So...whats for dinner?



  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,187

    Snow?????!!!!??? The only snow around here is in a snowglobe. It's already been over 100F here.

    Special, that looks like quite a bit of food. :-) I hope things are brought back under control with your friend's daughter. That's a scary thing.

    The bugs are actually a tiny spider (spider mite?) that spins a "dust gathering" quarter sized web on the wood. I pressure wash in the evening and by the morning, the webs are back. It's amazing how quickly they rebuild after the "assault" from the pressure washer.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    tonigjt, i cooked the rest of the ham. I only vooked half of it, because there were only 4 of us. So i finally cooked it, made scalloped potatoes, and froze the bone for bean soup some other time. Tomorrow will be steak, as I thawed it out today.

    Sounds like the cleaning bug hit everyone. I still have to get my freezer cleaned out.

    We were lucky, the 5 to 10 inches of snow didnt happen! We have had April storms before, bringing as much as 20 inches, but it usually melts quickly. LOL

    Much love to all

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,430

    Moon - always so glad to see you

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,424

    Hi, Monica--glad coastal WI didn't get slammed as badly as forecast. We got several inches of slushy slop that didn't stick till well after nightfall, but it melted overnight (and didn't freeze here at the lakefront). My singing partner came down from Madison to do a show (we were offered an "out" in the morning on account of the snow, but we figured if the restaurant was going to be open, we should be there), and reports that a performance of "Shrek: The Musical" was canceled in Madison. Amazingly, 13 people came out to see us play!

    Our set ended a little before closing time, so the kitchen packed up hot dinners for us to take home. Mine was shrimp & grits with mushrooms & bacon (definitely a sign that Passover was over) and a side of southern-fried okra. So nice I had it twice (last night & the leftovers tonight).

    Lacey, Carole--hoping for healing and comfort for your respective siblings. Special, same for your friend's DD--and that her pregnancy goes uneventfully to term.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,363

    What a beautiful shower spread.  Enjoyed seeing the photos, SpecialK.  I hope your friend's daughter recovers and the trip happens.

    I may have to waddle back to WW.  My weight keeps creeping up even though there are no bon bons in the house.

    Last night's dinner was meatless but the pasta main dish was high carb.  Linguine with a creamy sauce that developed from shredded parm and pasta water.  The side was a large tossed salad.  

  • Lacey12
    Lacey12 Member Posts: 2,895

    Yikes, I feel for those of you dealing with yet more winter weather patterns. I’m feeling fortunate that all the recent precipitation here has only been rain, but after the few lovely warm days we’ve had, these chilly rain-filled ones feel like enough of an assault. On Saturday, DH actually put the snowblower back in the shed when DS2 was here lending his strong back. We’re hoping that move doesn’t bring bad luck in the form of another white storm. We were actually lucky this year in term of snow of our easiest winters. Our next door neighbors just returned from South FL, and they are disliking this cold wet weather way more than we are.

    Special....what a beautiful luncheon display! You have such a lovely design sense and the colorful food choices look so appealing! Guests must have really appreciated your creative, tasty effort. Thanks for sharing the pix!

    I did actually get to the store yesterday, loaded up on produce, and bought a lovely piece of cod that we had for dinner. i just baked it with some herbs and bread crumbs, surrounded by garlic-laced sauteed onions, portobello mushrooms and artichoke hearts. It was served with baked red bliss potatoes, a garden salad, and some corn bread that came with our take out scallops on Sat nite which we never ate.

    Tonight I’ll fix chicken breasts....thinking of making Laurie’s salsa chicken since we haven’t had that in a long time and I could make enough for a meal of leftovers. ;)

    Minus, DS2 ruthlessly disposed of so much of his “stuff”, but hopefully others will use some of his books, CDs, etc. He and DH took it all to the town recycling center (aka, “the dump”), where there are a variety of places to leave usable items for others to claim. DH said that there was a guy there who was taking the items as fast as they were unloading them. So that’s good. I had to laugh at DS2 preaching Kondoisms to me. I preached back my long held philosophy that I can almost always find a use for something saved. We laughed at each other!

    The This End Up bunk beds are listed on local yard sale sites, and who knows if the first two interested people will show up to buy them this week. If not, I’ll check to see if a homeless shelter can use them. I donated all the bedding stuff and other assorted blankets I unearthed to a dog rescue place.

    Special, I’m so sorry to learn about your friend’s daughter’s pregnancy complications. That alone is painfully worrisome, and I’m sure your friend feels awful about needing to cancel her CA trip with you. And here I had visions of you both cruising north on Pacific Hwy! I hope you and DH still have a great getaway despite the change in plans.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,424

    Not taking the snow brush out of my car till June.

    Ordered out from Jimmy's NY Pizza Cafe tonight. Got the plain cheese one, because I have basil on my windowsill and cremini mushrooms in the fridge--so why pay extra?

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,187

    Tonight's weather is thunderstorms and wind. The dogs are busy defending home and hearth against the evil forces of lightening and thunder. There is lots of chain lightening that is actually pretty.

    Dinner was a combination of late lunch-early dinner (lupper???).

    I got a lot of caulking and power washing today so I can paint more tomorrow. Hopefully the weather won't undo much of my work.

    Lacey, I think my habit of saving things came from watching my "grew up in the depression" parents. Trash, obviously, goes in the trash, but anything useful that I'm getting rid of goes to someone that can use it.

    I've got some basil growing in two pots in the shade of the orange tree. I'm not sure how well it will do in the heat, but for now it's OK. The cilantro (coriander) has long since bolted. Around here, cilantro's growing season is from mid November to late February. I didn't get a chance to save any seed this year, but I'm hoping some "volunteers" will come up next season and I can get some seeds from them...if not, back to the store.....

    My weight is slowly coming off, but I'm running about 35 miles a week....According to my "smart" watch's estimation, I'm burning a total of 3,400 calories a day. It's a good thing I like running! :-)

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,927

    DH and I frolicked with ice cream treats this afternoon so dinner was scrambled eggs and toast, followed by the remains of a chocolate bunny and two chocolate (tiny) eggs.

    I emptied 5 inches out of the rain gauge this morning. Since Monday. Enough already.

    Saw the eye doc Monday and he scheduled me for cataract removal later this month. I'll be so happy to be able to see again. It's getting very aggravating.

    The dumpster arrived Monday so if it ever stops raining, the purge can commence.

    Special - the spread looks so pretty and delicious!

    Where is everybody?

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,927

    DH and I frolicked with ice cream treats this afternoon so dinner was scrambled eggs and toast, followed by the remains of a chocolate bunny and two chocolate (tiny) eggs.

    I emptied 5 inches out of the rain gauge this morning. Since Monday. Enough already.

    Saw the eye doc Monday and he scheduled me for cataract removal later this month. I'll be so happy to be able to see again. It's getting very aggravating.

    The dumpster arrived Monday so if it ever stops raining, the purge can commence.

    Special - the spread looks so pretty and delicious!

    Where is everybody?

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,748

    Dinner tonight was Gordon Ramsay’s Hell’s Kitchen in Las Vegas. The Beef Wellington was on my bucket list and frontier had $29 flights, so why night, right. The lobster risotto was outstanding, as was the dessert. I expected a bit more from the Wellington but it was good.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,424

    Wow--$29 flights? Guess being close(r) to Vegas has its advantages. And the Wellington looked like Ramsay's staff didn't skimp on the filet--how were the truffles?

    Leftover fish & chips & slaw again tonight (and leftover pizza for brunch two days in a row). Because of the Invisalign, I'm eating only two meals a day because of the brushing, flossing and cleaning the "tray" after everything I eat. I darn near fainted when I changed to tray #2 last night--tray #1 was definitely yellowed (but hey, so are my teeth); so despite my orthodontist's okay for me to drink white wine or (not very hot) coffee while wearing the tray so long as I clean it out and brush & rinse again afterwards, I'd better not take the chance. I have to wear it at least 20, preferably 22, hrs. a day. And while I'm eating or drinking (and then doing the oral hygiene thing after) I feel like Cinderella near midnight....tick...tick...tick.

    I have to drive to Iowa this weekend. For long drives, I always brought water, coffee, and various healthy snacks to minimize meal stops (ideally, stopping only for the bathroom and a bit of walking). This time, that has to change: eat nothing in the car, drink nothing but tepid-to-cold water, and make the most of my meal stops. 2, 4 hrs. tops per day to get all my meals, snacking, coffee breaks and oral care in. This will continue for at least the 3 months it's estimated to take (though everything I read online says to at least double if not quadruple that), plus 2 years of retainers with the same restrictions, then wearing the retainer for sleep for the rest of my life. I hope I lose weight from this...but no luck yet in that dept. Bet my metabolism is going into "famine protection" mode.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,430

    Illimae - I love lobster risotto. The milkshake you posted on another thread took my breath away. Oh YUM. Edited to add the name - Brown Butter Carmel Pecan shake.

    Eric - I like 'lupper' better than 'linner' or 'dunch'. 35 miles a day? Wow. How can you keep that pace up in the mid-summer heat?

    My lupper was a large salad starting out as a bag of Dole Sunflower Crunch with all those lettuces & cabbages & kale & sunflower seeds - but then I added English cucumbers, asparagus sauteed in oil & lemon & spices, and hard boiled egg. Served with Club Crackers & butter.

    Good heavens Nance - 5 inches of rain? I will keep my fingers crossed that it blows on through.

    Yes Special, thanks for posting your shower spread. You always make such delicious and attractive offerings. Hope your friend's daughter is OK.

    My brother's step-daughter is getting married in September in Southern CA - Westlake Village. I have to decide if I'll go south to visit friends in Orange County & Laguna Beach & on to San Diego. Or to go North to visit cousins along the coast & up through Monterrey & Carmel to San Francisco. Or maybe I'll fly to San Francisco to see my son then take the train south. I could easily spend an entire month wandering along the Pacific.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,424

    Driving to Des Moines tomorrow, along I-88 and then I-80. Many of the low-lying western suburbs are along 88, and I hope we don't need (too many) detours. Flooding has been terrible in the western, SW and NW suburbs along the Fox and Desplaines rivers. The bridge across the Mississippi we'll be taking is pretty tall, so should the river flood at the state line I would expect to see an Ark sailing along. Here 1/4 mi. from Lake Michigan, there are beaches to take the brunt of the rising lake, and as we move westward from the beach we're on a very subtle rise. If anything floods, it'd be the underground garages of the beachfront highrises first; on our block, it'd likelier be sewer back-up which has become less common since the construction of the Deep Tunnel project. After three sewer-backup basement floods in four years, we installed a check valve and sump pump and have had no trouble since (knock wood).

    Our next-door neighbor to the west did get some flooding last year during a microburst, but we didn't. He had just started his basement-remodel so the walls were down to the studs anyway. Pretty sure his flood was a sewer backup (you can't really tell once it starts unless you see water coming up through a floor drain or a toilet overflowing) and not from rainwater. He is going to take my advice and get a sump pump.

    In the "this is wack" department, you can't even buy flood insurance in our neighborhood: we're not in a Federally-designated floodplain, which are the only locales in which it's offered. Sorta like only reckless drivers being insurable. (Those flood insurance commercials infuriate me, because to me they're like telling a legless person to run). So we have sewer-backup endorsements on our insurance policy, and our agent told us to characterize any water damage in the basement as a sewer-backup.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,927

    Lobster risotto - be still my heart!

    Safe travels to you Sandy, flooding is a major issue here right now. We found ourselves having to backtrack yesterday because of flooded low water bridges in our area.

    Cuban pork roast and mojo sauce tonight with black beans. Leftovers will be used to make cubanos for lunch Saturday when the kids and the grand-dog come to visit.

    My nice neighbor gave me a rather goodly number of morels they found, so they'll be worked in as an appetizer somewhere in the upcoming meals.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,884

    Made pancakes and bacon

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,187

    Yes, "Chi", be safe. It looks not so good, even taking into account the possibility of seeing only the worst scenes on television.

    I never knew that flood insurance was only available in flood areas. I would have been wrong to guess that the insurance companies would have loved to sell flood policies in places where flooding is a near impossibility.

    Thirty-five miles a week...not a day. Not even my dreams have me running 35 miles a day. As for the weather, I guess it's like in cold country in that we just deal with it. When it gets hot (low temperatures only drop to 90-95F), I go run in the morning twilight, or around 9pm. It's still hot, but being out of the sun sure does help. Talking about "this is a wack" department. It's recommended to not be out in the full sun (skin cancer), but then it's also recommended to not be out in the dawn, twilight or night because of mosquitoes. I'm not sure what times that leaves to be outside.

    When I was at my aunt's house in southeast Kentucky, my aunt names for the various meals. Breakfast was the morning meal, lunch was a cold noontime meal, dinner was a hot noontime meal and supper was the evening with that, I'm with you on "lupper" because "linner" and "dunch" would both refer to a "hot but cold noontime meal. :-) For whatever reason, I'm always listening to the local expressions of speech when I go somewhere.

    That meal looks good Illimae. For whatever reason, even though my brother has a house in Las Vegas, and it's sort of "next door", we don't get up there that often. And, when we do get up there, SIL makes some awesome meals or my brother knows some great, but unknown, places to we don't make it to the famous places.

    Counting the ladders I own and the ones that my best friend owns, I have available one 24 foot extension ladder, two 20 foot extension ladders, two 4 foot step ladders and one 8 foot step ladder. Because the latest painting is needing the use of the single 8 foot ladder, I've been painting and Sharon has been cooking the last couple of meals. One was a baked "macaroni and cheese" dish and a the other was a different stir fry. The macaroni and cheese is in quotes because it's egg free noodles and the "cheese" is made from almonds. MIL ate with us yesterday and she didn't realize it was mac and cheese in quotes, so it worked out quite well. The stir fry was really good. The mac and cheese will get some spice adjustments to improve it and we will try it again soon.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,424

    Dinner tonight was a quarter of a duck roasted with Brussels sprouts.

    If I'm absent the next few days, it's because I'm headed to a science fiction in Des Moines to give a concert, and won't be home till Sun. night. Probably won't have time to post.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,430

    Safe trip Sandy

    Eric - my grandparents, and I think many people in the country, referred to dinner as the big noon meal. When my parents were young, many people even in towns & small cities used to go home for their big, hot dinner at mid day In the evening they had supper. My grandpa's favorite supper was bread & milk. Of course the bread was homemade (and usually only one day old) and the milk had lots of cream from Jersey cows. My Dad however commuted to an office in San Francisco every day when I was young, so we had cold sandwich lunch (or occasionally hot soup) and big dinner at night.

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625

    Hi All - I love all these conversations about food! I went to a new-to-me Asian market and put together a wonderful stir-fry last night. Wide, round fresh Udon noodles, beef, baby bok choy, oyster mushrooms and many other veggies. I made the sauce with fresh ginger, a new super-strong soy sauce + sesame oil + garlic, and stock, and then thickened sauce w/ some cornstarch. It was colorful and delicious. The noodles soaked up all those flavors, and I enjoyed their texture with all the other ingredients.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,748

    The lobster risotto was the best dish of the night and probably in my all time top 5.

    Eric, I’d love recommendations on other local Vegas restaurants. We’d like to stay longer next time and get out and about more.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    chisandy - wanted to impart non food info this before I forget - my provider recommended getting some Retainer Brite to clean my trays (I ordered it from Amazon, it is a fizzing tablet like Alka Seltzer of Efferdent), it works decently and helps with the discoloration of the trays. Also, you can soak them in peroxide and that really cleans them - particularly in the few days before you change to the next set of trays.

    Have not been cooking much - DH has been home late, DD still doing Keto but hasn't been home much. We went to Rocco's Tacos last night, after show shopping for DH, and I had tamales with really yum guac, and black beans - which needed salt, but there was no salt shaker on the table.

    It looks like the Napa trip is going to happen! Yay! Our friend's DD is out of the hospital, and recuperating slowly at home. My friend (who is coming home from DD's on Sun) and I will fly out stand-by on Tues, the DHs will join up hopefully the following Sat. - I believe their flight is still looking good. She and I are doing a road trip from San Diego north (on the coast - yeah!!) to the Bay Area where we will scoop up the guys, then proceed to the Airbnb in Glen Ellen. I plan on hitting La Jolla, Laguna/Newport, Malibu, LA, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, San Simeon, Big Sur and Carmel/Monterey - ambitious, but some of it will be drive-by. I have made notes on more than 20 winery/vineyards for the Sonoma/Napa portion of the trip, we won't try to go to all of them - there are some must-haves though. I am excited enough that I already packed my bag, lol!

    Glad you enjoyed the bridal shower pics! It was fun!

    Edited to add the word “bridal” in front of shower lest people think I posted pics in the shower, lol!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,363

    Yay for the trip's happening, SpecialK.

    Nothing noteworthy on the cooking front to share.  I did make a chicken noodle soup since dh had a bout of severe upset stomach.  He seems to have recovered.  Tonight may be a meatloaf with ingredients to be purchased.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,430

    I tried the Snapdragon packaged Pho bowls yesterday that I'd purchased at Costco (everything included - just open all the interior packages & add water). Even though cilantro was not listed, there was definitely a whiff & a taste - so the other 5 bowls went to my next door neighbor. Cilantro is one of those things I can't be around w/o getting nauseous. I had to burn candles & spray my whole house to get rid of the scent. I'll stick to Auntie Chun's noodle & soup bowls when i want a quick meal. They also have half the sodium.

    Lupper was 1/2 an English cucumber cut it small sticks and several hunks of Jarlsberg cheese. I went out to lunch twice last week so I had 4 extra pounds to remove. Three down - one to go. Four pounds may sound silly but it creeps up so easily.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962

    Tonight is panko breaded cod (Costco), steak fries( Ore Ida), oven roasted green beans with watermelon for "dessert". Letting the oven do the cooking and the refrigerator do the chilling!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    Doing the clean out the fridge before vacation meals, lol! Had half a leftover steak so I diced it up and made steak and cheese quesadillas and had cut up veggies with ranch for dipping. Not exciting but got the job done

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,748

    Lazy non cooking day, Nathan's Beef hot dogs and corn on the cob. I love corn on the cob 😁

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,927

    On anticipation of cinco de mayo, tonight was carne asada and elotes served with grilled onions, pico de gallo and tortillas. Dessert is a key lime cheesecake. The flank steak, though rare, was a bit chewy. I think I'll use a more tender cut like ribeye next time.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,363

    Last night was meatloaf, cauliflower mash and a small arranged salad with avocado, tomato and cucumber.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,430

    I went to see the dance school recital this afternoon for my 3 year old niece's ballet school - assigned seats at a huge auditorium. She was in the first set. Cute - but I'm glad there was an intermission so we could leave after the first hour. I was surprised that most of the families brought bouquets for EVERY girl - and there were well over 150 in the performance. If you get a bouquet at 3 years old, what's next?

    My brother-in-law and his new squeeze bought lunch. Sorry for the potentially derogative term, but he started bringing this lady to family functions only 3 weeks after my beloved SIL died last fall. And telling all of us about her only 2 days after we scattered SIL's ashes. No one wanted to see him lonely, but my nieces & nephews didn't even have a full month to grieve for their mother. After 49 years of marriage, it was insensative in my opinion. Anyhow, I was polite but not effusive to the lady. It hasn't been 6 months yet and they've already toured Europe and are buying a house. I think she's interested in his money - which may be mostly a mirage.

    So lunch was at BJ's. It's called a brewery and has lots of interesting beers, but also any kind of food you might want. I had the french dip and was disappointed. WAY too much fat, meat had been cook so long it was curling. Very thin, so more like chipped beef. The french fries were good, and the fried calamari appetizer.