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For Older People with Sense



  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Alyson, great pics of the wedding day. Everyone looked happy and relaxed. 

    Chrissy, take care of yourself. don't wear yourself out before DDs wedding. Great news from the dermotologist. 

    3jays, I was thinking today that we hadn't heard from you in a while and lo and behold you have made an appearance. Keep popping in, please! I miss you.

    Kathy, still waiting for your pics. How was DGS? 

    Wren, the new bugs (vw) aren't as cute as the old ones. It sure attracted attention. I could see me getting together with some friends and painting one up for you. lol

    I am still  waiting for my MO to get back to me about starting an AI again. I am loving my break, tho. I wore myself out while hanging with my DD for the last 2 weeks. I slept most of yesterday after dropping her off at the airport. I am still having some problems with my hands, very stiff and weak. The knuckles feel really weird. Like they catch and then spring out again when trying to make a fist. ha ha that sounds so strange. Anyone have that experience? 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    beachwalker, our posts crossed. I have many talents, but I did go to 2 years of art school. I painted the car the summer before heading off to the art school, but they weren't as impressed as I thought they would be. 

    Please, beachwalker, give yourself a break and get a ride to the cancer center. Would you like me to go with you tomorrow or friday? As you know, I felt effects from rad tx right away. 

    I think we are set for the relay this weekend. Don't you love how I volunteered you and I without even knowing what the job entailed. Kathy was going to email my questions to Lori and Lex to see what they say. 

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248

    Hi macata and chrissyb,  Thanks for welcoming me to this thread!  Yes, I've grown to this site and am on several threads.  Keeps me from getting so lonely.  I promise I won't always be b-tching.  Really, I am so thankful for all that I have in life.  I really like coming on this site and connecting with others.  I feel like everyone here knows my name. Hey, what the name of that show--was it  "Friends"?  Well several days now I was out shopping and pick up some cancer survivor items--and ran into fellow survivors.  It seems like we are everywhere.  It is funny that when I start talking to these ladies, we instantly click with each other.  Smile  Hey, I am getting ready to take my first flight post surgery, I am going to VA to stay with my son and daughter-in-law and grandkids for two weeks.This is between my TI fills.  I get one on June 3 and fly out on June 5th.  Wondering if I will have to wear a compression sleeve on the right arm where the lymph nodes were removed.

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248

    Hi Beachwalker, It seems like you are dealing with as many issues as I am.  Well it is okay to talk about it because I know that means we are dealing with them.  Glad you have your daughter living with you-with you helping her as well as she helping you.  It is quite ironic that the BC was something that slip its way into my life, too--absolutely no kind of warning.  Well it good to be able to talk about these things here because we all are dealing with something and can support each other.

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248

    QCA and wren44, I take arimidex, too.  I've only been on it one month; so maybe I need to give it some more time.  It is nice to connect and know that others have gone through the same side effects and can help me work them through.

    Positive energy  and hugs being sent to all on this thread!  Ladies, Bless you all!!!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I started Arimidex over ten years ago after I had been on tamoxifen for a year. I did a total of five years and I have to say it was not easy. But here I am more than 12 years out. It just seems like a bad memory. Just want to give a word of encouragement..and hugs

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    dwilli, have a great trip to visit the kids and grandkids. Talk to your doc about the sleeve. It's coming up soon. (I think they have to be fitted)

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Dwilli hope you have fun spending two weeks with your son, DIL and grands.......they'll probably wear you out but I know you'll enjoy it anyway.  How old are your grands?

    Just an update pic of the munchkin in my avitar.  Evie is now three in the pic she was 10 months.

    Have a great day all!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    what a cutie pie!!!

  • beachwalker54
    beachwalker54 Member Posts: 28

    Hi Socalisa,  so glad you are out 12 years and I knowI just have to deal with these issues.  not really any choice.

    Chrissy, your grandaughter is adorable and I love all those beautiful curls! I love being a grandparent.  Like they say, we can spoil them have all the fun and then go homeSmile 

    Have a great trip Dwilli.  I am starting to plan a trip to Fl. to visit my grandkids but am not sure if I should go in July or August.  I was told to wait at least a month or so after rads. so I have more energy.  I really don't want to go when it's so hot but I substitute teach often during the year.  Sept. I have too many appts. 

    Hope you all don't mind that I am going to turn 59 in aug.  Macatacmv got me started here and you are all so supportive.

    Thanks Nancy but I am still going to try to walk this as much as I can.  I just can't give in yet.  I recently read somewhere that someone has "trigger finger" from the AI which sounds like what you might be experiencing.  I think it was the thread about SE from the meds.

    Another possible side effect i forgot to mention; my legs feel like they have a weird feeling going up and down them, almost like restless leg syndrome.  think that is the AI too?  it's strange.  Anyone have an increase in their appetite?  This just great, especially after working so hard to lose 45 lbs. 2 years ago, eating really well and exercising only to get bc.  Go figure.  Ok, no more complaining for awhile.  Sorry about all  the cvetching guys but  feel a bit better now.

    I am going to Mass Gen Hosp. for my daughter to see a neurologist on 6/6, then have a trip planned to go to N.Y,. the next day for a long weekend for another daughter's 25th birthday (my baby).  Her husband is buying tickets for a show as a surprise!   The weekend after that I am going to P-town after my last rad (yey) with a friend to go on a whale watch.  I've been wanting to do this for years.  I just hope I have the energy I need for all of this!  good thing she's driving!!!

    Have a great day you all.

    Bye for now. 


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Beachwalker the little munchkin is my youngest brother was a very late  Both her and her sister have long, very curly hair and yes, it's just gorgeous!  I have only grandsons but they are just fine, aged 17, 16, 15 and 14 so not babies but really interesting young people.

    Age here doesn't matter, I'm 61 so not much older than you........I just think if you feel comfortable then it's right.

    Not sure what could be causing your leg irregularities (couldn't think what else to call but the increase in appetite definitely is a SE.  I have stacked on a heap of weight since being on the AI's and am now struggling to get rid of it.  What I have found is that cutting Gluten is a big help as well as eating more veg.

    Rant, vent, cvetch anytime you like......getting stuff off your chest so to speak is always a good thing and always makes you feel better.

    Heading off to bed very shorly as it's a cold dreary night here and my bed is warm and

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Beachwalker, I have been on a hormone suppressant for almost 4 years now (1 more to go). One thing I noticed is that whatever side effects there are one week - just wait - it changes. I had the trigger finger thing and sore hands at first. Now that is gone. The sore joints come and go. When I want to grouse about it all, I consider the alternative and get on with the day.
    What a gorgeous baby Chrissy!  My daughter and her husband live one street away with their 3 year old girl and 9 year old boy. The time spent with them is such a joy. It is fun to see the world through their eyes  - with more time than when my own three were children.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,960

    Chrissy, She looks like DD at that age. Still has super curly hair. It doesn't get longer, just wider.

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617

    Chrissysb: she is beautiful! Keep the pictures coming when u have a chance! Brenda E

  • beachwalker54
    beachwalker54 Member Posts: 28

    Hi Chrissy, 

    Sorry about thinking that pic was your grandaughter.  I can't believe that you have grandsons in their teens already.  they must be intersting and fun to be with.    My oldest grandchild is almost 8, one is almost 6, grandaughter is 2.5 and and her little brother is 7 months.

    Today I am not feeling the leg discomfort . I agree that gluten restriction would be helpful. I have a friend who does not eat  any gluten and has maintained a healthy weight very well. I am going to have to do something besides walking, like really try to cut the carbs and almond butter!  Thanks for the sugesstion.

    lassie11 YOU are right about how the body can feel different daily.  As I mentioned, my legs aren't bothering me tonight and my thumbs are not hurting to bend either.  But the appetite thing has to GO!  NOW! forever!

    Off to bed, have to rise early to get to the ferry to get to the shuttle bus to walk up the steep hill to get to the hospital to have rads. Then do it all again to get home.  At least the weather has finally gotten much nicer, warm and sunny. I love hearing the birds sing as I walk up to the hospital.  It's like a chorus entertaniing me while walking to getting well.  The smells of spring are so beautiful and the foliage and wild flowers make me smile. I feel so fortunate to be to be able to appreciate all the nature around me.

    Good night all. (I just realized how late it is and that most, if not all of you, are already sleeping.)

    Pleasant dreams.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    This pic is of her with her big sis........she wasn't particularly impressed with having her photo taken that   They are gorgeous girls and you would never know that the eldest was born 15 weeks premi.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,960

    Getting a photo of 2 children who both look good is an absolute art. I think that's the real reason photoshop was invented. That way you can take 2 photos and meld them into one that shows both children looking human. Hmmm, maybe that's why there aren't so many photos of children after the first.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi all especially the newbies who we welcome with open arms even though you don't really want to be here.

    Have had a really busy day with the littlies as their parents went out to one of the bird sanctuaries near Auckland, something we must do one of these days. BEa was at Kindy and I took Sam to playgroup. He helped me bake this afternoon then I got Miss B. Now we are waiting for DD and DSiL to arrive back and we will have dinner.

    Feeling a bit grumpy as I have had a bad LE flare and the LE nurse is away until next week. It is a holiday here on Monday - Queen's Birthday. Not her real one just when we celebrate it. With the family moving in two weeks we are home for the weekend though DH and I intend to have a long weekend to ourselves in a couple of weeks.

    Big hugs

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh Aly so sorry that your arm has's so annoying and painful, I feel for you.  The moving date is getting so close and I bet there are still a million things for your DD and SIL to get done.  Loved the pic of Sam you posted on FB, so cute!

    Take care you and enjoy your dinner.

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248

    chrissyb oh such adorable grandkids!  can't wait too see mine!

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Goodness this week has passed quickly!  Now I'm gearing up for DGS's 4th birthday party tomorrow, which will be the first one he's had other children for.  Should be interesting.

    Alyson, those are such beautiful wedding pictures!  Did your DD sing at the wedding?  I'm sorry your LE has decided to cause trouble for you now.  Hope it improves soon. 

    Beachwalker, hope all went well for you today and that you made it up and down the hill.

    You're so right Lassie, those side effects do come and go.  The main one I have that is a constant is an inability to walk for a long time at once due to the hip joints.  I'm fine if I stop often for rests, but only then.  I found that out last year when we went to Savannah for the weekend and walked long distances on the streets.

    Dwilli, hope you have a great time visiting with your kids and grandkids.  It'll surely provide a distraction from the ordinary, or I should say, the new ordinary.

    Thanks to you, Lisa, for giving those of us on arimidex hope that one day the discomfort will ease.

    Love the pics of those gorgeous nieces, Chrissy.

    Must go and wrap birthday presents.

    Love to all,


  • beachwalker54
    beachwalker54 Member Posts: 28

    actually the last 2 times up the hill to tx was much easier.  I have nine more treatments and and am hoping to be able to walk to all of them.

    It got into the 80's here today and I took the plunge into the ocean.  It was quite cold (63 degrees) but felt wonderful after getting in for a bit.  Made my day feel so much better especially when hearing that a friend who saw me today thought I didn't look well and was concerned about me.  Gee, besides the heat making me look like a wet rag after all the walking to tx, I thought I was looking pretty good!  sometimes I think that people think I should look ill now because I get many comments saying, "Oh you look good."  My response would be "ok, thank you but should I look like I am dying?"  Just have to ignore all the remarks and know that they mean well and probably are uncomfortable with the whole thing and don't really know what else to say.

    Tomorrow (actually today since it's 4am and the birds are starting to wake up) is our Relay For Life and I am looking forward to seeing lots of friends. 

    All the best Alyson with the LE.

    Has anyone ever forgotten to take their al for a day?  I had all my meds. together but was so busy I don't remember when I could have taken them although they are gone.  sometimes I feel like I am really losing my mind!!Embarassed

    Chrissy, my daughter is always asking my grandaughter, who is 2 1/2 yrs old to smile for pics she constantly takes on her I-phone.  Last week Ari said to mom, "I don't have to smile" while she was eating her sandwich.  I laughed because with the new phones people are always snapping photos and posting them on line.  I could tell that my grandughter was a bit tired of them.  It was rather funnyWink

    Am going to try to get some more sleep before I really have to get up.

    Have a wonderful weekend all.


  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    G'day from downunder Beachwalker,  I was lucky enough to receive a pill holder with my Arimidex, one with the days of the week marked on each days lid.

    At first, I thought I didn't need it but, after being prescribed more meds, I found it invaluable at knowing whether I had taken my meds for that day.

    My two grandsons, 2yrs & 2yrs 6months, have both developed camera 'faces,' as soon as they see a phone/camera pointed at them they flash a false smile

    toward it, resulting in the same face in every photo.

    I set my camera up on a little tripod aimed at them and if they do something memorable, I reach out to press the button without, hopefully, getting a faux face.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Beachwalker I have to admit that there has been many times when I can't remember if I've taken my meds or not so rather than double up and perhaps cause another problem I let it go and make sure I take them the next day.  So far no ill effects from doing this........I think that after a while the meds get to a level in our system and the odd missed one really does no damage at all.

    One of my GS's hates his picute taken so I have to be really sneaky to get one and snap it when he is concentrating of something   Another one loves his pic taken and will pose, another thinks he's too cool to smile and the last is indifferent.  The best pic taken of the cool one and his brother the shy one was when my daughter wanted a pic of the two of them with me on my birthday last year.  To get them both to smile I tickled them in the ribs, all three of us were laughing our heads of.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Gorgeous grandsons Chrissy! One way I have found to get interesting photos of my grandchildren is to use the webcam on my little notebook computer. They look into the screen, very interested to see their own faces and I click to take a photo. It might not work so well with teenagers.

    On taking pills - it is a great nuisance to remember them all and now they take two of those weekly pill boxes, one for morning and one for evening. Since I kept forgetting the afternoon ones, my grandson set up a daily alarm in my iPhone that rings and the message on the screen says "take pills".  The kids shout with glee whenever they hear it, yelling "pills".  On many occasions I turn off the alarm, go do something else and forget again!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all

    I am not too bad taking medication but my worry is taking the right combination. I have a regime which allows me a choice of painkillers but I have to be very careful not to take certain drugs together. Does worry me especially my evening lot.

    Had lovely day with children yesterday and Friday. DD and Sil had dinner with us which was great. Just two weeks until they go. (So less than 3 months till we get there - I can't wait.) Next weekend we have DH's birthday and DD's leaving party.

    Having a lazy morning, DH has gone to church but I am having really bad joint'bone pain and LE is playing up so I am still in bed.

    When I get on too the other computer I will show you Bea and Sam's special smiles - so funny.

    Big hugs.

    Hope you all have a good weekend.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Alyson, hope your pain has gotten better, as well as the LE.  I know you're not looking forward to DD and family leaving, but at least your visit won't be too long after.  I'm looking forward to seeing those picture smiles.  If Logan (DGS) sees someone even approaching him with a camera he will not look at it, so most of our pictures are not face shots.

    I'm getting excited about vacation now---1 week from this Friday and we'll all be at the beach.  It will be DSIL's very first family vacation with us and I think he's a little apprehensive this first time.  Oh well, baptism by fire I always say! 

    Hope everyone is doing well this week.  We've become too quiet a group lately. 


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Chrissy, forgot to comment on your grandsons.  They're both good-looking guys, and the lady in the middle looks super too!


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Even the flower girl did her picture face !!!

    And when you say smile Sam this is what you get !!!

    Now without silly smiles

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Alyson, they're such beautiful children.  Treasures!
