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  • DiZZyMom
    DiZZyMom Member Posts: 96

    Two funny things about being healthy and having this DX. Right about the time I got my mammogram and biopsy results, my family practitioner had done a full exam and blood work-up on me. Her voicemail with all my results wrapped up with something like "yes, you are really, really healthy. Well except for that breast cancer thing...."

    Then a couple weeks ago, we were out with some friends. And we were trying to convince a very overweight friend to continue working out (he had started and quit because he "didn't have time"). He basically said "who is the healthiest person we know at this table? Runs, works out, vegetarian, health-nut....and she's the one with cancer!" So my having cancer is his excuse to not work out Wink

  • gratitudeforlife
    gratitudeforlife Member Posts: 138


    You will find that you will be able to endure the treatments because you are in very good shape, at least that was my experience, and many women who post here also write about a similar (NOTE: No one person responds in an identical way to BC treatment, and there are no guarantees) experience. I hope your overweight friend changes his mind and tries to lose weight/exercise/live well. There are so  many other diseases/chronic conditions related to being obese/sedentary.

  • DiZZyMom
    DiZZyMom Member Posts: 96

    Thanks Gratitude! I am 9 days out from my first treatment and feel very close to back to myself. Looking forward to working out next week. Made homemade veggie soup and fresh baked bread for dinner. If each round goes like this, I'll be happy!

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    That's great news, DiZZyMom (re: day nine)!  Being in good shape and healthy going into this is probably helping immensely! 

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    Dizzy - you're overweight friend made me think of something - Now, I'm not even 1/2 as healthy sounding as you, but one of my best friends told her daughter when I was diagnosed and her grown daughter said - how can Linda have breast cancer, she's so granola!  Gotta laugh!

  • cgesq
    cgesq Member Posts: 183

    Speaking of eating healthy....NOT!!

    Was at a big family dinner tonight and my mother in law was making some hot dogs for the grandkids and they smelled divine. I thought about all the crap that has been in my system in the past few months...chemo, antibiotics, OTC meds, etc. and I thought one hot dog won't even add a drop to the barrage of chemicals. I ate a (delicious :)) hot dog!!!

  • DiZZyMom
    DiZZyMom Member Posts: 96

    I like Lago's theory!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    I am a big believer in moderation.  Even hot dogs!  (Though I have never really been a fan.)

    Glad you enjoyed the family time! :)

  • Seakos1
    Seakos1 Member Posts: 4

    Newly diagnosis triple positive, Stage 1 and tumor was 1cm. Current plan is 6 rounds of chemo followed by radiation and hormone therapy plus Herceptin. Really conflicted about the chemo. Cancer is invasive only 1 lymph node involved and it was clear. Is this treatment overkill??? Meeting with onc. on Thursday chemo to start on Friday, spent the last few days second guessing my decision. Any help out there. Thanks

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370


    They might have suggested chemo due to the fact you are triple positive and it is aggressive..good luck

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Seakos HER2+ is a very aggressive cancer. Herceptin has been the miricle drug for us. It works better with chemo. HER2+ can be sneaky. It can spread even if you don't have a lymph node involved. Don't let the stage confuse you. The biology of your cancer and your age play a big part in your treatment. The younger you are plays a huge effect. This is your chance at a cure. Once breast cancer metastizises to distant parts of the body they don't try to cure you… just control the disease. Please discuss this with your onc. They should be telling you this. BTW I just  had a friend that was diagnosed with distant mets with only 1 node and she wasn't even HER2+.

    I'm with Tonlee. Moderation. Of course I had a glass of red wine when celebrating my birthday this weekend with my DH.

    DiZZyMom When someone gives me that bullshit of "look you were so healthy and got cancer so why bother being good" speech I let them have it. Tell them they "have a chance to stay healthy and not get diseases like diabetes (no cure for that either), heart disease, stroke, etc. With breast cancer there was really nothing most of could do because if there was we'd do it. "You know what you need to do and refuse to do it so don't look for support from me if your body fails you… its your fault."

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    lago - Happy B-Day!

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Yay for moderation!  I had a glass of red wine celebrating my MIL's b-day this weekend.  I really liked it, it was a Spanish wine, monastrelle, never even heard of it before.  I really liked it, and it is very inexpensive.  My DH went out and bought a bottle.  I guess I will have to drink it one glass per day. Innocent  Even my cardiologist says moderation.  I think if you try not to do anything bad, you end up splurging and eating more than you would have any way.  I am a fan of a good hotdog.  But it has to have saurkraut on it.

  • cgesq
    cgesq Member Posts: 183

    Kay, my MIL didn't have sourkraut...Cry so I improvised and used mustard and cole slaw.  Not quite the same but it was great!!  Wink

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    I don't eat many hotdogs but I find them hard to resist at MLB and NFL games - DH and I do the pirate flags at the Buccaneer games and my former boss has season tickets so we all sit together - must confess we often have a hotdog!

  • vballmom
    vballmom Member Posts: 153

    Hello from snowed-in Connecticut.  We got nearly three feet of snow and it's a mess around here.

    Just checking in. I don't post much, but I read every day and feel like I know so many of you.  Just wanted to say hi and thanks - I'm sure I am not the only one lurking in the shadows.

    After a three-month Herceptin holiday due to a decreased EF, I am back on Herceptin every three weeks.  I am also doing Tamoxifen. My legs are achy, not sure what the cause. I am stiff when I get up.  My hot flashes are more like warm flashes. I feel hot and tingly - almost a stinging sensation.  I strip off any blankets or sweaters and I am usually okay in a minute or two. I rarely sweat.

    Fluff, I am the same with my nails. Except for a little darkening during AC, my nails remained fine during chemo. I finished 10/2, and now they seem to split,break, or peel with no apparent cause. I am going to have to keep them shorter.

    I am having some pain on my UMX side - especially when I use my arm.  The whole area is still tender to the touch. I worry some, but I just think the trauma of surgery and rads has taken its toll on me. I will have my yearly follow-ups at the beginning of March and will ask questions then.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I live down the street from the infamous Weiner Circle in Chicago. (Conan people know what I'm talking about. Here's the video).

    Thanks SpK

  • Kelloggs
    Kelloggs Member Posts: 303

    Happy birthday Lago!

  • gratitudeforlife
    gratitudeforlife Member Posts: 138

    Dear Seakos1,

    Welcome to this board. Know you do not want to be here, and yet you will be so uplifted by the support, knowledge and humour the ladies share through this thread.

    Re: is it treatment overkill, everything lago wrote to you is accurate and wise. I would add that I had no lymph node involvement (six were removed, all clear); also, the tissue excised with the tumour contained no cancer cells; however, there was micro-vascular invasion (MVI). This means that cancer cells could have escaped and circulated through my circulatory system, hence the advice to do six rounds of chemo.  The lymphatic system is not the only way that the cancer cells can circulate within your body. Stage I is fantastic, the tumour is very small, but the GRADE of the cancer, according to my MO, is a very significant piece of info. I scored 3/3 for the grade (this means the tumour cells, when tested, contained receptors for estrogen (ER+), progesterone (PR+) and for the Her2 protein molecule, the presence of which makes the cancer aggressive in nature). I,like you, was shocked and devastated at how aggressive the cancer was treated, but as my MO explained, and as reiterated by lago, they treat it aggressively in the hopes of CURING it. If it comes back, it is then deemed TREATABLE but never curable. Hope this info., helps you.

    I, too, am living my life again, not so fear-filled, i.e., last night I ate homemade macaroni and cheese, followed by homemade strawberry-apple crisp with a big serving of chocolate ice cream, and I had 2---yes 2---glasses of Cabernet last night with hubby as we had "couple" time after our two sons went to bed at 11 p.m. (they are 16 and almost 14). 

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Happy Birthday, lago!!!


    Welcome, Seakos1 and you've gotten some great advice/words of wisdom from lago and gratitudeforlife.  Her2+ is nothing to mess around with.  


    Good to see you, vballmom

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Happy Birthday Lago!! 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Thanks everyone. My birthday was actually Thursday. We can now move on to Valentines day. You know chocolate in moderation day!? Tongue Out Much more fun

  • DiZZyMom
    DiZZyMom Member Posts: 96

    Happy Birthday, Lago! Some people will take/make up any excuse they can not to do the hard work. Trust me, I'll keep working on him!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I used that guilt speech on my dad right after I was diagnosed but not in treatment yet. He had a medical issue and was self treating. Told him he could get to the bottom of this issue and get it resolved. Refusing to go to the doctor is only going to make things worse. What if I decided to wait a few months before going to treatment… he called the doctor. Mom was happy.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Speaking of moderation.

    Hubby took me to a Valentine's Dinner at Lake Cumberland Winery Saturday night.  3 course meal, but before the food, a wine tasting and pairing.

    I tested each wine in moderation.  But, ha!  10 types of wine, can you say hangover?  I have never been a big wine fan, but the stuff this winery makes is really good!  Since I am not a wine drinker for the most part, I had no idea just a few glasses (total) could make me feel sick the next day!

    My husband said the wine they make there is 11-12% alcohol.  That doesn't sound like very much.

    I don't know.  Since cancer I am a light weight when it comes to drinking. 

    Tomorrow I'm going to a party and they're having margarittas.  Love them, but frankly, after this weekend.  I don't care if I EVER drink

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I knew I liked you TonleeTequila! But I do like red wine too. I've actually had a hangover on a 1/2 glass of wine and didn't even get buzzed. My husband won't go near the stuff for the same reason.

  • beckstar18
    beckstar18 Member Posts: 97

    Seakos, I was also Stage 1, 1.5cm and clear nodes but my onco wanted chemo since I was Her2+ and Grade 3.  So I don't think it's overkill for you to have chemo if yours is an aggressive tumor also.  With that being said, the whole time I was going through chemo--my last tx was last Tues, I struggled if it was the right decision or not (knowing it's toxic and can have long term effects).  I hated having to do it, but really felt like I didn't want to leave any stone unturned in the quest to rid my body of BC.

  • Lago: you live down the street from the weiner circle??? That is AWESOME!!!!

    My last chemo today...DH and I celebrated by sharing a poutine after!!!  Mmm, c'etait bon!

  • PatinMN
    PatinMN Member Posts: 784

    Foreverchanged - congrats on finishing chemo!  What's a poutine?

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Lago, today's your b-day? Happy Birthday! It's mine too. Knew I liked you ;)