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  • kim40
    kim40 Member Posts: 125

    I'm just going to go back a bit on the nursing issue.

    I too had problems nursing 15 years ago.  My left breast caused me a lot of problems at the time and I develop an infection in that breast, the same breast as my breast cancer.  Fast forward to 8 years, I had a benign lump removed, then fast forward another 5 years - breast cancer.  I wonder too if it was all releasted.  The benign lump that I had removed was not in the same position at all as my cancer.  It was on two different side of my breast.  Mine too was around the 11 o'clock position.  I just wonder now if it has been growing there since my benign lump was removed.  I was 35 at that time and I demanded to be screen then, but my BS told me that it was just somehting that happens, no reason to be alarmed.

    I went to seem by family doc one week before my 40th b-day for my yearly rub down, and I asked about getting a mammogram, seeing how I was turning 40 the following week.  She said that she didn't feel anything during the BSE, so I'm ok.  Me, being naive about BC, said ok and went on my jolly way.  1 year later, to the date of my yearly checkup, I was d/xed.  I should have been more adamant on getting screened, something that I will always kick my rear end for.  But at the end of the day, I will always wonder if the infection that I got when I was breast feeding was a start of something later down the road.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Kriskat your doctor probably wants you to take it easy so you don't get an infection. I had a BMX and never took any pain meds. I do remember my arm hurt when they pulled the drain out from the left. I was OMG what the hell. Wish they warned me that was coming. I though they pulled out something important! Hope those margins come back clear.

    I second libraylil Vaseline up the nose to help with the nose bleeds. Works wonders. They start 1 week after infusion. This time I only got 3.

    Welcome to all the newbies.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    hillck I think it can be from both. I'm hoping I get lucky and it's from the taxotere but my onc said herceptin.
  • saralmom
    saralmom Member Posts: 216
    hillck and lago - I definitely had a drippy and sometimes bloody nose during the TH.  And since Herceptin alone I don't see the blood anymore.  Just really drippy and gross.  I think the Taxol does the boody part - because **TMI ALERT** I had alot of issues with my hemorroids bleeding on Taxol and that went away when I was done too.  Maybe it has a blood effect?
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    saralmom - LOL  **TMI ALERT** - very funny!
  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    kim40  I too would have been glad to hear "nothing was wrong".  Since I have been on these boards I will never feel that way again. 

    Although I did not breast feed my areas of unpleasantness were at 2:30 and 12:00 approx.  Both on the armpit side.

     Heck we could start our own clinical study.   

    libray lil

  • negirly
    negirly Member Posts: 199

    I agree with the noses... Bloody with taxol and drippy with herceptin. My nurse recd Vaseline while on taxol and it helped.


  • webu
    webu Member Posts: 44
    Speaking of unpleasant SEs, has anyone else found themselves passing really potent gas after chemo? I've never driven the dog out of the room beforeEmbarassed.
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Webu there is an entire thread on the stage IV forum about passing gas. Yup, you better get used to it. Chemo does a job on our entire digestive track.
  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Omaz you found your lump watching tv?  The mental picture is cracking me up.  Like, ho hum, I was watching Survivor and doing a breast exam at the same 

    Webu hope things went well today!  As far as the gas goes...Herceptin stinks.  I mean it is really awful when it comes out, be it air, water, or more solid matter (ugh).  I wonder if I smell like it when I sweat.  I will only peck my husband's cheek or lips because I don't want him to taste it.

    Kriskat I had my drain in for 2 weeks, and my PS said, "This won't hurt."  Then he ripped it out.  I almost jumped off the table...and I bled a lot when he yanked that sucker out.  Here's to clean margins!

    Kward, welcome!  I'm surprised to read about Boniva.  They prescribe it at my facility to women with bone mets as pretty much standard care.  I also didn't realize Zofran causes headaches!  I had one for two weeks and the Onc said it was probably just the chemo.  I take Zofran/Compazine.  But I don't usually need the Compazine.

    Libra I'm doing the Vaseline, but it seems like it greases the way for the snot/blood to come out faster and I don't even feel it! Lol.  There's just no getting around how gross it is.  I feel like my grandma walking around with tissues under my sleeve!

    Kim, about the breast feeding does make me wonder.  Probably not a whole lot of research $$ on answering that question.  But if there was some sort of established connection between BC and nursing problems (ie smaller breast, not as much milk production, baby not liking it, etc...) women could start being checked earlier...though I think MRIs are better than the mammo machine for women with dense breast tissue.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    TonLee - LOL!  Actually it was reruns of Magnum PI. 
  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422

    Omaz - I've been watching reruns of Magnum over here in Oz - it's on EVERY day at 2pm - I just love it.


  • carberry
    carberry Member Posts: 997

    hello everyone.  I too am triple positive, willl receive my last chemotreatment next week.  Am dreading the HEY I FEEL GOOD TODAY!

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Welcome Carberry!

    Congrats on almost being done with chemo!  That's fantastic. 

    Long road ahead, hope you'll allow us to share the journey.

  • carberry
    carberry Member Posts: 997

    HEY EVERYONE, I too am triple positive  Will receive my last chemo next week.  Cant wait as I am getting sicker with each treatment.  Then on to surgery, MX with recon  possible DEIP then rad and tamox.  this is such a long journey..... want o be able to actually say  YES I FEEL GOOD TODAY.

  • carberry
    carberry Member Posts: 997

    Hi TonLee i noticed your from Ohio, my son goes to univ of Akron, have spent alot of time visiting ther and I'm liking OH  and by the way I also have STINKY stuff coming out of every pore of my body!!!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    HI carberry. welcome to triple +

    Omaz you said you were giving yourself a breast exam while watching Tom Sellick. OK, um right, I'm not buying that one. 

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Lol Lago.

    Carberry...yes, I am in a suburb of Dayton Ohio. 

  • kim40
    kim40 Member Posts: 125

    Omaz!  LOL!!

    When I was going through treatment, I had nose bleeds also.  My onc said it wasn't anything, but it only started when I started Taxotere and it ended right after.  Hmmmm.....

    As for Herceptin - it stinks! In any which way it comes out, it hums.  I know my dog left the room a few times too!  

  • carberry
    carberry Member Posts: 997

    Ha Ha I "blame " the dog for the smell in the room!

  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325
    Carberry   I actually had chemo before surgery also.  While my tumor did not completely dissolve I had a good response.  libray lil
  • negirly
    negirly Member Posts: 199

    TonLee - Boniva may be used differently when there are mets already but at one time they thought that it reduced mets but larger studies didn't show a big benefit (In SanAntonio) - but I also think it depends on menosausal status etc... Also many thanks for starting this thread


  • Teal3Pink1
    Teal3Pink1 Member Posts: 57

    O-kay....... I'll be having my first dose of herceptin on 2/17 and have been reading the literature on side effects, etc. This is the first I've seen about the stink and gas. Great to have a heads up in advance! Any tips? Do I need to start packing febreeze to go in my bag? Along with vaseline, too? What are your recommendations for a herceptin survival kit?

  • Smile_On
    Smile_On Member Posts: 66

    Don't know if this is the right place to bring this up, but I feel very comfortable with this thread's group of ladies and am too exhausted to look somewhere else for a place that is more appropriate.  I just got back from my first memorial service since my diagnosis.  I never met this person (a relative of my fiance that does not come to holiday events), but nevertheless her young death and service hit me hard.  I had to mentally check out several times during the service and count screws, tiles, slats in the water fountain or whatever I could to keep myself from crying.  Really brought up some things that I didn't even know I was fearing.  Especially hearing the pain of her husband.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Smile_On I totally understand. I've been going through the same thing. Just posted this this morning on another thread here.

    Last Friday I found out that one of the gals from this site (Carolyn) and my state was told that treatment stopped working. She was given 6 months to live.

    The following day I went to my friends little sister's funeral. She was 46. Lost her 2 year battle with Hodgkin's lymphoma.

    I had just met Caroline in December. She was being treated at the same place as me. She was at the hospital when I had my 4th chemo so I went and visited her right after. I spoke with her on the phone last Saturday. She passed away yesterday morning. Carolyn was 46.She is posted on the wall of Angels at the bottom of the page:

    I know people pass all the time. It hits a little harder when you actually know these people and they are younger than you even if only by a few years.


    It's OK to cry. You are supposed to feel. I would worry if you stopped feeling. Hang in there. Remember that death is part of life. Funerals are certainly not as fun as weddings, baby showers or proms but still part of life.  They all bring us together.

  • Teal3Pink1
    Teal3Pink1 Member Posts: 57

    Dear Smile On:  Wish I could give you a great big hug right now. Of course this hit you hard. It's always the elephant in the room and going to a memorial service is like getting slapped in the face with a big hunk of fear b/c we all think: this could be me. It is so unfair that you have to have these kinds of thoughts at your age and I am so sorry that you had to go through this. 

  • pejkug3
    pejkug3 Member Posts: 277

    It's odd.  I was talking to my grandma a young (almost!) 73.  Longevity isn't strong in her family - her mother dies of ovarian cancer at age 48.

    I'm the oldest grandchild, just diagnosed with BC.  I've always been close to her though my rocky childhood with teenaged parents.  It felt odd, yet comforting, to be discussing our own mortalities tonight.

    She's pretty spry, I'm early stage with a hopeful prognosis - but there is always the "what if", you know?

    Hardest thing I have ever done in my life is bury my daughter after a drowning accident.  When I start to fear BC, I remember my DD and the years of hell after her death in 2003.  And then I feel like a Warrior again.  :)

    TEAL - you're already starting chemo?  Hmm...I though we were on a similar timeline.  You must be a bit a head of me.  I haven't even seen oncology yet.

  • farmfresh
    farmfresh Member Posts: 3

    I have been cancer free for 6 years. Was one of the first to be on Herceptin w/chemo. Dx'd w/a very agressive, fast growing cancer.

    If it wasn't for Herceptin (and probably Tamoxifen, too), I would either not be alive today, or I would have had mets elsewhere, resistant to treatment.

    The day after I began my treatment, Herceptin was on World News Tonight - and Brian Williams called it the biggest breakthrough for bc in 30 years. A doctor interviewed said "It is significant because these are the women who died. Now there is hope".

    We are among the first for targeted therapies that work. We are miracles!

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661

    I'll sign into this group too!  It's nice to meet you all - although there are a few here that I recognise - hello Sue!

    Had a left mx in October, after finding my lump under the shower and started chemo in November.  Have done 3xFEC and had tx 1 of 3xTaxotere.  FEC wasn't much fun but doable - but Taxotere is a nightmare.  Also had my first herceptin with the first Taxotere.  I'll be going onto Arimadex when chemo is finished.

    We are a small group of women, we triple postives, but at least we have some good drugs to fight with. 


  • suzieq60
    suzieq60 Member Posts: 1,422

    Hello Trish :)