do so.

    Moon- I hope you feel better soon. All these decisions do stink. I pray the best for you.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    SpecialK- I did get some instruction on arm. Supposed to do small mvmts- arm pendulum and then slowly work up to more- BS wants me to be able to put my hand behind my head by next week when he sees me to remove the drain. Hmmmm. Yep, ouch! I am supposed to start wearing the sleeve today, but haven't put it on yet. Any advice would be welcome. I dont start OT/PT here for at least another wk or two.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Welcome powermom. Sorry you have to be here. I had a BMX due to family history (Hx) they did find IDC in the breast that they did not expect to find it. BUT THAT is what my family Hx was! So you have to use your family Hx, if any for you. BTW, just wanted to mention that if you are considering a bmx to avoid RADS, from the description you gave, "deep near the chest wall" you might need them anyway due to the location. And as Jenet said, RADS is not easy. You will make the right decision for you, but it won't be easy, and I bet you already figured that NOTHING ABOUT BC IS EASY!. LOL

  • ang7894
    ang7894 Member Posts: 427

    Well I just got my phone call My MUGA scan was 51% So I guess it is OK? I heard on here that if it was 50% or lower they would stop the herceptin so I guess I just made it.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    ashla - thanks for that news story - very interesting! 

    lago - so glad to hear the liver scan came back fine - YAY!  

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Glad to hear both mstori and moonflower are home and recuperating.

    Moon...that sure is a tough call.  <sigh>  

    mstori - I personally wouldn't go too aggressive on the range of motion for the first week or two.  I read on the step-up-speak out lymphedema site that you should take it easy the first 10 to 14 days, b/c that is when lymph node channels are trying to re-establish themselves.  That's all I know about that - for what it's worth - others may chime in with a different opinion. 

    powermom - Welcome!!!  

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    ok my turn....

    lago yeah! great news about the liver scan

    kay ditto on the nodes!

    shore glad your surgery went well

    moon sorry about your TE troubles...

    ashla thank you for that info, very interesting

    powermom welcome!! on the conversation about lump vs msx -its a tough one, there are a lot of threads that you can search on this board that discuss the pros/cons.  It may be a good idea to do this.  As you can see by my signature i am opting to do a bmsx but that is a purely personal decision  based on 1.  i am a worrier BIGTIME, i was a hypocondriac going into BC so you can imagine what im like now 2.  my age - 43, i am terrified of getting a new primary, I was told about a 15-20% lifetime risk of a new BC -

    hope i got everyone and all the names are attached to the right comments!

    in regards to stopping tamox for surgery, ive done a little research and it seems that if you are having day surgery where you are not under for long  ie exchange then they do not stop tamox.  I think for larger surgeries such as what i am doing where i will be immobile for a few days after the risk of clots goes up, so thats why it is recommended to stop the tamox 2 wks before.  I am super nervous about stopping it i must tell you

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Thanks Dancetrancer. I think I'm going to heed everyone's advice and take it easy. Just enough to prevent frozen shoulder.

    Thank you all for the well wishes and advice. :-)

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Rozem, from what I read Tamoxifen stays in your body a long time, so you should be ok for a couple weeks. That would make sense on the type of surgery having an effect.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    lago - Glad your liver scan was fine.

    powermom -  Welcome.  I had lump/rads.  I talked with everyone about it.  It's a  very hard decision.  Finally the rad onc convinced that based on the size and position of the tumor relative to the size of the rest of the breast lump/rads was a good choice.  

  • bcbarbie10
    bcbarbie10 Member Posts: 148

    Sol, thanks for asking. I think im keeping my good boob for now, as long as i can.

    Powermom, welcome! I had skin-sparing mastectomy but was offered lumpectomy with rads. I already had implants that time and my BS wanted to place a new inflatable implant or just keep the old one. However he told me rads would do some funny thing with the present implant and that the inflatable implant had to be ordered from the Netherlands which would take another two weeks of waiting. Hence, i opted for the modified radical mx, no rads, with the old implant still with me. Hope this helps, just speaking from experience.

  • NancyJill
    NancyJill Member Posts: 127

    Welcome, powermom. I imagine a factor in your decision is how close to the chest wall your tumor is. Mine was close to the surface at 9 o'clock, away from the heart, and I am very happy with my lumpectomy result. I believe Rads was more protective than risky in my case. I am happy to have my breast. However, every case is different, so get your expert advice. I don't mind being tested every 6 months for a while, but that freaks some people out.

    One more Herceptin to go! 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,256

    nancyjill - yay on the upcoming end to Herceptin!  I noticed about 6-8 weeks after my last one that the mild headaches and some of the stiffness dissipated - I also had more energy.

    mstori - I agree with dance, take it easy for 10-14 days in terms of the arm over the head. 

    jennifer - thanks, I am glad you enjoyed!  I have always felt, even in the face of adversity, that I have been very blessed.  My DH and children are the lights of my life.

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Catching up again on all the posts.  Wow, this is a busy blog.

    I was at the dentist this morning and in the treatment room next to me was a lady (40'ish) who had breast cancer 15 years ago and has stressed over it all these years and decided to have a double mastectomy.  When in there, they found a Stage 1 cancer.  What's the likelihood of that.  Anyhow, she is so into pink (I'm NOT) that she wanted her filling pink so that is a challenge for the dentist. 

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Hooray Sol!  Good feeling isn't it!  Congratulations!

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Found a new product to me after my lymph node surgery this past week. For nausea. Not sure if it would work for chemo nausea, but helped after surgery. Called QueaseEase. I got it from nurse in recovery, but looks like it can be bought online. All natural essential oils in a tube. Has ginger, spearmint, peppermint, and lavender. Also helped calm me down. Hope this can help.

  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Congrats Sol! :-)

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    MissTori:  Lavender is used to help babies sleep so should work!  :)

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    My right fipple is itchy. WTF? How can it be itchy? I am numb there. It's been 2 years why amd I getting phantom itches now?

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Lago, maybe you have some nerve endings waking up? Everytime I am in the ps office, he asks if I have new spots with feeling. Told him I have had a lot of feeling all along. Just missing it right along the incision line. Hope the itches go away!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Lago I'm still totally numb and get itchy (it is nerve activity) but u can't scratch it cuz of the numbness..And I get phantom pain on my nipples which I don't have any and on my breast which I don' have either sooooooo

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Lago, really deep nerve endings making new connections.? Hope it goes away or at least quiets, having you maul your own breasts is tacky.......

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    Did anyone get neuropathy from Herceptin? I got a bit during chemo and am now several months into Herceptin only and seem to be getting neuropathy in my fingertips after my infusion 2 days ago... I've still got another 6 months to do and am hoping this doesn't get worse.


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Solti, YES, chemo causes sunsensitivity, be careful. They should have told you. Also, some meds do that too.

    jennet, I couldn't tell you about Herceptin, I had some neuropathy before tx. Sorry.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Sol Chemo does strane things--u woud think about but vioa u'r tan now be careful tho.I don't know what neupathy is from but all the junk we have had I'm not surprised--I have it too.

    And has anyone noticed even without protection mosquitos don;t bite u. for the las few years I've been lucky, but they don't even want our blood.

  • wasgij96
    wasgij96 Member Posts: 17

    Well on the subject of "the other side" I had my left side removed when i was first dx'ed back in Feb. Just finished chemo and on my third Herpceptine shot on Wed. Today my Doc can feel a bump in my right breast. I can't feel anything but am now gettinf a ultra sound and then a bio on the little bugger to see if it cancer. I'm thinking of just cutting the last one off to get rid of the worrying all the time. Not sure if I could handle doing chemo again if it is cancer. What a frigging rollor coaster ride. If I wasn't crazy I'd go crazy :(

  • wasgij96
    wasgij96 Member Posts: 17

     If I do have the right side removed, what happens to my port. Would they leave it in or have to remove it. And if it is cancer in the right would i have to get more nodes checked on the same side which is my "good" side.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    Wow....that's a tough one. Just from my layman 's perspective I would think it rare to actually develop a new cancer while in active treatment. You must have had US, Mammos and MRIS on both breasts recently. More likely to be something else that needs watching. This is the million dollar dilemma we all it worth it to sit and watch and worry about it?

    Again imho If this had to happen...better now than next year. Regarding the port..i would think it depends on the placement of your port.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    Herceptin shot?