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Not quite a horder - decluttering



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited December 2019

    Happy holidays and blessings for the new year friends!

    2019 brought a lot of complications at the end of the year with rolling through a couple cataract surgeries (final check up yesterday and all has healed perfectly in both eyes), some serious health issues for a family member, and more. As a result, I really downsized the whole Xmas gift exchange thing and sent along things that I already had for others, told others I just was not doing the gift exchange this year (or anymore). So many of us keep this gift exchange stuff going with people we hardly see. I did some special things for people who helped me during my challenges this year by making them a meal or doing something else they would enjoy. I noticed many in my local community this year just gifted cookies and that felt nice. Consumables and experience related gifts are what I am doing from now on, no more STUFF!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,962
    edited December 2019

    Consumables, and experiences, great idea!

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 582
    edited December 2019

    I have 12 grandchildren. I gave 5 of them gift certificate for escape room here in town. I did that last year and they loved it. They have 4 different rooms and they change them every so often. My daughter gave m sons kids a gift certificate for paint ball. These gifts are what the kids loved the best. They already have so much stuff and a lot of the stuff they want, I can't afford. The little ones still want a present to unwrap.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited December 2019

    Next challenge ladies, and go.....


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,427
    edited December 2019

    Wow Jazzy - that is one ambitious list. I think some of those things would need a whole week. Not to mention time off to go to work.

    I received one new book for Christmas - along with the 7 I'd bought for myself at the used bookstore. After finishing the new one my son sent, I purged 25 others - hardbacks for the library and paperbacks to trade at the used bookstore. I keep a box in the garage for each category.

    My mother always had a 'gift closet'. It held things that she bought ahead for specific people, wedding or baby gifts that she bought ahead when they were on sale and also everything to 'regift'. So I have a 'gift drawer' & a couple of boxes in the top of one closet. When I went through everything before Christmas to see what I'd bought during the year, I pulled out at least 10 perfectly good new things that I'll take to the battered women's resale shop.

    My gifts were mostly consumables this year, along with a few gift cards to places like Costco and Total Wine or restaurants.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited December 2019

    MinusTwo- I agree it is an ambitious list but going to start small and many things on this list are things I want to get to anyways. So rather than go by their list, I will pick something every day to do a bit of work on. Things like closets, the garage, photos are a much bigger list. And paperwork, where is that on here? It will help me to begin again.....

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,427
    edited December 2019

    Good idea. Maybe I'll cut up the 'calendar' and put all the pieces in a wish jar. That way I'll be stuck with whatever job I draw - which will likely be the one I've been putting off for 6 months. Even if I only do one job a week they will get done.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,962
    edited December 2019

    Great Ideas! I've printed off the list and plan to cross off each one when I do it, and use it for a place to start when I just don't know where to start.

  • mountainmia
    mountainmia Member Posts: 857
    edited December 2019

    My husband spent a couple of weeks working his way through our printed photos and slides. He scanned a bunch of things to preserve, but we threw out hundreds of photos. It was a pretty huge job but will keep our kids from having to work through the worst of it some day.

    My daughter and her 16-year-old both have WAY TOO MANY clothes. It's pretty overwhelming for daughter to think about going through it all. I suggested not trying to. Just go to the closet when you have a few minutes and pull 10 things you know you'll never use again and don't want to keep for some sentimental reason. Just 10 things. If you do that a few times, you could make real progress! And it's a pretty easy way to pick off stuff from lots of areas of your life. Can you find 10 books you don't need to keep? Ten things in the junk drawer? Ten refrigerator magnets? Ten cosmetics or grooming products?

    Now I'm feeling inspired and will make today a day of 10 things... :)

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited December 2019

    Mountain- I have too many clothes too. If they are more current, see if there is a consignment shop that may want them (you get money back or credit to buy new things). Consignment here in NM is big, but understand from others not so in other parts of the country.

    If there is professional clothing (more so for daughter than her daughter), locate a local women's charity that collects items to help women who are trying to get back in to the workforce and cannot afford an interview outfit. Many years ago, I was working to help a group here in my city called My Sisters Closet that was run by the local YWCA. The collected suits, shoes, and purses and would help clients find the right thing to take away for their interviewing process. I had donated my suits there I no longer wore (change of location and type of work), and also volunteered some time there too. I remember one young woman coming in who seemed very unsure about the whole thing, and we got her into a navy blue suit with pumps and matching purse and remember when she came out of the dressing room, it literally transformed her into looking confident and ready for her conversations. I will never forget that.

    And finally, women's shelters and the like always need clothing for all ages and sizes. Places that help battered women who are escaping abusive relationships, women coming out of incarceration that are trying to make a new start, etc. all have nothing. They also take bedding and other household items as they try to get them set up in new apartments too.

    I find knowing where I want to take thing helps me to get the closets cleaned out better. My sister told me whatever comes in, the same or more should be pulled out of the closet and put in a pile to go. Easier said than done, but it's another way to keep the volume down.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited December 2019

    The concept of a 30 day decluttering calendar may seem like a good idea, but far too ambitious for most people. It's too rigid for me. One big reason for clutter is the busy lives we lead which doesn't lend itself to having 30 days to dedicate to decluttering. Most people can find a weekend here or there to tackle projects. Ideally, once you find a decluttering method that works for you, it should become more a lifestyle change in the way that you look at and approach your surroundings and what's in them.

    We visited my stepson yesterday. His family moved to a rental four months ago. They haven't found the right place to buy but needed to move to the right school district. The rental is already a cluttered mess. Yes, two working parents and two kids but so much stuff. Plus the house they moved out of which they still own contains stuff that needs pitched. They are very successful in what they do workwise with two beautiful kids, but their domestic lifestyle is incredibly puzzling to dh and I. How can they be so together in some things but jumbled in others. And won't listen to mild suggestions or advice. The kind who don't park new vehicles in the garage because it's filled with worthless junk.

  • ninetwelve
    ninetwelve Member Posts: 328
    edited December 2019

    It's the end of the year, and I had a mortality scare at the beginning of the month, and my mom passed away mid-month.

    Getting my affairs in order seems like a good idea. So I read this entire thread to get inspired. I love the calendar above, and I'm happy that I can check off several boxes without any effort. Empty containers in the shower? Not I! Check. No garage, no car, no kids. Check and check.

    I went through my clothes closet yesterday to tidy it, and easily picked out a bag of things I don't want, and took them immediately to the thrift store, so that felt good. Usually, I pack a donation bag and store it in my hall closet, which is a shambles. I really want to get rid of as much as I can because my retirement plan is to live in tiny converted garage in a family member's yard. It will be 320 square feet. No room for expired dreams. Only the current ones.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,967
    edited December 2019

    Nine twelve, I love the phrase 'expired dreams, only the current ones.' It is hard to give up old dreams and get rid of the paraphernalia that went with them. It's always a good idea to get them out of the house as soon as they're collected.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,427
    edited December 2019

    I too was taken by the phrase "No room for expired dreams. Only the current ones."

    I agree with Wren, it's often hard to let go of those dreams. But we all need make the effort to clear away our own stuff so our children aren't stuck. And I might say bewildered by what we've saved.

    NineTwelve - I'll be keeping you in my thoughts. Unfortunately I don't have a plan.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited December 2019

    Ninetwelve- I am sorry about the loss of your mother. Sounds like the end of 2019 has been tough on you (and yes I can relate). Wishing you better days and hope you find some inspiration here.

    Divine- I agree about the calendar being too much for 30 days. I am using it to jump start some deep cleaning and additional de-cluttering, but pretty much got in to a lifestyle with it awhile ago. So things constantly leave the house (as they sometimes do come in too). Recycle, re-use, re-purpose for the most part. Very little goes in the dumpster. I have been super busy with work for awhile and getting a bit of breathing room in January, so wish me luck. I hope to get some of those things tackled, but have some other things NOT on that list too......

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,855
    edited December 2019

    My plan to declutter, when I retired (this Tuesday), was sabotaged when trees hit our house during a straight line wind storm. It was supposed to be a gradual decluttering of each room with the focus on the attic but now it has become a critically timed project. We have to empty the attic so they can replace the damaged roof. About 1/3 of the attic contents ended up in the master bedroom when the ceiling collapsed and I have worked my way through sorting most of that content. Some items have become "vintage" and will be sold, others have been donated and very few have survived the culling to become "keepers". My DH is up to 3 "memory" boxes and I have told him he can keep just 1 because no one wants to look at it besides him. It's not like he will ever pull it out to look at it; he's just a hoarder at heart. So the plus of this is that we have a large dumpster for items we no longer want and someone else will haul it away.

    I had just had dry wall installed in the kitchen so the closets there had been culled and reorganized. I still want to do cabinets and drawers there but the attic gets attention first. The master bedroom was more or less destroyed so many items either didn't survive or were culled when we had to empty furniture and the room.

    I would not recommend this as the way to start your decluttering projects nor your retirement plans. It definitely wasn't in my plans but it did give me a jump start. Dealing with contractors in the new year wasn't in the cards either since I had just started the kitchen job and could not wait for that to be finished when the trees hit.

    I like the 30 day calendar idea but would pace it so as to not feel overwhelmed which seems to be my state right now. I also like the idea of the "job" jar and doing whatever you pull out because there are always some jobs we hate so much we will procrastinate until we can justify not doing them. LOL. Happy New Year and may we all achieve a decluttering job that leaves us feeling satisfied as a job "well-done". Seems I will have 6 or more months to work on mine.....

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited December 2019

    9-12, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. That is a difficult loss. You have my sympathy.

    Betrayal, what a terrible jolt to have your home damaged in a wind storm. It sounds terrible, and I hope the recovery process goes as smoothly as possible, tho I know you have a rough road to travel.

    Jazzy, yes, you've been at the decluttering for awhile and I know you have a declutter mindset which is admirable!

    I hope the new year is good to all of us.

  • mistyeyes
    mistyeyes Member Posts: 582
    edited December 2019

    I love the ideas that every one has. They all help to motivate me. I took the 30 day decluttering calendar more as a list with no particular time frame. It helped me remember some things I put on the back burner and seemed to forget about. Some I have already done. My goal is to declutter to make my home easy to clean through and spend more time living.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited January 2020

    My husband has discovered that the Lego company has a take back program. We can put miscellaneous LEGOs in a box, and Lego will take back the bricks and even pay for shipping.

    I said but you keep buying LEGOs! Why send these back if you keep buying more? Hubby explained that he and our son only play with complete sets.

    O well. It drives me crazy to think of the money that went into all those LEGOs. But Hubby is happy.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,427
    edited January 2020

    Mominator - do they give you any money or credit for the returns? Or just pay the postage?

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,967
    edited January 2020

    Have you seen the cartoon that shows people in hell walking on legos instead of hot coals?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,427
    edited January 2020

    No Wren, but that's funny. I remember those darn pieces always being underfoot when my son was young.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited January 2020


  • ninetwelve
    ninetwelve Member Posts: 328
    edited January 2020

    hahah! Shark has my sympathy. Betrayal, so sorry about your storm damage. That must be quite something, to lose a part of your roof!

    I copied the list from Jazzy's calendar and cut the jobs up into single squares. Put them in a little box for when I have some time and want a suggestion of where to start. Didn't do any decluttering yesterday, but I did get a long walk in, and I helped my brother take down his Christmas decor and clean up for his Rose Bowl party. Took a look at his garage again, and thought: why do I want to spend my time and money fixing up a space I might only get to enjoy for a year or two?

    I felt tremendous liberation at the thought that I could just rent a new apartment, one that has the things I really, really want: a sunny window where I can put a desk, an outdoor space where I can relax, and a spot for a fireplace (faux or no, doesn't matter). I don't know what I want to do next. But I'm leaning towards NOT starting a building project. Five years of MBC have taken their toll. I'm not out of time, but I need to budget time now. And I'm also just always a little bit (or a lot) tired now.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,855
    edited January 2020

    NineTwelve: First, my condolences on the loss of your mother. I lost my Dad in December 10 years ago and it was a really difficult time to lose someone who loved me so much. Second, you mentioned "no room for expired dreams" and it seems that the garage conversion will require effort and expense on your part. It would be nnice to be near a family member but if your wish is for a sunny window, etc. is there something close by to this relative like your new dream? It seems you want some freedom as well.

    The damage to the house is extensive and today the structural engineer will be coming to examine what's left of the roof (about 1/3 is gone) and to draw up plans for the local building commission. We have been in limbo since the beginning of November waiting for someone to initiate this plan. Once the roof is on, then the interior work can begin and since it rained that evening (Halloween), all 3 levels had water damage to some extent. The impact caused a rippling effect so the ceilings in two other bedrooms will also need to be replaced due to nail pops and massive cracks. Learned the ceilings are not dry wall but a gypsum based product (house built in the '70's and we are not original owners) and are covered with plaster so repair is more involved. Not sure if walls are also plaster covered too but suspect they are. So today is important since it is the first step in the plan for the next 6 months or more.

    So if your new dream is a place that has the sunny window, fireplace and an outdoor relaxing place, go for it. Create your new dreams. Happy New Year.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited January 2020

    Happy New Year de-cluttering friends! I am not sure about you, but despite the reality some things don't change from year to year, Jan 1st always feels like a reset button for me. I have been very busy with work for a good 18 months, but just finished a contract with my biz, and nothing yet to follow on right away (my choice there too) and going to embrace the space to get rested, back in to my post holiday routines, and some things cleared out.

    I was looking at the 30 day calendar and the thing that has been speaking to me the most to begin with is my utensil drawer. Looked pretty messy in there and am taking the time this morning to clean the drawer out, threw out some broken things, will donate a few extra things from the drawer I don't use. I also dumped all my stainless into the sink and dumped some Mr. Kleen (stainless cleaner) to polish up my stainless, which I try to do once a year. I questioned myself when was the last time I did this? Probably over a year ago.

    I am also going to create a cleaning and decluttering log starting this year so I have a way to keep tabs on when I did it last. Things like clean out a drawer, under the sink, etc. I am good about the fridge and pantry, but places where there is less "spoilage risk" get less attention.

    Betrayal- I had to replace a roof after a bad hail storm in 2013. That was a process in to itself and cannot imagine what you are dealing with. I hope the quotes, repairs and insurance goes easily. Sorry you are having to deal with all this.

    NineTwelve- I rented for a long time before I bought/built a home. What I loved about renting is that I could not accumulate too much stuff, and had way more free time. I have enjoyed my home but know some day, I will return to apartment life as I age. I like your vision for the future, and with MBC, simplicity is key for the rest you need more of. Sending you blessings for the new year!

    Divine- I was thinking of that same shark meme about the legos. You beat me to the post of that.

    Along with starting the drawers, some paper work, putting away Xmas stuff (and will take the time to get rid of any excess there now), I have plans to visit my fav donation place every week this month. Let's all keep this de-cluttering going friends!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,967
    edited January 2020

    I made a chart with a list of things to clean in the house and 31 squares. My idea is to put an x in the box when I do a chore. I can see what remains to be done, what I like doing, and what I avoid. I loved the calendar saying clean the walls for one day. I think it would take several days to do one wall. I have the chores listed by room, so I can pick a room and do everything or pick a chore and do it everywhere.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited January 2020

    Wren- I like the idea of a customized calendar that fits with your own world. I am a project manager by profession so when I look at the calendar with tasks per day, I automatically see that some of them can run for days, weeks or the whole month. Today, I looked at the calendar and crossed out things that don't fit for my particular world (donating board games, childrens toys, etc.) and other things that get done as part of my monthly cleaning company pass through (the fan blades on my 2 ceiling fans they always do as part of their routine cleaning. There are some other things not on this list like paper decluttering, setting up new files for 2020 records, etc. I need to add as a replacement. I thought about putting together a project plan for my Jan decluttering, but instead, I like the calendar idea!

  • GoKale4320
    GoKale4320 Member Posts: 580
    edited January 2020

    I had quite a few days off from work over Christmas and New Year, so I spent some time going through 5 boxes of my mom’s stuff that’s been here since July. I was able to throw out a large bag of stuff that was clearly useless. It took a while because I was looking for names and contact information for my mom’s long ago friends. She has been wanting to email or call them but they are difficult to track down.

    I also found 6 old pairs of eyeglasses that we will donate to Lens Crafters (which then go to the Lions Club).

    In addition I gathered a laundry basket full of stuff to donate.

    I took a few things to my mom like winter clothes, her favorite dvd movies, a couple of notebooks with phone numbers and emails of people, and a folder of miscellaneous pictures. I told her to go through the notebooks and folder and throw out anything she doesn’t want. LOL, I will be lucky if she even looks at this stuff. She doesn’t throw anything away. Correction, she gave me her road atlas bc the print is too small to read. I asked her if she wanted it back. She told me to save it for her.

    In my closet at home, I quickly looked through my clothes to find stuff I don’t wear and only got rid of a couple items. What I really need to do is organize it all between cool weather and hot weather so that I wear all my cool weather clothes before it warms up again.

    I really like the idea of clearing out belongings so that cleaning the house is easier.

    I received a food processor for Christmas. I really debated whether to ask for one or not. It’s certainly not keeping with the plan. Hoping to use it frequently though

    Years ago we stopped exchanging gifts with my parents and siblings. We still exchange with my husband’s family. But it’s mostly consumables or experiences. Yoga classes for my SIL, orchestra tickets for MIL and FIL, breakfast gift basket for BIL. Really it’s just my MIL and FIL who send small gifts. My husband ends up getting an item from their house (they’ve lived there 57 years and haven’t tossed a thing except for a few furniture pieces they gave us way back and my husband’s Christmas gift). They mean well, though.

    Oh, speaking of too much sister and her husband have accumulated so much stuff from family members and most recently my mom’s old house that they pay for a storage unit that they can ill afford. It’s sad really. She says they are sentimental and I understand to a certain degree. I have given away things that were difficult to part with but there is a relief when it’s gone and out of sight. The guilt goes away when I am no longer looking at it.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited January 2020

    hello! Back again. I’d really like to break this cycle. I did try the bring in one/chuck out one with some success.

    I like this article. A very novel approach.

    I joined a declutter group in Facebook. The challenge starts Monday. Unfortunately it comes with a lot of posts.

    Happy decluttering!