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  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I don't use cream or spray, I do feel the stick,.but by the time my brain says "ouch" its over.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    LeeA - yes, I still have it - some people want it out immediately - both my MO and BS advised me to keep it.  Mine is just below the hollow of my throat, and is described on the medical device card as subclavian.  Your clavicle is your collarbone, and mine is equidistant from the throat hollow and end of that bone, and just below it.  I don't mind going in every 6 weeks for a flush - keeps me on the onc nurses radar and every now and then I need something from them, just recently I needed a prescription for new lymphedema sleeves, so I like that they know who I am! My MO is only in that office one day a week, so they are usually the ones who get things done.  My port was placed during BMX so I don't have a scar - because it is visible 100% of the time I am not eager to be sporting yet another incision line and eventual scar.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    moonflwr, that's a good description!  

    cgesq, after my port was put in I found a screenshot I had saved - it was one wherein lago mentioned that she had a juvenile port put in.  I had forgotten all about that; however, it might not have worked in my case - who knows.  It's in there now, in all its sticking-out gloriness!

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    SpecialK, that sounds like a very good placement!  If mine wasn't so visible I would probably consider keeping it in.  I may end up keeping it in - who knows - it depends on what the oncologist thinks.    

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I do still have mine. Maybe kind of my "umbrella defense" LOL you know. If you bring an umbrella, you don't usually need it! LOL. Mine does not stick out, but I have a lovely scar. But, since it matches the one from my pacemaker on ky left side. It's ok! LOL

  • ang7894
    ang7894 Member Posts: 427

    Just thought I would share my test results:

    Bone scan-- Clear

    Chest xray-- Normal

    Muga Scan-- good 52%

    what A relief and my last herceptin treatment is Tuesday.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    CONGRATULATIONS ANGIE!!  That's great news! 

    And you are two days from being finished - YAY!

  • gratitudeforlife
    gratitudeforlife Member Posts: 138


    Hoorah for great test results!!!!  Jlynn0807, best wishes that tomorrow's first chemo session will go well. Just sent you a PM. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Oh Ang that great 1 more and u'r done with clear results---Celebrate and dance to the music.

  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    SpecialK, "bag lady" is exactly what I look like everytime I go for tx. Large bag with blanket, small pillow (the ones they have are too big), ipad, snacks, magazines, phone,etc. And then there is the cooler with the frozen peas and ice packs! At least I only have one more of tx. I am sure I will feel naked when I am just going for Herceptin and won't have to take all that stuff!

    Ang, great news on all your tests! and your last Herceptin next week, awesome.

    Jlynn, I hope tomorrow is uneventful for you and goes by quickly. For me the anticipation was worse than the actual infusion.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    bren - I pared it waayyy down when I went for Herceptin alone, but also because I was there for a lot less time - by the time I got most of the way through Herceptin I felt like Norm from "Cheers" - like the nurses would yell my name when I walked in, lol! 

  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    I went in for my BRCA results today. The insurance covered the standard BRCA sequencing test and also the comprehensive rearrangement testing, which tests for even more mutations. Anyway, the results came back "No Mutations Detected". I am so happy for these results, because I would hate the thought that I could have passed the gene onto her. I know it doesn't guarantee that she will never get BC, but even with my BC her risk is only 3% higher than that of the general population.

    The reason they wanted to do the BRCA test was because I was 41 at my first DX and my maternal grandmother had BC.

    So, happy dance today! One more hurdle cleared!

  • Jlynn0807
    Jlynn0807 Member Posts: 61

    Ok....before I lose the paper again, this is my chemo combo.  A few people have asked, and I could not find the paper with the names on it!    According to the onc nurse, each will take 30-45 minutes to administer, so I should expect to be there approximately 5 hours (this includes labs/dr visit/chemo).


    Getting a little nervous.  I threw up today.  Approximately 11 am.  All I had in my stomach was coffee at the time.  Since then, I haven't....but we went out to eat and I felt nauseous again. It's NOT nerves (if that were the case, I would have been throwing up a month ago when the initial dx was made).....I'm really not nervous, and not usually a high strung make myself sick kind of person.  So, I'm nervous because I hope I'm not getting sick with a stomach virus or something the night before chemo.

    Could this be a s/e of the bc itself?  Probably a stupid question....but it's all I have right now.


  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    My first chemo...TCH took about 7 hours. After your labs are taken and you've been given the go ahead You will get steroids and other premeds first . They usually take it slowly the first go round and watch you carefully for any signs of a reaction. I actually had to come back the next morning for my hercptin....always given last for me....because scheduling mstakenly had me come in at noon and we would all have been there very late.

    If starting chemotherapy doesn't make you nervous it's hard to fathom anything do so. Your blood counts may show if you've got a bug .

    Wishing you the very best as you start your chemotherapy. We're all here to help you and ease your way.


  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Wonderful news Ang and Bren and hi to Moon....

  • cgesq
    cgesq Member Posts: 183


    I too am going for extensive genetic testing.  Although I am brca negative, since I have such a strong family history, the geneticist at my hospital wants me to get a full panel test, to see if I have other mutations.

    Hopefully, the medical community can learn which other genes which are responsible for bc.  It can't only be the brca series.

  • ang7894
    ang7894 Member Posts: 427

    Thank you all ladiesSmile I am so glad to be closing this part of the chapter.  It has been a long 15 months .

    Bren-- Indeed do the happy dance... Good news.

    Moon-- nice to see you.

  • eileenohio
    eileenohio Member Posts: 268

    Ang,  Great news.  Congrats on clean scan and last herceptin on tuesday.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    ang - yay!

    bren - I did the BRCA testing at diagnosis because I am adopted and they wanted to know if I was positive because they would have advised BMX instead of lumpectomy.  I was negative and did the BMX anyway, but I remember being negative as the only bright spot in those several weeks before surgery - I was so very relieved that I was not passing this down to my children!  So yay for you! 

  • GODisWithYou
    GODisWithYou Member Posts: 7

    Sasha, I know how you feel, I had my first TCH treatment on Thursday 2/21 followed by the Neulasta shot the next day.  Saturday SE hit me hard and for days.  I listened to my body.  Even now, coming out of it, I don't hesitate to take a nap at lunch when working from home or a nap after work.  I am also trying to figure out what to eat and drink, not too much appeals to me.  Peaches and fruit pops were the exception early on, and the broth of my chicken noodle soup.  Before my treatment, in my crockpot, I made a nice organic chicken noodle soup.  After the treatment, I discovered I loved the broth (but nothing else in the soup).  I went out to the store after that and stocked up on broth but found they are nothing like my homemade one and not appealing, so I will probably make my homemade one before every treatment and maybe more often.  I try to change up my liquids so something may be appealing - tea, vitamin water, water with pedialyte, ensure, smoothies... unfortunately some of them I can't bring myself to drink.  The vitamin waters, homemade broth, fruit pops, Naked orange smoothies, and Yoplait strawberry smoothies I like.  As for food, I try to find something to nibble on, here and there.  Peaches and jello taste good, peanut butter crackers, eggs over easy and raisin bread, all work well for me and I continue trying other foods...  still working on finding more that I like.  Hang in there!  I realized the better I manage my SE the easier this will be.  So I bought Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash for dry mouth, really good foot cream and moisturizing socks for dry heel pain (so I can start walking), Ayr saline and aloe nasal gel for dry/sore nostrils, ear loop face masks for going to get blood work to avoid getting sick... God bless you and feel free to share what you find working! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Jlynn I doubt if the throwing up is any SE, but if by chance it's not nerves and u throw uo again--tell the Drs. in the morning up front. It's funny cuz sometimes we don't feel nerveous but our bodies do--if that makes any sense at all. But everyone gave u some good advice on getting ready--cuz I really would not think of anything. I brought nothin, and went alone and I loved the benedryl. Geeze I sound like a real loner but actually I didn't feel the need for anyone my dgtrs were having a fit cuz they thought they or at least one should go. I'm telling u this cuz it really isn't much except for a very ong day--u don't feel anything so it'll be fine for u. And before u know it u'll be unplugging u'rself to walk around, go to the bathroom or just to talk to someone else.

  • GODisWithYou
    GODisWithYou Member Posts: 7

    Susie, good to hear of someone else who had a large tumor and having a good outcome.  Mine was 10x10 but after 1st TCH treatment in February went down to 6x6.  I look forward to it being completely eliminated or close to it by the time of my surgery.  I will be having double mastectomy and anxillary node dissection.  I wish they would do scans for lymph involvement after chemo and leave them in if there are no more signs of it in the lymph nodes, but I suppose they'd rather be safe than sorry.

    As for scans, the doctors may be following insurance protocol.  My oncologist actually ordered a PET scan (after my biopsy confirmed lymph involvement) and my insurance company refused to approve it.  So she ordered a contrast GI scan (organs) and bone scan instead.  

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Ang, yay! Bren, I also was Braca negative. But with my family history, I am sure there are more things to he found. No way is my kind not familial! Long story. But I felt good at least I wad not passing on a double whammy to them! LOL

    Much love to all.

  • Shasha10
    Shasha10 Member Posts: 212

    I'm finally feeling better. Not sure what it was. I had acupuncture and my friend insisted that I eat chopped chicken liver. (my anemia) My chemo was on Feb 25th and it took me this long. The acupuncturists will see me before and after chemo to see if it helps. We also discussed my becoming a vegetarian during my diagnosis in Dec. She felt I might need more meat protein now and to get my strength up and work on my diet later when I have an appetite. The eggs, beans and fish were not doing it. And of course I wasn't really eating anything.  Anyway, I finally feel better. My next chemo is March 18th  We'll see how it goes.

    Wishing everone a good weekend.

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370


    Glad to see your feeling better..carboplatin is a harsh chemo

  • Shasha10
    Shasha10 Member Posts: 212

    I thought it was the Taxotere that was so hard. During the infusion the nurses were watching me for SE.

    ok thx

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370


    Could of been the taxotere or combination of the two..I know when I received carbo with the abraxane I had a very bad time was sick all the time buy the time I felt good I had tx again...but everyone is different...I would always say to the nurses how come I'm so sick all the time and it doesn't seem like anyone else was it was very frustrating but I made it threw ..I even got threw th AC tx after surgery...

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Bren when I found out I was BRCA/Mutation negative I called my parents and let them know it wasn't their fault Tongue Out I did the test because I was under 50 when diagnosed, Ashkenazi Jewish (slightly higher risk), have sister, brother, neices, nephews and my BS wanted me to. It's nice to cross that one of the list. I know if I had tested positive I would have had a few more women parts removed.

    Jlynn0807 be sure to let them know when you go for treatment of this as well as anything like cough, rash etc. They should be asking you anyway. Docetaxel is Taxotere, Trastuzumab is Herceptin, Pertuzumab is Perjeta, The last 2 are specific for HER2+. I didn't have Perjeta. I know I wouldn't want to do chemo on an empty stomach especially with just coffee. I wouldn't recommend a big meal but if you can keep something down that isn't rich or spicy it might be agood idea.

    ang7894 Happy Dance!

  • cgesq
    cgesq Member Posts: 183

    Shasha, If you haven't been a long time vegetarian, now is probably not the time to start.  Eating protein really makes a differance in how strong you feel and how quickly you can bounce back.  Even on days I didn't want to eat anything, I forced myself to eat some chicken and I felt better.  Also, drink A LOT!!!  That helps flush the chemo out of your system.

    Good luck!

  • Jlynn0807
    Jlynn0807 Member Posts: 61

    Actually typing while getting infusion. BORING! Feel fine right now. Did not feel a thing when port was very happy there. Herceptin getting Perjeta and Taxotere. In a private room w a camera they use to watch you. On third bottled water, so bathroom is my friend. Keep getting different answers from the nurses as to when the se's will kick in though

    Warm wishes ladies. And thanks for your tips and suggestions!
