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For Older People with Sense



  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I hope you keep improving Chrissy.

    Love Ginger

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Alyson, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. And you're so right--nothing to say except CANCER SUCKS. It's so hard at any time but especially so with those who've touched us personally.

    Nancy, sounds like your friend's energy is still high, and that's good news. I hope with you that whatever is causing the pain will be found and treated successfully too. Hopefully this doctor's finally on the right track.

    DH is packed and ready to leave at 5:30 AM, and I'll say my goodbyes tonight. (I have to work at the church bazaar tomorrow and will definitely not get up at 5:30!) I hope never to see a chicken pot pie again due to having to make 10 of them. And DS and GS#1, along with SIL, 2 other men and 3 other children of various ages, are on their way to the Blue Ridge Parkway for a camping weekend. That should be interesting. DIL and 9 month old GS#2 are spending the night with DD and the baby.

    I told DGS#1 today that I wouldn't have anyone to talk to except the dog while Papa's gone, and he said that when he got back from camping he'd teach Bud to talk so I wouldn't be lonely. I'm really looking forward to that!

    Keep getting better, Chrissy, and try not to list too far to the left! Hope all of us have a wonderful weekend!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Kathy, you'll have to give us a running report on the speaking is just so darn cute! Don't you just love grands?!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Story about Grands. Last weekend DD and family attended a friends wedding in Canada. DD had wanted DGS to wear a kilt because several of the men would be. DGS was told and he said no he had to wear his wedding clothes and went and got his shirt and tie which he had worn at his uncle's wedding in April. We wear ties to weddings he says. So here he with Argyle vest (and Dad's hat) all ready to go. With DGD and friend. DGD is wearing her flower girl dress.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh Aly! How cute! He is sure growing up fast!

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Absolutely precious, Alyson!!


  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Absolutely the cutest!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls! I'm being brave today as I'm going to attempt my first drive since the vertigo hit. I'm feeling waay better and not so wobbly just totally deaf in one ear which is a little off putting but I guess or I hope it will settle and hearing will be restored soon.

    I'm heading to the city to enjoy a performance of the Russian Ballet doing excerpt from six different's a two and a half hour program so I'm really looking forward to getting my cultural I used to dance my self when I was young and fit and still love to watch others perform.......I know just how hard it is to make everything look so effortless.

    I'll let you know all about it tomorrow when I return!

    BE well all!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Chrissy, have a wonderful time. Enjoy!

    I'm off to see the rheumatologist tomorrow.

    But the kids and I are going to New York City in a couple of weeks for my birthday trip. We are going to a broadway show!! We'll play the part of the country bumkins in the BIG city. LOL

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Chrissy, I'm so glad the vertigo has lifted enough for you to drive! Great news, and great also that you're getting your culture fix!! Now, we'll hope the deafness goes away soon too. Have a ball!!

    Oh Nancy, I so envy you. I love going to NYC even though I've only been 3 times, all of which were to see Peter, Paul and Mary concerts. And sightseeing, the Metropolitan museum, the WTC site, etc. I'd have been lost without DH on those trips, but he used to teach pottery at a college on Long Island and was very knowledgeable about getting around in NYC. The first time we drove but the next 2 times we flew. Much better to fly from here, to be sure! Have a great time!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well girls I made it to and from the city driving myself......yay! Felt a little weird for the first few km but settled down and the trip was uneventful.

    The Ballet was incredible! I was transfixed through the whole performance.........those tiny little much grace and strength and the guys?! Well what can I say.......they were so powerful with their lifts and their athleticism was mind blowing! They performed the whole first act from The Nutcracker, an excerpt from Don Quixote, and then they did the lead dance from Romeo and Juliet, Carmen, Aladdin and Bolero and finished up the performance with a comic adaptation of the Cancan. Wonderful!....... I think we well and truly got our moneys worth. They also announced that they will be returning next year to do the whole ballet of Don Quixote so I think DD is booking our tickets as soon as they are released.

    Now to recover before returning to the city tomorrow night for DGS graduation..........they say there is no rest for the wicked, all I can say is I must be very, very wicked......hahhaha!

    Have a good day all!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    it sounds like you enjoyed yourself, Chrissy. Good for you, staying safe while driving. I don't believe you are wicked at all. Congrats on your DGS's graduation!

    I saw the doc today. She agrees with the other doc that I probably have fibromyalgia. She did an informational lecture for a clinic that my DD and I attended. I think it was good for her to hear it all. Now I can rest up for my trip.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Congratulations on your DGS's graduation, Chrissy. I know you enjoyed it.

    The fishermen have returned from the sea at last. Actually, DH got home late last night. I was very happy to see him, beard and all, but my happiness was nothing compared to the dog's! Bud dog had slept all week long except for trips out, but he was dancing around DH with absolute joy! It was a sight! A bit of the rose may have gone off this trip, though, because DH said perhaps 4 or 5 days might do for next October because he got homesick! They had one man with a kidney stone and one with impending back surgery, and another who can barely walk, none of whom would would give up this trip. The only time DH ever missed was when I was having radiation.

    The weather's changed suddenly here, with upper 20sF last night. Supposed to be a bit warmer next week, just right for getting colds. I'm hoping to get my flu shot tomorrow, but wanted to have DH home when I get it. Had a bad reaction when I was in college and didn't get the shot for many years until the Christmas I got the flu. Now, I get the shot.

    Hope all are having a good weekend!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Yay Kathy! Glad DH is home, beard and I know that reaction that Bud gave as it's the same one DH gets when he gets home from the shop each day and is welcomed by Tinker as though he had been away for are so funny. Our little girl is getting old, she's 12 but she still insists on the greeting.

    I did enjoy my GS's graduation! It was so special! but it brings tears to my eyes to think that his childhood is now behind him and all the struggles, joys and tears of adulthood is now to be faced by him.

    I am really whacked right third night out till the wee hours of the morning last night.......a fund raiser for The Royal Flying Doctors. It was themed on The Great Gatsby so was a dress up dinner with raffles, auctions and silent was a fabulous night and the music was a live jazz band and they were very good. I am so looking forward to resting up over the next few days.

    Hoping all are doing well and not feeling too cold.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    My goodness, you're quite the party girl, aren't you Chrissy? Sure sounds like fun!

    Got the flu shot and was amazed at the ability of the young woman who gave it. No pain whatsoever, and that kind of shot I don't mind getting.

    DD and DGD came to church this morning and if I didn't know better I'd swear she was a different baby than last week. Not a peep. Maybe she's growing out of the colic/stomach issues she's had.

    And today I bought Halloween candy for treats. We're always inundated with children, some too old to be doing it too, but I love to see the little ones. Both of our children usually come and we make chili. The kids get so excited for DD to open the door because she teaches most of them in school.

    Happy Halloween week!


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    When we were first married we lived in an area wheere we always got 120 or so kids.  There were two little boys and a dog that I've never forgotten.  They lived nearby and were about 9 and 10 the first year.  The dog was less than a year old and about half grown.  Mixed breed but must have been half St Bernard.  The kids were hobos and the dog had a bindle stick and an eye patch.  My butcher always kept me supplied with huge knuckle bones for our little dog.  I grabed one from the refrigerator for the dog and all three of them were thrilled.  They came back every year as long as Bandit lived.  When they got too old for trick or treat, 12 and 13, they still dressed him up and brought him by for his bone.

    They told me that when the kids would start coming to the door on Halloween the dog would start whining and wanting to go. As soon as he was "dressed up" and outside he would head right for our house.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Oh, Cabba what a great story

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Last night I had my dryer repaired. Yippee! It works again!

    About an hour later my washer broke.


    You can't make this stuff up.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Oh Leah. You can say naughty words you know but it doesn't really help.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Oh Leah. And you probably had lots of laundry to catch up on too. That's terrible.

    Chabba, loved your story about the sweet dog.

    Nothing much going on around here so I'll say good night all.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,959

    Leah, sympathies. I had washer trouble last year and just hated taking the clothes to the laundromat. I would bring them home wet to dry in my dryer because the ones at the laundry are uncertain about the heat. They tend to be too hot.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,959

    And we had a car once that would need a repair that cost almost all our extra money. This happened several times. We finally decided the car knew how much was in the bank and changed banks. Maybe it was true, because the repairs stopped.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls! Sorry I've been a bit slack these last few weeks but getting over the wedding and then the chest infection, vertigo and still the deafness with a bit of gadding about thrown in for good think I'm almost back to my usual energy levels......phew!!!!! The next big thing on the list is my GS's eighteenth birthday in a couple of in Australia, that's the big one........they become legally an that's a real scary thought and really does make me feel old!

    Chabba, love the dog story, how cute!

    Leah, been there and done that, get one thing fixed and then something else breaks down..........just hate that. Sure hope you manage to get the washer fixed quickly as that is one appliance that is hard to do without.

    Lol Wren about your car knowing what was in your bank does feel that way sometimes but I'm glad the change cured the car......hahahahaha!

    I didn't get my first washer until my eldest DD was nearly two.......until then I used to do all the washing by hand and I must admit, and I'm not skieting (fibbing) here, that my cloth nappies (diapers) were whiter than the girls in the same apartment complex! Don't know what they did but you could sure see the difference. At that time my DH needed a white shirt everyday as well so I had to make sure they were up to scratch as well.

    There are so many washing aides around now that hand washing would be so much easier with all the pre soaks and spot sprays that are available but back then and we are talking forty three years, there was washing powder, bar soap and bleach. I never used bleach as it rotted the cloth a lot quicker. My favorite aides were a nail brush and a board.........they came in real handy when there was a tough spot of grunge to remove.

    Oh Aly, by the way, your antimacassars are half done so you should be receiving them in a few weeks.

    Hope you've all had a great day!

    Love n hugs all! Chrissy

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Our cars needed replacing both times I was pregnant. Plus, with the first born we had just bought our house. When I was expecting our twins that car payment was more than the monthly payment on the house. One time after that, I mentioned getting a car and my husband looked at me and asked if I was expecting. Thank God I only had two pregnancies. We've been able to get over 14 years + out of the last two cars.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    I can't remember the last time I saw the word antimacassars!   I have a collection of my Grandmother's that I inherited from my Mother.  Mom always used them until she moved from the turn of the century family home to a modern appartment.  They looked out of place there and in the more modern homes DH and I have lived in.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184




    I had my appointment with my liver doctor today...all is stable and that is good..

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Lisa, beautiful water lilies! I've missed you posting. Hope I didn't miss something and that all is well.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Yay Lisa!!! That's good news!!! Celebrating here for you......hanging with that stable boy is a really good thing.........I sure hope he hangs around for a long, long time. Love the lilies! That pond looks sooooo peaceful!

    I have found a new distraction.........doing jigsaws on the talk a bout a time waster!!! I can sit for hours doing them that's why I don't buy them somehow I just found them as a game on FB.........that'll teach me not to go browsing......hahahahaha!

    Have a great day or night all!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Lisa, I told you on FB but I'll say it again now--That's GREAT NEWS!! Love the word "stable" (and that boy too).

    What a horde of kids for trick-or-treating tonight. Each year I buy more candy than the year before and it all gets given out. The whole family came over and I made chili, salad, and also had dips and chips. Kids are so funny--one said to DD "you look just like Mrs. T.. from school." She said "Michael, I AM Mrs. T.. from school! I teach your class music." So many of our friends say they never have trick-or-treaters and I know why---they all come here! In caravans. Seriously, the cars line up as they come through this neighborhood, each car carrying several kids, and we all get cleaned out fast!

    Chrissy, you might need to share that FB app for the jigsaw puzzles!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    for some reason our area gets only a few trick or treaters. we go over to our son's house and mind his while they all go out with the kids..