For Older People with Sense
Chrissy, were your ears burning yesterday?
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Ah huh! Were you San Diego girl chatting about me? Hope you had a great lunch and please pass on my big hellos next time you meet. I so wish I could make even just one more
I don't know what is worse, big dangerous things or itty bitty dangerous things?? I just guess that no matter where we live on this great big planet we share our space with both the good and the bad. The good thing is though, we as a species at least can adapt quickly to whatever we come across. Thank goodness for that!!!!!
Have a great day girls!!
Love n hugs. Chrissy0 -
Just had to share this pic someone took of our local color.
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Gorgeous! Beautiful pal there, too!
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Oooo Cabba I just love the Autumn color you girls get over there. We get color here as well but nothing on the scale that you do. Thanks for sharing. I love the furry in the corner as well.
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That is so pretty. We lost all our leaves really fast last week due to the storm on the coast, but thank goodness thats all we lost, but I do miss seeing them this year.
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THAT is why autumn is my VERY favourite time of year!!! The grass is green (unlike Spring time) and the trees are lit on fire...LOVE it!!!
Chriss, I'd rather have BIG things I can notice than a little spider or snake that wants to nap with me!!!
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Beautfiul, chabba!
I love autumn.
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Lol Barbe. I'm just the opposite, I would have more fear about the bears and
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You can SEE the bear and coyote. The poisonous spiders and centapedes and s........ ew I dont even want to say it. Those you cant see so easily.
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I am a late spring person
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Seattle Summer is quite perfect.
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Sunrise this morning by a local resident.
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Beautiful!! Makes me glad I'm alive!
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Gorgeous, Chabba!
I'll tell you the truth, the wild boars here don't make me anywhere near as nervous as the scorpions. Yes, we've had them occasionally in the house. Not.Fun.
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Gorgeous photo chabba!
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We have quite a few very good photographers in our little town who share their pics on an e-alert system from our local weekly paper. Of course it helps that we live in such a beautiful area. I just pick the ones that most appeal to me.
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I went and looked up cougars, male 30" high at the should 140 to 180 pounds and 7 to 8 feet long. Can leap 30 feet from a standstill. There has only been one fatality in Washington in the last 100 years, I think. It does say you are very unlikely to ever see a cougar, they stay hidden. We live to the west of the Cascade mountains and while within the hunting range of a cougar I think we are sort of on the outside of the range. I hope. I am from Chicago so this is new to me.
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In the 23 yrs we've lived here there have only been 3 or 4 cougar spottings in town, each time at the grade school. We are on a narrow, long sand spit and the grade school is in the middle. I think that they show up at the school is why they always try to capture and transport so quickly.
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When we first moved here we went camping. There was a cougar alert posted. My husband got up ane woke me and said we should go use the facilities. as we were walking back he asked what the loud purring huffing sound was above us. I grabbed him and hauled into the camper replying probably the cougar. Needless to say we didn't venture out again.
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Reminds me of a camping trip when I was a teen. Eight girls, two adults, the adults slept in the back of the station wagon and we had a 8 person tent. I slept along the back wall of the tent. One night I'ld gone to sleep before the rest only to be awakened by a couple of girls holding me down so I couldn't sit up and telling me I had to move. When I looked up the tent was bulging inward just over my head and shoulders. I scooted out of the way just before the bear sat down, bringing down the tent. In the morning we found its tracks.
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Yikes! Cougars do follow kids and occasionally attack. Vancouver Island (BC) seems to have an incident every year or two. I would think a cat that can jump 30 feet and weighs 160 could take down an adult without too much problem. I think I've heard that they occasionally attack joggers in Calif.
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We have had several attacks in our east county
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Beautiful Lisa! One of yours?
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Remarkable photo Lisa!
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Beautiful Lisa, reminds me of a Monet painting.
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Thanks, I took it last year...
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Today we found the apple tree with all the apples gone and not one on the ground. So much for not providing predators with any food source. Well indirectly anyway. The deer must have come for the apples. The apple tree isn't all that big but it probably still had 30 or so apples on it.
A cayote stopped by twice and we yelled at him to go, he was barely put off by our efforts.