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  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Icing for Nueropathy… I wouldn't be surprised if it helped. Icing prevents the chemo from getting there, or at least not as much because it slows the blood flow. I know when I iced my mouth it prevented mouth sores but I also had very minor taste changes. I bet the icing helped that too.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    From OncologyStat: 

    Imaging Agent Approved for Locating Lymph Nodes

    Lymphoseek is the first new drug for lymph-node mapping to be approved in more than 30 years. Other FDA-approved drugs used for lymph-node mapping include sulfur colloid and isosulfan blue.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    VMom in case I didn't say it I love u'r avatar and TonLee that is new rigt? Wow u ladies look wonderful.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    TonLee, ditto to what camillegal said - great photo!


    This might be of interest as well.  FrankH posted this on another thread regarding a trial he's on (he's Her2+).


    This will be of interest to those of you who are Her2+. This drug is apparently more potent than Herceptin and suppresses not only Her2+ but also another epidermal growth factor. At the end of cycle 2 I will get another CT Scan along with another biopsy so we will know how good or otherwise that the drug is working.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Lee I saw that and read it and I thought wow what's this sounded good. He's out of the states tho--right.

  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    TonLee, love the new picture! How are the renovations coming?

    Yay Herstrong!

    Welcome to the new ladies, this is a great place for knowledge and support.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Tonlee great photo. You motivated me to update mine.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    camillegal - he is in Ireland

  • ang7894
    ang7894 Member Posts: 427

    Tonlee And lago Beautiful Pictures.

  • cypher
    cypher Member Posts: 447

    Pbrain, wow those are some good odds!  Can I go to your oncologist?  Well your tumor was a lot smaller than mine I see.

    Aaargh, so I had an MRI for screening purposes and there is a small "area of concern" on the right boob (same boob, as always).  I KNOW that MRIs have a lot of false positives and so far I'm not freaking out about it.  It seems kind of unlikely that I would have a local recurrence so quickly.  Still, it would be nice if they coudl get me in for the follow up ultrasound before April 9th!!!  Sheesh.  I probably should have had a unimx.  (Every time there has ever been anything concerning, it's always been on the right side.)

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    lago, great photo of you as well!  

    Yep, frankh is in Ireland but I think that trial he's on comes out of Japan.  I'll have to search the archives and see if my memory is accurate on that. 

    cypher, sending positive thoughts/prayers on the area of concern.  I'm curious, are you right-handed or left-handed?  My troublesome breast was always my left one (I'm right-handed). 

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    Here is frankh's post from January 24, 2013 when he first mentioned the trial he's on.  

    A Japanese company is trialing a drug and to quote my Onc " You tick all the boxes. It's as if this drug was designed for you."

    More at:

  • DiZZyMom
    DiZZyMom Member Posts: 96

    I haven't been on in a while and can't keep up! Just want to say to Lago and TonLee......your new pictures are beautiful!

  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    Great picture lago!

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Goodness, more new ladies.  Hate to see so many joining us BUT welcome and you've found the right place.  LOTS of very positive ladies here and just what the doctor would order.  POSITIVE is what we need.

    Lago/TonLee - great pictures. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Great picture Lago.

    question:  I thought the MRI was better than an ultra sound or is it just the situation.?

  • cypher
    cypher Member Posts: 447

    Lee, I'm left handed.  I doubt there is a connection though -- otherwise it would seem like there woudl be a disproportionate # of women who have cancer on the left side (since most women are right handed).  Still the thought has crossed my mind.

    Cami, not sure.  I think the idea is, the mri shows something, but there are a lot of false positives.  I think the US can give a better sense as to whether it feels like cancer or just a  cyst or something.  I'm sure there is someone who has a better understanding of it on this page!  I'm not that worried about it, so far -- just because I know there are a lot of false positives with MRIs  (a friend of mine who had bc had mentioned that she had had several false positives with mris).  Also it seems unlikely to be something, so soon after I finished chemo.  It wasn't in the MRI I had last May.  I would probably be a lot more anxious about it if it showed up this time next year.  ANyway fingers crossed for me!! 

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092

    I've wondered if it's because of the heart being on the left hand side or if it's because most women are right-handed and there's more movement on the dominant side.  I have no idea and apparently they've never figured out why. 


    Left Breast More Common

    Among California women, cancer is slightly more common in the left breast than in the right. Scientists have not been able to figure out why this is so, but it is true for women from all ethnic groups and all age groups. It is also true regardless of how far the disease has progressed when it is detected. Across the nation, tumors are also slightly more common in the left breast.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Cypher and Lee I wrote a whole bunch down, but I didn't even understand it--u know how I jst don't get things--I can talk politics and religion and other subjects but this always confuses me I just want u'r MRI to be fine---and never though about right or left just didn't think it would be left for some reason.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566
    It is true that bc is more common on the left side but left handed women are slightly more prone to breast cancer than righties. My uneducated opinion why we are more likely to get bc on the opposite side of our dominant hand is because we don't use the other side , the lymph system doesn't drain as well. Will look for the link on lefties and bc.

    Nice pics Lago and Ton Lee..

    Controversial cover headline of April 1 Time mag.
  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    TonLee & Lago - lookin hot Wink

    Question - I never had an MRI. Just the mammogram and US, followed by excisional biopsy. When results were in, I was given the choice between lump/rads & MX. I chose BMX. SNB was only on the cancer side. Is this typical - under what circumstances would an MRI be given? Would BMX make further testing with an MRI unnecessary? I know its a moot point for me now, but one of those things I'd like to know.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Shore the only reason why I did have a SNB on the non cancer side is because I had several suspicious areas (one my BS was really concerned about) and we didn't bother to biopsy because it would have pushed my surgery up further (as it was I was waiting 2 months from mammo/US). It was a small amount of LCIS… which they don't usually do a SNB but we didn't know that's what was at the time. Given what I know now I would have waited for the biopsy to save the nodes on that side since now I do have LE on the other… and kinda knew I would get it.

    MRI is very sensitive and does give more information than an US or Mammo… but sometimes it gives too much. It's a new tool used for diagnosis breast cancer so they are still learning on how to distinguish things like cysts from cancer… mean more false positives.

    and thanks for the compliments.

  • dechi
    dechi Member Posts: 110

    Saw this on the news the morning:


    Very interesting!!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    shore - I had an MRI pre-surgery because it is standard for my BS, not for any specific reason.  He also did a SNB on my non-cancer side during BMX.  I did have ADH and ALH on the left, but nothing else.  MRI is also thought to image dense breasts better - mine were definitely dense - 2cm mass was not seen on mammogram at all.  My radiologist even went back after I was diagnosed and looked again - absolutely nothing.  That is primarily the reason I did a BMX when I was a lumpectomy candidate.

    lago and tonlee - great new avatar pics!

    I am right-handed and my cancer was on the right.  And I am a California girl!  Always bucking the trend.....

  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Dechi, thanks for posting that. Will be interesting to follow that research.

  • Pbrain
    Pbrain Member Posts: 773

    Lee A, strange, but fascinating stuff.  And Ashla, we should take a poll on here.  I'm left handed and my cancer was in my left breast.  Wonder if there are more lefties on here than in the general population...

    Ah yes, the researcher in me never goes far away...

  • bren58
    bren58 Member Posts: 688

    I'm right handed and my cancer was in my right breast.

  • cypher
    cypher Member Posts: 447

    Dechi, wow that is awesome!  Great to read about all this promising research.

    I had a tumor almost 4.8 cm and it did not show up on the mammo as suspicious – and I was pointing right at it b/c I could feel it.  My breast tissue is super dense so I need MRIs to screen me, even if I do end up with a lot of false positives (hopefully!!!!)

    Lee, very interesting article.  I don’t think it can have too much to do with handedness b/c the disproportion of right v. left cancers isn’t nearly as great as right v. left handedness.  Though who knows, it could be a factor.  My right boob has always been really lumpy inside

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566

    Think this is legit but haven't researched it. Cancer support network radio. Let's go can have your own radio show!

    I'm right handed and cancer was in my left breast.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Thanks for the compliments ladies.  Took that pic at a baby shower last weekend.  Life goes on....doesn't it?

    I'm right handed, right side BC.

    Cypher!  UGH!!  HATE THAT!  I will pray b9!