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Survivors who have used only alternative treatments



  • PatMom
    PatMom Member Posts: 322
    edited June 2011

    I looked through my cache, and can only find one PM to you.  It is just sooo meanspirtied!!!!

    Subject:cold climates
    Date:Aug 18, 2010 11:54 am

    Ok, so we've established that people who live in cold climates do so because they love it, so they are a bit crazy!!!Laughing

    Me, I like four seasons, a little bit of snow that melts in a day or two, a good long spring and fall, and a bit of summer too.  Can't wait to move a bit south to get that.

    By the way, Alaska has low taxes, a wonderful standard of living and breathtaking scenery, but you won't catch me there in the winter for anything.

    This seemed off topic, so the PM rather than a post.


    Humor, it is important.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited June 2011

    enjoyful wrote:

    I have to confess, I've been around for a while but under a separate name.  Why did I change my name?  Because I knew, Shirley, I KNEW, that you and your friends would rejoice in my disease progression, and I didn't want to give you the satisfaction.  I know this because I've seen what you and your friends have done to others.  Remember Amy? 

    Past behavior predicts future behavior.  People don't change.

    enjoyful, wow!  I wasnt' going to post on this thread again, but when you said that you knew we would rejoice in your disease progression and you called me out by name, it just floored me!  Do you rejoice in my disease progression?  I don't think so.  If anyone rejoices in ANYONE'S progression I consider them to be wacky and evil.  I have seen too many women on this board die way to young. I can see why you deleted your post. 

    Yes, I remember Amy.  I did NOTHING to her regardless of what you hear.  Please get your facts straight.  And what does she have to do with this subject?  We were ALL very passionate about politics.

    I remain stunned.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited June 2011

    lindasa, I have received PMs in the past trying to influence me.  I was not interested and ignored them as did you.  I believe we all get those.  I'm a big girl and can make judgments on my own without an "outsider's" opinion.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited June 2011
    enjoyful wrote:

    Yes, Patmom.  I've read your version of support on your other website.  That I can do without.

    Enjoyful, we have NEVER rejoiced in another's progression or pain.  You are giving readers a very wrong impression. 

  • Enjoyful
    Enjoyful Member Posts: 278
    edited June 2011


    I mentioned you because, in your post, you mentioned that you've been here under the same name the whole time.  I wrote to confess that I have not, and explain my reasons why.  Shirley, I was there and saw what was done to Amy.  Whether you believe you did anything to hurt her or not, you DID.  Why do you think she's no longer here?

  • Enjoyful
    Enjoyful Member Posts: 278
    edited June 2011

    I can only react to what I've witnessed and experienced, Shirley. 

  • Enjoyful
    Enjoyful Member Posts: 278
    edited June 2011

    Y'all have a nice day.  I'm done on this thread.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited June 2011

    Enjoyful, in case you come back, please tell me what you have witnessed.  Of course I really don't expect an answer.

  • elmcity69
    elmcity69 Member Posts: 320
    edited June 2011

    hmm, summertyme: recently joined, absolutely no personal info, leaps right into the fray.

    Methinks a Troll is About.....

    go ahead, report it. so many of my posts are reported now anyway, as are other members''s the new way to control the debate (or, Act Like You're 14)

  • Wabbit
    Wabbit Member Posts: 68
    edited June 2011

    elmcity ... just FYI.  summertyme is the name bluedahlia uses when the post reporters have gotten her suspended again.  She is very upfront about it and goes immediately back to blue when the mods get her reinstated. 

    Edited to add:  sorry that you have been hit by the 'deleters' too.  It's a friggin epidemic :(

  • 1Athena1
    1Athena1 Member Posts: 672
    edited June 2011

    ....and is most definitely not a troll.

    Although given the number of sock puppets floating about, you can certainly be forgiven for assuming otherwise.

  • -angel-
    -angel- Member Posts: 35
    edited June 2011

    Shirley, you always say you're not going to post on a thread again, but then you always do!  You just can't stop stirring the pot.  Enjoyful said she was done and she doesn't have to answer to you.  You come on here telling others to not act so high and mighty when that is what most of your posts portray you as.  I concur with Patty S and don't you have any support for Thats-Life? Her post broke my heart.  btw, I don't have a group here.  I'm here because women shouldn't fear posting on a support board because of bullying.  As far as not knowing me .. puhleeze.  I'm discussed and accused of things regularly by your group whenever the sh!t hit's the fan!   The truth is out there.  It's high time to stop the foolishness.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited June 2011

    Yes, I felt so badly for that-life that I clicked on her name and read posts she had made in other forums. 

    Now, Angel, leave me alone.  I don't want you harrassing me.  I don't know you.  Maybe other people do. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017
    edited June 2011

    when asking someone to stop stirring the pot" is called "harrassing" then we know we have really left reality very far behind us.  whew. Pot. Kettle.

    Please, all sensible women, interested in Complementary medicine, look up th newer thread started by Susieq58 in this Forum.  I'm following enjoyful's example.

  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734
    edited June 2011

    This thread has become very warped and dark, blessings to all but goodbye as well

  • PatMom
    PatMom Member Posts: 322
    edited June 2011

    Phrases like "you always" are usually not helpful when trying to calm a situation. 

  • -angel-
    -angel- Member Posts: 35
    edited June 2011

    pffffttttttt hence why it was reported?  I've already spent way more time on here than I have to spare.  I hope the mods are really paying attention.

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited June 2011

    fighting amongst yourselves.... whatever.  who cares what you call yourselves and with a bit of delving (HELLO) it's easy to find out 'who is who'.

    as long as 'whoever' doesn't come in to the stage 4 forum and diss those who  recently lost loved ones or who face death... that was pretty darn low... please have a little respect for those of us who face greater challenges than stage 1,2 or 3, and whoever is named whatever for the day.

    not that I am giving advice..that just really pissed me off

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,785
    edited June 2011

    That's life -- Thank you for stepping out and posting. We are so terribly sorry that you have felt that you couldn't post for fear of an "attack". We are here for you, and others like you. Thank you, and again, so sorry that you have felt this way. 

  • mollynminnie
    mollynminnie Member Posts: 11
    edited June 2011

    WOW- what happened here???

    Has everyone forgotten that we are all here to SUPPORT each other?

    Don't know what I missed and happy that I don't know....


  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675
    edited June 2011

    I don't think you will find a lot of long term survivors posting here because they don't bother to come here. Rather check out burzynski film and you will hear incrediable testimonies of even stage IV alternative cancer survivors. Incrediable alternative survival stoires... documented! Check other cancer alternative websites and you will find lots of surviving alternative cancer patients testimonies.

    I'm not on either side here as I feel that both sides have defensely poorly reacted. I am glad to see there is a thread that is conventional and alternative. Although I differ (surgery only) it is good we have threads where we feel safe and can find the help we need without fear of being put down or attack. (edited, I don't mean everyone has reacted poorly...but most ???). 

    I've reported no one on this thread.

  • Yazmin
    Yazmin Member Posts: 218
    edited June 2011

    I have only been skimming over this thread, lately. However, I always find it very interesting.

    So I saw this post from Beesie, whose information I have used, recommended, and forwarded everywhere in the past, because her information is always remarkably well thought-out and well-documented, fact-based, and reliable. For which I am most grateful, and thank you for that, Beesie.  

    However, what you say, Beesie, can, in many ways, go "both ways". Like: 

     To be taken seriously, those who support the alternate/holistic approach need to speak out against garbage like that.  OK, any sensible person can only agree with you on this particular point.*They* should speak out too against all the junk science and scare-mongering that is used to support the alternate approach.  Not only do I feel you are right here too, but I would also add: "*They* (talking about the anti-alternatives militias) should ALSO speak out against all the shameful disinformation that is used to support the *conventional only* approach as well".I would be interested in this forum and these discussions, if there actually was something meaningful and truthful being said. Luckily for alternative-oriented members like me, if you are not interested in the forum, you have been doing a great job out of hiding it, as you keep coming back. As for me, despite being firmly opposed to "risk-reduction" drugs like Tamoxifen, I don't go to the Tamoxifen thread to try and convince people that I don't think it is helping them. I have always appreciated the way that you analyze information and debate issues in a thought-provoking fashion. Please keep coming back......When the best the alternate/holistic supporters can do is spread around repulsive articles like the one in question, or post pretty pictures and mindless platitudes, then it's pretty obvious that they have nothing to say and nothing to offer. Here, I can only agree wholeheartedly with you. No sensible person can deny that some of those claims, and the way they are presented, are downright dangerous.However, I feel I am living-proof that not all alternative/holistic supporters are ignorant, narrow-minded fanatics. And so are many other alternative-oriented members on this and, thankfully, an increasing number of other forums. So hopefully, people can make the difference between us and some of the "other type of so-called alternatives defenders". The overwhelming majority of us on this and other forums simply want to see *conventional* research become more innovative..... get off its current Western-only pedestal viewpoint.... get off its seemingly unshakable merry-go-round (same drugs being endlessly "reinvented" with minimal added benefits and little improvement in dreadful or deadly side-effects)......venture more often off the beaten path.For that, they would have to finally accept the idea that "Western" is simply not the only type of medicine in the world. They would have to accept to learn from what others have known for thousands and thousands of years.  Risky, maybe, but maybe that's where the true breakthroughs will come from? 
  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited June 2011

    Yazmin:  Interesting post.  I guess this thread is where alternative people and conventional people meet . . . and sometimes clash.

    I have a question, for you and anyone here.

    Do you believe breast self-exams save lives?

    I noticed in one of your posts on here that you mentioned the National Breast Cancer Coalition.

    I have seen their website before--and they list "Breast Self-Exams Save Lives" as the number 1 myth.  There is even a shower card you can print out and hang on your door that says in large letters  "Breast Self-Exam Does Not Save Lives".  It sounds like they are discouraging us from doing these exams . . .

    I found a tumor is my breast when I did a self-exam . . . a few months after having a clear mammogram.  I went to my doctor immediately and was diagnosed.  If I do survive, and I plan to, . . . . it's because I did that self exam.

    So, I cannot support that organization or any of its ideas.

    Just wondered what you and others thought about this . . . .and I hope I am being respectful and fair-minded, but I believe self-exams DO save lives. 

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589
    edited June 2011

    I found my lump in the shower Lynn.  And the Mammo NEVER showed it.  Even when they knew it was there from the US.


  • pessa
    pessa Member Posts: 137
    edited June 2011

    I also found my lump 1 month after a mammogram, which did not show any abnormalities,  I DO believe in self-exams! 

  • luv_gardening
    luv_gardening Member Posts: 362
    edited June 2011
    Most ILC doesn't show on a mammogram, mine didn't show on a mammo, US or CT scan. So how are we supposed to find the cancer if we believe their first three myths?  
    Myth #1: Monthly breast self-exams save lives
    Myth #2: Mammograms can only help and not harm you
    Myth #3: MRI is better than mammography because it finds more cancer 
     Self-exams may not have found mine any sooner as it was a thickening, so I see their point about not finding it any sooner that way. But in the end it was found by self-exam. I am shocked that they would discourage anyone from doing a self-exam as many are found this way. Better to find it later than much later.
  • PatMom
    PatMom Member Posts: 322
    edited June 2011

    A "formal monthly"  breast exam probably isn't as helpful as we were once led to believe. 

    That doesn't mean that every woman shouldn't know what their breasts feel like at various points in the month, and be able to identify changes when they occur.  That's the key, not the specific day of the month, but being able to recognize any changes quickly. 

  • Titan
    Titan Member Posts: 1,313
    edited June 2011 cancers are often found between mammograms...had a clean mammo in 8/08..found the lump myself in 1/ need for an exam..I could see it beneath my day nothing, the next day a 1.8 cm lump...

    I'm always hesitant to believe the "can save lives" thing..but...what else is there to do but have mammograms and SBE's?  

  • wornoutmom
    wornoutmom Member Posts: 75
    edited June 2011

    I got a msg in my email stating my thread was deleted.  I left as having cancer should be a time of healing not a time to be surrrounded by pain and anger.  What is really shocking is those who have cancer should really understand how very precious each day is.  What a waste of precious time to spend it bickering and in a state of anger.  I regret posting this as had I know how much cruelty  it would lead to I never would have posted.  Of all places this should be a place to find comfort in this difficult time.  I am so very saddened at the turns this thread has taken.  I had an honest question plain and simple.  People do not always agree and that is fine.  But some of this has gotten so far out of hand.  To hurt people and cause people pain who already have cancer on their plate is that really worth proving your point? I am sorry to all who have been hurt by this thread.  I am sorry there are those on this board who  can speak with no remorse for those they hurt.  

  • Lynn18
    Lynn18 Member Posts: 284
    edited June 2011

    JoyLiesWithin:  I see you have seen their website also.  I thought early detection was the key.  So one would think self exams would help.  

    Titan you are right, so much triple negative is found between mammograms, hence the term "interval cancer".  I know of many people who found their tumor during self exam.  I don't see how they can so firmly state "breast self exams do not save lives."  I think that is false.

    As for MRI, I thought it was more sensitive to finding cancer.  My surgeon is recommending MRI's for me in the future. 

    I have looked at many of these breast cancer organization's websites, and I feel like many of them are not objective.  I think many have their own agenda to promote.  I like BCO a lot, especially after seeing what's out there.