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After Radiation



  • GabbyCal
    GabbyCal Member Posts: 46
    Sagina - Thanks for sharing as your story sounds similar to what I have going on. The "aha" may be that I too put on an underwire bra just a few days ago because I wanted to look normal for a change. It was after I started wearing the bra that the swelling started. Maybe we're not as fully healed as we think. I'm going back to the cotton camisoles too. Still need to be a patient patient I guess. Be well. Gabby
  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Saginca, Gabby- it is now 8 months since I finished rads and my left breast is considerably smaller than the right ...the swelling is mostly gone and I can wear all my bras...though I am going to have to do a take in job on the left one now that the swelling is gone! I have been wearing my underwire but I alternate with my sports bra and support camisole depending on what I am wearing. the wire no longer hurts my ribs...but I also put a lot of that down to doing some exercizes for physio and the trigger point massage...made a huge difference doing that.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    Thank you everyone....I had no answers as i swelled during the rads and never went back to normal....I will never wear an underwire again.I wear sports bras and i bought the genie bra...they both work for me.....My bs said just wear what is comfortable but never underwire.maybe because im a DD...

    sistas helping you all.God bless.huggggggggs K

  • yizbieta
    yizbieta Member Posts: 77

    Hi All-

    I finished #36 out of 36 rads today. YAY! I have some blisters and I have a lot of other symptoms and experiences that everyone is talking about here- such as how people don't want to hear about it anymore etc. I cannot blame them, really, but I am still going through it so I do talk about it some. Can't expect them to love hearing about it now for 7 months....BUT it feels so weird becasue in the beginning it was a big deal and felt like they cared- now, not so much, but I did it myself when I had a friend with cancer years ago- it is hard to relate for someone not going through it so it gets old fast and people want it to go away so their friend/family member can go back to normal- I think.

    I wish us all well!


  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    Elizabeth---welcome and come to us with anything you need.This thread was started back in Feb.when I finished the rads.AND IM STILL COMPLAINING...and i did lots of complaining all along......I think we have almost all of the answers by just hang in there and hang with us....come visit often...we have some fun too.God bless...hugggggs K
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Elizabeth congrats and welcome to the after rads thread. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Elizabeth - congrats and welcome to the after rads thread.  Come often and hang out.  Bring all your questions, concerns or just have some fun with us.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Well I think today will be a no bra day...I've been wearing the shelf bra/tank top to work and now the underside of my breast hurts again... with this ever get better???

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Elizabeth- welcome and congratulations!!! You can say whatever you want hear..we ar enot tired of listening or responding!

    GMAfoley- will ge better. do some trigger point massage on the areas tha hurt and some really does help. and he bra thing does change...I didn't believe it either because my ribs and breasts have hurt since radiation but suddenly two weeks ago i realized I was without pain! does breast was no longer swollen either so I can wear a bra without a seam across the will get better. really

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Sandee I sure hope mine gets better, my bras does not hurt to wear but when I take it off I have a seam right below my nipple.

  • mammalou
    mammalou Member Posts: 293

    I finished rads 3 weeks ago.  I've noticed some swelling up by my neck and clavical.  Does anyone else have this?   I've gone back to work, so I've been wearing a bra and a big prosthesis.  It is not very comfortable all day!  I only had half of my fills done prior to RADs so I have to stay this way for awhile.  Bummer.

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    Sherry- I think I am just a wee bit ahead of you schedule-wise. It will get better. There is a marked diference in boob size fact, in order to wear a couple of bras, I am going to have to super stuff them or take them on on the left size...but that is a good thing because it means the swelling is almost over....if I have a day where i have a 'nipple seam', i wear a sports bra for a few days...better for my body and my soul:)

  • Jwatrlily
    Jwatrlily Member Posts: 65

    We leave for vacation soon, headed in to the face of ???WHAT??? a hurricane!!  Told my husband, I've stared Breast Cancer in the face, along with chemo and radiation, fought it and for now am winning so I can do angry weather.  We'll just pull out the plastic and hole up somewhere if we have to until it clears out.  We NEED this trip.  I NEED this trip to see my daughter and grand-kids.

    Have any of you who have been out of rads as long as I have, April 15, and are completely healed as far as skin (not mentioning the pain, burning, stinging, discomfort going on internally) started using their regular lotions?  I have some great lotions bought from my salon and it is OPI, AvoJuice or something like that.  It is so nice with lots of moisturizers and I was wondering if I can use it instead of the Eucerin on my breast since it is all healed up?  I've got some great scents of it and would much rather smell it on my skin.  Just don't want to do anything I shouldn't  I'm going through another period of a lot of itching of the breast and under the arm in the nodes area (I was node negative but got some radiation there anyway) along with the constant, ongoing pain and discomfort.

    Also Cindy I think is the one who asked where in Maine we are going?  If we can get in to the state (or even NY or NH for that matter, with the hurricane threat!) we will be real close by to you.  Our daughter lives in Westbrook and we'll be there for a couple of days before going to our cottage in Cape Elizabeth (yeah, I know, a coastal cottage with a hurricane coming seems like a crazy move on our part, but we'll see).  We almost booked in the Scarborough/Pine Point area but everything that we could afford was taken.  I wonder how many people have canceled their vacation plans for out there!

    Take care all you super ladies and (((((HUGS)))))


  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    Oh no Juanita! I'm saying a prayer that the hurricane doesn't ruin your vacation!!

    Happy day for me....I finished rads this morning so now I hope I can officially join this group instead of just lurking here... ;)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Juanit will be praying for safe travels for you.  and as far as the lotions you should be able to use whatever you want at this point.  Just pay attention to your skin because it is still vunerable.

    Barb Woohoo so glad you finished an are joining us here.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Barb - Glad you are finished and are going to hang out with us.

    Juanita - Keeping fingers crossed that the hurricane does not spoil your vacation.

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509

    Hi everyone:  I had my last rad treatment today so, like Barb, I can officially join this group.  I am so happy to be here.  I was one of the rare people for whom rads was worse than chemo.  Rads was not too bad physically, but wow did it do an emotional number on me.  I feel like singing the Kenny Loggins song, "Please Celebrate Me Home."  

    Juanita:  I hope your vacation will be fun and safe despite the hurricane. 

  • KSteve
    KSteve Member Posts: 190

    Jwatrlily - I finished rads on 4/19 and on my visit to my PS last week we discussed lotion.  He said we should still be putting lotion on 2x a day.  He said that anything we like we are more apt to apply it 2x per day.  That's why he doesn't want to tell me what to use.  Just moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324

    Juanita  Have a safe trip.  Yes you will be real close by as I live in Scarborough.  Not sure when you will get here but they right now are calling for heavy rain Sunday afternoon into Monday morning.  They also said that this could change.... 


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Elizabeth congrats on finishing rads and now you get to hand out with us.  Rads was emotional for me as well, but I think it was because I started having skin issue 2 weeks in.  So glad it is all over with, don't want to go there again.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Elizabeth - Congrats on finishing rads - doing the happy dance with you.  Now you get to hang out with a wonderful group of ladies.  Now let the healing begin.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    Juanita----wishing you a wonderful and safe trip...about the lotion...most of the sistas went back to their reg.creams...I did not....My BS told me to make sure to check the labels that there were no parabins or stearates(sp) in it.and use only dove for sensitive skin as a soap.she also said corn starch.every different but im too scared to change.I stopped using the guey stuff and changed to emu oil,100%aloe oil or utterly smooth cream.the oils come in small bottles and are easy to pack and a drop goes a long way....have a smooth trip.huggggggggggs K
  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    Granny the utterly smooth in the tube has parabin Undecided but the one in the jar doesn't... I was amazed.
  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    i had my 6 week check today , and was reccommended to keep using the lotions of my choice

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    I know about the utterly smooth with the GD bought me a bunch of them from the dollar store.sure no wonder its only one dollar.they are the old ones the new ones are only in the jar...glad they are going natural.does anyone have any idea whats in the parabins???????spores and mold...yeah.grrrrrrrrrrrr.
  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Are all you Ladies back east doing ok???? Irene is getting closer :-O  Praying for all you back there!!!!

  • Fitz33
    Fitz33 Member Posts: 123

    I'm just catching up reading the last few days. 

    Gabby:  I know what you're talking about - I finished chemo over 3 wks ago and I have pain and swelling that started just the last few days.  I want to get a prosthesis but was told that we would be swelling for a couple of months and wouldn't get a good fit until that's over.  I think the pain, which seems to be a bit muscular, is bothersome but at the same time I think I'm getting more feeling in my arm and under my arm where I had the nodes taken out.  The muscle pain part is towards the center and top of my chest.  Is that what you're talking about?

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    East Coast Ladies - Irene is getting closer - hope ya'll are doing okay.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Granny................where are you................I'm concerned......hope you got out of Jersey...............the friggin thing if it stays on its course is going right across my shore house.............everything is still out since I had no idea when I left that this was going to happen......that was a week ago Tuesday.............................was suppose to go tonight.................we're still going to get whacked in Philly, but I am concerned more about the shore..................I expect a lot of damage..............what a way to end the "season"..............hope all our Pa., Del., NC, Va., and NY and NJ ladies are safe................prayers for all of us.........................I there a Patron Saint of Hurricanes...........haha.........why the hell am I laughing............we're on the brink of hell, and I'm laughing...................ok, where's the Vodka.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    ducky sure hope you don't have lot's of damage to have to fix.  That would be a bummer.