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  • melster
    melster Member Posts: 46

    I'm deported and renipped!! Yee Haw!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Thank you Jen :)  (Though I went yesterday and got most of it whacked off.  I just don't have patience for the in between stage.)

    Grandma, thanks!  That was very informative and I think your cardiologist may be on to something about your meds being cardio protective.  Last time I visited my Onc he said there was a trial out right now that places women on Lisinipril BEFORE starting Herceptin.  The theory is, it will help reduce or eliminate heart damage in the women likely to get it.  Those results won't be out though for at least 18 months or so.

    Solt, the reason I asked is because my cousin believed her skipped heartbeat was normal for her...meaning, she'd maybe experienced it before sporadically.  The Herceptin exacerbated it to such an extent she had to stop tx.  So I just kinda wonder how someone with no heart history (my cousin is a paramedic/fire fighter/fitness instructor so she was up on her personal heartbeat) , well, how a cardiologist explains the damage after they take Herceptin.

    My cardiologist (who hasn't worked with a lot of Herceptin patients) said damage is damage, and that if I didn't go into tx with a "known heart defect or problem," they assume it is chemo toxicity.  So if your Cardio can differentiate between a "natural" heart problem as opposed to one caused by Herceptin, please share that info...that would be such a god send.

  • ang7894
    ang7894 Member Posts: 427

    Geewhiz, congradulations!!!

    Melster--- great news yay on the deport.

  • swimmom01
    swimmom01 Member Posts: 32

    Has anyone experienced severe acne? I am two weeks out from TCH tx#4 and have worse acne than I did as a teenager. I saw my MO today just to make sure I wasn't having an allergic reaction. It's so strange it just popped up. I am so upset by this. It's one thing to be bald but bald with acne it so not a pretty sight!

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Swimmom, I had some real monster zits during treatment that I think were caused by the steroids. I complained to my MO about it, but since the steroids were necessary and treatments was otherwise going so well, she didn't offer me any quick fixes. As soon as treatment ended, my face cleared up. So hopefully you will notice an improvement soon.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    soltantio, I would tend to blame the steroids they give with the chemo.  They do deplete electrolytes especially potassium and can cause pvc's.  Once they're out of your system you may go back to normal.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


    Meister good news

    And all this heart stuff is so overwelming again to be overwelmed-this is cary (as I said before) to me. But I'm going thru some of this too and my card. put me on amed??? for now to get myb/p under control which just started a 2 months ago so I'm alway having it checked (it's better) and blood panels stuff done. But now with all the things coming out about herceptin who knows what we are in for. for other things.  Why do they always find thins (even with meds) that can cause other problems. Oh it's tiring. LOL

  • Iamstronger
    Iamstronger Member Posts: 102

    Geewhiz-Congratulations!  Love seeing years out!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Grandma-I sent myself into panic disorder at diagnosis, one of the symptoms being a pounding heart and slightly elevated bp. Surprisingly, my stress and alcohol related heart beat skipping never happened.

    At any rate, my NP best friend again did her homework, and learned that they were doing studies using beta blockers to protect the heart during chemo. Somewhere in the Netherlands,or Norway . So she put me on metoprolol. I am on a really low dose, and she said it probably wasn't enough to affect the chemo, but she hose it because it was a beta blocker. I have a weird EKG every time. I have just given up.

    Sol...with my skipping beats, it comes and goes. I have gone years and years with no episodes. And then, it will skip for a month or so, then back to nothing.

    I mentioned earlier that I had had to have a full workup before my second surgery due to a weird echo. Cardiologist said it was nothing and said the results of my stress test were really good.

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    Thanks for all the well wishes. I hope we all are around much much longer!! It sure sucks to have your diagnosis  coincide with the beginning of Oct-freakingpink-tober.

     GrandmaV-that is really interesting about steroid depleting potassium. (And "Hi", I don't come around much so I haven't crossed paths, but a warm welcome to you :D).  I do a lot of hot yoga which causes you to sweat buckets. The yoga studio has a natural young coconut water which they say replenishes potassium quicker than a banana. So, can't hurt. They taste really yummy. I get them at Whole Foods. Perhaps it might help you?

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    TonLee...I love your avatar. Adorable hair, chopped or not.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    soltantio, sports drinks, like Gatorade, can help with electrolytes.  I drank a lot of it when on chemo, when I could get it down.  Also my onc. put me on potassium supplement.

  • CindyLooWho
    CindyLooWho Member Posts: 260

    Just a couple of things I want to mention about magnesium and potassium. Keep in mind I have not had surgery yet so no treatment has started. My experience withy here minerals is because of migraines. Ask your docs before taking anything...of course

    I take magnesium every morning as it has been proven that folks who suffer from migraines have low levels. It also " keeps you regular".

    The other thing is coconut water which is loaded with potassium and is great for helping your body to stay hydrated. I mix it with regular water and drink a couple of 20 oz of this combo daily. It has a mild coconut flavor but also comes in fruit flavors.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Bahaha! i just noticed my avatar is sideways. It was right when I put it in. Gave up on copying the picture, so I just changed my avatar, although I need someone to ake a better picture.

  • CindyLooWho
    CindyLooWho Member Posts: 260

    I have never had any health issues until this, other than migraines that started in my early 40's. And a couple of food sensitivities that started around same time. Damn perimenopause. Anyway I like the idea of making myself feel better by eating or avoiding eating certain foods, and I have had some success. My naturopath is amazing.

    I gave Up wheat and dairy and it changed everything for me. We really are what we eat!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    fluff - You look great!!
  • CindyLooWho
    CindyLooWho Member Posts: 260

    I will tell you was hard but dairy clogs my brain. Within three days of giving it up I felt more focused and clear headed. I was a dairy junky. I eat cheese once in awhile but gave up all the milk.

    The wheat makes me miserable from a digestive perspective. Yeast too. So once I saw how much better I could feel every day, it was easy. Then I thought, if I can do this I can lose 20 I did!

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Cindyloowho, how much magnesium do you take per day?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    My onc has been on top of my electrolyte balance from day one. I have had labs every week. Even three months PFC, I still have weekly labs, and mag is always one of them out of all the weekly labs, I have not needed magnesium about only seven times. I have had to have iv mag a lot. Also occasionally potassium. I also take oral mag, and potassium. My oral side has been up to six tablets a day. But that gave me the big D as bad as chemo, so it was cut back. I have a lab tomorrow, I was low, they upped my oral, but I will probably need mag tomorrow. I see my onc next week and he will let me know what's going to be my tx, now that I saw the card and am definetly off Herceptin..

    This thread had three new pages since this morning!

  • wasgij96
    wasgij96 Member Posts: 17

    Well I am back to say hi to all. I have another question for you ladies. My hair has started to come back now that chemo is done and just a bad memory. My hair is coming back grey which I new could happen but my question is will it/could it go back to my old colour or am I stuck with the grey.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Was, my hair came back multi-colored, tiger stripe kinda thing.  I colored it as soon as it covered my entire head with no bald spots.  The actual hair (which seems more like fur imo that first year after tx) was maybe 1/2".  Never had a problem.

    I went to a woman who works with lots of chemo hair loss (almost 20 years!)....she said sometimes the chemo will make it harder for the hair follicle to "accept" color, but that generally only affects the amount of time it is left on.  I heard a lot of theories about hair color after chemo, so I went to an experienced professional for the facts. 

    She said:  Yes.  You can color your hair any time you're ready.

    Good luck!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Magnesium Citrate.

    I take 500 mg every single night before bed with a calcium supplement.  The benefits?

    1.  Helps you sleep

    2.  Is something your heart needs

    3.  You will never be constipated again!  (It is important to get the citrate and not the "oxide"...they are absorbed differently...per my cariologist....citrate is better for the heart because of it, oxide is primarily a laxative.)

    4.  Helps with headaches

    5.  It's CHEAP

    I love the stuff.  I keep a flat tummy with it!  lol  No bloating.  I've taken it every night for over two years.

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    TonLee, does the magnesium citrate taken at night have to be taken with the calcium supp for absorption? I've been taking a liquid calcium citrate in the morning that includes 300 mg magnesium, 400 IU of D3, and 600 mg calcium. But its expensive, and id rather switch to cheaper calcium and magnesium pills. How much calcium do you take?

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    I take two Calcium supps a day 600 mg each.  One with breakfast, one at night.  It does get better absorption with mangesium citrate (or so I've read).

    I do it on the cheap.  I buy my D3, calcium, and magnesium in gel form, but separate, or whatever is cheapest.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Fluff, I love the new look great :)

    (Thanks Gee for the compliment!  Miss seeing you here.)

  • CindyLooWho
    CindyLooWho Member Posts: 260

    I take 400 mg, any more I'm running to the bathroom. I tried taking at night but I would forget. So Now I take with my calcium and D3 in the morning.

    I also take CoQ10. I got it for my husband who takes Lipitor because statins prevent your body from producing enough. But my doc said it couldn't hurt me with all the heart issues in my family.

    And a really good probiotic. Fermented foods are a headache trigger for me and they really help digestion plus the probiotic is awesome for your immune system.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    wasgij96 - My hair came back very whitish/grey and curly from a mix of grey/brown/white and pretty striaght before chemo.  After about 1 year it was pretty much back to the same color as before though and my stylist insists that is it thicker now.  I have kept it short.  It is 2 years later and all the chemo curls are gone too.
  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    Fluff- love the new pic! Sideways or not! Haha! I can never figure out how to post pics either.

    TonLee- thanks for the info on mag. I will get on it. I start chemo next week. I am not using cold caps. I know everyone is different, but with TCH, when does that actually start causing noticeable hair loss? And if I am drinking Gatorade or electrolyte drink, do I have to cut back on the mag citrate (by the way, I just remembered, i think I have a bottle from when I got discharged from hospital for constipation, it's liquid though)?

  • swimmom01
    swimmom01 Member Posts: 32

    Ms. Tori-

    I have tx5 of 6 TCH next week. A few days before tx2 I was brushing my hair and I noticed tons of hair strands in the sink. I never wanted to have clumps fall out with my kids (9 and 11) to see that so I went ahead a shaved it. Right before tx3 most of the littlest hairs left I found on my pillow. I prob could have waited to shave but this worked for me hope this at least gives you some type of time frame.


  • MsTori
    MsTori Member Posts: 298

    swimmom- thank you, I don't want that either. Good to know time frame. I went yesterday to my stylist and had her take 4 inches off. Mine was below my shoulders. And she said she will shave it when time comes. I just don't want to see the hair clumps on the pillow case or in the shower.