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March 2011 chemo-lounge



  • Suebee48
    Suebee48 Member Posts: 24

    Oh one more question:

    Lilylady-what cocktail are you on that gives you the moonface? Do you have a red rash on your face too? I've heard about this side effect and not sure if it's the Taxol or not...vanity sure takes a hit with chemo doesn't it? I work in an almost all-male environment and enjoyed  all the attention that goes with that. But how sexy do I feel with a bald head(used to have hair down to my elbows), all flabby from not working out(used to do 500 sit-ups a day!), and now with a big red nose from my cold. Oh well, sexy's on the inside, right?? LMAO

  • maxineo
    maxineo Member Posts: 199

    Congratulations, Maria! So happy for you.

    I had my first Taxol yesterday too, like bikenyc. No allergic reaction, but they were ready: I saw an "emergency pack" on the counter that had an epipen, more benadryl, and some other stuff. The infusion was long, but I slept through a lot of it thanks to the benadryl.  I did ice my fingers and toes...they have these great gel booties/mittens that you just slide on and sit in until they warm up, then they get you new ones. Very cold on the hands, bearable on the feet.

    Regarding bone pain, the doctor had an idea that if neulasta didn't bother you then taxol probably woulnd't either (not sure of the connection).  I felt tired afterwards, but got home and ate real nausea.  After A/C, I was lucky if I could stay awake until 8:30, last night I was up until 10!

    I hope this continues and that we all have a better response than that horrific A/C!!! I will keep you updated on SEs.

    Have a great weekend. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and the to mothering women!

  • Colodisneylover
    Colodisneylover Member Posts: 183

    Hello ladies-

    I hope everyone is having a nice Friday and has fun plans for the weekend. Yesterday was my first Taxol. Spent 6.5 hours there, it was a long day.  The Benadryl did make me tired but I slept sort of like I do on an airplane....just dozed off and on for a little bit.  Not a good sleep or anything. No allergic reaction and just felt really tired when I got home. Ate a lite dinner and then went to bed about 930.  Slept good even though the nurse said I was getting more steroids for this than I was getting for AC, so I was happy to get some good rest.  Today woke up feeling good and did not use Zofran last night for any SE's.  This morning had a slight headache so took Aleve, to try to avoid the bone pain the Onc said was likely with Taxol and to deal with the headache.  

     The three onc's in the practice I go to don't believe in icing.  They don't offer cold gloves or ice packs for it, so I didn't ice my nails or toes. My onc said if I have not had nail problems with AC then shouldn't with Taxol. Also, he also said if I've had minimal problems with bone pain from the Neulasta shot, then I should have minimal pain from the Taxol. I did ask if there was anything I should do or take to avoid neuropathy, and he said B6 (if I am remember correctly) was ok.

     A woman at the infusion center who is almost done with Taxol said it's much easier then AC.  I am hopeful! 

  • migallen
    migallen Member Posts: 46

    Hi ladies,

    just checking in. Had my third a/c treatment on tuesday and it has kicked my ass.  I've lost 5 pounds since then.  I went into work today but could only stay for 30 minutes before my manager told me to go home.  I can't believe i have one more a/c to go then 12 of taxol.  Has anyone started their taxol yet? If so, what are you thoughts about it compared to a/c?  Sorry I can't write more, just feeling like crap today.

    hugs to you all,


  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Hi everyone!  I have been MIA for a few days with my BFF here and chemo.  I am soooo glad to hear many of you are also done with one chemo regimen!  That's progress ladies!  We will all get there and then the lounge will really rock!

    I am happy to report I am feeling good.  My BFF left this morning...put me to tears.  Miss her already!  We had so much fun...just like old times.  We spent the day together yesterday.  I dragged her to the gym and kicked her butt (she was cursing me this morning...she's already hurting!), we got cleaned up, got my neulasta shot, she got her brows waxed, we had lunch, went shopping, came home and made a fab dinner and then watched a movie (The King's Speech - good movie by the way!) and crashed.  Today I was up and after she left I hit the gym and then had a special Mother's Day lunch at my son's school.  It brought me to tears when he gave me the gift he made.  I just go so emotional given everything that has happened over the past 4 months.  I just felt "normal" being at the lunch like every other mom.  I guess keeping my hair has helped with that sense of normalcy in some ways too.  I am looking forward to the weekend with my family. 

    I have to go back and read what everyone is up to....just a few I can remember

    Min - sorry you are feeling bad.  Glad you are done with the first type of are moving forward.  That's good news.  Rest and be good to your self.

    Penny: the black toes cracked me up too! I would have freaked out!

    As far as the icing of fingers/toes..I believe taxotere is part of the taxol family of chemo and I did the taxotere.  I did ice fingers and toes but had no issues.  My nails have been growing. I do keep them manicured with salon quality nail polish.  My med onc thought I had new fake nails because they have continued to grow and are longer than before.  I assured her they were mine......If you don't ice them, just keep them polished - I have read that helps.  Who knows...all of it worked for me.  I do know people that have lost nails on taxotere...fingers and toes.  A friend I met along this journey did.  I don't think she iced...after I talked to her I decided to ice.  Who knows if I would/would not lose them whether I iced or not. I opted to ice because it's summer...can't imagine sandals with no nails all summer.  That was my is it possible to still have any vanity left after all of this????  Oh well...I guess I still have a little vanity despite the fact my body is under complete reonstruction! 

    Anyway...just a loud shout out to all my dear friends!  Have a great weekend - Happy Mother's Day to the mommies.  HUGS to all!!!!!

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Glad you had a good end to your chemo Maria!  Min, sorry you're not feeling to great, hope things are looking up a little.

    Thanks for the info on your first taxol treatments BikeNYC, MaxineO and Colodisney Lover.   I get mine in 10 days, and while the onc warned me about the benedryl possibly putting me to sleep and the chemo nurses told me they would be watching me really carefully and taking it very slowly the first time, some how your descriptions really let me know what I'm in for.  I am a little scared.  The thing that bothers me the most is feeling out of control.  I really don't like the idea of having the benedryl put me to sleep.  I guess I'll take one of those anti-anxiety pills before the treatment, hopefully that will do the trick.  Glad neither of you had any reactions.  The nurse told me it's actually not uncommon to have a reaction, but if that happens, they'd try giving me more steroids and then the taxol again.  She said after more steroids, it's very unusual to have a reaction.  I was so happy about being done the AC and moving on to Taxol and a side of Herceptin, but now I'm getting scared.  Fear of the unknown I guess.

    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY WEEKEND EVERYONE!  Hope everyone has a great weekend.  Be good to yourselves.

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887

    Hi I am alive, treatment 3 kicked my ass,feeling more like myself finally today. Still need to read all posts and catch up but wanted you to all know I was alive and kicking



  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621

    Glad you are kickin' around, Kymn.  My 4th treatment kicked my butt, making me wonder if I would actually ever feel better!  Not sure why that was.  However, today finds me better than I have been in a while, for which I'm quite grateful.  At the present, I'm feeling the good Lord's  "peace that passes understanding" and pray that it lasts!

  • Huskerkkc
    Huskerkkc Member Posts: 471


    I've had the Benadryl every time (4  so far, 2 to go). It makes you drowsy and you might take a nap, but it isn't like anesthesia where you are OUT. At least that hasn't been my experience. I actually want to take a nap, but often it seems that is when the social worker peeks in, or the onc, or the volunteers with snacks, because before that there's always a nurse in there. So if I do fall asleep, it is for 10 minutes or so. The benadryl is the last thing they give me before chemo and they do it the last of the pre-meds, because it is common for patients to fall asleep for a little bit. I also take an Ativan before I go. That's what it's for!

    So glad it is Friday; spending way too much time at school trying to stay on top of things before the end of the year and knowing I'll miss a day again (or 2) next week for round 5. Teachers are crabby, kids are getting wild, and I'm tired!


  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Guys - I have had benedryl and ativan on every treatment I had.  I can tell you I am a bit doped up, tired and feel a bit unstable when I get up to use the restroom (I have someone go with me to the bathroom because I stagger and my legs are unstable).  I did fall asleep twice on my last chemo.  I have no appetite on chemo day and I did get a heartburn type feeling too so I did take some prilosec.  I hope this helps.....I was not out like anesthesia - just really dopey and unstable to move around by myself. 

    Kymn:  Get some rest girl...sorry this is kicking your butt but it is also kicking cancer's ass so that's good!

    Min:  I hope you are climbing out of the cave girl!  Where are you?

    Divine:  I am so glad you are feeling good!!!!  You sound wonderful!  (I am smiling......)

    Kristy:  Glad you are keeping busy.....can't wait til school is out for you!  Hang in there.


  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621

    My experience with the benadryl is similar to Huskerkkc's.  It makes me quite drowsy and I'd like to nap but my DH or sister or someone is carrying on a conversation with me.  My words get slurry but I explain its due to the benadryl.  It also seems to wear off in about half an hour or so when the next meds start coursing thru my veins.

    Wishing a Happy Mother's Day to all of us moms out there! 

  • Chrissyw
    Chrissyw Member Posts: 51

    Congratulations to all who have finished the AC.   I am on TCH so the Taxatere is part of the Taxol family.  I have had very manageable side effects and I hope the same holds true for you all moving to the Taxol.  I chew on ice for the full hour of infusion and have not had mouth sores.  I don't ice my fingers and toes - started to ice my fingers on TX 1 but found it too difficult and decided to concentrate on my mouth only.  I have not had any nail problems - in fact, they are still growing rapidly and I have to file them down at least once a week.  I use nail hardener on my toenails and keep my fingernails polished at all times so maybe that is what is working.

    Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there and hope you enjoy the weekend.

  • bikenyc
    bikenyc Member Posts: 57

    So far so ok on the first taxol/herceptin.  Yesterday felt like I had windburn and my face was bright red and my eyeballs felt like they were burned too.  Think it must be from all the iv steroids I recieved before my infusion.  Still kind of splotchy today (and moonfaced) but it's getting better.  Starting to get achey in my legs/hips.  But it's as much of a heavy feeling as a pain feeling.  Sort of like how I feel sometimes before my period starts.   Speaking of...had a period last week, and now 6 days later, spotting.  Anyone else had that?  I'm sure my hormones are totally outta whack, but it's still weird. 

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887

    Happy Mothers Day to all you beautiful moms out there. I hope you all have a wonderful relaxing day

    Hugs Kymn

  • lilylady
    lilylady Member Posts: 478

    Hard to believe it but I am halfway thru. Had tx 3 of 6 TCH on Friday. This was my first big tx at my new place and I refused the Benadryl. It knocks me out-I was using it for a sleeping pill when they old place wouldn't prescribe one for me. Nurse said she would have to go tell the onc that I was refusing a med-told her I had already had 2 tx without it so i didn't think there would be a problem. I also will be forgoing the Neulasta. My counts at this tx were just slightly below what they were before I started treatment so he said as long as I continue that trend he was Ok with it. Been riding the steroid buzz this weekend-getting caught up on outside stuff

    I also went and ordered another wig-as much as I love my current one I think it seems to make my moon face even more prominent. I got something shorter with sideburns instead of hair right around my face. I also have now divorced my BS. She was one of the biggest causes of stress since I started this-I am sure she has mad skills but we just didn't seem to click.

    I am getting a scan on the 16th to see if everything is shrinking. That gives this treatment 2 weeks to work. According to his notes when I first met him 3 1/2 weeks ago he wrote that the tumour was firmly fixed to the chest wall and solid. It is now somewhat moveable and he can actually compress it. I was concerned that it feels no smaller but he said they die from the inside out so he thinks all is well. If the liver and lungs aren't responding we will have to make some adjustments.

    Hope all you Moms had a great day.

  • supersally
    supersally Member Posts: 158

    Lily - so glad to hear you are being proactive with your BS and your wig.  I think it really helps us to feel like we are empowered when we make decisions and move on. 

    Bikenyc - I had a hyster two years ago, so no period for me anyway.  Not missing it either, sorry I can't be more helpful.

    Kymn - glad to hear from you.  Hang in there!

    I have had similar experience wtih the Benadryl as many of you have already stated.  I feel a little fuzzy and sleepy, but I'm able to carry on a conversation with my chemo buds, albeit a little slurry and ADD.  I probably could take a nap if no one was talking to me and I tried, but I visit with my friends and don't nap.  I did go home after my last tx and take a 2 hour nap, but not while at chemo.

    I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day, I did.  Going to dinner with the in laws tonight to celebrate, fun fun.  My MIL is not nearly as awkward as my sister, who actually asked me "is chemo working".  Really?  No one else has asked me that.  Has anyone had that experience?  I really didn't know what to say, I didn't say what I thought as my filter kicked in, but something like "I f*&^%ing hope so" would have been it!

  • Colodisneylover
    Colodisneylover Member Posts: 183

    Supersally-Yes! I had two people ask me that! I had no idea what to say.  "Is it working?"  Duh! People just don't get it. :(

  • bikenyc
    bikenyc Member Posts: 57

    Ok, so Saturday the Taxol hit me.  Really bad pains in my legs, starting that night.  And the pain seemed to be would go from my thighs to my ankles to me knees.  Neither ibuprofen nor alleve seemed to make a dent in it.  Made it impossible to sleep. 

    Walked around on Sunday and that seemed to help some. Unfortunately, whenever I stop moving, the legs start hurting again...which is a problem if you ever want to sleep.  Hot baths helped a little and am thinking about going to the accupuncturist to see if I can get some relief  (had to take an oxy last night to get any didn't help with the pain, but at least it knocked me out).  Call my onc's NP today and she said it would prob last 3 to 5 days.  Counting down the moments.  I'm a pretty tough broad, but this is kinda intense.

    On a lighter note, as all my eyelashes are beginning to commit suicide, I'm making a wish on every one of those suckers that falls out.  There should be a lot of good things happening for me soon. 

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Lily:  So glad you are half way there!  That's something to celebrate for sure! 

    Kymn:  Glad you popped..hoping you had a fab Mother's Day and are feeling good.  Oh and just so you know my DH was being a complete ASS yesterday and I almost started the official "My Husband Is An Ass" thread......I was soooo angry.  He is trying to redeam himself but he's still in the dog house a bit...(just so you know they are all ass like at times - mine included!).

    Supersally:  WTF is wrong with your SIL?  Really?  Who asks that???  OK - I am glad I am not around her as my inner cancer bitch has been out in full force the past few days.  I am not sure I have a filter anymore right now......which is probably not a good thing.

    BikeNYC:  I had the bad bone pain the first time and that was it.  It was the same as hurt worse if I stopped moving. The best I felt that day was during my workout and it didn't hurt...then when I got off the elliptical it started again.  For the next 3 rounds on the day after chemo (the day I got neulasta shot) I took an Aleve and Claritin in the morning.  I took that again for 4-5 more days and I had NO bone pain.  Don't know why it works...other's have done the same thing with good results.  Maybe it's an option.  I am a believer.....worked for me on Taxotere. 

    Anyway - I hope all of you lovely ladies are having a great day.  The day was just gorgeous here today!  Perfect spring weather.  I did some retail therapy.....I needed smaller clothes since I have lost so much weight.  It's so fun shopping when you lose weight......I thought after finishing chemo some retail therapy was in order.  Who's in the chair this week? 

  • Suebee48
    Suebee48 Member Posts: 24

    I'm in the chair Thursday for my first Taxol. Very nervous. Onc says fatigue will be same level as A/C plus bad bone pain. And total hair loss after 2 weeks. Still have my cough/cold; think I'm on day 11 of that. All in all, not the best week for me. Cold has made SEs come out in droves, even this late after treatment. Of course, I haven't helped matters as I've been very busy this last week because I am usually pretty SE free at this time, so that's when I plan all that extra stuff I can't do during week 1 post treatment. Live and learn

    Btw, I am constantly asked if the chemo is working!! I am also asked about chemo side effects. I tell them fatigue and nausea. Don't think people really want to know about the other 50 or so SEs I get!! One day I'm going to write them down so I can look back and be truly impressed with myself!!

  • pasmithx2
    pasmithx2 Member Posts: 224

    i haven't been asked if chemo is working, but I do have to constantly explain that I'm not sick--I'm dealing with the drug side effects. Maybe it's just me, but I see the two as completely different. The disease has nothing to do with how I feel right now. I'm a chemo survivor.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621

    I've been asked if my chemo is "working" and I reply "It's complicated" and give the person asking a look like, hey, that's a long story to explain.  It doesn't really bother me when I'm asked, people mean well, it's just not easily understood or quickly explained.  I mean, there are simply so many different kinds of bc just to begin with, not to mention different ways to treat the bc, that the average person who's never dealt with any of it would not be aware of.  I get asked about SE too, and explain a couple, but then say, "I'm not going to be one of those people who complains about every ache and pain so that people don't want to talk to me."   It's amazing to me at times how 'regular' life goes on, while we are dealing with integrating chemo and all it entails into our daily lives while still keeping a sense of normalcy about us.

  • timerdog
    timerdog Member Posts: 51

    HI to all,

    So guess where I am ? Snokelling in Cuba?? Nope? Sipping wine in the Piedmont? Nope I landed my steroid heavy ass in the local yokel hospital here in small town northern Ontario hospital. I had a fever on Sunday but was really to ill to even go to the hospital and put up with all the freaking BS that happens here and besides I had an appt with my onc on Monday. Never even got to say much to the onc because I was immeadiatly tranfered to the chemo room for antibotics and saline. 

    After the second bag of saline and sitting around so much my ass hurt I finally just told the the people up in Sudbury that I had to leave. They told me I had to check into the hospital here in my home town which is 2 hours south of sudbury. Then they tell me I can't drive. I felt totally fine! In fact it is the best I have felt in a long time. For the first time I have no bad stomach cramps. So I get a ride home check myself into the hospital which takes HOURS!! I was exhausted and started crying, grap my overnight bag and tell them that they either get me a room or I am leaving!! Meanwhile I'm walking towards the exit door crying I'm just so damn upset. Well that behavior lite a fire under their asses! At 8:30 p.m. I am finally in a room, my day started at 8:00 a.m with my appt with the onc. Yesterday was one of the worse days of my life.

    Under "my husband is an ass" on Saturday night my BF and I are walking along the  fitness trial and he says "here's something you can do, jog this every day". I look at home and as if he is totally stupid. I replied, " you do know I am on chemo, right?' He always says things that are so freaking stupid. I swear the man lives in a different world then me.

    As for the "I hope you get better soon". I always reply that I'm not sick I just have cancer! 

    I actually don't mind telling people about the "cancer journey" as I feel that people make it out to be much worse then it is. I know I am inspired by this woman I knew who had BC and I remember her everyday. I also know that I want to be viewed as strong and to be able to inspire others.

    Sorry about all the typos, I'm not use to this keyboard.

  • Silia
    Silia Member Posts: 265

    timerdog - so sorry about your hospital stay -- yuck, what a saga.  You were right to make a scene...  I just hope the fever and infection subsides soon.  You're more aspirational than I am -- you want to inspire others.  I just want to get through this -- and if that happens to inspire others, that's a bonus!  TAKE CARE and try not to stress.

  • pasmithx2
    pasmithx2 Member Posts: 224

    timer dog--OMG!! If there was ever a time to have a tantrum, this is it. I'm not sure the "regular" hospital staff really comprehend how stressful cancer and chemo is, especially in the small-town centres that don't see as much as the major cancer centres. I wish I could get you down here to Mississauga.

  • lilylady
    lilylady Member Posts: 478

    That's my tag line also "I am not sick-I just have cancer". I have probably not felt better in my life. Eating a clean diet and not working 60hrs a week has  made a world of difference-who wouldn't feel good? When people ask if the chemo is working I have told some of them "No, I go suck down 5 hours of poison every 3 weeks so I can maintain this round face and bald head!!!"

      MY HAIR IS GROWING BACK!! The sides have been there all along but the top went to shiny bald. When I went to get me a new wig on Saturday they commented on it and by God not only is it growing back it is long enough to have a curl to it. Now I am not saying it is like a rug but I think I am going to let it go and see what happens. Of course it looks like a used Brillo pad left to dry out on the sink....iron gray and rusty,

     Day 5 post tx 3 and have a little shortness of breath but it has turned hot here and I am cutting grass and doing yardwork. I think it is so sad that I have 3 brothers-2 of whom are unemployed and I am cutting my own grass.AND ONE OF THE ASSHOLES LIVES HERE WITH ME!!! Supposed to be getting back on his feet from a bad divorce (4 years ago). Talk about an enabler. He has been an over the road trucker so was only home every now and then but he is here full time now and totally useless. Using my laundry soap, eating my food and wearing out my recliner, If I even mention the 4 letter word-WORK-he disappears. Asked him to help me get all my patio/porch furntiure out this morning and by the time I got outside he ws pulling away on his motocycle-he left me a note that his back was sore. My tongue will turn black and fall out of my head before I ask him again. I don't have a husband but I feel your pain with the stupid shit that comes out of men's mouths.

      Headed back out to the yard-breaktime is over. Wishing everyone a good day.

  • mdg
    mdg Member Posts: 1,468

    Lilylady:  YOu can start the "My Brother is An Ass" thread...I can add to that too.  My brother lives 10 min from me and didn't even call about my last chemo....didn't even call for 3 weeks.  I am so upset this past week from family letting me down during all of this. They don't seem to call or do anything to help us at all.   I am so blessed to have friends that stepped up though.  I just can't get past my family and husband's family not giving a crap that I have BC.  I am glad hair is growing back.  That is great news!

    Timerdog:  That's horrible!  I would have a meltdown too.  I hope you are doing better and are rested.  Most people can be incredibly insenstive to those going through BC....they have no clue.  Sometimes I just want to say "do you think I am having fun or something????". 

    Silia:  you are an inspiration whether you know it or are getting through this fabulously! That inspires me everyday girl!

    So in case you were wondering why my DH was an ass....we were fighting over the MIL (AKA monster in law - his mom).  SHe does not like me and was horribly nasty, spiteful and intentionaly mean to me about 1 1/2 years ago (and I have been nothing but good to her - taking her on vacation, going to all dr appts with her, including her in all my family functions, etc...).  She thought there was nothing wrong with her behavior despite the fact that her 3 sons and 2 daughter in laws told her she was wrong.  It took her over 10 mo's to even give me a lame apology (while we were at a funeral no less....completely inappropriate).  Since then have only seen her a few times (xmas, son's birthday, when I have to....).  Flash forward to Mother's Day.  DH says we are going to his brother's so we can see his mom.  He didn't ask...just proclaimed we were doing it without even discussing it with me.  I got so mad at his attitude- like my feelings don't even matter.....I just finished chemo this week and you think that I would want to spend Mother's Day with someone that can't stand me?  THen he suggested I stay home while he and my son went for an hour ot two...are you f-ing kidding me?  I am going to stay home alone without my son on Mother's Day becase your mom is horrible, nasty and selfish????  So yes, my husband was an ass.  I took care of that though.  I took my son out for the day and told my husband to go spend the day with his lovely mother.  Then he didn't want to go without us and wanted to come with us but I told him we were not spending the day with him since he had other priorities.  Since he mom was SO important to him I told him to spend the day with her!  My son and I had a great day together....just the two of us - putt putt golf, the park, getting flowers for my mom, dinner out!  My husband is still coming out of the dog house.....he apologized twice.....he's out of town this week.  I am still hurt that he was son insensitive to my feelings.  Am I crazy???  Am I over reacting?   I don't know what we are going to do about the MIL situation.  I have less tolerance since my DX.  I feel like I am taking inventory of he people in my life and eliminating friends and family that suck -it's not my fault she sucks.    I just don't have the tolerance for it anymore.  I view things differently and can't help how I feel.  After all I have been through, why would I want to spend holidays with someone that can't stand me?  Why should I have to?  I know it's his mom but that does not give her a wild card to act life a selfish asshole.   It's not my fault his mom is so nasty...he should talk to her, not me about it.  I should not have to put up with her bahavior anymore.  Advice?  Comments? Suggestions?  This is the worst thing we fight about - the dreaded monster in law....ugh!  Sorry  - I had to vent.  It's been pissing me off.  She's already bugging us about coming for a stupid BBQ next month....she thinks because she offered a lame apology that we all back to normal.  How do you get past the fact that someone can't stand you and they made that clear to you?  Oh and in case you are wondering why she can't stand me it's because she tries to control our lives, run our household when she's here (taking over the holidays at my home and doing whatever she wants in my kitchen with my meal etc..) and trying to raise my son her way (even reminding me that I should put him on the potty in the morning when he gets up - dah! I think I know that...he lives with me and he's my kid).  She's a complete control freak nut and is socially inept.  Has no clue what a boundary is.  OK - done venting...............deep breath.  I will welcome advice on how to deal with this though.  I guess comments are good too...maybe I am overreacting.....I don't know anymore.  I just wish she would leave us alone.  (she lives 25 min from us)

  • Chrissyw
    Chrissyw Member Posts: 51

    mdg - Yikes, you have a lot to deal with having a MIL like that.  Too bad you live so close.  Glad you had a good day with your son.

    bikenyc - I take Claritan on the day of chemo and for 2 days after and have not had pain other than slight lower back spasms and that was only once after 1st treatment.  I heard that Stanford was conducting a study on Claritan and neulasta pain but was unable to find anything so it might just be a rumor.

    lilylady - Sounds like good news about the chest wall.  My tumor is also close to the chest wall.  I am also having MRI, mammo and US on the 16th - Fingers crossed for us. Even though you are having such a rough time with your brother, etc. and all that you have been through you do make me laugh when I read your posts! Love th black tongue reference - never heard that one before.

    Timerdog - So sorry about what you are going through.

    My final TCH treatment is tomorrow - I have only 4 scheduled and that seems to be the exception. Will know more after the tests on the 16th but I am choosing to believe that tomorrow is my last and if I find out later that I need a couple more, 2 more won't sound so bad.

    I have told very few people about my BC so I am relieved to say I don't get the stupid questions - not sure how I would deal with it.

    Every time I go for my treatment I look at those bags of drugs and am grateful that they are available and that we live in a part of the world where we have these resources.  I am especially grateful for the Herceptin and in my head every time I get an infustion I thank the person who developed it.  I never look at the chemo as poison - I look at it as saving my life.

  • Chrissyw
    Chrissyw Member Posts: 51

    Oops - sound Pollyanna - ish re: the chemo but I really do feel  that way.  It also helps me get through it.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621

    Chrissyw, I feel the same way about the chemotherapy meds.  They are healing me, I do not refer to them ever as poison.  And I am grateful for the resources and medical advances to date.  Of course, I want a cure!  But I have always been positive about the chemo and how it is helping.