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For Older People with Sense



  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    I love flying but very seldom do it.  Actually, we've only flown once since the big crack-down and then had no trouble, even with my bi-pap machine as a carry-on.  Still a hassle, though.

    I know you can't wait to see your grandchildren, Alyson!  We're so fortunate that all 3 of ours live within 40 minutes of us, so we keep ours a lot!  

    My goodness, that's a LOT of rain, Carole!  We had a little over an inch yesterday and the garden's still a bit muddy but our yard is mostly a red clay soil.  Yours may be more sandy.  I need some of your initiative to tackle a guest room here!  It sounds lovely.

    Chrissy, all good thoughts and prayers for you today!  


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls!

    I'm finally back in my room numb bum and numb legs at the moment but that is slowly wearing off.  I'm all set with the pain meds as the doc has ordered enough to keep an elephant comfortable so I doubt I'll have any problems there.

    It was a very early start this morning, up at 3.00am (well I never really went to bed) as I had to be here at seven.  It's a little over two hours to get here from home and it rained all the way..........needless to say I drove

    Now to heal and get back on my feet!  I'm so looking forward to being able to do more stuff!

    Love n hugs all!   Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Chrissy!!! So wonderful to hear from you!! Glad all went well, I bet you're floating in lalalalala land right now with the good meds. Praying  your healing is fast and uneventful!

  • Wilsie2
    Wilsie2 Member Posts: 240

    Chrissy, here's to pain free healing and a great new knee!  I have a friend here who had the same thing done last Wednesdayl, she is home and says the worst is over. Hope yours heals fast!


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,327

    Chrissy, I'm amazed that you're already checking in!  What a trooper you are!  Glad the surgery is over and you have lots of pain meds.  We're all thinking about you and sending healing vibes. 

    Alyson, what a wonderful trip you're having!  I'm envious.  I would love to visit London.  And also Paris.  I was nervous about flying, too, when we started out on our  big trip to AUS and NZ in Jan.  But I actually developed a ho-hum attitude before it was over.  Visiting AUS involved so many plane trips and everything went smoothly. 

    Wilsie, what a shame that the weather is spoiling the fishing and boating trips for your visiting family.  Our worst experience with that was the year Hurricane Juan spent a week wandering up and down the Gulf Coast.  We had visitors from Sweden and were planning to take them sailing on Lake Pontchartrain.  Instead we waded up and down the flooded lakeshore in water up to our knees!  It was so disappointing.  Our house was built high enough to park underneath it so we were dry inside and the cars were parked several blocks away on higher ground.  We have since moved but not because of the occasional flooding. 

    It's still raining today but tomorrow is supposed to be drier. 

    Hope everyone has a good Saturday.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    chrissy, thinking of you and hope the first few days are not too bad or a blur, whichever is good for you. Keep up with the pain meds. 

    I am sitting in the PT waiting room.We are meeting with transition team today. Heading home on Monday night so I have to learn some motions and massage techniques. 

    Boy, talk about packing. We have to get some boxes to send stuff back. Already have sent off a CPM machine, but have to drag the ice machine and calf pumps with us, besides the crutches and brace. Normal travel will seem easy after this.

    I'm sorry if I go on and on about this stuff. I only have a few minutes to myself at any given time. But I think of you gals all the time!

  • Wilsie2
    Wilsie2 Member Posts: 240

    The weather is glorious. Back to boating, swimming, and fishing plans. Of course, rain is interesting to Arizona children, we sure have seen our share the past 3 days.   Being the good grandma that's am, have dropped them off at DDs, she has a pool. I will have a few moments to rest up before I go back to get them. They grow so fast, we all feel that we are making memories, as the rest of the family is here in Alabama. My son is divorced and has to be near his children.  We get them for a month every summer. 

    Hope everyone is starting out with a good summer, travel, family, an yes, even surgery.  


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Morning girls!

    Just had breaky afters a good night.......only remember the nurse coming in twice but she assured me she was in every  Pain level at the moment is rising as the blocker is fading but it has given me a good start and I still haven't used my pump so that one ins still up my sleeve so to speak.

    Yay, I get to see the torturer  (PT) sometime this morning and depending on his/her assessment I will be aided to stand out of bed......not sure on the attempting to walk bit yet but a few steps is a possibility.

    Onward and upward I

    Nancy so much for you to do but I know you will manage, you always are a real champ!  It's good it hear that your DD is good enough to be released to go home as home is the best place to recouperate.

    Wilsie keep on making those memories while you's sad when a marriage doesn't work out particularly when children are involved but it's good that you still get to see and have even if it is only those four weeks over summer.........that's plenty of time to build relationships and make wonderful memories that will never be forgotten.

    Time to have my second cup of tea.  Take it easy girls!

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    My word Chrissy, you're already posting!  I'd thought we might not hear anything for a couple of days, but sister, you are AMAZING!  I'm so glad it went well and now you're already ready for  PT.  Go get 'em, girl!

    Nancy, glad your DD has improved enough to go home!  She too is amazing and I'm sure she's had much loving attention from you.  Good luck with this part of her recovery!

    When DH asked me what I wanted to do this afternoon I said go look at some knockout roses.  Didn't really intend to buy them now but wanted to see the selection.  So, we came back with 6 knockout roses, 2 oak leaf hydrangeas, and a gigantic Boston fern, + a heavy duty hook to hang it on outside.  DH and plant stores do not mix, or perhaps they mix too well!  


  • Wilsie2
    Wilsie2 Member Posts: 240

    QCA what color knockouts did you get?  My daughter found some yellow ones, they are splendid!  Last year the nursery said they were still improving them. The oak leaf hydrangeas are in full bloom here, and my blue ones are not far behind. I love this time of the year. My DD is my inspiration for gardening, I wish I could do more.   Wilsie

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Girls with all these lovely plants you talk about you need to share some picks.........I've not heard about knockout roses or oak leaf hydrangers so would love to see what they look like if you wouldn't mind.

    Kathy I came to hospital fully have my smart phone, my iPad as well as my laptop with a mobile internet connection........there is almost nothing that keeps me away from the boards for too long as I miss you all too much.

    Good gardening!

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Chrissie so good to hear from you!  PT is coming up quickly, can you use you pump in advance to make it a little easier on you?  Thank you for posting I think we were all happy to hear from you. 

    Nancy happy your DD is able to go home, you are t amazing the way you have stepped up to help her through this. It sounds like a lot of baggage including an ice machine! 

    It is a sunny day here, still 60's daytime but feels perfect from here. 

    Happy days to everyone! Ginger

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well girls, PT has just been and got the fright of his life when the little wound where the drain was removed started to bleed is, exercise was good but no out of bed for me today so hopefully will be back on my feet again tomorrow.

    Ginger the pain is well controlled with both pulls and the pump so all is good in that department.  I'm thinking the pump will go a bit later and pain control will be left to the pills and patch that I'm wearing......all is good.

    Love n hugs all!   Chrissy

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Wilsie, we got a deep pink double.  They had no yellows and the white ones didn't look that good.  It was late when we got home so they haven't been planted yet.  I'd have loved to have yellow but have never seen any around here.  This is our first experience with the knockouts, and also with the oakleaf hydrangea.  I have a regular hydrangea that we forced to have blue flowers (made soil alkaline, I think) and it should bloom soon.

    Chrissy, I will try to post a picture after we get them planted.  Sounds like you're doing great, despite the wound bleeding again.  So glad your pain is under control.  And yes, you're prepared!  I'm glad you're able to stay connected with us.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    mac, are you dragging all that stuff you your place? Can't she rent it near you? Or does she "own" it are coming home, now, right?

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hanging out in the PT waiting room again, feels like my living room now. I was prepared like chrissy, I've got my Kindle and little mobile hot spot. I have been taught all the exercises to keep DDs leg working. Plus how to give the anti blood clot shots. Ewwwe

    Barbe, we sent off a big suitcase and smaller box yesterday, left overs from her life here that didn't make it into her car. We'll be done with the ice machine and will return it before leaving. The CPM machine was shipped so it will be there when we get home. We'll return the one we've been using here. I'll check through as much as I can. We're flying a red eye so hopefully will be able to sleep through most of the flight. I'm looking for a small roller case today so she has something to rest her leg on. We'll be in the first seats, for the room. I'll just ask for lots of help. I'll be glad to get home, that's for sure!

    I'm going to have to look up knock off roses, too. Have no idea what they are. We have wild beach roses. I'll send pictures when I get home. My best friend from high school is visiting next week, so we'll be doing some sight seeing. People love to come visit when you live in a resort area. I am finally feeling healthy enough to entertain. 

    Yay me! I'm into a size 8. I've got 10lbs more to lose.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I don't think I've EVER been a size 8!!! I got down to a 12 and people thought I was very, very sick! My face sinks in and I looked WAY too bony! I truly have "big bones" and wide shoulders and just couldn't carry an 8. You are petite mac - you GO girlfriend!!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Yay Mac!!!  Size 8?!  You are amazing!!  The only place I could be a size 8 is in my   So glad to hear that everything is coming together for you and your DD and you will be home you can't wait!

    My catheter is finally out....yay!  Hate those things but it sure made life easier than trying to use a  Didn't end up getting out of bed yesterday, Physio said no but I'm sure it will happen today as all blockers have totally worn off now............yup, and I'm really feeling the difference!  This is what I was waiting for but not really know what I mean?  Oh well, every day that passes is another day closer to healing.

    Yay!  Breaky is here so I'll go  Catch you all later!

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy 

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    i'll have you know i wear a size 8 .... ring ....

  • Wilsie2
    Wilsie2 Member Posts: 240

    and I wear a size 8 ...shoe!

    That is remarkable weight loss, Mac.  I actually lost 7 pounds when I was doing physical therapy, and am trying ot keep it off plus more to go. 

    Chrissy, hope your pain is not too bad, the gain will hopefully be worth the pain. 

    Barb, I wish I could wear my size 12s, I am straight up and down, no waist. If it fits my waist, it's too big in butt. If it fits butt, waist too tight. So I basically wear what I call my "soft clothes" most of the time.  I just won't wear it if it's not comfortable. Same with shoes. Used to like cute shoes. Now it's all about comfort, not looks. 

    Who am I trying to impress, anyway?  What you see is what you get


  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,327

    I can't even squeeze my big feet into size 8 shoes!  I wear 9 or 9 1/2.  Narrow.  Very hard to find.  For years I wore size 10 clothes.  Moved up to 12's in my 60's.  After bc and arimidex, I was forced to buy 14's but am getting back into my bigger 12's again.  I think sizes are not the same as sizes were 20 years ago.  Women like to wear smaller sizes so the smaller sizes have been made bigger. 


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I don't wear a 12 now!!! I wear an 18 or 16 depending on whether it stretches or not. Hoped to wear a smaller top, but as my shoulders are so wide I do have to still get L or XL....sigh. I have to watch the cut or I have a LOT of loose fabric hanging off my chest. ring size is an 8, too!! As well as my shoes!! LOL

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    My ring size is 10 same as my shoe size

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    All the threads have gone back to page 1 so posting gets me to the end. However it's fun reading page 1 of each thread. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,957

    Aly, they're working again now.

  • Wilsie2
    Wilsie2 Member Posts: 240

    I have to wear XL tops because of my lymphademic arms. I don't even look a size any more, just eyeball it 

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Good news - my DD's biopsy came back benign!!!!!!!!! Thank G-d. From what the doc said to her, it seems it's a fibroadenoma but she gave her the explanation in Hebrew so I'll ask the doc next time I see her.

    Today I've been all over the place emotionally. It's exactly 4 years since my mets dx. I'm doing well on my current tx but...... well, you know.


  • brigadoonbenson
    brigadoonbenson Member Posts: 198

    Leah_S - That is wonderful news.  I am doing a happy dance for you both.

  • Wilsie2
    Wilsie2 Member Posts: 240

    Leah, such good news! So happy for you, I know you are relieved. Wilsie

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737


    Happy dance Leah. So pleased for DD and yourself. 

    Big hugs.