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  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    my scar is so ugly still...has not faded at all, i think some heal better than others

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    kayb - there are some gluten-free pastas out there - I have tried brown rice pasta, and I have a corn pasta in the pantry, but have not tried it yet.  You can certainly modify this type of diet - I did eat apples as they are allowed and whole fruit, like an orange or clementine, is better than the juice from the same fruit.  The whole fruit provides much more fiber.  I love sour cream and cheese, and I do miss those, and yes - you can add them back in, or eat them in moderation, or eat part-skim mozzarella and aged cheeses like Parmesan.  I don't drink milk anymore - feel weird about consuming too many products from a lactating animal when I am so ER+, but have grown to like almond milk.  I think it is possible to craft a diet from this framework that accomplishes your goals without making too much of a sacrifice of the things you like to eat!

  • Rhonda2
    Rhonda2 Member Posts: 99


    Your right, I have long hair. We'll make our final decision on cold caps after we get the pathology report. So nice to have choices.

    Special K,

    Thanks for all the great info on the hair pieces and how you handled it. The more knowledge the better.

  • Rhonda2
    Rhonda2 Member Posts: 99


    So far, I have feeling in the lumpectomy breast. I'm experiencing exactly what you said about the port in the vein being the worst and swollen. If that's the worst of it, I'll take it.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Bryona, don't worry about obsessing. I obsessed myself into a panic disorder. Once I realized that it wasnt quite as terrible as I had imagined, and I felt that I had a plan I fully understood, had some control of, and agreed with, liked and respected my docs, I was able to settle in. I take a low dose of Effexor for my terrible hot flashes, but I weaned off for a while and other than the hot flashes, I didn't have a repeat of the pounding heart, weight loss, etc.

    Kay b..I try to be fairly white flour free also and minimize sugar, although after the last six weeks, I am going to have to detox myself again. Cookies and bread crept in. I like quinoa pasta, and corn pasta. I like the rice but feel it is a little stickier. I use Meir Glenn pasta sauce as it does not have soy oil in it. I all live the seven sprouted grains bread by Ezekiel as it does not have soy either. My husband thinks it tastes like cardboard, but it is really good toasted.

    Where are you going for your trial? SpecialK is right, the travel was fun, but every three weeks for about five months got old. If you are at a hospital, check to see if they have partnerships with hotels for rates. I had a Hampton style hotel that was $65 and another one that was a residence inn for $35.

  • meglove
    meglove Member Posts: 105

    Tonlee, so glad you got the good news before New Year. It is strange that the kidney got infected before the symtom of UTI showed up.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    rhonda - you are welcome - the loss of hair seems to be the most outward sign of treatment and one many of us focus on.  First we obsess about it falling out, then once it is gnone, we obsess about it coming back, lol!

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    I keep looking at my roots (which haven't been touched up since August 31 - just checked my calendar) and trying to figure out how much hair I'll have in the same period of time once chemo ends (which I've calendared out to be mid-April).  

    It looks like I've had about an inch of growth since 8/31 - four months - but since I was diagnosed October 9 and almost immediately knew I would need chemo I didn't see the use in driving 100 miles to/from to get my hair cut/highlighted.  

    I'm sure it will come in shockingly dark with gray which will drive me temporarily crazy.  I guess I'll need to research safe (?) hair dye and discuss it with my friend/hairdresser.  

    ETA:  In most cases it does start growing back soon after the last chemo session, right? 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    LeeA - check lago's hair growth photo link - it is a great illustration of the timing.

  • cypher
    cypher Member Posts: 447

    SpecialK, where might we find that chart?

    Iago - thanks for the intel!  Fubar sounds like a useful expression to me. 

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Aha!  I found it. 

    Thanks for that reminder, SpecialK!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    cypher - lago has posted it previously on this thread and also on the hair, hair, hair thread - I will try to find it and report the link.  Hold on...  On the acronym front SNAFU is also useful and the precursor to FUBAR - SNAFU=situation now all f'ed up, it often leads to FUBAR.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    cypher - the first one is a link to the Hair, Hair, Hair thread - just scroll down the page and look for the pics.  The second link has a post by lago and the link for her pics is in her post.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    LeeA BTW I had my hair dresser colored my hair with the same professional stuff he used on me before chemo. It came out too red so we eventually made it more brown. Then changed to another brand because I had more gray after chemo it the old brand wasn't covering. My onc told me I could get my hair dyed any time I wanted.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    Remember that your hair starts falling out about 2 weeks after your first chemo (give or take), so you hair will continue falling out for at least 2-3 weeks PFC.  My hair actually grew faster after treatment than it ever did before, it came in a little darker and with less gray.  I've colored it now, and cut it, I found I really like shorter hair (mine was almost to my waist at DX), I have naturally curly hair and it tangles less when it's short, and once it got to my neck I swear it made the hot flashes worse.  I briefly considered a cold cap, but it just seemed like way too much work, my hair was going to grow back anyway.  If you get a chance check out the book Turning Heads it's a pictoral of women who have lost their hair because of cancer treatments - it's kind of like the scar project pictures and stories, only about hair - a beautiful book. You can see it here -

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Lago, that's good news re: getting the hair colored any time you wanted to do so.  I just read about the reddish cast on one of the threads SpecialK linked as well as the Fratesi (or whatever brand it was).  Thanks for the input!  Also, I still love that DL photo (all of them, really, but that DL photo is great and it's courtesy of the DMV of all things - ugh, I look horrid in my DL photo). 


    SpecialK, thanks for those links!


    Linda, is your avatar photo since chemo?  Since you said your hair was nearly down to your shoulders prior to DX I'm assuming that's the case.  I love your hair - it looks great.  


    I have the wig but haven't put it on since the day I bought it.  It's longer than my hair is now but I can take it back to where I bought it and they can trim it if I end up wanting it closer to what I usually wear.  

    I'm sure I won't wear it at home.  I think, overall, I'll feel better in a scarf or a Buff. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    She must have been using Framesi. That's what we tried first. My Stylist did get a great color but I still didn't want to be that red. I have no idea what he's using now. This is a more recent photo of me from Thanksgiving. I wear my bangs a bit longer now: linky  My niece took this photo.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Linda- your note about hot flashes made me laugh. I pin my sides up as I feel it is cooler and I have fewer flashes if my face isn't covered.

    I colored mine the first time my stylist said he would. It was about 2-3 inches. It came in almost clear on the ends and he didn't want to mess with it for a bit. I just use the regular hair dye also.

    Tonlee...several years ago, I felt a little crummy for a day, but nothing else. I was at work in the middle of a luncheon I had organized when I had blinding pain. Told them I had to leave. Got in car to head to emergency room. Called husband crying and told him I felt too bad to meet him. Just had to get there. Mind you I was so not thinking that I forgot there is a major hospital 5 minutes from my office. Drove all the way to my side of town. Threw up along the way. Was in line to be next when some lady rushes in with her husband having chest pains. That took precedence. I couldn't sit, couldn't lay down couldn't stand....all hurt. Trew up again.

    Finally they get me into the room, hook me up to morphine (fine stuff) and got me feeling better. After the cat scan, etc, it was determined I too had a kidney infection that started as a uti and tracked to my kidneys. It takes a lot to completely knock out the infection sometimes. I think I did two rounds. There was no sign of stones, so they don't know if there were any that I passed or it was just all the infection. At any rate the symptoms before really were not noticeable until I went back and remembered I felt a little flu like.

    I did have a kidney stone attack while I was on chemo. The one stone they had been monitoring but was stable for several years had a couple pieces break off. They all said it was chemo driven . Ended up in hospital for a day as I couldn't keep fluids down.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    kayb - I am sure you will put something together that will work for you, but you have to be ready mentally or you will feel deprived!  You will go down in flames if you are not mentally prepared, lol!  We don't want that!  I am starting against in earnest on Jan 1st - so if you need a diet buddy I am here!  I just got all this fat sucked out for fat-grafting, don't want it to have been for nothing and I have to try to make my thighs match my newly slimmed mid-section!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    U guys are way to fast for me-----

    I had my hair died right away, my DD did it and she knew since it was all silver it needed some more boost and she got the perfect color that I wanted. So it worked out fine.

    And whoever is thinking about a colonoscopy--just do it it's nothing I did it wide awake and my dr. and nurses and I were laughin the whole time--gas came out right in his face and of course I said something disgusring and we laughed--believe me it was fine and he ave me pills to take and I just sat and read for a couple of hours and the best part was when it was over I left immediately cuz I had no drugs in me--so when I got dressed I walked right out. and was home

    And I still have my port, but it's used alot and no one sees it at all.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    Gotta thank you for the yoga link. It is perfect. I can actually follow it on my own. I'm trying to develop a little routine that I do daily but I have a long way to go finding some basic moves. I can actually feel the relaxation immediately after some moves! Sorry I Can't repost on this appliance. I wish I had started while on chemo.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    BTW when I had my colonoscopy they won't do the IV in my foot but were allowed to use my port. (Nurse knew how but she said there was a higher risk of infection in foot so that's why.) I slept through the entire thing. Local knocks me out. Also I had my port for 2 years. No big deal.

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Ashla, glad you like it. I also taught myself using Shiva Rea dvds - they are really good and have a "create your own routine" feature.

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    What's a slim midsection?  Does not compute...

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    pbrain - I had abdominal, hip and lower back liposuction, then had the fat grafted to the upper chest above the implants where the BMX excavated breast tissue.  The fat softens the step-off and fills the hollows left from surgery.  I am skinnier in the places I had the lipo!

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Special K, I was pulling your leg.  I am an apple body if there ever was one ;-)

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    So Pbrain you have great legs!? I have great big thighs and my lower legs have increased in size since all this but I still have a pretty small tummy. Not sure if I'm a pear or maybe more like a gourd. You know at this age we have more bumps Tongue Out

    Of course now with the larger boobie prizes I might not be that either.

  • powermom
    powermom Member Posts: 66

    Yep, I used to be a pear, but have morphed into an apple lately!

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Nipple dilemma...I was told by my PS to not wear a bra until my next appointment in 1/3. The procedure was done 12/19. I've done a pretty good job hiding these headlights the past 2 weeks with bulky sweaters & scarves. But for new years eve my outfit demands a bra. Will I ruin anything at this point if I wear a bra? I don't see how it could smush them them down any more than regular clothes would if its not a compression or sports bra. Did anyone wear a normal bra 2 weeks from nipple reconstruction?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Shore I might have but it was a very cushionly bra with foam and I also built up the gauze on either side of the nipples so the bra wouldn't press down on them. Or you could just cut out the middle of several gauze pads and stack that up. Hope that makes sense.