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  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Great news Jenn....Just what was needed this am. Every am really. PM too.

    Welcome Mimirpanda......

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    yay jenn!!!! 

  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    Yay Jenn! Good news is always great to hear! Hope all heals quickly.

  • Rhonda2
    Rhonda2 Member Posts: 99

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm new to the board and love reading all the posts of support and truths about treatment for this awful disease.  I was fortunate to get four consults and chose a doctor that so far has been very supportive and informative about Lumpectomy versus Mastectomy and explain how the survival rates are the same.  I choose Lumpectomy but am hopeful that I will only have one surgery and not have another one to "clear the margins".  I have also met with my Oncologist who says he is giving me TCH and will treat me aggresively because I am premenapausal.  I'm a little scared of how I will be ill for so long with this treatment, but if it saves my life it will be worth it.  Surgery is scheduled in 8 days and I'm praying all goes well.  My prayers go out to everyone that has to deal with this cancer. 

  • beckstar18
    beckstar18 Member Posts: 97

    Welcome Mimirpanda and Rhonda! 

    Bren, I didn't realize this is your 2nd go around with did I miss it in your siggy??  As others said though, treatments now are more advanced and targeted.  This time we'll get it for good!! :)

    Jenn, glad to hear your surgery went well and the surgeon is optimistic about no cancer.  I've had a long history with ovarian cysts (had a big one rupture last month actually, right after my bmx).  Had surgery 2x to remove bigger ones, 9cm+.  And I've been on BCP for years to suppress them, makes me wonder if the extra estrogen/progesterone from the BCP contributed to my BC diagnosis.  I quit the pill earlier this year actually because of that reason, I heard it raised my risk for cancer then ended up getting it anyway. Go figure!  Anyway I hope you're up and at 'em soon!!

  • Rhonda2
    Rhonda2 Member Posts: 99

    I had a very large benign cyst that engulfed my ovary when I was only 22.  I was successful in having two beautiful children with one ovary left, but fear the ovary left behind has been a contributing factor to my bc because I'm still having regular periods and no signs of menapause.  I read that one woman who had bc was told to have her ovaries removed because they were producing too much estrogen which was feeding her cancer.  After ovary removal she responded to chemo right away and is now in remission.  I asked my dr about removing my own ovary but they were against it.

  • eileenohio
    eileenohio Member Posts: 268

    TonLee...  My thoughts and prayers with you.

  • Jennt28
    Jennt28 Member Posts: 1,095

    My MO knew about the surgery and didn't feel that it was necessary to remove my ovaries and my gynae surgeon, after initially getting enthusiastic about whipping everything out, seemed to decide to take the easy route and leave "what ain't broke".

    I need to go and find a good general gynae now to continue follow-up over the long term.


  • cypher
    cypher Member Posts: 447

    Jenn, glad to hear the good news.

    Rhonda, welcome and sorry you have to be here. I'm glad you're happy with your medical team.  Some of us don't have too bad SEs with TCH -- others, not so lucky, but you might be in the group that tolerates it fairly well.  Btw, you may not know about Penguin Cold Caps.  It's an expensive PITA, but I still have most of my hair and it made the whole chemo experience a lot more tolerable.  I didn't have to feel like a cancer patient all the time, and now that I'm done with chemo, I don't have to wait for my hair to regrow.  Anyway if you're interested there's a thread over there.

    TonLee, I am thinking of you and hoping that you have good news, or at least not awful news, to report when you're ready to check back in.  I know you're not a hug kind of gal, but ((hugs)) anyway.

    Pbrain, hope your tx is going as well as possible this week.

    Mstori --you haven't posted in a while ... hope you're just busy with holiday stuff. 

  • ang7894
    ang7894 Member Posts: 427

    Yay Jenn!!    

    How is Pbrain? 

    True where is Mstori---

    Anyway Doing ok my headaches are from stress not from tamox Yay I guess. Got  to figure out how to chill and stop worrying and arguing about everything ERRR holidays don't help .

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Welcome Rhonda!  I'm glad you found us and have joined our group.  You can talk about anything here.  Have you discussed getting a port with your mo?

  • cypher
    cypher Member Posts: 447

    ang, that's good re the headaches.  At least you won't have them for 5 straight years!

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Welcome Rhonda.....

    I went the lumpectomy route as well however I had neoadjuvant chemo so my surgery came later.

    For me the surgeries..port placement, sentinel node, lumpectomy and port removal ..were no problem at all. I didn't even need a tylenol afterward. Only pain was the dye injection around the nipple prior to sentinel node biopsy .

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Cypher and Ang, I'm sprung this week.  No chemo!!  I'm in Philly hanging with my family and just loving the break.

    Welcom to all the newbies!

  • Katharine2411
    Katharine2411 Member Posts: 25

    Quick question ... Been waking up with a fever for 14 days now ... Usually 100.3 or so. Goes away With Tylenol. Did 12 weeks a/c and 9 of 12 weekly taxol and herceptin. 3 more to Go!!! Doc is checking me for TB of all things but he thinks its a menopause symptom. Anyone heard of that?

  • cgesq
    cgesq Member Posts: 183

    Glad everyone's surgeries seem to be going well.

    Welcome to the newbies!  This really is a great thread.

    Thanks for the oncologist suggestions.  I called the breast center at Sloane Kettering to get an appt there, and was told that I can't just make an appt.  I need to send them in all my paperwork, (including pathology reports and "recent scans") and then they would call me back as to when (or even if) they will see me!!!  When I told them the only scans I had were an MRI of my breasts, and my breasts no longer existed because I had a bmx this summer, the woman on the phone said I would have to get a more recent scan, because the summer was 5 months ago.  I kept trying to explain that there was nothing left to scan, and she just seemed very confused.  I then moved on to what type of breast cancer I had and what type of chemo I was on, and she just sounded very bored and repeated that I needed to send them in all my paperwork, and they would get back to me. I got the impression that unless I had some unique mutation, or some rare form of breast cancer that they could study and publish a paper on, they were not interested.

    The whole experience left me very frustrated.  I think I will seek out a less prestigious hospital.  Perhaps they will be more willing to see me, and my non-exotic illness!!

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    I've heard similar stories from many people re MSK and other research hospitals. I chose not to go that route.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Welcome Rhonda.

  • cqesq

             I had much the same frustrating experience trying to get an appt with a BS at Sloan.  I had to send EVERYTHING! Written reports, CD's of every mammo, sono, stereo, and reports.  Then I had to locate the lab that had my slides and arrange for samples to be sent to Sloan.  They won't take you without the slides.  Many call backs, and dealing with the same person, they finally gave me an appt with the BS of their choice.  I don't know how they decided to take me, but a big part of it is sending them all of the reports.  If you are missing something, they will call you back to send it. UPS and at your expense.  If you really want Sloan, just try to suck it up and give them what they want.  So much the better for your chances. 

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Welcome, Rhonda.  Best wishes with your upcoming surgery and ditto what cypher said - glad you're happy with your team.  

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    The Sloan Kettering procedures sound similar to what City of Hope described to me when I called them following my "suspicious" mammogram.  They said they wouldn't do even consider a biopsy without reviewing everything first and despite having a PPO - they required a written recommendation from my general practitioner.   

  • cypher
    cypher Member Posts: 447

    LeeA, I went to City of Hope for a 2nd opinion just on the off chance they knew of some cutting edge thing.  It was a waste of time and money.  Actually worse than that b/c the oncologist said she would recommend sticking me on adriamycin, which I totally disagree with. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Sorry I've been MIA. First of all this thread went off my favorites… again! I've also been freelancing full time since the 10th. I commute 2.5 hours a day it traffic but the gig is pretty decent.

    So I've pretty much missed everything from Dec6th on. Hope you're all doing well.

    Good news for me is Aetna and my treatment network have finally come to an agreement. I no longer have to find new doctors! yay!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

     Katharine2411 I had a low grade fever almost nonstop for the 3 months of chemo I had.  I had taxotere, carboplatin, herceptin.  We never did find a cause of the fever despite multiple cultures, etc.  I've heard some people get a "taxotere fever" - a kind of reaction to the chemo.  That's my best guess as to what was going on with me. 

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Welcome back Lago.  One MIA returns.  Now for several other MIAs to return.  :)

    Congrats on the new job and the insurance issues worked out.  So important!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Great to hear the insurance thing is resolved lago - bet that's a big relief !

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Lago....glad to see you again! Congrats on the gig.

    Katherine...I always ran a low grade fever for a day or two off and on after every taxol/herceptin treatment.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Lago, welcome back. I hope you're enjoying the freelancing. Also happy for you that your insurance is worked out! Keeping your team is a blessing.

    Speaking of insurance, I git a wee bit of a blessing. My husband was including copays in his payments. I was paying on site. They just refunded me in my accts 300 $. I am thrilled. I was down to twenty, and when I saw my balance I got scared that s bill I payed did not go through. When I looked it up, I saw what happened and Merry Christmas! I can buy my Costco membership now, and get my husband something he won't ultimately pay for himself. And if I dont get my check from disability I can get food! LOL just a happy thing right now. LOL much love to all.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Great to see you, lago!  Congratulations on the freelance job and excellent news about the Aetna resolution!  

    This thread has, on occasion, dropped off my favorites. I have no idea what happens. 


    Moonflwr - nice end-of-the-year windfall!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    OK I'm trying to catch up wow u guys are busy---Welcome to all the newbies--u'll be happy here just vent or ask away--it's comfy

    Pbrain glad u'r getting a break u deserve it have a happy time.

    Katherine I remember having loads of fevers but never over 100.5 so I just never bothered with rhem. In fact I still get fevers around 100 once a month and I'm way done with all the stuff--no one know why. But if there is a reason hopefuly they can make u feel better.

    Jenn it sounds like it went well--godd for u.

    I think we're all having a busy week and next few days expecially the weather is so windy here--Hence the wondy city name I guess.

    I've got another infection and low electrolytes so NO DRINKING for the holidays---I don't know why that bothers me--I don't drink but I always want to when they tell me not to.LOL

    And I'm really glad when people find the Drs. they really like and feel good about it--put all u;r worry in their hands they'll work hard for u and talk freely with them--give them i'r trust and none of them will let u down.