So...whats for dinner?



  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,926

    eric95us, good luck with Jessica. So difficult!

    Magari, our mouths are watering from the description!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480

    Mods - thanks for dropping by. As you can tell, we all gain lots of extra pounds just for belonging to this thread and reading about the delicious meals.

    Eric - holding you in my thoughts.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Posts: 3,937

    Oh Eric, thinking of you and Jessiecat (((hugs)))

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    We just left the vet.....Jessiecat is saying hi to Pest.

  • Lacey12
    Lacey12 Posts: 2,895

    Eric, I hope you are all doing okay after the vet visit. Never easy no matter how many pets we’ve had to say goodbye to. When our last pooch left for “Rainbow Bridge” (or is it Ridge?), DS2 announced her departure on Facebook, after a companying us to the vet. I was touched and amused by some of the memories his friends posted about her in their responses...she’d grown up with that whole crew of guys.

    Magari, what an amazing meal you enjoyed, and yes, so sad to have such a special restaurant close. Is this related to the outrageously high real estate increases in the SF area? It was nice that you got to enjoy this special meal there.

    Tonight, thanks to DH’s trips to food sources (!) we ended up having (briefly) marinated grilled pork tenderloin, local corn on cob, salad, and french bread.

    Minus, kudos to your very accomplished Eagle Scout! I did get a chuckle from your description of all the loaves of white bread in their wrappers.....image of the 1950s!

    Speaking of bread....for some reason, today, I thought it would be fun to buy a bread maker. I used to own one, which I loaned to my next door neighbor’s son, and never saw again. I think it must have landed with the electric juicer I’d previously loaned him! So I started looking at bread maker reviews on line and mentioned my idea to DH who is the house bread monger (!) thinking he would be delighted. He very sensibly reminded me that I have yet to use my instant pot, so he hopes I won’t buy a breadmaker unless,I am really prepared to actually use it! Guess I would agree with that! Does anyone use one? I honestly forget about how easy it was to use my old one. Thanks

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    Thanks. It's not easy...if it were easy I'd be worried about myself.

    DD is quite upset. It turns out we got him when DD was starting 1st grade. So, for her, it's hard to remember a time before Jessiecat.

    I had a bread maker, but it was rarely used.

    The sourdough I make doesn't seem to lend itself to using preset amounts of flour. So I add almost enough flour and as I hand knead the bread I add more flour until the dough feels right. Then I "perform CPR" on it for 10 minutes and it always turns out.

    Even using the stand mixer to knead the bread messes me up....

  • auntienance
    auntienance Posts: 3,937

    Oh Eric, I'm so sorry. I hope Jessiecat can say hi to my shelties Sam and Annabelle who went to the bridge a week apart in 2009. I miss them still every day.

    Lacey, I had a bread maker for years but rarely used it. I started making no knead breads, then when I got a stand mixer, the bread maker wasn't worth the real estate. My arthritic hands complain about too much kneading so it's valuable for that. The stand mixer does that for me now.

    Too early too know for sure but possibly French dip sandwiches are on the menu. It's really time for chicken but I'm uninspired by the bird options.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Posts: 2,962

    Eric, such sad news. Perhaps Jessiecat can join up with our two dachshunds, Jeckles and Scooter,and a basenji, King, on the bridge. And maybe that should be ridge or it must be a very long, strong and crowded bridge!

    Lacey, my breadmaker is used to make pizza dough almost weekly. Don't make other bread very often because we tend to eat it!

    Last night's dinner was the second half of Friday's pizza, tonight maybe shredded chicken tacos using Saturday's rotisserie chicken. Ah, leftovers!!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Oh, Eric, so sorry about Jessiecat. That she had a good long run (much longer than most kitties) doesn't ease the pain of losing her, but eventually the memories will begin to fill in the hole in your heart.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    Dinner tonight was veggie burgers and home made french fries.

    My mom had a french fry cutter and it works perfectly. For the HUGE potatoes, it's potato halves in one side and cut 'fries out the other. A tiny bit of olive oil, some garlic powder, plus a bit of seasoned salt and it's oven ready.

    Black beans, corn, bread crumbs, fake egg white, salsa and roasted peppers run through the food processor, and then some uncrushed black beans. It doesn't taste much like a hamburger, which is OK, but it has a lot of spicy flavor and the consistency of ground beef.

  • magari
    magari Posts: 335

    Eric - Those veggie burgers sound delicious; much better than the pre-made type, I am sure. Condolences re Jessiecat. We had to put down our 18-year-old border collie/cattle dog mix about a year ago, and still miss him every day. Though after about 6 months, we rescued our new Australian shepherd/cattle dog mix, who is a complete sweetie whom we also adore.

    I made about 4 quarts of chicken stock in the Instant Pot yesterday, so used some of that to make risotto Milanese last night.

    Tonight is polenta with Italian sausages in a marinara-type sauce.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Sunday night was hot dogs. Last night was chicken enchiladas and a "composed" salad with tomato and cucumber purchased at the farmers market and avocado. The tortillas for the enchiladas are wheat and are surprisingly good. I've always bought or made corn tortillas but it's difficult to find any good ones in the supermarkets here. Neighbor John used wheat for the fish tacos he made a couple of weeks ago and I liked the wheat taste. I doubt the wheat flour is a lot better for blood sugar but John, a diabetic, thinks he is making a better choice than the white flour, which I never buy.

    DH commented that the enchiladas were the best I'd ever made. I always enjoy enchiladas and prefer the red sauce. Sorry, Minus!

    I just learned there's a WW meeting in Park Rapids now, but I've strayed so far from WW land that I don't know if I could find my way back. Like Minus and Lacey I'm no shining example of weight control.

    No idea about dinner tonight except the veggie side, fresh green beans with new potatoes.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Posts: 3,937

    Carole, Trader Joe's carries a corn and whole wheat combo tortilla that I like a lot. I like them especially for enchiladas but if I don't have any I go for the store bought corn variety. They don't raise my blood sugar as much as flour. I just wish they were a little bigger.

    Tonight is chicken night. What form that will take is anybody's guess.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Nance, the only corn variety I can buy are those small tortillas and they aren't very good.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    Commercially made corn tortillas only seem to be 6 inch size and are usually quite brittle.

    Masa (corn processed like hominy and ground) is easily available here. Tortilla presses are also "all over the place" here, but only the 6 inch ones. Amazon does have 10 inch ones, but I can't develop enough enthusiasm to on-line order one. Someday I'll find one at a swap meet and I'll get it.

    I'm getting ready to go get some vegetables for making stock and I'll can (actually jar) it so it will be shelf stable. Since I have the huge canner, I'm going to try the pressure cooker method--10 minutes at high pressure instead of simmering it for several hours--and see how the two methods work out. Some folks say stock made in a pressure cooker is "evil devil's spawn" while others say the simmering is the way to go. I'll get to form my own opinion.

    Whenever I would sit down to use the laptop, Jessiecat would jump up and settle down between me and the armrest of the recliner. After 15 years of this, it seems odd having an empty space in the recliner.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480

    eric - let me add my condolences about Jessiecat.

    Seasonal food harvest News - for Houston at any rate. Two things I wait for all year. Olathe corn will maybe be in the Kroger stores in small quantities tomorrow, but for 'sure' the next two weeks. I could eat this corn every night while it's available. Hatch Chile festivals start at the HEB stores this weekend. I'll be going to Central Market - the only place the bakery makes delicious Hatch Chile scones

    Carole - funny that you remember I prefer green sauce. Your post is what inspired me to call the stores about the Hatch harvest & arrival.

    Prolia shot # 7 tomorrow. If I weaken, I'll stop at Katz Deli on the way home from the med center.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    Someday I'll get to Hatch, NM for the festival there!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    We were in New Mexico one year when the hatch chilis were being roasted in supermarket parking lots. We bought some and used them when cooking chili. I froze some little packages. I remember picking out the blackened skins of the peppers. I'm sure they would be appreciated in south Louisiana.

    Last night's dinner was boiled new potatoes, grilled pork steak that was purchased from the young farmer at the farmers market, and a chopped salad with iceberg lettuce, tomato, cucumber, avocado, Kalamata olives and mayo dressing.

    Tonight I plan to cook (finally) green beans from neighbor Mary's little garden. Not sure about the rest of the meal, maybe fish from the freezer.

  • Lacey12
    Lacey12 Posts: 2,895

    Last night’s dinner was broiled cod for DH and broiled scallops for me with the typical sides offered by the fish place on the lake from which we ordered them....cole slaw, french fries, and a corn muffin. The scallops were delicious. Fortunately, the fries looked unappealing, so I passed on them. Of course, I erased my virtue by downing some chocolate walnut fudge after dinner.

    For the first time this year we ate dinner on our screened porch, which is our favorite place...quiet, save for natures sounds, and on a slope of our land that gives the feeling that we’re in a tree house. The elevation gives us closer views to the hummingbirds that provide dinner company. We love eating there, but-since we’ve arrived here, the evenings have been very cool, so we’ve opted to eat indoors...the consequence of “starting one’s summer” on August 1st in the hills of NH! Today it is more humid which provides more of a summer feel, eventho the temp is still in the 70s.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Posts: 3,937

    I've never had a hatch chili scone but I feel certain I would love them. Wish I could find such a thing here.

    Tonight was a steak salad with blue cheese, avocado (mine), a yellow and heirloom tomato, cucumber, red onion and boiled egg.

  • reader425
    reader425 Posts: 988

    Lacey12 and AuntieNance your dinners both sounded delicious. I started a chicken and wild rice dish in the slow cooker but something was wrong with the timing called for and/or the recipe itself. So we pulled out a mish mash of leftovers and called it supper! Tomorrow is another day.

    I love the description of your porch Lacey12. My favorite place.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Posts: 2,962

    With triple digit temps and humidity trying to join them, tonight was a salad supper. Spring greens with the last of the rotisserie chicken, feta cheese, blueberries and watermelon dressed with lemon infused grapeseed oil and blueberry balsamic vinegar and a parmesan bagel.

    Lacey, the porch dinner sounds wonderful but it is way too hot and muggy here just now!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Last night's dinner was the fresh green beans with some yellow beans mixed in, cooked with cubed new potatoes. Also a grilled hamburger that was dry even though pink in the middle. The burgers were pre-formed and I should have mushed them up and mixed in some wet bread and seasonings and re-formed them to be more "loose."

    Tonight may be fish out of the freezer. Haven't had breakfast yet!

    It's grass mowing day and the weather is very nice. In the 50's this morning and should warm up to 70's. Perfect for any activity.

    Lacey, your porch dining seems delightful.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Oh, dear. My last post caused silence on our thread! LOL.

    Last night's dinner was another "Blah." I tried to pan sear two walleye fillets, each cut into two pieces. The pan wasn't hot enough for sear and just cooked the fillets. (Gas stove in camper doesn't burn hot.) They were still good but didn't look as appetizing as "seared." Dh had made his usual tartar sauce. Side was cauliflower mash that wasn't as fluffy as it needed to be because I don't have a food processor here, just an immersion blender. I apologized for the less than great dinner and dh said it was good, loyal soul.

    Later we had chocolate moose tracks ice cream for dessert.

    Off to the gym this morning and then out to breakfast at West Forty.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480

    Carol - not you, just too hot to write and a crazy week. While you're enjoying sweat shirt nights, the thermometer here in the shade was 102 yesterday. Heat index 106 - 113. It didn't drop below 100 until 6pm. I know because I waited until 6pm to walk & hand deliver 35 newsletters to neighbors. At 9am it's already 90.

    I had my Prolia shot Wednesday. Thursday was 'plan ahead' meeting with the GI doc so I could schedule my colonoscopy. Today it's the eye doc - and sorely needed. My eyes have obviously degraded quite a bit since my last check in 2016. I'm trying to get all the docs for the year finished by October. I've ignored them all for more than a year - a necessity after so many damn doc visits during active BC - so I'm having to hustle. Next week is my first appointment with my new PCP - a young woman in practice with a well established group. The majority of the docs are women & aren't accepting new patients, but I figure if they are all so highly recommended by my other docs, they wouldn't hire someone who doesn't meet their standards. Fingers crossed.

    Yesterday was a portabello mushroom, chicken tagliatelle dish from Costco. Pour into provided dish & microwave for 8 minutes. The sauce was delicious. The noodles a bit too 'meaty' to allow for binge eating. Of course it's supposed to serve (7), but I made a dent. Today will be more fresh Olathe corn.

  • Lacey12
    Lacey12 Posts: 2,895

    Carole, I admire your persistence with dinner prep with less than a full kitchen! And it is nice to have an appreciative fellow diner, even when we aren’t happy with a particular meal outcome. Yay, loyal soul DH!

    Minus, you are a good neighbor to deliver flyers in that heat. Your neighborhood assoc is lucky to have you as such a “get things accomplished” member!

    Yesterday, DH and I both went to the grocery store with a long list after over a week of being here. So now I need to get cracking preparing food for our weekend guests, my good friend and her husband. Making my new favorite very veggie filled orichietti pasta salad to have as a side for tomorrow night’s marinated grilled chicken dinner. We’ll also have a big garden salad and crusty bread. Trying to keep it simple so we have time to visit rather than my being tied up in the kitchen...since I am not a good chat and prep person! For dessert, I will make some brownies today to have on hand, but our main dessert will be the 70’s throwback of strawberries dipped in sour cream and brown sugar...reminiscent of the many community dinners we shared in our Cambridge apts with our young professional friends......soooo long ago!

    My back spasms have improved a lot, so cooking for guests shouldn’t be a problem. I was worried earlier in the week. Aging bodies can be tricky! Minus, I so appreciate how you want to get those doc appts out of the way. Going through treatment and related issues afterwards really creates an unwanted frequent flyer effect, and I find it’s a breath of fresh air to avoid medical offices for a bit. I hope your new PCP is great!

    Tonight, DH and I are having our rare grilled red meat treat...filet mignon, which I happened to find at a good price at the local market. Will have local corn, salad, and sautéed zucchini with onions as sides.

    I’m excited that instead of snoozing to another Red Sox game tonight, we get to watch some basketball! The USA team hopefuls are playing an exhibition game, and several of my Celtics’ favorite players are trying out, so I can’t wait to see a basketball game!

  • magari
    magari Posts: 335

    I've been making old favorites lately. Jacques Pepin's Maman's Cheese Souffle (which is easy and good leftover) and pasta Amatriciana.

    Bought lamb shoulder and plan to use some for grilled cumin skewers and the rest for a braise this weekend.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480

    Magari - LOVE that the souffle can be set aside for some hours or even overnight before baking. That's amazing. Thanks for sharing

    Lacey - I'd like to have the recipe (or blueprint) for your new fav 'ear' salad once your weekend is over. Glad your back is somewhat better. Did you say your DH has an appointment for later this fall for surgery?

    Well - stronger glasses won't do the trick. Seems a cataract has taken off and grown enormous in only 2-1/2 years in my left eye. I can't tell you how excited I am to be considering cataract surgery after my colonoscopy.

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,266

    I have been uninspired about cooking - too hot, or rainy and hot. We have been eating a lot of main dish salad as a result, and tonight we both went to the gym late, so dinner for me was cherries and honeydew melon. If any of you see King of the West honeydew in your store - and you like honeydew - get it immediately! It is delicious, but fair warning, it will ruin any other honeydew for you - it is that good!

    eric - so sorry about your kitty, I’m sure you are missing her.

    I want to hang out on the porch! We should all go - road trip!

    minus - sorry about the cataract - haven’t a number of threadmates here had the surgery? My neighbor two doors down just did - she breezed through.

    Everyone’s food sounds so yum

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463

    Magari, I'm drooling over those recipes--too carb-y for me (especially since my next wine-pairing "cheat" dinner is coming up Wed.--St. Supery from Napa Valley). Been ages since I've had a souffle of any kind!

    Lacey, have you tried topical CBD for your back spasms? It helps me immensely (in combo with Bio-Freeze and IcyHot Lidocaine roll-on). Walgreen's, CVS, and even WholeFoods now carry it (creams, balms, sprays and even a transdermal patcn). If none of those stores are where you are, you can get it online with expedited shipping.

    Carole, I would rather use my immersion blender than my Cuisinart--but the latter is clean & on the counter and the latter is gathering dust and hard to clean without the danger of nicking my fingers. The advantage of the "stick" is that there's much less food wastage

    Thurs. night was a couple of small grass-fed beef burgers grilled with WF goat cheddar (1 sl. covered both burgers), a small burrata Caprese with homegrown tomato over leftover salad greens, and a slice of grilled Vidalia onion.

    Last night, grilled Copper River sockeye salmon, with a quick-&-dirty veggie side: nuke-reheated griled asparagus, baby bok choy, and a slice of roast eggplant from WF's salad bar. Tonight, if I can get some more sea scallops on sale at WF, I will pan-sear them and make some basmati rice for Bob and cauliflower rice or "zoodles" with pesto for me. Will go crisper-diving for green veggies (broccolini or asparagus, maybe). If they're sold out of sea scallops, it'll be surf & turf, with a ribeye I have defrosting.

    Speaking of ribeye, got my first "Butcher Box" shipment yesterday. They sell grass-fed-and-finished beef, ethically-raised heritage pork (not overly lean) and bacon, naturally-raised chicken and wild salmon. They ship it frozen. I didn't buy the chicken, because the packages are just too big for my freezer and with only two of us (one, most nights, because Bob keeps such late hours that he eats dinners at the hospital or a restaurant nearby). If I want a chicken thigh &/or drumstick, I'll buy just one at WF. With Butcher Box, you set the interval, the default of which is monthly--I chose bimonthly so the stuff doesn't pile up faster than I can cook it. They choose the stuff for you or if you "build your own," you're limited to 6 items per box ($150, free overnight shipping); but some meats are multiples (e.g., two 3-lb. packs of chicken parts, ribeyes, bacon or sirloin caps) so anything over that is an extra-price add-on. I chose 2 sirloin caps (aka "culotte" steaks), 2 ribeyes, 1 lb. of bulk non-cured pork sausage meat (just sage, salt & pepper--I can add my own fennel for pizza or Bolognese sauce) and 1 10-oz. pack of bacon. I got a free pack of bacon as a first-order bonus, and added-on 1-1/2 lbs. of salmon filets (pre-portioned) as an extra. Next order will include heritage pork chops instead of the sirloin caps.