For Older People with Sense



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956

    Chrissy, That sounds very busy but lots of fun.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all

    Having a 'sleep in' this morning as it is a holiday. First time we have had a Monday holiday for Anzac Day which is our and Australia's Memorial Day. We had a lovely Anzac Day going out to DH's home village for the service and then watched the TV from Gallipoli.

    Yesterday we had lunch with MiL at her new care home. Thankfully they seem to be getting her medication sorted. I sat with her for several hours on Friday and SiL did the same on Saturday. Both days once MiL had pain relief she managed to actually eat lunch and we had some reasonable conversation with her. Sunday lunch was food and we took her to the restaurant and she even had a glass of wine. Not sure if I have said but the docs think she has lung cancer but they won't do further dx because of her age. And they won't treat either as she is very frail.

    So I suppose I should get up and do something. Soon maybe we will see.

    Have a good day.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh Aly, no, you didn't mention that you MIL had lung cancer but thank you for telling us now. So sad for her but fully understand why the no treatment. So long as her pain is well controlled she will be much better living her last days with a modicum of comfort but still so sad knowing you will have to say goodbye sooner rather than later.

    We no longer have a long weekend for Anzac Day. It was decided about five years ago to celebrate it on the day that the 25th falls on and if that is through the week we have that day off and if it's the weekend then there is no holiday on the Monday. Having lived with the way it was and now I think I prefer how it is now although I know some preferred having a long weekend.

    Did a fill in at the Station today as the volunteer that was scheduled couldn't. He's a good ole stick and is happy to fill in for others so it was my turn to repay.......all good. It was so chilly today that I lit a fire in the old ticket office so was toasty warm in there and much appreciated by the visitors.

    Not sure why but I had a huge burst of energy when I got home and have now cleaned, re arranged and remade the bed in my spare room ready for my SILon the weekend. Just trying to get a little ahead of the game as come Friday it will be like being in a mad house! I'm sure though that tonight I will sleep very well indeed.

    Take care all!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956

    Chrissy, If the station is interesting looking I would love a photo to paint from. I'm a rank beginner but love challenges.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Wren, this is the photo I took for our Face Book page. If it's not right for what you want let me know and I'll take another from a different angle.


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    wow, chrissy what a great old building. So well restored! I'm a little confused is it a Bed and Breakfast? Or more like a museum?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Nancy it's a bit of both as we have a Bed & Breakfast in one part of the building, the part that used to be the old Porters rooms and the rest is now function rooms with display areas for local paleontology finds. The largest of these displays is the Diprotodon (a really big ancestor of the Wombat) that was found just outside my town.

    In order for us to raise funds for the upkeep of the building we also show people through. It was built in 1883 of local stone and is one of only two stations in South Australia that has that lovely curved roof covering the platform. It is such a lovely building and brings back memories for me as I used to catch the train there to go to the city with my Mom when I was a child. Unfortunately the passenger rail service stopped in 1983 and the very last train left in 1999. The building was not kept up after the last passenger train and was in a really sad state. It took a few hard working people to lovingly bring it back to what you see now.

    Oh, did I say I love it?

  • NCDi
    NCDi Member Posts: 61

    hi ChrissyB - what a lovely place. One day I hope to get to Australia, to visit family there.

    I am originally from Scotland and visit my Mumthere each year. I took this photo of the North Sea from Arbroath Harbour last year. There is just something about the sky and the sea....image

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi NCDi and welcome to the thread! That photo is beautiful! I love the interaction between the sea and sky and the light that seems to reflect between the two. My husband and I hope to visit Great Britain next year so maybe you can give me some tips when we start to plan the trip.

    Where in Australia are your family situated? I'm just guessing but are you living in North Carolina? If so, I was there in 2011 visiting.

    Love n hugs all! Chrissy

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956

    Chrissy, It's a great photo. My art teacher would love it for her perspective class. It's going to be tricky to draw, but easy to paint. Thanks.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    just today




  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Wren, go ahead and pass it on to your art teacher with my compliments. It looks simple but there is a lot going on. Would love to see a pic of your painting when you are done.

    Lisa I'm assuming that you were at Balboa Park? Loved those buildings! Such beautiful architecture and colours.

    I finished the blanket I was working on for my SIL and she is delighted with it. There was wool left over and I was happy to send it back to her but she has gifted it to me so I am now busily crocheting a lap rug for myself.........and yes I will share a pic when I'm

    Got some visitors arriving so I'll catch you all later!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hey, I have a question. I've been taking tamoxifen for over a year now. I am way past menopause. This evening I noticed spotting and am having some mild cramps. I guess I'll call my GYN tomorrow. I'm a hoping it's nothing.

    Lisa, your pictures are so clear and focused. Besides the fact that the location is gorgeous.

    thanks for setting me straight, chrissy. I'm looking forward to seeing the lap rug. Have a great weekend at the fair.

    ncdi, wonderful photo. I live on an island so I love the sea shots. You would think I would get sick of it, but I love watching the colors change and the birds diving.

    On another note, one of my DD's friends has moved back and he has a 29' sailboat. He wants to moor it out in front of our property, so then we can use it too. Nice, I haven't been sailing since my dx.

    wren, I went to 2 years of art school. Perspective class was the hardest. Now the rage around here are Art Bars. Where they serve alcohol and everyone paints a picture. They have all the supplies and everyone paints the same picture with instruction from a teacher. It is amazing how no pictures look the same when finished. My DD and I went to one in Feb.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956

    That sounds like fun. Our art teacher gives us a choice of 3-4 photos to paint from and they're all different too. It's fun to see what other people come up with.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Wish I could paint or draw. Never could so I take photos


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh and what photos they are Lisa! Good photography is as much an art as drawing. I love the colour of the Zygote above, almost iridescent.

    Nancy having a sail boat that you can use sound fabulous!! I love sailing but unfortunately my DH gets sea sick so it's something that is a very rare treat indeed for me. Having a boat moored in front of your house sounds really picture perfect.

    That spotting can be a SE of Tamoxifen but it's important to let your docs know about it.

    Things are hotting up here as we prep for the weekend........I will be glad to see

    Love n hugs all! Chrissy

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Mac, when I was on Tamox my onc told me if I had any unusual bleeding I should call my gyn right away. I asked what was meant by "unusual" for me, post-meno. He said, "Any bleeding is unusual". It wouldn't hurt to call your doc.

    Yeah, yeah, I know, pain in the neck to have yet another doc appt.

    Call anyway.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Nancy, hope all is well.  Let us know.

    I had an unexpected 4-day hospital stay due to previously undiagnosed AFIB.  I had no idea when I went to dr that my heart rate was over 180 and I'd be rushed to the ER.  No symptoms at all.  Now, I'm home and trying to adjust to all new meds, etc.  DH is waiting on me hand and foot, doing all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.  Hopefully after next Monday, when I see a cardiologist, I'll be able to do more and get used to this.  So far today I've seen 3 TV commercials about how my new med Xarelto can cause strokes, bleeding, death, etc, so I'm trying to tune them out.  This is something I surely wasn't expecting and I'm scared.  Right now I'm just glad to be home, though!


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956

    Kathy, HUGS. New medical problems are scary. It must have scared DH pretty badly too for him to be waiting on you hand and foot. I hope the cardiologist has a good plan to get you back to the things you love to do. Rest up while you're home. I've never gotten any rest in a hospital and I'm assuming you didn't either. Please keep in touch and let us know how you're doing. Sending healing thoughts.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh Kathy, not good! But I do hope you can get it all under control with the meds. Both my BIL have AFIB, the younger of the two has had two ablations but is now good and the older is still considering having it done. Xaralto is the blood thinning drug I have to take when I fly long distance or in hospital as I have Factor 5 Leiden and can throw cloths easily. I was told that while on this drug it's a good thing to think of yourself as haemophilic and to treat yourself with the utmost care.

    Here's hoping that the cardio visit goes well. Please let us know what happens.

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Kathy you take it easy and rest up it is scary

    Chrissy, my sister and niece also have that clotting gene. I. asked to be tested before I took tamoxifen. They say that I don't have it. Glad you know how to deal with it.


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Kathy, I hope you can get things under control soon. Sittiing around and not doing the things you want to do - not good. DH waiting on you hand and foot - enjoy!


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hugs Kathy and as the others have said accept the pampering.

    Big hugs to all.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    hey everyone, I'm in Mexico again with my 2 grown children. I have a gyn appt scheduled for when I get back. I managed to bruise my ribs the day we left so the warm air and water are therapeutic. Besides some bickering, we're having a wonderful time. Haha

    Yesterday we went to Chichen Itza. I can't seem to post pics from my tablet so they'll come later. My DS is so interested in history. Our guide was very personable. Had a great day, went swimming in a cenote on the way back.

    Kathy how scary to go for an appt and end up in hospital. Going to the cardiologist will help a lot. It took my aunt about two weeks to get the med combo right and then she started feeling better. (((Hugs))))

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    grocery shopping



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    saw this today and thought of you Kiwis


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Gorgeous Lisa!!!

    Well, I am on a two week holiday from Femara as of today. We are trying to figure out what is causing my mega hot flashes and sweating incidences........Femara can and does cause this but I have been on it for five years and it is only now that they are really really bad so there are questions. Keeping my fingers crossed that it is just the Femara and not a progression :)

    Our fund raiser for the Old Railway Station that we held last weekend was a huge success!!! We sold out of just about everything!! I baked seven dozen scones (biscuits) as well as two huge pots of Minestroni Soup. Other ladies did slices, damper and three other flavoured soups as well as a load of cookies. We raised almost $1000 and are very pleased with our efforts. It went so well that I think we will be repeating it sometime in the future.

    Take care all!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    have you tried switching to Arimidex. ..? I did my five years and no more. Good job raising that much money ☺


    saw these on my way home yesterday



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Glad I had my camera with me