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For Older People with Sense



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I have been on Lyrica for years and it does help lots. 


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well day one at home.....DH left to go to Broken Hill (a town about 3 hours from here) long before I had opened my eyes so I am alone but managing.  He left a chair in the kitchen near the bench where the jug is so I can make a cup of tea and then sit and drink it as trying to carry a cup of hot liquid and use a walker cannot be done.  Bread is on hand and there is plenty of yogurt in the fridge and fruit right next to me so it's all good.  I didn't bother trying to dress myself so I am still in my nightie but having said that, I am warm and comfortable and very happy to be home.

    Barbe, the doc added gabapentin to my pain regime......apparently they have found that it works wells with the nerve pain that comes after nee surgery and I believe the pain level and how it feels is very different from last time, much better and I'm saying at this point that it's the gabapentin that has made it so.

    Lisa have you healed and gotten over your fall?

    Well girls, must go as it takes me ten minutes to get to the bathroom and that's where I need to

    Have a great day all!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    oh Chrissy. .wish you lived next door and I could help you. I go to the PT next week to get a program to help me heal properly. 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hi Ladies, just popping in to say yahoo for all the good news!!!

    heal well, Lisa and Chrissy!

    I am still very busy with DD. But we made it home and are trying to get a routine going! I have to inject her with fragmin everyday. It is a trial. She hates it so then I get tense. She is getting more independent, tho/

    I have a good friend coming to visit tomorrow. An old friend from high school, so when I say old I mean old!! lol

    I'll try to add a pic of the house, the windows are in now!!!

    imagethis is taken from the inside with sink placed to see how it will look. We had to take it back out to get the plumbing and flooring installed. It's exciting!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Wow Nancy!  With everything going on things are still progressing with the are amazing!!   Glad your DD is gaining more independence it will help with her psyche and her healing.

    Keep those pics coming as you are able as I just love seeing all that is happening.

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    my DH seems to be falling asleep more and more as we watch TV.Why doesn't he just go to bed if he wants to sleep. 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    thanks chrissy, I feel like I have "no" time to myself, but I am glad to be well enough to be  busy! I'll post some shots from the outside tomorrow. It is just looking amazing. When my friend leaves, my DD and I will move over to the bigger house by the water. She will still be on crutches for another 2 months. My cough completely went away while I was in CO, so there must be something seeping up from the shop that affects my lungs. Hopefully, I will be able to keep it from coming back!

    Lisa, the best sleep is the unplanned kind. lol

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lisa I am sorry to hear that you have neuropathy too. So far I only get the pain in bed in my feet. Have you tried neurontin?  As long as I am getting in your business here I wonder if you could add a heater to you pool. It would seem worth the cost for your health benefits. 

    I am so Impressed that you can play golf, I tried once and by hole home I was trying to beat the ball into the ground.

  • Wilsie2
    Wilsie2 Member Posts: 240

    Everone sounds as if they are on the road to recovery.  Glad things are improving, Chrissy. You have a special hubby who thinks ahead to make things easier for you.  

    DS spent the night last night so that he could leave his dogs with me while away fishing. I had my usual "punch list" ready,  things I have a hard time doing, like changing ceiling light bulbs.  Doesn't it make you mad that you can't do simple things like that for yourself?  Takes getting used to. 

    We had loud thunderstorms last night. I may need a nap this afternoon!


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Lisa, I let my DH snore loud enough to wake himself up while I surf the net...hehehehehe. I refuse to be his mother and tell him to go to bed! It happens when he first starts Marshalling on the golf course for the year as the fresh air just knocks him out until he gets used to it...ehheheehhehehe

    mac that looks STUNNING!! Better even than the shop pic of it. Thank you for letting us join you on this journey.

    Chrissy, my DH makes tea in a thermos like they use in restaurants so when I get up I have hot tea. We`ve been doing this for as long as I can remember! It holds about 1.2 litres so he has what he wants before he heads off and then I can get what I want later. Tea pots just aren`t big enough for how much tea we drink.

    Ginger, I like that `getting in your business`comment...hehehehe. It`s kind of implied here though isn`t it? I`ve been getting in everyones business for over 5.5 years! That is a good idea about the heater, or Lisa, do you use a solar cover? Having a pool and not being able to suspend yourself weightless in it is just a crime. At my bro`s house we just float on noodles for hours as we chat.

  • Wilsie2
    Wilsie2 Member Posts: 240

    Barbe, I like your new photo. I need to hunt up a new one, those children must be tired having to hold the jumping pose so long. I have not had a good photo for years. Wilsie

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe I was thinking the same  In the morning I told him I will be calling him when I woke up as I need his help to shower and missing one day is about all I can do so once that is done he can make a thermos of tea for me and put it upstairs.  I have been thinking today I just may ring Palliative care as I'm registered and see if I can get someone to come in and help as he really does struggle with anything like this as he just has no idea what needs to be done.

    Wilsie I laughed allowed as I read your post about the kids holding their jump for so long.......I love your sense of humor!

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Thanks Wilsie, my last one was over 2 years ago, but I never get my pic taken!! This was taken at a luncheon get-together we had in Ontario and Alyson from New Zealand was there! I got to visit with her last summer when she and her DH drove up here, so I was pleased to be able to drive down to meet her near her DD.

    In fact, when my 4th grandson was born and I was visiting him, my son said he looked like his first and I said no way. So my son pulled out their thick family album to show me that I had never seen. The album spanned the last 5 years and I went page by page, closed the book and said `huh, not a single picture of me!` Sad to say, true. EVERYONE else in their extended families were represented at least once. But not a single shot of me. When I mentioned that in an email to my sibs (among other chat) they thought I was too needy. Sorry, I`m his MOM and the NaNa of two of his kids and not a single pic????? Seriously?? My DH (step-father to my son) was in some of the shots for heavens sake!

    So, the upshot of that is I told my DH that if I ever recurred we are not going to tell the kids as then I know it will be all pics of grands sitting on my lap so they can remember me after I die. Sorry, I`m here NOW. We just discussed this last night, in fact. I get annoyed to the point of anger at how lackadaisical they are about me being around forever..... I see them only every couple of months if that and they only live 40 minutes away!!! They visit the other set of parents further north and stay the whole weekend, so those parents see the grands even more than I do, but my kids just don`t get that. I got tired years ago of being blown off trying to arrange barbecues or dinners so this year I`m not even asking. In fact my DD was SO mad at me for wanting to see her family that she didn`t talk to me from June to December one year!!! She said she was too stressed from work (part time) and I didn`t understand. Huh????

    Whew!! My rant is over...sorry, that peeled off a poorly healed scab. Devil 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Chrissy, I can see how your DH would be awkward helping you as he would be afraid of hurting you and he could! Someone used to doing a shower or bath for someone would be a better help. Do they charge you or is it part of day-care so you can leave the hospital? Do you have a shower-chair? I have one and it helps tremendously with the hand-held shower I can slot on or off as I use it. Hoping you get freshened up and into a clean nightie today!!! Hugs to you. (A bit annoyed he`s left you at home alone so soon...but hey, JMHO) 

  • Wilsie2
    Wilsie2 Member Posts: 240

    Barbe, I think they avoid taking my picture because I look so bad. My hair has never done right since 2nd chemo, my eyebrows and lashes are all but gone, plus it look so tired. When I see a picture of me in a group, I cringe.  I can look pretty good if I "fix up", but don't have the motivation to do that much. Maybe I will cheat and put an old picture up!

    Mind you, I am not complaining, it's just a fact. I used to be "the pretty one". I'm ok being the "sweet, smart, funny" one now. 


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184


    50 years ago today I graduated from college and I was commissioned as a Navy Ensign Line Officer

  • Wilsie2
    Wilsie2 Member Posts: 240

    Lisa, that's awesome! Thank you for your service. You are beautiful. Wilsie

  • brigadoonbenson
    brigadoonbenson Member Posts: 198

    Brains and looks in one package!

  • mema4
    mema4 Member Posts: 484

    Lisa, you are beautiful in that picture. It's an honor to see you in uniform. Thank you.

    To all you golfers, here's the picture I found easily, there is a good one somewhere but too lazy to dig out. I just love being in the pool listening to them say bad words when balls and clubs start flying! We have a golf deck beyond our pool to watch but it's good for evenings and nights!


    We've since cut some limbs so the course is seen better from this view. I like sitting on the upstairs deck so I can watch safely! We don't even play golf!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Still gorgeous Lisa and Wilsie, we are our own worst critics. I`m not terribly happy with that picture of me, but at least it`s recent! When I look in the mirror I swear I still see a young hippie, not a 56 year old grandma.

    Nice view mema, you are really close!! Do you have to get special insurance for your windows? I laugh when my DH tells me a homeowner comes running out yelling when they get a broken window...hey, you live on a golf course!!!!

    When I was at the tournament on Wednesday I was paired with a non-or-new-golfer (she just bought clubs). We had a tent over us but were on the up hill of a par 3. I told her if anyone yelled FORE to bend over and cover her head as it would be serious (the people teeing off could see us). She laughed. Until the first group yelled FORE!!! and then she ran!! hehehehehhehee (They put our tent at the womens` tees but there were still guys playing for the first hour before the course cleared for the tournament.)

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Too funny Barbe! !

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,325

    Lisa, you are a gorgeous young woman in that picture. 

    And what a lovely pool! 

    I was back playing golf as soon as my PS cleared me to play after my BMX with recon.  I think it was about 8 weeks.  But it might have been 12 wks because I had some healing issues with lefty.   I started walking out in my neighborhood after about a week.  At first I must have made a pitiful sight, managing only about a block and my motion was more creeping than striding!  But I wanted to get back to being active asap. 

    I think the homeowner on a golf course has to make sure his/her home insurance covers window breakage.  It's a hazard of living in that location.  The golfer is not liable.  That's what I read, anyway.  It may vary from place to place. 

    I just bought a "new used" set of Taylormade irons on Ebay.  Hope I'm not repeating myself.  They should arrive on Thurs.  And tonight I ordered some Volvik golf balls, a dozen orange and a dozen bright green.  I saw some of the LPGA players using them recently at a tournament in Mobile, AL, and I liked the way they look.  Volvik was one of the sponsors of the tournament. 

    Barbe, the LPGA were playing in Canada this weekend.  I don't know exactly where.  I watched it on tv.  We record a lot of sports events on the DVR and watch them at our convenience.  DH watched a lot of the French Open tennis.  I watched some of it. 

    Today was dh's 75th birthday.  We celebrated it at my mother's house today.  Five of her six kids were there.  It was a nice day.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Lisa, what a great picture of you!  Beautiful both now and then, too.  I thought of you last night as I woke DH to go to bed.  He falls asleep on the couch every night.  Then I wake him at 11:00 or so and since he's already slept some, he'll wake up at shortly after 5:00 AM.  Then the whole scenario repeats.  I like to stay up late and sleep late myself.

    Nancy, I really like the sink and the placement.  Our house doesn't have a window over the sink and I do miss one.

    DD's MIL finishes radiation this week, then she starts on Femara.  Her bc had affected 1 lymph node but no chemo was recommended. She had the onco dx test, so that's probably why. I recommended this forum to her but she's never joined.  I have a year and 6 months left on arimidex and hopefully can then tell it good-bye!

    Kept the 2 DGS yesterday and it about did us in.  The 5 year old wants to be outside all the time, and the 17th month old just wants to walk, constantly.  Very active day!

    Chrissy, hope all is still well with you!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Too funny Kathy

  • Wilsie2
    Wilsie2 Member Posts: 240

    Has anyone had a heart sonogram?  My GP has ordered one because my heart rate is always very high, and has been for a while. Bless her heart, she takes her responsibility of taking care of all issues other than bc, very seriously!  I told her a few months ago that onc only addresses bc, and that I am relying on her for everything else. She is a great doc, she will get to the bottom of any issue I mention. 


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Wilsie I had one a couple of years ago and they really aren't a big deal.  Its just like an ultrasound of the heart and they do it laying flat and on your side.  Hope it all goes well for you and comes back clear.

    I've been quiet for a few days getting my head  It's been a bit of an emotional roller coaster but I think I've got my feet firmly back on the ground.  My walking is getting better day by day and that's a good thing I just wish the swelling would stabilise  as that's what is causing a lot of the discomfort.  Oh well, this too shall pass I just need a little more

    Lisa that is a cracking good photo of you, you sure were a looker and still are......gorgeous!

    Nancy, that kitchen cabinet is going to look fab right there and I can't wait to see it complete!

    Have a good day all!

    Love n hugs.     Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Ah Chrissy, your adrenaline has depleted from your system and you are getting the "flight or fight" crash. It took a while, but totally predictable - think back to last time. Have you cried yet? You need to rid yourself of the cortisol in your system that has kept you goind thus far. Hugs to you, sweetie, you are doing GREAT!!!!

    Wilsie, they may even have the sound on and you can hear your own heartbeat!! I LOVE getting tests and scans where I can watch and/or hear what is happening. Even when they did my leg ultrasounds checking for vein blockage I got to hear the beat. Once I was able to see my spine from INSIDE my body when I had an angiogram!! LOVE it!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Yeah Barbe had big break down as I was getting out of the shower the other day.........poor hubby didn't know what to do.  I must admit it was what I needed and I've been a lot better since and coping with the pain better as well.  

    We have been invited out to a goodbye lunch for a friend who is moving interstate on Sunday and I will admit I'm looking forward to it and getting out of the house even if it's only for an hour or two.  I don't think I'll use the walking frame as I'm getting pretty good on two sticks and I know there will be a place for me to sit and put my legs up if I need.

    Thanks for the hugs, much appreciated.

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • Wilsie2
    Wilsie2 Member Posts: 240

    Barbe, it will be interesting, for sure. You are kinda like me, I enjoyed my head and upper body MRIs very much.  As ling as they get the IV started with no trouble, I am game for any test my insurance will pay for!

    Chrissy, hoping the walking is easier day by day, and pain goes away soon. 

    On another note, I am getting senile. Went to the store, forgot t put the dog door down. When I got home, went inside, and no dogs! I looked back and saw what happened, and started the Chase. Molly, my old, almost blind and deaf one, was just padding around in the front yard. She was easy, thank goodness . So I took the car out around the block and found Bubba, my naughty boy who has street smarts. Finally got him and took him home. That left only Lola, my sweet but dumb mini Schnauzer. She never gets out and has no street smarts. I was just about to give up, when I saw a lady walking with a purpose with a leash. Turns out she was saving my Lola!  So I made a new friend and have them all back. I am pooped from the little walking I did, plus scared myself!

    I live by myself with the three. They are good company. 


  • brigadoonbenson
    brigadoonbenson Member Posts: 198

    Wilsie - That is very entertaining in the retelling.  I laughed but I was tired for you.