So...whats for dinner?
chisandy - belated condolences on the passing of your doc, so sad.
mommy - congrats on your anniversary! Every year is sweet, right?
minus - I bake the meatloaf for about 45 mins, then glaze it with a mixture of chili sauce or ketchup, dry yellow mustard, and brown sugar, then continue baking for 15 or 20 minutes. I want the glaze to “set” but not stay in the oven long enough to burn.
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It sure is, Special
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French omelet for brunch (after we got back from the vet): 3 small eggs, herbs from the garden, gruyère, and a dollop of chêvre.
Dinner was a grilled grass-fed ribeye and Vidalia onion, roasted broccoli, jicama salad, and tomatoes with basil. Bob & I can easily share an 8-oz steak.
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Tonight we ordered local Tex-Mex. $5.99 for burrito chips and pop. Free delivery so nice treat yum! Tomorrow - who knows? Hopefully I'll figure it out before dinner
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Happy anniversary tomorrow, Mommy!!! :-)
Tonight was spent at DD's new apartment, helping to move stuff and put together furniture. We just got home. Tomorrow she comes over here to dog sit while we're up at the Grand Canyon for my work.
It's going to be busy tomorrow getting the stuff ready so we can leave Saturday for the Grand Canyon work.
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Thanks Eric!
Got everything I need to make for dinner tonight
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eric - is DD local? So exciting to see her start her post-collegiate life!
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Happy Anniversary, Mommy!
What a great work location, Eric.
I know DH would love that meatloaf since bacon and meatloaf are two of his favorite foods. I am making meatloaf more often this last year.
Yes, we sold the boat. The first person who came and looked at it. She bargained dh down a few hundred but not as low as we would have been willing to go. I think she got a good deal on a good boat that should give a lot of service even if it won't win a beauty contest.
Dinner last night was one of our delicious romaine salads with many ingredients and leftover pasta with meat sauce. I stirred in a good amount of grated romano cheese before warming the pasta dish in microwave. I love easy prep dinners.
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Happy anniversary to your and your DH Mommy.
Things are happening here including a lot of stress. Inspections and appraisals completed, inspection items are being resolved. Yesterday we found a place to live - a large 3 bed 2 bath apartment in area where we would like to buy a house. Requires only a 6 month lease, which unfortunately means moving in the miiddle of winter but we’ll work it out. After the lease is up we can rent month by month if we have to. Now we have to find movers and a storage unit large enough to accommodate all that we can’t take - washer, dryer, freezer, some furniture and everything in the basement and garage. My head is spinning.
Freezers must be emptied so that’s where food is coming from. The options are becoming more limited. Tonight will probably be something with ground beef. Since you all are talking about it, maybe meatloaf
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carole - congrats on the boat sale!
auntie - moving is a LOT, right? Having done it a lot also I am very familiar with the weird meals made from ingredients that need using up before leaving. Maybe we should write a cookbook that specializes in that, lol! One of my go-to dinners when I have some ground beef and no plan is taco salad - I usually have greens and veggies, some tortilla chips or even taco shells I can crush, some cheese, and taco sauce. Avocado and sour cream are bonus items! Hang in there, and look forward to finding the perfect new house!
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MOmmy, happy anniversary to you and DH.
Carole, congrats on selling your boat, no one says a fishing boat needs to win any contests for its good looks.
Meatloaf, taco salad-- both on our menu over the last week. Still working on finishing the meatloaf as well as the potato salad I made to go with. Potato salad is my mother's recipe and starts with 5 lbs of potatoes so we get to "enjoy" it for many days. Generally only make it once a summer unless feeding a group which doesn't look too likely this year.
Nance, glad you found a place to lay your heads while you house hunt. Moving is hectic no matter when or how you do it!
Eric, stay safe at work. How hot is it at the Canyon?
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Hello All! I know I dont get to chat with everyone all the time, but welcome to those I havent met! Wow, so many changes, moving, jobs, houses. Life is sure happening right now. My Son and wife just sold their little house, and bought a bigger one, theres not much on the market, and what there is, goes fast. My DD2 DH just git laid off permanently ( thats how his company phrased it!) She's still working 2 days a week, but is picking up more days, which mean we babysit more. Millie us growing up fast, but lives to tag after her Sister, so its a bit easier keeping her busy now. Mothers Day pic, they came because we take care if them during the week, so didn't need to distance from them! LOL
Glad you made it to MN, Carole. SpecialK, that meatloaf looks great! Lacey, love the pics. ChiSandy, sorry about your doctor. And your things going wonky! It always happens with more than 1, they never go alone, they need friends in misery! LOL!
And, stay safe. We are north of Milwaukee, where there has been some bad apples, but mostly real protests. and its been pretty quiet around here. Protests were quiet here in Port Washington, and Graduation Car Parades were also held for the High Schools in the area. We had some real bad weather, trees down, a bit of flooding, but not too bad. The picture is of our harbor in town after the heavy rains. No, I didn't take it, but it looks like hope!
Supper last night was meatloaf! LOL. I used almost the same glaze as Special, but for my DD2 and family, made it with monkfruit sweetener, for keto. Used 4 lb of gr. Beef, 1 for us, 3# for her family. I roasted carrots and potato for us, and her family. Made a ricotta puff for her side, and, while I was at it, 1 for DH and my breakfast. I put in a bit of onion and green pepper and some sausage with cheese. It turned out great. Tonight will be leftovers, which is nice.
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Nance - great news that you've found an apartment. When do you have to be out of the house?
Carole - agree w/congrats on selling the boat. I hate not having a boat - although it's now been 30 years since I've had one. So I guess I hate the idea of not having a boat.
Moon - great to 'see' you. The harbor picture is spectacular.
Beaver - so glad we are in agreement that quality of life is important and so is the wine (even if it was on another thread). Where did you live in CA? I was raised in the SF Bay area LONG before silicon valley
Eric - can't believe your DD is through with college. Please tell us she's just moving out of the dorms into her own place?
Mommy - I'll raise a glass in your honor tonight.
Made my favorite summer "salad" - lime jello chilled then whip with mayo and add avocado pieces, crushed pineapple, cashew nuts. I usually add celery, but since i didn't have any I added an apple chopped into really small pieces. Turned out to give just the right 'crunch'.
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Minus, your salad sounds good!
We first lived in Orange County while working, then moved to San Luis Obispo County for several years before deciding to move closer to grandkids.
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Ah ha Beaver - so you were closed to Special K's neck of the woods.
Happy weekend everyone.
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Nancy, the apt. sounds just right--big enough not to be cramped, small enough to be relatively easy to housekeep. Hope the move (and the search for storage) goes smoothly. I get hives just thinking about moving...even though it's been 33 years since our last move.
Monica, great to hear from you again! Upside of rain is a rainbow--and what a lovely one in your harbor!
Carole, congrats on being able to sell the boat.
Tonight it was way too chilly to go out to eat (literally "out," as restaurants in Chi. still can't do indoor dining), so we ordered from Cellars instead: salmon Caesar for me, fish & chips for Bob, and a side of sauteed Brussels sprouts.
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Yes, going from her and 3 roommates apartment to another place where it's her and a friend/roommate. It's about 20 miles from our house.
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Wow! Lots happening since I popped in....with food and the rest of life! I actually wrote a post that I managed to lose last week, which included B-day wishes for “Mr. Carole“. Glad You never met any deer on your ride back from dinner...and happy for you that the boat sale went through, too. A good start to your summer,
And more recently, Happy belated Anniversary, MOmmy.
I loved your Meatloaf pix, Special. Reminds me a bit of my mother’s recipe, tho she didn’t have quite so much bacon. Yours is prettier! I always enjoyed meatloaf, but since we rarely eat red meat now, when we do have it, we go for something a bit more extravagant. Ha!Nance, I’m so happy that things are in gear with your moving plan! You and DH have been so organized about your approach and preparation for this process, I’m sure it will go smoothly. Best of luck! Do you get to bring your baking table with you?
I hope all goes well with your GC project, Eric. I keep hearing that AZ is spiking with Covid-19. Is that just around the cities? It does seem amazing that your DD has already graduated...or am I off by a year?
Moon, your grands are looking so grown! Am guessing they are working hard at “keeping you young” . You are lucky to be with them! I worry that when our little DGD2 goes back to day care, she will become a vector for sure, so until there is a vaccine, I have no idea what we will be able to do as far as interacting with her.
They are coming here today to grill turkey tips and eat on the backyard deck, so we can try to distance. DDIL2 is making a key lime pie for my 75th (!) birthday, which was yesterday. It was a quiet day except for a Surprise Zoom session with friends from all over. I knew we were going to zoom with our kids/grandkids, but as we chatted with them, my long time friends kept popping up onto the screen. My head was spinning! But it was a happy spin and I love that DH used his favorite new tech communication method to help me enjoy my BD. The rest of the day, I tried to organize the house a bit, including our dining room which is now my chaotic sewing studio.
For my “Covid2020 birthday” dinner we ordered take out seafood, Speciality Broiled Seafood dishes, clam chowder, and Point Judith calamari. It was good and we have lots leftover. My dish came with a half lobster, which we never touched, so I plan to make a Cream cheese lobster dip with it for tonight’s appetizer. We had carrot cake for dessert.Yum!
I can hardly wait to see little DGD2 enjoying the freedom of “toddler romping” around our back lawn! And soon she will have her own backyard to do that. Yay!I hope everyone has an enjoyable, not too terribly hot, weekend!
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Lacey - Happy B-day. I'm not quite a year older - but older counts. Actually I liked the feel of 75 - in my brain and my mouth. Not sure I like how 76 sounds. The dinner looks marvelous. Have fun with the kids tonight.
If I'm interpreting Eric's email correctly - his DD is still in college, just changing domiciles. I'm guessing she'll be a Junior in the fall - whether actually or virtually.
Sandy - both of your meals sound delicious. Wish we had a place like that close to me. But then I'd have to wish I could afford it more than once a month.
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She graduated, with no fanfare, in May.
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Oh wow - where did 4 years go??? What does she hope to do now? No worries if you don't answer until you're "out of the canyon" - so to speak.
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Happy belated birthday Lacey - sorry we missed it! Yum indeed on your dinner it looks perfect.
And a belated happy to your DH Carole. Does no boat mean no more fishing? That would be sad in the land of 1000 lakes.
It’s been a productive day here - lined up a mover, storage unit, and a tv and internet provider for the new place. That’s a relief. I even managed to pack up the dining room. Tomorrow will be a full day of packing. Tonight will be a takeout pizza. Our carryout options are going to greatly increase soon.
Enjoy the Grand Canyon Eric - one of my favorite places on earth
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Happy Birthday Lacey! Congrats to your daughter, Eric. I feel do sad for all the Grads this year. We have 5 in the family and a couple in the neighborhood, the celebrations are small, but happy!
Nance, hope everything goes smoothly. Mommy, Happy Anniversary.
My DH is at the farm this weekend, always work to do there, if there isnt enough to keep him busy here. LOL There is so much water up on the farm. More than when we first got married almost 46 years ago.went through a dry spell, to where the pond was less than an acre, to this. From a small pond to more than 40 acres in the
lake this year. Sad part is so many trees gone. But Ash borer got the Ash trees, so not as many dead from tbe water as the borer. Ill quit with the pictures, even though I have sonme of my DGD1 helping me with making my Dandelion jelly, and of the Apple Blossom jelly project too! LOL. Much love
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Eric - I just read a recommendation that we should NOT ask anyone from the Class of 2020 "what's next". Apparently those words are 'echoing through their minds every waking hour.' Make sense so I'm sorry for asking about your DD
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Dinner tonight was homemade pizza. We needed to find out if the bread machine was working or kaput after a little incident last week. One of us, who shall remain unnamed, was preparing to use the machine and carefully removed the pan to avoid getting flour in the machine and then poured the water and oil into the machine instead of the pan! After taking the machine apart as much as possible we cleaned it and let it sit to air and drain. Today was the test run and it worked!!! Next step is to try making a loaf of bread...
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Happy birthday, Lacey! Congrats on your DD's graduation, Eric. (And what I wouldn't give to see the Grand Canyon again)!
And Monica, I can relate to the loss of your ash trees: about 6 years ago the emerald ash-borers spread like wildfire through the north side of Chicago and even Evanston--we lost a third of the trees on our block; and the lovely row of ash trees that separated the northbound & southbound lanes of the Sheridan Rd. curve just n. of Chicago into Evanston, along the lake, had to be removed and replaced with maple saplings.
If we live long enough (and stay healthy) for int'l travel to be safe once again, we're thinking of taking rail through Europe--from Switzerland to Prague or vice versa.
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Happy Birthday, Lacey! DH has mastered Zoom, attending wood turners meetings.
Good luck with coping with the challenges of moving, Nance. The apartment sounds like a nice place to live before you purchase your next home.
Moon, you seem very happy with your busy life. Lovely harbor photo.
Dinner last night was beef fillet steak, steamed broccoli, and a warmed up portion of rustic mashed potatoes from our one restaurant meal since arriving in northern MN.
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Belated Happy Birthday Lacey! Looking good!
Congrats Eric, to your DD. Even if there was no fanfare, kudos for graduating.
ChiSandy - DD used to live on N. Sheridan Rd, near Nibbles and Nosh. Shared a lovely 3 BR, 2 BR flat (with some not so lovely roomies) that ran from the front of building to the back, with a view of the lake. Worked for the Chicago Shakespeare Theatre on Navy Pier. She only made it through one winter. We helped her move in during a January snowstorm & visited again in September for our birthdays. Rail trip in Europe sounds like a great idea.
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Last night's dinner was roasted chicken thighs, cooked on outdoor grill serving as an oven. I bought aluminum foil pans yesterday and didn't notice until I started to use one that it had round holes in the bottom. It was for grilling veggies. I covered the holes with aluminum foil. Our one side was roasted sweet potatoes.
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I ended up with a huge salad last night - using all the rest of the fresh veggies in the fridge & included two hard boiled eggs and some bacon. Pulled some ciabatta rolls out of the freezer. They were fine toasted after I cut off a strip of freezer burn on one edge.
Also prepped tonight's meal - a "use it up" variation on Laurie's Mexican chicken. Drained black bean & added leftover green chili sauce to a casserole dish. Needed a bit more fluid so I added some Rose wine. Sauteed leftover 1/2 of an onion & tossed that in. Pre-cooked & added 1/2 lb of small baby carrots cut in thirds. I will simmer the mix today and either add leftover defrosted rotisserie chicken breasts, or pour beans over the chicken. I may stir in some sour cream or just plop it on top, and serve on rice. I will be making extra rice so I'll have some cold for fried rice later this week.
I plan to try Seeds of Change organic "Mushroom Simmer Sauce" (only 135 sodium), adding slices from leftover frozen eye of the round roast and serve over noodles or rice.
As you can see, I'm working on whittling down the freezer. We're already in hurricane season and I have no idea what's in the back. I know there are more frozen rotisserie chicken breasts, not to mention uncooked chicken breasts & pork loin roasts and frozen cod & salmon steaks from Costco. And 8 or 10 containers of previous leftover meals.