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For Older People with Sense



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks Kathy........I never felt short until my children grew since my grand children grew up I feel absolutely minute!  They passed me long ago!

    Aly I just love those I got a good giggle out of Miss Bea's smily face and of course the scrunched up face from Sam when asked to  They are gorgeous kids!  Has your LE flare started to settle?  I sure hope so.

    Kathy I think everyone is outside doing summer things over there with less time left for posting........that's a good thing as it means everyone is doing just fine.  When the weather starts to get too hot or to cool once again I'm sure the thread will be jumping

    Love n hugs all.     Chrissy

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617

    Alyson: I love what we always called the cheezeesies when the kids were little. Yours are beautiful in both sets. Thanks so much for sharing with us.

  • beachwalker54
    beachwalker54 Member Posts: 28

    Chrissy, when I looked at your picture it made me smile!  Great shot.

    Alyson, the kids are beautiful! I'd post kiddos but I don't have a camera or an I-phone.  Maybe I'll enter the modern age eventually, maybe.

    I have been walking to the hospital and have 6 rads to go.  Think I'll  make it. 

    Help!! Has anyone suddenly gotten severe side effects of PMS from their hormone blocker?  Wow, 2 days ago I was feeling very blah, like nothing mattered, kind of jittery and "bit--y.  Like being premenopausal all over again.  I couldn't stand myself and wanted to crawl out of my own skin.  fortunately the last 2 days were much better, today was back to normal, feeling great.  It was horrible and I hope not to feel that way again. I assume it's the aromisin, and if so maybe this feeling will come and go like the physical stuff.  Any thoughts about this ladies?

    My MO did tell me not to double up on the med if I forget a day.  She said to just take it the next day and DON'T forget.  I spoke to my pharmicist about all the meds I take.  It is concerning about when to take what and what not to take with this or that.   Luckily, all my meds can be combined. 

    Anyone find that their brain feels foggy and your memory is not that sharp after DX?  Not sure if it's age, rads. meds, or all of the above combined!!  I don't feel stressed but maybe I am.  I think not working has something to do with it too.  Goodness, I forget what day it is!

    Btw, I recently read on another thread that one should not take supplements when getting treatments.  My RO did say not to take anything (only because I mentioned it) but if I had, not to worry.  Then I realized that I forgot to mention that I take calcium with vit. D. and extra vit. D.  This should all be in my records but now I am worrying that I may have kept the rads from working to their optimum level.  Some RO say take whatever you want.  Anyone know about this bit of info?

    Am off to Boston tomorrow with my daughter to see a new neurologist.  It's been years.  Lyme disease has given her chronic headaches and we need some new opinions on what she might be able to do for them.  they are so debilitating.  We are hoping there might be some new research and or treatments for her.

    Never a dull moment.  Thank you again everyone for "listening" and giving me many shoulders to lean on.   

    Good night.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Marlene all of the things you are feeling are part and parcel of being estrogen depleted which is what your Aromasin is doing and that's exactly what you want it to do.  You do adjust over time to the loss of your estrogen but some days it can make you feel pretty low........thankgoodness it doesn't last long.

    As for taking suppliments during rads treatment, some docs say yes some say no......I think the jury is still out on that one.  I wouldn't worry though as the Vit D and Calcium are vital for your bones.

    Good luck with your trip to Boston.........hopefully the neurologist has some good news on the latest treatments for your DD.

    We are always here to lend a shoulder and an ear anytime you need.

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi Marlene, What Chrissy said is right on.  I had my Onc prescribe huge amounts of D3 for me during treatment because I only scored an 8 on the test. 

    I admire you walking to treatment good for you!  

    I have been a mess I pulled the muscles on the right side of my back. My DGD had waited to long to get to the potty and wetted onto the floor. She is 2 3/4 and was mortified and crying. Without thinking I just picked her 32 pounds straight up onto the toilet. I felt my back go and I have been paying for it ever since. It really hurts and I am peeing myself when I cough and I am coughing because I have been trying not to cough or breathe deeply.  

    DGD is fine and DD feels terrible because she had bought her a new step stool for the big toilet but hadnt brought it over yet. I baby sit from 3:30 to 6:30 every day. 

    My poor husband has really been taking care of everything. He is just at his wits end. His Father died last week and he returned from Chicago last Saturday. He was there for a week and was present when his dad died. He is the oldest.  Now DD is in CHicago with her DH and DD to see the relatives. We have her big black lab. SO DH is taking care of Me, three dogs and two cats. He is exhausted and just as he was walking out the door to work one of the big dogs pooped on the hall floor, as he was cleaning it up someone, not me,  peed on the front hall floor. The air was blue with his frustration.

    My back really hurts so much that I can't just jump up and help. I am using a tens unit and ibuprophen and it just isnt mind over matter. 

    Vent over my friends. Love Ginger

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,960

    Wow Ginger! It's really pouring. So sorry to hear about your back. It can really put a crimp into what you're able to do. Why do dogs and cats wait until you're almost out the door to pull that kind of thing? (((((HUGS)))))

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh Ginger, your poor back! you are doing the exact right thing though and resting.  Other than using your tens unit and applying heat, taking some ibuprophen there is not much more you can do.  We often do 'silly' things without thinking and then regret them later but I know and understand why you lifted your little one.........a very normal reaction to her distress and I would have done the same thing.

    Oh my, I can visualise your poor DH with all the animals but your telling of the 'accidents' on the hall floor did have me chuckling at the picture that formed in my  

    I sure hope your back gets better quickly and the doggy sitting comes to and end so you both can get back to normal.

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Chrissie, heat on my back? I have only used bags of frozen vegetables. Hm.

    At least my DH didnt step in any of it!   

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Hi folks dropping by to drop off some links. hopeyou find them helpful:) sassy

    Someone mentioned CancerandCareers in the financial forum. GREAT web site for all things employment. I added it to my thread for newbies Just diagnosed -get prepared. Also, found another web site today, that I have included the link for, it is everything you would like to know about saving money on drugs. The question and answer below the links are in regard on how to make the system work for you re: meds received in a cancer center.

    Edit:6/6/13 Found two new web sites that are a must to review. One is on saving money on drugs. Start with 'home" page , then the really helpful page is the "About Us" Pg. Link is to home pge. 

    This next link is dedicated to most of the need to know info regarding work and cancer. BCO has much information on the main borad, but this link is much more expansive :) 

    HAVE A CALL OUT TO MY RESOURCE PERSON:If you bring in the coupon taken from the web site to the cancer center, will/can  it be utilized to help pay copay ANSWER to question NO.

    Per my resource: This is how to make the website work or other resources work for you while receiving cancer meds in a cancer center, SPEAK UP and let them know you need financial help, best to do when you have initial contact with CC. What they then do, if they are connected like mine, they go through their resources the same we would, but would be contacting as a a provider. Grant money or assistance can be available under all kinds of circumstances. Do not assume you make too much money or b/c you have insurance, money is not available. If say you get turned down initially, recheckin should circumstances change. :)

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ginger a hot water bottle or a wheat bag that you heat in the microwave is very good for back pain.  The heat relaxes the muscle so the pain is less. Are you taking magnesium?  If not some wouldn't hurt either as that also helps muscle to relax.

    All I can say of your DH, is that he must be very well balanced not to have stepped in any of

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Ginger, I'm sorry you're in so much pain from your back. It's the kind of thing we all would have done, I think. Poor little girl, I hope she doesn't realize why Grandma's back hurts.

    I'd put the doggy "accidents" in the silver lining category myself.


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Ginger - my back and I sympathize with you. After several weeks of major back pain from a fall, a friend asked me if I'd been to physiotherapy yet. When I went it was remarkable how much help she was!  The physio said to use cold at first and then heat as you are beginning to repair.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Oh Ginger, you poor thing!  Back injuries are so debilitating and painful and all you did was something any of us with grandchildren would have done.  I have to admit though that I laughed at your description of DH's trials and tribulations.  Also sorry to hear of DH's father's death.  It's just a bad time for everything to happen and so often that's how it works.

    I went to Cherokee yesterday with 2 dear friends and had a great time catching up and yes, gambling a little.  We can get a free room at the casino there and might as well partake of its offers.  All of us are retired now, but we worked together for many years and love to see each other occasionally.  It was good to get away from home and have a change of scenery.


  • beachwalker54
    beachwalker54 Member Posts: 28

    Thank you Chrissy and Ginger.  I am continuing on the way I have been.  It's true, it seems every day is a bit different on this drug. 

    Ginger I do hope you feel better soon.  I never am sure as to whether heat or ice helps best for aches and pains.  guess it's whatever helps for you along with other remedies.

    No news for my DD from the neurologist.  She barely addressed the lyme disease (even though she tested positive) and admitted to knowing nothing about it.  My DD taught her more about lyme than her education did. The doctor said "try gentle yoga" for the headaches!!  Wow, that was very informative.  We were both quite disappointed but we didn't really expect much from a "regular" nuero. We just wanted to give it a try.  We"ll see what the "lyme" specialist has to say in 2 weeks.  this is something that needs to be heavily researched in the medical community because tons of people have it and it's called fibromyalgia or chronic fatique, etc.  I think my DD knows more from her lyme literate doc. in D.C. than a regular doc.  We are just trying to find someone closer to home.  Many believe that ticks were infected with the bacteria on Plum Island, N.Y. during WWII for biological warfare and that the govt. won't admit to it. insurance might go broke if it is disclosed. 

    (sorry talk so much about this stuff).

    We are off to N.Y. to visit my DD for her 25th birthday. Am so excited to spend time with her and her DH for a few days!  Also to be in the city should be a nice change and some fun!

    Take care all.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I'm sorry that the appointment was so sometimes makes you wonder just what these docs are taught when a patient knows nore about their diagnosis that the doc does.  I really hope that the next doc's appointment gives you and your DD better answers.

    Rant away here anytime you like as it's much better for you when you don't have to bottle it up and we are happy to 'listen'........all part and parcel of support.

    Enjoy your time in NY!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    A friend of mine is the headache dr for the US..he is a professor at UCLA and told me about his website

    for diagnosing answer the questionairre and it gives an answer and one you can take to your doctor..

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Marlene, I'm sorry your DD's appointment told her nothing except "try gentle yoga".  Honestly!  Why can't they just say they're not experienced in lyme disease instead of wasting time and money? Anyhow, hope you have a great time in NY with your DD and her DH.  I've been to NYC only 3 times but I absolutely loved it and would love to return. 

    Lisa, I thought we'd be going to San Diego for a nephew's wedding in December, but his fiance's from Cleveland and the wedding's being held there.  I'm disappointed.

    Hope everyone is having a drier weekend than we are.  This is the third straight day of constant rain.

    Hugs to everyone,


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    We are getting lots of rain, too. 

    All the children are so beautiful, even with the faux smiles!

    Marlene, I hope you got to NY safely. That is disappointing about the neuro visit. I do find that yoga has done wonders for my health, but you really want more from a specialist. I hope you both have fun in the big city.

    I had my hearing test on Thursday. I have moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears. :( The doc said it is probably from a combination of genetics, noise damage and meds. I have such a ringing in my ears, too. She thinks because I am "young" I'll be able to get use to hearing aids pretty quickly. She said she thought it would improve my life overall because I won't have to be trying so hard to pay attention to people's faces to "hear" what they are saying. My DD said I told you so.  

    I finally talked to the NP at my MO office on Monday and the dr is at a conference for a week, so it will be Monday before I'll know which med I'll be on next. I had to tell her that I had given them a copy of my 2009 DEXA and that no one ordered one in 2011 to compare to the one I had in Feb. 2013. She mentioned Tamoxifen, but we will see what the dr says. She also said not to worry that they let their patients take a 2 month break if we need it. So I am enjoying my 6th week now!!!!

    Ginger, hope your back is feeling better by now. Little kids and animals bring such joy, but also some headaches (or backaches). 

    I met my grand nephew for the first time last weekend. He is a pudgy 5 month old cutie pie. 

    Chrissy, what cute grand kids! Man, they grow up fast, eh? 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    hello everyone - too busy to chat???

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Nancy, sorry to hear about the hearing loss but I know what you mean.  I've had tinitus for ages and decided to get the hearing tested when I was in the city a few months back and sre enough, there is some loss but mainly in the lower register so not bad enough yet for a hearing aide but I fully expect it as some point in  time as both my parents were very hard of hearing and refused to wear their hearing madening.

    Ginger how is your back?  Have you recouperated?  Sure hope so as there is nothing worse than a sore just seems to grab whichever way you move.

    Aly, I'm always up for a

    Had my fingers going ten to the dozen with crocheting these little hearts for DD and then putting some beads onto them.   I'm trying to make them (all 40 of them), slightly different in some way either with the embelishement or the way that I put them onto the far, I think I'm doing okay but there are still about fifteen to go.

    I have been checking out some Mother of the Bride fashions on line and have found a lovely dress that I think will suit this very rotund figure of mine and maybe even make me look a little slimmer.  I'll show the DD's and see what they think and then I'll try to post a pic here for your approval as well.  I really hate buying clothes and I think to get the perfect fit and if I have time I may even decide to make it myself......we'll see.

    Well, time to go back to the hearts as I do want to get them done and dusted so I'm ready to put them together as soon as the ordered frames arrive.

    Have a great week all!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    My back still hurts but the pain has settled into the waist area. Also because I was holdingback breathing thefluids settled and I got the cough back. I am on a second round of Z pack in the last two months. I am on day three and slightly better. I was coughing so hard my throat would close and that was scary. In the mean time DGD visiting in Chicago was diagnosed with pneumonia. She is felling better now herself. I hope to continue getting better. My DH has been doing everything for some time now and is justifiably annoyed pluys his Dad died May 26. I do still feel bad enough that I am not bored with being ill. I just want to feel better. 

    I have been hanging out on here reading but not posting much.  I did watch about half of the Tony Awards, good show. 

    I will be excited to see photos of the roses. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    this presentation by Dr. Susan Love is really worth hearing

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ginger so glad you are on the sure have had a lot going on in a short time. Hopefully now you can heal and then enjoy your summer.

    Thanks for the link Lisa, I shall give her a listen shortly and report back.

    Have a good day all!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Lovely pic Lisa, where was that one taken?

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    That was in Kings Canyon NP

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    The thing that sticks in my mind the most from my trip over there is the magnificent scenery. Every where I looked there were rivers, streams mountains and massive rock formations...........they made my heart sing!

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Hi Lisa, thought I hit submit, apparently didn't.  I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the link you posted.  I found myself clapping several times over what Dr. Love was saying.  Love your photo and you answered my question in reply to Chrissy as to where it was taken.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    I also liked the presentation by Susan Love, thanks for sharing it. It seems like she is one of us and gets the consequences of treatments. I agree we are all aware and need to go for the cure.

    I am going back on the arimidex. Since I have about half a bottle left,I said I would try again. They don't seem to want to switch me to anything else. But I don't like how they keep saying for me to tough it out. Oh well, my PCP said she has had patients that took a break and had less se's when they resumed. So we'll see. Remember it is the practice of medicine.

    I get fitted for my hearing aids tomorrow. There was a story on the national news last night about how people are losing their hearing earlier nowadays. Glad I fit right in with the crowd.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I have the opposite hearing is too sensitive..everyone speaks too loudly for me. I have to wear ear plugs at is frustrating as my DH has hearing loss. We both have issues about the volumn of the TV and radio in the care as well as listening to music at home.