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ER-, PR-, Her2+ Roll call



  • marjie
    marjie Member Posts: 365

    AnnAlive - I am glad I read your post!  I have been noticing a stubbon ingrown toenail that I never had before and was wondering if was allowed to blame it on treatment!  My fingernails are very very soft...they just bend and peel right off so I keep them cut very short.

    I had thought that I got away without any neuropathy but notice that I do have a slight bit right at the tips of my fingers.  It doesn't really interfere with too much but I have difficulty with things like little buttons, earrings, and peeling off container lids.

    My hands and feet were iced during my taxotere treatments....I only lost one big toenail.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286

    Marjie -- I had to visit a podiatrist twice for ingrown big toenails, and he acknowledged that he sees chemo patients with this problem. The toenails were lifting away from the nail bed. The podiatrist trimmed the dead lifted parts and the nails are slowly growing out.

    I had never heard of an ingrown fingernail -- you hear that you should trim toenails straight across to prevent ingrowing, but fingernails I always filed on a curve. Well, now I have to let them grow at the corners and not file them on a curve. Keeping them short too. They aren't pretty, but aren't infected at the moment. Oh -- I had to see a dermotologist for help with fingernail infections. I'm hoping this will resolve in a few months!

  • Alice72
    Alice72 Member Posts: 22

    Hi Everyone,

    I am a member of this club, and am in the early stages of treatment with TCH. I feel encouraged by your information and personal experiences. The first thing I said to my BS when it finally sank in what I was facing "I owe so much to all the women who have come before me." all the best to you all.

  • nonblonde70
    nonblonde70 Member Posts: 1

    I was diagnosed Apr 5th 2010 and have since finished all of my treatments. I was having issues with a cyst on my ovary and actually went in for a hysterectomy and found out I am 3 months pregnant!! I am 41 years old and very fearful of the cancer returning and not being able to be monitored the way I have been now that I am pregnant. Has anyone heard of a similar situation or have any advise for me?


  • Birds
    Birds Member Posts: 24

    Just checking in. Had an MRI in March and no sign of any problems.  This is 2 and 1/2 years since initial Dx.  Hugs to all!

  • leftfootforward
    leftfootforward Member Posts: 1,396

    nonblone70 - congratulations. I am sure that was quite the surprise and brought about a whole bunch of emotions.  Your doctors will probably monitor you even more closely during your pregnancy becuase of your previous health history.  I hope that you have had time to digest your news and that the fear is decreasing.  I know there are several places on this website that deal with pregnancy and I bet you can find a lot of support there. I have faith that you received the treatment that you needed and that this pregnacy will be fine and so will you.  I hope that you can enjoy it.  My surprise baby came 20 months ago just before my BC diagnosis. I can't see my life without her. It may be a little corny, but I believe this baby chose you.  it is a sign that your life is yours again and you have a new beginning. Good luck and best wishes.  

  • Jejik
    Jejik Member Posts: 26

    It is wonderful to see so many her2+ bc fighters doing well! I finished six rounds of tch about a year ago. I had an excellent response to that regimen. After three rounds, one liver met was gone and another had been reduced by 60%. After my last round of chemo, that other met was also gone. I was extremely grateful because my blood counts were so low I required a transfusion and my on said if I needed more chemo I couldn't have had it. I also did 30 radiation treatments. I also continued on herceptin after chemo was over. The plan was to stay on it indefinitely. In late January, I found out I was pregnant, so I have stopped the herceptin temporarily. My last scan was in August, but I feel great and hope that an upcoming MRI of my liver comes back clear. I haven't been able to have a pet scan because I am pregnant. I am gaining weight

    now, lol, but didn't experience that with the herceptin.

    This thread is a great source of hope to me! Hope we can keep it going. There is so much negative stuff out there about her2+ status it is good to know herceptin is making a difference and the stats just haven't caught up yet!

  • Jejik
    Jejik Member Posts: 26

    Non blonde, not sure how I missed your post but sounds like we are in a similar situation! Let's talk Chica! Pm me!!

  • ellamilana
    ellamilana Member Posts: 59

    Hi there,

    Just got diagnosted. ER-, PR-, Her2 borderline. Anybody knows what does it mean? borderline? Going on my first chemo on April 27th for Adriamycin/Cytoxan 4x2 weeks. 18 month ago lost my husband to a long cancer... 

    Very upset and lost, could use some encouragement..

    Ladies! please help 

  • puce
    puce Member Posts: 26

    Congrats on your pregnancies!

    I have a few questions.  I'm seeing my onc. tomorrow.  I'm scheduled to finish herceptin in August.  Last appointment she said I needed to see her in 6 months.  I said no, I want to see you in 3 months.  Now, I'm sure she will say 6 months again.  I'm scared.  She said she will only monitor symptoms.  No blood, no scans, etc.  So why are we seeing them then?  I could just call if I have a symptom? I'll ask her about MRI's for follow up (had BMX with DIEP so no mammo) any other questions I should ask?

  • nevo84
    nevo84 Member Posts: 55

    Dear Puce

    My mom's doctor sees her every 3 months but they are only check ups without any scans or MRIs. Every year at the time of her diagnosis he send her for scans and checkups and every 6 months send her for sonography from her other breast. So I think its normal.

  • leftfootforward
    leftfootforward Member Posts: 1,396


    My MO wants to see me every 6 months as well.  She does do blood work but that is it.  She does blood work to  monitor my vit D level and a tumor marker in me that was elevated at my diagnosis but went back to 0 after my BMX and treatments. She says markers are an inexact science but since mine did change with my condition it was worth checking.  As far as scans, she says she doesn't do any. I have had enough radiation between all the diagnostic tests and my radiation treatments.  She says they woudl do more harm than good. And that in reality, they won't show anything before I have other more physical symptoms of any return of the disease.  So I thinkg your doctors plan sounds pretty standard.   

  • sewingnut
    sewingnut Member Posts: 475

    I also see my onc every 6 months. No scans unless something becomes problematic. Tumor markers and blood tests are ordered. My neighbor ( a physician whose wife died from breast cancer) said 6 month followup is standard of care after active treatment is over.

  • imatthew
    imatthew Member Posts: 69

    Hi All, my wife had a big milestone yesterday, having gotten her tatoo on her new breast.  Her journey in July of 2010 with initial diagnoses.  After yesterday she's through all chemo, herceptin, and reconstructive surgeries.  This forum has been a tremendous resource and we'll continue to follow it.  thanks everyone.

  • Minnshark
    Minnshark Member Posts: 3

    Puce, my MO said every 3months first year. Blood tests only, as leftfootforward said my MO felt scans don't provide benefit over exam and scans have exposure risks. I would feel symptoms Before scans would show anything significant. I am to keep a journal of things I experience and we review. Good luck.

  • puce
    puce Member Posts: 26

    Looks like I'll be getting standard treatment then!


  • stlcardsfan
    stlcardsfan Member Posts: 227

    Just a quick post - 4/28 was my two year anniversary of completing chemo!

    So far so good.

    See oncology dr next month for my every 6 month check up.

    Hair (except eyebrows) all the way back, chemo curls all gone, nails for the most part back to normal, but still have ridges. Overall, feel pretty good. 

  • cancerwarrior
    cancerwarrior Member Posts: 4

    Present and accounted for :)

    Dx 8/2/11 ER-/PR- HER2+, partial masectomy 8/9/11, port installation 9/13, first chemo 9/15 (ACT), 2nd - 7th chemo started 10/26/11 w/new regimen of THC w/new ONC. (2nd chemo put me into early menopause). Just started Herceptin only txs (every 3 wks for 1 year). Am currently doing radiation (12 txs so far, out of approx 35 total).

  • gg111
    gg111 Member Posts: 11

    Thanks for all the wonderful thoughts out there!!

    I'm back...been about a month and a half since I logged on. Had my Thyroid surgery and it was postive for Thyroid cancer. Which has nothing to do with my Her2+ Breast Cancer. They took the whole thyroid, put me on Thyroid meds and I am currently waiting to see and Endocrinologist for the radioactive iodine which is the only treatment I will need for this particular cancer. As for my Breast Cancer I started my first dose of my last round of chemo last Friday...Herception every week for 12 weeks, then once a month for a year and Taxotere once every 3 weeks for 4 doses. Then it's time for my Masectomy with reconstruction...Ugggg. What a long year this will be.... I am having horrible mouth, tongue and lip sores from my first dose of Taxotere. Anyone out there know of a good cure to help with these very painful sores??? My Onc gave me Magic Mouthwash which is not doing much..hoping these will go away soon.  

    Thanks for any input on how to help these mouth sores!!

  • nevo84
    nevo84 Member Posts: 55


  • Cedar
    Cedar Member Posts: 1

    Hi Grace,

    You live up to your name! You're going through a lot.

    For mouth sores, I use 1teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and rinse often. My trick is to rinse before going to sleep. This way the environment in my mouth isn't acidic, it's ideal for healing and we heal best while we're asleep. If I wake up thirsty and drink then I'll rinse again. Hope this helps.

    All the best,


  • lauraqm
    lauraqm Member Posts: 2

    Hi, ladies,

    I am also ER PR negative and Her 2 positive, I am done with Chemo (6 TCH) and radiation, my onco has recommended me to take Tamoxifen to prevent a cancer on the other side of the breast, has any of you taken Tamoxifen? Technically, since my cancer is PR ER Negative, I assume Tamoxifen will not work on the breast that has the cancer, does anyone has any insight on it? Thanks so much

  • sewingnut
    sewingnut Member Posts: 475


    I would get a second opinion on the Tamox recomendation. Our cancer isnt hormone driven so I dont know why he would suggest getting rid of the little estrogen we have.

  • roulag
    roulag Member Posts: 126

    Hello everyone, I have been lurking for a while and just decided to post. I was diagnosed this year and am almost in the middle of my treatment TCH x 6. I have my moments of fear, but I am happy to have found you all. Keep the posts going. They are refreshing and comforting, especially for us newbies. My biggest fear is that this monster will come back, I have two great kids ages 8 and 11 and I want to see them grow up.

  • policewife84
    policewife84 Member Posts: 86

    Hi Ladies!

     My cancerversary was yesterday, May 28th. I have been in remission 2 years!:)



  • roulag
    roulag Member Posts: 126

    Congratulations Brandi! May you have decades more!

  • policewife84
    policewife84 Member Posts: 86

    Thanks RoulaG! I feel so blessed - I'm loving every day!! :)

  • Alicethecat
    Alicethecat Member Posts: 77

    Thank you so much for posting!

    So pleased to hear from someone who has gone through what we are going through and come out the other side.


    Alice the Cat

  • suemed8749
    suemed8749 Member Posts: 210

    I don't come here much any more, but wanted to bump this topic for the newbies. I was dx in January 2008 and wanted you all to know that after 2 lumpectomies, a unimast, 6xTaxol/Carboplatin/Herceptin, Herceptin every 3 weeks for a year, and a year in the Neratinib trial, HEY - here I am, doing great. I wish you all the best!


  • roulag
    roulag Member Posts: 126

    Sue, thank you so much, we have almost the same diagnosis. I like to "follow" the women in these boards who have a similar diagnosis. It is very comforting to me that you are doing great! Thank you, thank you for letting us know!