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  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    Mine was the same as SpecialK's, had both in my pathology report, but didn't matter because they were going to treat it as if IDC all the way, and during surgery they got clean margins.

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Lago and Lee, thanks for the link and the eyebrow info.  I think I can look halfway decent if I have some brows.  They've always been a big part of my face!  When I was younger in lived downtown Philly the construction workers used to call me Brooke Shields.  I was and always have been a brow girl...sob, sniff....

  • Anniemomofthree
    Anniemomofthree Member Posts: 370

    Chrissera - I do not know the answers to your particular situation, but I finished chemo in April and did not start TAM until August. I was a bit pissy with them as I think they forgot.  I still think that. I think you are really smart to think about this now!  Start asking the timing now...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Oh I'm trying to catch up..Lots going on and now that I have caught up I can't remember what I read, but the mamo that was good ---Yay

    such a relief.  I use Paula ??? for my brows and I still use it now (never had to) to fill in it's good for me. I've never used liquid make-up so I don't know what to tell u, I use baked make-up and it evens out all my skin cuz that's changed. This stuff I know about LOL And also use Bare minerals--I like that too.

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Hi ladies! I wanted to let you know ghat I am doing good. I have not not with the bs yet. But hubby said nodes were negative! Ps put in permanent implants 800ccs. They seem so small. But am happy with that.lets hope there are no problems with them. Thank you for all of your well wishes and prayers. I am still so tired. Back to sleep I go:)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

       Rozem this is specially for u I am so sorry the pain is so bad--I thought too it would be better by now---and I'm glad u called for muscle relaxers

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Jennifer404, glad it went well for you! And awesome news about negative nodes. 800cc's seem small? They will probably look big when they do their drop & fluff thing. Rest up :)

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Lol...drop and fluff! I forgot about that. Even the nurse said she thought he had given me small expanders ;she meant flat) that would need to be filled. So I asked her to check the paperwork from surgery (owners manual as I like to call it) and she said "wow 800cc's that is huge"

    I am really tall and broad though. I think I will be happy with their size.

    Now I just want to find out how my tumor responded to chemo!

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    I am so glad to see you posting, Jennifer.  And so happy to hear that your nodes were negative!!!  I'm new here but I've been thinking about you on and off all day. My surgery is tomorrow and I feel so relieved to see you posting - I assume from the hospital??  

    Either way, you're able to type/post/use a computer!  That's great!

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    ang - the first pathology I saw, which was a temporary copy, showed IDC and DCIS as well.  

    The BS never made any reference to the DCIS nor did the radiologist in his office who read the MRI results.  

    The original radiologist who performed the biopsy and gave us the results/bad news didn't say anything about the DCIS and simply referred to it as a malignant tumor.

    lago - I didn't make it to Sephora tonight but I really do need eyebrow help - even now.  Thanks for the links.  Also, the brow stuff sounds interesting, SpecialK.  

    Pbrain - your eyebrows look great in your avatar photo.  A good portion of mine grow STRAIGHT UP.  Who the heck ever heard of having cowlicks in eyebrows?  That's the closest thing I can equate them to.  The sad thing is, the cowlick part isn't very thick anymore and well, it's just a damn mess - destined to get messier (or "lessier"). 

    I just googled eyebrows and cowlicks and I suddenly feel less alone in this world!  60,800 hits for eyebrows cowlicks (not in quotation marks).   

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    LeeA and pbrain - here is a link to the eyebrow gel:

    I find that I have to go darker - my hair is the color it is in my avatar pic but I use the brunette gel.

  • Panic/rant ahead: I have been going through my past 9 (of 12) taxol and herceptin treatments thinking, wow, not so bad. No major side effects. Then bam, hot flashes waking me up every night just the past week or two. My hair started falling out between treatment 8 and 9. And then now I have found a lump in my supposed good breast!! What the hell??? The lump had been really responding to chemo on my left side but when I went into this whole thing there was nothing wrong with my right breast!!! I see my oncologist tomorrow but, of course, I'm freaking out now...

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Ummmm. I just saw the sight of the mastectomy and the ps left my nipples. He said I was not eligible for nipple sparing recon. Thanks to gravity and twi babies. Not sure how I feel about this. Maybe I am just paranoid cancer is lurking around in there. Glad they will look natural though.

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    I also got these really cool pain meds that go into my back through what looks like fishing wire. They stay for three days and then we pull them out. Anybody else get these?

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Forever-I am sorry your side effects are hitting you harder now. I have heard that a low dose of Effexor helps. But, I chose to suffer through them for now and not try it so I am not sure if it works or not.

    Rozem- how are you?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    ang I had both IDC and DCIS… both mentioned in my path report. I would question your doctor again if your path report says IDC. They get so busy that it might be possible your doctor said DCIS when meant to say IDC. I know I say things like triple positive when I mean triple negative etc. Just our mouths moving faster than our brain. Good luck on the job. Trust me I hear you about needed one!

    Jennifer404 NO NODES. Congratulations. Don't worry about the implants seeming small. They will change a bit over the next 6 months. They will drop and fluff as they say. My final implants are 397cc and I still think I'm really big. Granted I do have a small frame.

    Foreverchanged it might just be a cyst. It is a bit odd that a lump would appear while undergoing treatment. My hot flashes were never that bad but definitely at their worst during chemo. Keep away from hot spicey foods and wine. If they are that bad talk to your onc about the Effexor.

    I have to be honest once I had my BMX I didn't get a real good night's sleep till a few weeks post PFC. Between getting used to sleeping on my back, LE arm bothering me and waking up to warm flashes between 2am & 5am my sleep was a bit sporadic.

    I spoke with a VP at ACS yesterday. It went really well. She is definitely on my side. If something opens up there she's going to help me. She's also helping me with my cover letter and gave me great advice for other non profit opportunities. As much as she would love to have me with the ACS she knows they don't have a lot of positions (Currently have nothing but intern positions open). This is the 2nd time a woman in a high position has reached out to help me in the workforce. She said to me at the end "Don't worry it will happen." It brought tears to my eyes.

    OK off to write her a thank you letter then get ready to get deported. Need to be there at 9:30 for 11am deportation. I'm already hungry and thirsty.

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Forever-I forgot to say that I also found another lumpish thing and my bs said it was a cyst. It's gone now...during mastectomy. So I am sure that they will biopsy all of the tissue that they removed in both breasts.

    Lago-yay! You are getting deported! Congrats! And also for getting a lead with acs! So exciting.

    My foobs look so weird. They are lumpy and high. Nurses say they look really good for next day. Still confused as to why he left my nipples when I told them not to. Hmmmm. And don't most surgeons wrap you up? I am not wrapped.

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Lago-thanks for the linky! I love it:)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 942

    Hello.....I'm not +++, but yesterday while I was at the BS, someone from the MO came in to talk to me about a trial, using Herceptin for BC patients who are her2 neu-.

    I haven't made up my mind yet. I'd like to know what the side effects are.



  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    jenn yeah on clean nodes, wow 800 cc immediate reconstruction!  I can barely handle what they gave me in  my expanders!  hoping your path is clean !   you should speak to your PS as to why he/she left the nipple.  I know that is very common in the US but they won't do it here.

    foreverchanged i agree with lago, it is probably just a cyst.  I am assuming you had all the testing prior to starting treatment like an MRI - those are pretty accurate so it would be surprising if that lump did not show up.  Where are you being treated? (im a fellow canadian)

    so yesterday my PS took out more saline out of my expander...I know I am going backwards but anyway.  OMG had the worst muscle spasms all day and night yesterday on that side.  It started immediately after she took out the saline.  I told her not to touch me on the other side cause i was in so much pain.  They (all the professionals) are not convinced that all my pain is related to the TE.  They think i might have PMPS (post mastectomy pain syndrome) and put me on yet another drug - gambapentin which is supposed to address the nerve pain.  They said they have never had a patient who has had saline removed AFTER surgery.  I guess i just like to be different.  The interesting part is that on my right side were they did the lat flap surgery the implant is ON TOP of the pec muscle not underneath it, so i am not understanding why im in so much pain.  Sorry again for the rant but this is getting old!!!!!!

  • Thank you so much for the reassurances. This is top, top, top of my list of things to dicuss with my oncologist tomorrow!

    Rozem: I am being treated at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal. Where were you? I see by your signature that you had FEC - I am starting that next round. Just as soon as my 12 treatments of Taxol and Herceptin are done.

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Yay Lee, I have eyebrow cowlicks too!!  The older I get, the more bizarre they get!!

    Jen, good to hear you are feeling ok.  You must be so relieved.  And congrats on the clean nodes!  Fantastic!!  Are you still in the hospital?  Maybe someone can drop by and tell you why you still have nipples?  Laughing

    Soteria, I haven't started the herceptin yet, will do so this Friday with the chemical chemo.  But from what I've heard from many of my coworkers, the only side effect they had from it was a runny nose.  I think I can live with that.  It is what is called a biologic, so it is chemo agents attached to an antibody that will only recognize and attack the HER2 receptors.  It is targeted and not systemic.  I guess the hypothesis is that even HER2 negative cancers could have some receptors.  Is there a study coordinator who could tell you a little more before you sign consent?

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    forever i was treated at sunnybrooke in Toronto.  My surgeon, Dr Boileau (who i luv luv luv) went to Jewish General! i find it interesting that you did 12 weekly taxols then FEC.  I did FEC then taxtore every 3 weeks (with H).  I was told they don't do the weekly taxol protocol here (liars!).  I found the FEC portion extremely difficult mainly due to the nausea.  I was just a bad case because i spoke to a lot of women who did FEC and their nausea was well controlled with the meds

    EYEBROWS - I used Smashbox eye brow kit - it has a light and dark powder with a setting creme.  I loved it, looked so natural.  I still use it to fill in my brows.  My brows are still quite sparse, I am wondering if they will ever get thick again

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    Soteria - here is a link to a thread that may answer some of your questions regarding side effects from Herceptin:

    I personally had the runny nose, when I moved from Herceptin combined with chemo to Herceptin alone I did experience aching and joint pain - I asked to slow the drip from 30-90 minutes and that helped.  I did have a low grade headache for the last six months or so.  I also experienced fatigue but it is hard to suss out whether that was the Herceptin or just aftereffects from Chemo.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Jen  YYAAAYY no nodes--Good

    And Pbrain u sound good--I hope u feel like u sound.

    Rozem I feel so bad for u--this is so difficult what u'r going thru I'm so sorry.  Oh Smasbox is good too--I forgot

    Forever it's prob. a cyst, but everything that happens now is more alarming. (I think)

  • bcbarbie10
    bcbarbie10 Member Posts: 148

    Foreverchanged, hang in there, try not to panic. You are in treatment already. Your team will know what to do.

    To all ladies having or underwent surgeries, get well soon and be awesome with the results.

    Rozem, i hope you feel better now.

    My daughter suggested i buy the eyebrow palette from Elf, really cool and cheap. I got the light one, it comes in three shades.

    This thread moves so fast, cant keep up.

    Six weeks PFC and my first time to go out without headdress! How liberating. 😊

    Pbrain, i neither iced my toe and fingernails during taxotere. I just applied the Sally Hansen clear nailpolish since two weeks before starting taxotere. The one that comes in a rectangular lilac colored bottle, then reapply every two weeks. I had anthracycline too, so later on i applied a nude color over the Sally Hansen to cover the discoloration. Never had nail issues, and had extra time to sleep during infusions. I kept a starbucks frapuccino handy, though, to sip a cold drink every now and then, alternating with Biotene spray, just had iccasional isolated mouthsores.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    rozem - I know some women have muscle spasms and pain in the lat muscle that has been transferred...that could possibly be what is going on on that side - maybe?  Sure do wish it would calm down for you - gentle hugs!!! 

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    My herceptin side effects were headache and achiness.  I got mine over 90 minutes.  I noticed that at my chemo center now, they give tylenol before herceptin, must help with the aches! 

  • bcbarbie10
    bcbarbie10 Member Posts: 148

    Im always given Tylenol with my herceptin, together with benadryl 25mg, dexamet 25mg, nasea, and famotidine. So after putting up with momentary itchiness down there, i take a nap, and the 90 minutes is over when i wake up. Really getting the hang of it now.