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March 2011 chemo-lounge



  • pasmithx2
    pasmithx2 Member Posts: 224

    Kymn - I need to scope out the next LGFB class. I called about it in March but was told that it would be better to wait until I was into chemo. There was one on Mon but of course this is my week to feel like CR@P. I just hope the timing of the next one is better.

    Everyone says I must go. Even my primary nurse said I should go and bring her anything I don't want, because it's good stuff. There are almost no perks to this game, and some free cosmetics are the least I deserve!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801

    Hi all,

    Had #5 of 12 weekly today of Taxol/Herceptin. So far so good. Hair has thinned but still there. No gaping holes. I can still style it but much more thinning and it is all over. LOL. I need a friend to just tell me it is time. My best friend last weekend said it is still doable, so I keep doing.

    I am going to LGFB class on Friday here, but haven't lost eyebrows or eyelashes yet. I had hoped to make it halfway into chemo before I lost it all and it looks like I am going to so that is nice.

    All my counts are still good so they keep telling me to keep doing what I have been doing and don't change a thing! I did feel a little achy this week and had a low grade fever occasionally that responded to tylenol and never lasted more than a few hours. I felt fine throughout so for now they are just watching that and I am keeping track.

    Other than that....hanging in there!

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Maxine:  Regarding the sis has used aluminum free/paraben free stuff for years and has tried almost every kind.  I called her when I was looking for a deoderent option and she didn't have good one to recommend. I read reviews on Bubble & Bee (online - google them) and that their deoderent worked well.  I ordered it and one for my sister.  It works well. I like it and will continue using it.  It's called Pitt Putty!  Too can only get it online but it was worth it as my sister said the others didn't work well for her and I did not want to waste my time/money re-trying the one's she didn't like. 

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621

    Ordering me up a sangria; heading out this morning for my 4th (out of 6) round of chemo treatment.  I feel better prepared with stuff at home, but the mental part of knowing what I'm going to go thru for about a week is not sitting that well with me.

    Kym, the LGFB program is very nice and well worth going to.

    Doesn't there seem like there would be a great market for Anti-Cancer products and yet it's just not happening?  I'd like a name brand antiperspirant to be available free of aluminum/parabens, something I don't have to seach high and low on the internet and stores for and still not find.  I'd also like more name brand foods that are labelled "anti cancer" foods, and not just "no high fructose syrup" or "gluten free".  I love and own the anticancer book, but it's almost just a jumping off point and I'd like many more specifics.  And specific to breast cancer.  So many of us women are the grocery shopper/cook/nutritionist of the home. 

  • Chrissyw
    Chrissyw Member Posts: 51

    I am also heading out for my 3rd (out of 4) TCH round today.  Hoping for the best.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Best of luck to everyone getting treatment today and the rest of this week.  Everyone is getting closer to the end!!  Although some of us more than other.  You'll be 75% done Chrissy.  67% done for Mrs. M. Congrats!  I am 38% done as of Monday.  Still, I'm getting there. 

    What is the LGFB program?  Is it something through the hospital you're getting treatment at?

    I was thinking the same thing Mrs. M about the anti cancer foods and products.  I would think there is a big market for it.  There is so much gluten free stuff available everywhere.  You would think there would be more.  Even in Whole Foods and Trader Joes, there isn't much.  I am going to ask my bil what he has in his nutrition store as far as moisturizers and deodorants.  I know he doens't sell foods, but I think he has products like deodorant, soaps and moisturizers without chemicals in them.  Will let you know if I find out anything about brands.

  • pasmithx2
    pasmithx2 Member Posts: 224

    Look Good Feel Better (LGFB) - dedicating to improving the self-esteem and quality of life of women with cancer

    US site:

    Cdn site:

  • pasmithx2
    pasmithx2 Member Posts: 224

    kay-from-philly - I wonder if most companies are hesitant to market their products as "anti-cancer" since there really isn't a lot of reliable research to support claims like that. It's easy to say your product is gluten-fee; either it has gluten or it doesn't! It's so hard to find well-executed, trustworthy studies that clearly show definitive links between specific ingredients and cancer.

    To claim that your product is anti-cancer could lead to an increased risk of lawsuits citing false advertising. The best any of them could claim is that their product can help to support a healthy lifestyle and MAY reduce your risk of developing a certain cancer. Even the products that are supposed to be heart healthy only claim that they MAY help lower cholesterol, not that they are anti-heart attack.

    Probably the best strategy is to reduce the use of processed products in general and focus on "real" foods, which require more work to prepare, but let you control the ingredients.

  • sweetangel
    sweetangel Member Posts: 38

    Hi Ladies,

    I had my chemo cocktail # 2 this morning (FEC)......chemo has a weird effect on me.....specially the first week....i feel good and I feel like more normal while on CHEMO.....couldn't feel any pain. 

    I have a good news and bad news though... yesterday went to see my Oncologist, and said that looks like first round of chemo works.... 3 masses (tumor) in my liver almost  gone..(YEHEY)...(left and right liver has 2.5cm of tumor)....liver enzymes went to normal level. I am doing the HAPPY DANCE now.....hehehehe.....

    Bad news is tumor in my bones...I just had my first bone scan 2 weeks ago.....Deng!!! Bone scan results lights like a Christmas tree...(lol)'s in my spine, left shoulder, both hips, and skull....I hope these are all gone by the time I am done with chemo no. 3...(will repeat bone scan after chemo no. 3).....

    Kymm, thanks so much for the scarves......I wear it yesterday and today at the cancer center...and I get compliment everytime......people keeps asking me where I bought it....and I had to tell them  that a good friend of mine send it to me and she ordered it online.  Now it feels like I am advertising for that beaubeau hahaha....I had to write down their website everytime....I think they should send me a free one as well :-).....I hope you are feeling way better now.....Hugssss

    With regard to LGFB class......I will have to check it as it bad to wear make up while on chemo?  I am not sure if I have to stop wearing make up.....I am using SHISEIDO product. ...what should be the alternative to this? I dont want to go out without looking good......:-)

  • pasmithx2
    pasmithx2 Member Posts: 224

    sweet angel - why would it be bad to wear make-up?

    Attitude counts for so much during chemo. If you look healthy, people will treat you as if you're healthy; if people treat you as if you're healthy, you feel healthy; if you feel healthy, you will be healthy.

  • Jules59
    Jules59 Member Posts: 148

    Sweetangel, so happy to hear about the reduction of your liver tumours...keeping my fingers crossed that chemo is working on your bone mets as well. Keep wearing your make-up and doing everything that makes you feel good about the way you look.

    MrsM, I know what you mean about the mental part of all of this.  Treatment one and two went so smooth, I thought "this is going to be a breeze."  Treatment #3 hit me so hard, and side effects have lasted so long, I'm already dreading #4, and it's over a week and a half away.  I can't understand why the third round was so much harder for me and wondering if the next 3 will get progressively harder.  Sure hope not, because I'll be a basket case if they are.

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Hey girlfriends....hope you all are having a good day...we are all one day closer to being done with the chemo crap!  I am sending warm, healthy vibes to all my sisters!  Things are ok since it's not a cocktail week.  My eyebrows have been thinning a bit...anyone else?  It's not really noticeable to anyone but me and the thin spots are easily filled it with make up.  I hope they stay like this...I can deal with it like this. I am just worried since nothing is growing there they will be bald soon (I have not had to tweeze since starting chemo).   

    Divine and Kay:  I totally agree on the anti cancer stuff.  There is hardly anything out there safe to eat!  Lord...soybean oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, white flour and sugar are in just about anything in a package or box!  I have decided to start a healthy cooking blog using the principles of the anti cancer diet as best as I can.  I REFUSE to eat sticks and grains the rest of my life and not enjoy food.  Will it take more time to cook things from scratch?  Yes, but I am a foodie...100% Italian and love food.  I just won't give up finding good foods to enjoy for me and my family.  They are on the same meal plan as me...I refuse to cook two dinners each night and don't. There are some other foods I buy for them that I don't eat, but for the most part we eat a lot of the same stuff.  As far as healthcare products, this is what I am using so far: 

    Make up/moisterizer:  Aveda and Physican's Formular Organic Wear line (available at CVS, RiteAid, Walmart, Target, etc.....)

    Deodorant:  Bubble and Bee (from the works though.  I don't stink even as much as I workout!!!)

    Shampoo/Conditioner:  Organix and Burt's Bees (both available at Target, CVS, Walmart, etc...)

    Chrissy and Divine;  I hope the cocktail was not so bad and you feel ok in the coming days. 

    Hair Gel and Hair Spray:  Giovanni (Whole Foods) and styling gel from Oraganix

    Toothpaste:  Tom's (Whole Foods)

    Lotion: Burt's Bees

    All of these products are paraben free, sulfate free, aluminum free and some are organic.  There is also a "stop the sugar" thread under the fitness boards that talks about sugars and such based on the Anti Cancer diet....there are some snack ideas listed and a support group going to cut sugar. 

    Sweetangel:  I am sorry about the bone scan.  Will the chemo work on the bones too?  Do they change the chemo at all?  I don't know much about that.  Please keep us posted on what is going on.  As far as make up - as I posted above I switched to all natural, chemical free and organic products if possible. 

    Jules:  I hope the next round does't hit hard.  For me the first round was the worst one.   I keep thinking that the last one will get me or something. 

  • Colodisneylover
    Colodisneylover Member Posts: 183

    Going for AC#4 today.  That means I will be half way done.  Yay!

  • Suebee48
    Suebee48 Member Posts: 24

    Hell-o fellow travellers on the chemo road!

    1/2 way through treatment #3 of a/c and I fell so strong it scares me! had 3 great days at work, full of energy! Can't help waiting for the other shoe to drop.

    pasmithx2- you are so right about attitude being everything! People came up cautiously to ask me how I'm doing and I ended up sharing laughs and getting teased. Felt just like before BC. What an awesome feeling.

    I'm so upbeat this week that I laughed off something that might have thrown me for a loop otherwise: before cancer, I had long hair. Before my first chemo, I cut it very short, knowing that I would be traumatized when my hair fell out. I bought a long wig so that I would feel more like myself. Well, I work in a public setting (an auction) where people know me from seeing me on the "block" where i am highly visible to everyone. I went into the bathroom and a woman approached me whom I didn't recognize and had never spoken to. She preceded to tell me--for my own good, I assume(lol)-that I looked much better with short hair due to the shape and size of my face. That my long hair (obv a wig) did not suit me. Well, I was floored. Trying delicately to let this woman off the hook, I said well, I have cancer. She just looked at me, paused, and continued: well, I still think you should take off the wig. I looked her dead in the eye and said "I HAVE NO HAIR NOW!"  and walked out of the bathroom and left her to stew in her own juices. I was this close to pulling off my wig andasking her what she thought but I didn't! Apparently, after I left, she turned to her friend and said, "maybe next time I should keep my mouth shut"...Ya think??!! Anyway I laughed it off, but I have gotten strange reactions for sure. I'm sure there are a lot of people who think I'm a foolish woman who can't make up her mind about what length she likes her hair. Whatever!

    Off to a LGFB clinic today, can't wait. So many hair has stopped falling out now and I still have 75% of my eyelashes and that it? (she asks hopefully?)

  • pasmithx2
    pasmithx2 Member Posts: 224

    Suebee48 - I think that only people who have been touched by cancer in a real way have the context to react appropriately. It's bloody irritating, but we should try to forgive those lacking the context for their naivete. We don't need the additional stress that comes with anger..

    My pet peeve is when people say things that suggest that I'm sick and need to get well. I really dislike that gentle, concerned "How ARE you?" that I get from people who seem to think I'm on death's door. My friend made a comment about doing something when "you're healthy again." 'Scuse me?! I'm as healthy as she is. Another friend has a blog where she displays her handcrafted cards. One was a "get well soon" card for a friend "recovering" from breast cancer. I hope it doesn't show up in my mail.

    They don't get the bad days are only physical reactions to the drugs and aren't the disease itself. I feel like I'm constantly educating people.

    As for the chick telling you to take off the long wig, you should have popped up the wig and asked if bald met with her approval. I'd have loved to have been there and seen her face. Most people are naive and I can forgive them; others are self-absorbed and need a smack upside the head.

  • maxineo
    maxineo Member Posts: 199

    sweetangel: I hope to hear the tumors have shrunk...A LOT.

    MrsM: Are you an entrepreneur? Maybe we could all get together and come up with a marketing strategy for anti-cancer products! Wink

    mdg: thanks for the tips, I am looking for these products all the time.

    colodisneylover: I'm right there with you chemo #4 today! We are halfway there after this!! (you are on our schedule too, cellomomof5!)

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887

    Good Morning ladies, got lots of goodies at the LGFB class definetly worth going for the productts alone lol. I havent lost any eyelashes or eyebrows yet well maybe a bit of the brows but have heavy ones to start and am enjoying not having to tweeze them right now lol. My DD is getting a cold and I am freaking out a bit, washing hands like crazy scared to hug her it sucks!!!!!! I sent her to school today cause I have missed so much work from chemo treatments and didnt want to miss another day hopefully she is ok, its just the beginning of it so she should be fine but of course I have mothers guilt. After today they have 10 days off so she can relax. As for makeup and deodarant and all that stuff, I havent really changed anything. Too much work right now and they havent proven what gives you what and dont feel like figuring it all out right now. Is that wrong of me?? Oh well.

    Ok meant to post to you all , but of course I forgot what I was going to say lol I am sure you can all relate. Hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend with you loved ones

    Hugs Kymn

  • timerdog
    timerdog Member Posts: 51

    Hi Everyone,

    I have not posted in awhile as I am doing very well so far. I go for treatment #3 on the 26th then the last on May 17th. Less then a month and I am done with this Sh*t. I have noticed the SE are getting more noticeable. Scared and anxiety filled about #3 and 4.

    I do have a question though. I saw a very nice PS about reconstruction. Of have decided to do the Lattissums Dorsi, which is where they take a piece of muscle from the back, place a TE in and then the final surgery is an implant under the back muscle. Has anyone else looked into reconstruction? I will not be having rads so I am hoping to get the 1st of 2 part surgery done this summer. I am in Canada so all of this is covered by the heath care system.


    I can totally relate to your posts! We are on the same schedule with almost everything. I have a 7 year old who ( thank God) has not brought home a cold yet, but I can certainly relate to being wary! We also buzzed, then shaved our heads at the same time!  

  • pasmithx2
    pasmithx2 Member Posts: 224

    Kymn - I am sitting here, feeling sorry for myself because I ended up with the cold my DH had last week. He tried so hard not to breath on me and he was sanitizing everytime he moved. But I think I picked it up before he even knew he had it.

    'Ya'd think one of the gigantic, strapping boys would have stepped in and taken the hit for me! When they were little, I would say, "Oh, it's better that I have the cold instead of one of them, because I can deal with it better." Well, to heck with that. I have enough cr@p to deal with and a little cold won't hurt them.

    I was just getting to a point where I figured I was past the SEs for this round. Now my head is jammed and my nose runs incessantly. I'm waiting for a guy to finish installing a screen and then I'm going face down for a nap.

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887

    Hi Timerdog, wow just think after tues you are 3/4 of the way done I am supposed to get my 3rd dose on the 28th. Then I will be half way done at least the FEC portion will be over with. I am dreading it though as my SE with round number 2 sucked !!!!

    passmith so sorry you are feeling down and you got a cold. It sucks that isnt really anything we can do about it,just make sure to monitor you temp hun you dont want an infection.

    ok lunch break, need to get out of the office for a bit or I might must kill someone lol

  • migallen
    migallen Member Posts: 46

    Hi Sweetangel, glad to hear the tumor are shrinking in the liver.  Please let us know about the bones.  Wishing you well.

    Maria, how is your hair doing? You're almost done, yay.  My hair is short and stubbly, but I still have my brows and lashes. Go figure.  I still have 2 more a/c to go then start on the Taxol.

    I did have to get a neulasta shot and my reactions weren't that bad, but the WBC are still super low.  I'm still working out and I did lose 4 pounds from last week to this week.  Taste buds are shot and my nose keeps running like crazy.

    hugs to you all,


  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887

    Mig my nose keeps running too and I think I found your 4 lbs :(

  • cellomomof5
    cellomomof5 Member Posts: 49

    Woo hoo - Round 4 of AC complete!  It looks like I'm all set to start a clinical trial of T-DM1 in two weeks - I will have it every three weeks for the next year instead of Taxol and Herceptin.

    MaxineO and Colodisneylover: congratulations on Round 4 of AC today!  No more RED DEVIL!!! 

  • migallen
    migallen Member Posts: 46

    Hi Kymn, I know, isn't it annoying.  I hate it at work because I'll be talking to someone then have to grab a tissue, at least I haven't used my sleeve (yet) lol.

    Congrats Karen, Maxineo and Colodisneylover.  I still have to go thru till the end of May.

  • sweetangel
    sweetangel Member Posts: 38
    @ Pasmith thanks for the encouragement, when I usually visit the cancer treatment, most patient do not have make-up....and all eyes are on me lolz......well they usually give me a smile and smile back at them.

    @ Jules, my husband said, I can't believe that you are still getting lots of compliments now that you are sick.....I told him....its not just a pretty face but a good attitude :-)....

    @ Maria, you have been sharing so many things and I can see you are doing a lot of research...I also enjoyed reading your blog.  Thanks for the lists of Healthcare product....I'll definitely wanted to use healthy and safe for my skin. With regard to the bone tumor....not sure if CHEMO is going to do all the work....or it might need some radiation.....I will find out after my 3rd round of CHEMO...then I'll have bone scan and see if chemo helps.  Will let you know.

    @ Colodisney, goodluck and hopefully no SE on your AC#4.

    @ Maxine....thanks and still looking forward to get rid of those nasty tumors in my bones :-) might take awhile but i am keeping my fingers crossed that everything is going to be fine :-)....

    @ was your lunch?  is something irritating you at the office? that sucks...

    @ Miggalen....thanks, yes I will keep updating you you I had my nose running on my first round of chemo...but only took me 3 days and after that I was weigh stays the same before and after chemo....

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Hey's almost the weekend.  I am so excited for Easter...holidays are fun with little one's around.  Today I took my son to the waterpark for the day with my sister and her kids.  We had SO much fun.  I felt "normal" today.  I do have to report that I was very nervous about getting into the bathing suit today with my lopsided tissue expanders (AKA:  coconuts or "lopsided lolita's").  After a while I kind of forgot about and just had fun.  I did see worse real breasts at the pool in bathing suits than mine.  I was just glad they stayed put in my bathing suit top and I didn't flash anyone!  Since I don't have any feeling on my breasts anymore - I would never know if the bathing suit moved out of position or not so I was so happy things stayed put!  Other than that...not much going on tonight.  Spending the day with my son again having days like that with him.  Good luck to anyone in the chair tomorrow!

    Coldisney:  Congrats on being half way done!!!  That's awesome girl!  Wishing no SE in the coming days. 

    Suebee48:  I feel the same way as my first chemo I felt kind of crappy and the last two have been easy......I keep waiting.  Only 1 more to go...will that be like the first one or last two?  Who knows....  I can't believe some people and what they say.  You just wonder how someone can go through life with "no filter" on what is acceptable (I ponder this all the time as my mother in law is a doooooosey!).  I find that when people see me and know about chemo they are purplexed because I still have my hair...since I wear it pulled back and  up a lot and that would be harder to do with a wig, (since with cold caps you can't wash it/style it much) they stare and my hair and I can see them...then I find myself explaining and saying "yes, that is my hair"....then they ask "but how?".  It turns into a long conversation and I have to explain everything.  I guess no matter what - hair/no hair people are just strange and say even stranger things.

    pasmith:  Yes, I too hate the "how ARE you" question.  Sometimes I have to "filter" my real response (you know...something snarky that I really want to say) and be nice.  I also like the "healthy" thing....I also have to filter "I was just at the gym, you know being healthy - when was the last time you worked out?".    OK - yes I am feeling very sarcastic tonight...I will refrain from saying any more.....

    Maxine:  Glad you are half way there!  I also like the Jason brand lavender scented body soap (it comes in a big pump bottle).   Also all chemical free.....

    Hey Kymn;  I hope your daughter's cold passes you by.  My son was sick with a cold a few weeks ago and I did OK but his was pretty mild.  I changed all my products...still MISS my old make up.  This natural stuff is not as good.  I need to keep looking for more make up to try.  I wanted to do the LGFB class but then I heard they don't even give out paraben free make up so I skipped it.  I too am enjoying no tweezing right now. Brows have thinned a little.

    Timerdog!!! Hey girl..I am pouring you a big drink!  Glad you are doing OK.  I am having reconstruction...already have tissue expanders in.  My PS was going to do the modified lat flap on me if I had needed rads.  I did not end up researching that much as I didn't need rads at all.  I went with implants as I was not a candidate for any of the flap procedures without using an implant because I have no real body fat to use from the stomach.  For once being healthy and thin worked against me....I was not a candidate for much for reconstruction unless I wanted to be a double A breast size.  Oh well. I am excited about my implants though.  Now I am filled to a C cup and I will get my permanent implants in June.  So far this has been OK. 

    Hey Min!  I was thinking about you today and was going to PM you!  I feel bad saying it here, but the hair is doing good.  I posted a photo a few days ago on the Cold Cap thread of before and after.  It is not styled nice since I can't, but it's hair so the caps are working for me.  I only have one more treatment so if things stay like this I will be good.  It is so nice to hear you are still able to workout too.  It makes me feel so good to workout.  I hope your counts come back up so you can get this done.  Hang in there!

    Cellomom:  Glad you can check one more off as "complete". That's great.  How many more do you have?

    Adangel:  I am glad the information was helpful.  I have been doing too much reading.....that's what happens when you are on short term disability for months.  Please let me know what the doc says about the bones and treatment....we are going to hang with you through this!

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471

    pasmithx2, I love your attitude! You are right! For those that have had surgery first, whether mastecomy or lumpectomy, many are cancer-free right then, if no nodes involved. The treatment (chemo/rads) is to keep the strays at bay or to make sure it doesn't come back.

    When I get discouraged, my husband reminds me that I am cancer-free; all this other stuff to keep it that way.

    sweetangel and others, I wear the makeup, wear the wig, haven't done scarves/hats yet except at home; lost 15 pounds (needed to, but not this way!), and really do look healthier than ever before. I just have to remember not to be ashamed or annoyed with that.

    I have a four-day weekend and am looking so forward to not thinking about school/work and seeing my family for Easter! Hope you all have a restful holiday weekend and are able to keep the SE's and depression and fatigue at bay. We're in this together and glad we can share/vent. Nobody knows what it's like but you guys!


  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Hello everyone!  Just wanted to say have a great se free Easter weekend!  I am also off today.  I really need it too.  I am going down the shore to my brother's house for the weekend!  Can't wait.  Weather is not supposed to be great, but I'm hoping to get some nice walks on the beach and some nice relaxing family time.  Going to say some special prayers for all of us this Sunday.  Everyone's attitude is uplifting and helping me out.  So glad we're all in this together.  Sweet Angel, great to hear about your progress with the chemo.  Please keep us informed.  I am also neoadjuvant.  I see the onc in 10 days (I'll have had 3 AC treatments by then.)  Hoping to hear good news then as well.  Has anyone heard from Lilylady?  I haven't seen anything from her for a while.   Enjoy the weekend!

    My song:  Weekend in New England by Barry Manilow (please don't boo!)  I'm not quite in New England, just New Jersey for the weekend, but still:

    Time in New England took me away

    To long, rocky beaches and you by the bay.....

    I feel the change coming,

    I feel the wind blow

    I feel brave and daring, I feel my blood flow!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • sweetangel
    sweetangel Member Posts: 38
    @ probably got confused between me and ADANGEL.....I can see we are two angels here :-)....I was thinking of my 10 month baby when creating my username :-)....but no worries...maybe you can start adding me to the list.....SweetANGEL started my chemo on MARCH 30/ FEC 6 rounds :) pinacolada for me. Thanks Maria....I'll keep posting and updating you with my treatment... are absolutely right...if we look good then we feel good about ourselves...

    Kay I hope you enjoy Easter SuNDAY....we are heading to my sis-in-laws house for Easter Dinner....Like you I never failed to pray everynight for all of us.....I pray that we all get throught this :-).'ll probably be busy on Easter Sunday......I can see your 9 yr old daughter getting excited for the easter day:-) I hope she is feeling a lot better now....

    Have a great weekends everyone......thoughts and prayers to all of you.....

    (((( GENTLE HUGSS ))))

  • Chrissyw
    Chrissyw Member Posts: 51

    Glad to hear that almost everyone seems to be doing better with the SEs etc.  I guess we get used to them and try to get a better grip on them as we progress.

    Had my 3rd TCH on Wednesday.  My treatment center is about 2 1/2 hours from home so we stay overnight becuase I have to get the Neulasta shot the next day.  We drive out to the Pacific coast on the night of treatment and get an ocean view room, have a great dinner and walk on the beach the next day.  I try to look at it as a mini vacation as I feel pretty good the first few days (probably due to the Decadron).  We run our own business and have had no vacation in several years so I am trying to make the most our of this!!  Have to grab the good times while we can. Only  side effect was terrible heartburn that night - probably from the dinner but my DH went out at 12:30 am and actually found a place to buy some Pepcid which did the trick (but it took a while).

    I am also trying to figure out how to make some positive changes for the future since we have worked pretty hard all our lives and now that our 4 children are all out of college and, better yet, have jobs, I think it is our turn, although this BC has really thrown everything off.  Other than the BC, as many of us have said, I am very healthy. HA.

    I am still on track to have ony 1 more treatment before my surgery is scheduled.  Will have a mammo, ultrasound and MRI a week after the next treatment to make sure.  Then on to surgery and don't know at this point how extensive and whether I will need reconstructive surgery.  My tumor is relatively small and far back against chest wall (which is not good) but it may mean low cosmetic impact.  The complicating factor is that I also have a ADH lesion closer to the surface and I have had 2 or 3 different opinions on this,  1, don't remove the ADH, 2 remove it at same time as surgery for the BC tumor, 3, remove both and all the tissue in between.  Option 3 would clearly be extensive and require reconstruction so I am very confused at this point.  Also got 2 opinions on the ADH - one said it probably would have some cancer cells although biopsy did not show this.  The other said this was not true and no need to remove. I completely trust both sources so that is the source of my confusion. Has anyone else had anything like this?

    Got the Anticancer book in the mail and started reading it last night - lots of info to digest but it certainly seems that so many of the suggested changes are manageable (except for me the wine will be my biggest problem!!). I am in CA so maybe I need some medical marijuana??

    Keep well and hope everyone has a Happy Easter.