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ER-, PR-, Her2+ Roll call



  • kathleen1966
    kathleen1966 Member Posts: 68

    three years for me today! 

  • lkc
    lkc Member Posts: 182

    again Congrats Kathleen. You and I have the same subtype of BC. This 3yrs  is a HUGE Mega milestone! Blessings and  a happy dance for you!

  • MaineRottweilers
    MaineRottweilers Member Posts: 44

    Just returned from third TCH infusion, preparing to enter what I call my chemo coma. I'll likely sleep the next 36 hours primarliy to avoid nausea.  I should be fit to go back to work by the middle of the week.  I'll work half speed but I'll work. I'm always better the following week and nearly normal---sort of the week following, just in time for my next treatment.  Half way through my TCH!!  The 33 rads and Herceptin q3 weeks until May/June 2014.  Every day is a gift.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546

    Oh Kathleen I am SOOOO glad to see your post. I also have that type of BC and am also a "big tumor gal".


    And your post just made my night.

    Tracy I hope you have minimal SEs this time- good luck!

  • Survivorwoman
    Survivorwoman Member Posts: 70

    Hello Ladies : I am with Kathleen. On July 26th I celebrated my 3rd year, too! Who-hoo!!! Smile

  • 6cats
    6cats Member Posts: 199

    whoo-hoo to the three year gals!!!

  • Graceembraced
    Graceembraced Member Posts: 86

    I'm done! Last Herceptin yesterday! WooHoo!

    You can do it ladies. It has been an 18 months of hills and valleys...up the sin is shining and I'm always looking up!

    I look forward to posting that 10 yr anniversary one day!

    Keep up your spirits, stay healthy and positive.

  • lkc
    lkc Member Posts: 182

    Grace, Congratulations and welcome to the "other side" !!

  • girlstrong
    girlstrong Member Posts: 299

    Hello Ladies,

    I am in this crazy  ER/PR- HER+ group and am so grateful to have read your posts.  I was just diagnosed in July 2013 and started chemo July 31.  My 2nd round is scheduled for Thursday (took a week off due to low white blood cell count) and I am looking forward to doing it just so that I can move along in my treatment and journey to get done with all of this.  So glad to see so many 3, 6, and 8 year surviviors.  Herceptin is wonderful and we are all fortunate to have access to it now.  Words of encouragment are appreciated and welcome!

  • VintageGal1111
    VintageGal1111 Member Posts: 126


    I need to read posts like this, I go in for surgery on Thusday 29th.

  • VintageGal1111
    VintageGal1111 Member Posts: 126

    Hope to read more posts from you!

    I am ER-PR- and Her2+, going for surgery Thursady. When will you have surgery?

  • girlstrong
    girlstrong Member Posts: 299

    My surgery will occur after chemotherapy is done....Hopefully in early 2014!!

  • soriya123
    soriya123 Member Posts: 384

    I will have my 3rd TCH tomorrow, not looking fwd at all.

    Ladies, sometime I wonder if TCH is aggressive enough for me. I noticed some women out there with same type of go wih AC/TH, seems to be more aggressive than TCH. I am 39 I want to throw everything all at one time.

  • sewingnut
    sewingnut Member Posts: 475

    soriya123, I think it depends on where you are treated. I know TCH is common for my area. A friend was treated at OSU and she asked her oncologist about it. Most of her oncs patients get the ACTH.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702

    Hello Ladies,

    I am new to this forum and I'm very happy to find you all. I'm recently diagnosed with IDC in the left breast. I've got two tumors right next to each other, one being Triple Negative and the other ER-, PR-, Her2+. Hopefully I am in the correct forum. I just started chemo yesterday. TCH x4 and Herceptin for 6 months. Due to my past health issues, they decided to do chemo first before surgery. My first infusion was yesterday and I did fairly well. However, I am experiencing terrible constipation today causing my hemorrhoids to flare up. Is this normal with this chemo combination? Thank you in advance for any responses and I apologize if I'm in the wrong area.

  • JulieLynn
    JulieLynn Member Posts: 86

    Slow - I had trouble during chemo too, I had AC and then Taxol and herceptin.  Check with your onc but don't be afraid to take MiraLax when you need it.  My nausea would get so much worse when I had constipation on top of it.  Good luck!!

  • soriya123
    soriya123 Member Posts: 384

    Slow-constipation is normal after chemo infusion. I didn't have constipation with my 1st TCH but I had on #2. I used Colac. Some women here use miralax or prune(baby food prune). Talk to your onc about your hemomroid. I kno some women on July chemo thread, have to go thru surgery to remove that roid. I think it all depend how on bad it is. Mine is not that bad right now. I just used over the counter hemmoroid cream.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702

    Julie, thanks for the quick response! I took Colace this morning hoping it will help. I also sent an email to my onc and I'm waiting for a response. I will try Miralax next if the Colace doesn't help.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702

    Soriya, I've had extensive reconstructive surgery in that area 10 years ago when I developed flesh eating bacteria from a hemorrhoid injection. Unfortunately surgery isn't an option for me. I just have to find a way to control the constipation. Thank you for taking the time to respond! I will try prunes as well.

  • maryannecb
    maryannecb Member Posts: 74

    For ladies going through chemo...look for a chemo thread for the month you started...I still keep in touch with a large group from my thread 8 years later. It is great support to have a gropu of women who can relate with what is happening to you now.

    Just had my check up yesterday...still good to go. :)

  • tdalanno
    tdalanno Member Posts: 7

    Hi All, I'm a newbie, and start chemo next week.  Having a hard time dealing with a jump in stage from stage I based on biopsy to stage IIIa based on lumpectomy and sentinel node exision.  Treatment plan is chemo, then masectomy, and then radiation.  If being Her2 positive isn't scary enough, now its in the lymph nodes too.  Glad to see so many multiple year survivors. 

  • soriya123
    soriya123 Member Posts: 384


    Welcome here! I agree with u, it is scary. I'm stage II based on my biopsy, no lumpectomy yet, start chemo first, surgery around November. Even right now I barely can feel might lump, hopefuuly it doesn't ecaspe to anywhere else. I am so scared to find out if my stage will change during the surgery. Pray n pray!!!

  • tdalanno
    tdalanno Member Posts: 7


    Welcome to you too.  Think positive.  Doing chemo first may help ensure it doesn't spread to lymph nodes.  I actually started my journey in March and didn't get the lumpectomy done until August, so that may be why it spread to the nodes so fast.  I did have some good news, my PET/CT scan came back good, so no METS.  Yea!!!!

  • soriya123
    soriya123 Member Posts: 384

    Tdalanno, I just had my PET/CT too, today results come back clear. Thanks god.

  • Grannyof3
    Grannyof3 Member Posts: 18

    Hi Ladies,

    Slow, I read your post and had to respond. I, too had horrendous constipation. My onc said he'd never seen anyone that had it as bad as I did. ( Ya, I was literally full of s**t) By the 3rd day after treatment I couldn't stand up straight and was in sooo much pain it brought me to tears. I was told to start with Docusate sodium. (later was told to start it 3 days prior to treatment) When that didn't help I was told to add Senna. Nooo didn't work. Added Milk of Magnesia. Finally some relief lol. Each treatment it got worse. By the 3rd treatment I was a nervous wreck cuz I knew what was coming, or actually not coming. I knew I would be in pain for 5-7 days. The last plan of attack before dr intervention was magnesium citrate. I didn't use this until my 6th and final treatment. OMG! Should have started that at the beginning and saved myself a lot of suffering. Good Luck to you!

    Kathleen & Survivor, YEAH!! for 3 years

    Maine, Did your onc give you a prescription for Zofran? I took that for the 1st 5 days following treatment and never was nauseous.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    Warrior:  check out the thread on this forum called "CONSTIPATION: problem w/so many of our drugs". Sorry I can't do links but there's lots of good info.

    I have always had a tendency towards constipation so I researched & prepared with all the drugs to treat this horror.  Funny - just finished #6 TCH and EVERY single tx I had diarrhea instead.  Actually it was almost every day of the 3 weeks, and so bad that I've lost 30 lbs.  I can hardly wait to see what will happen now for the rest of the year with Herceptin & Perjeta only.

    Wishing the best for all.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702

    Warrior, Thanks for your reply. The constipation has been awful. I've been doubled over in pain. They told me to take senna and colace at night but it's not doing anything for me. I was finally able to go this morning but it was excruciating - kinda like giving birth. The stomach cramps have been awful as well. I will look in to what you suggested. So far, this has been the worst side effect for me. You ladies have all been wonderful and I really appreciate this forum. Thank you all for the replies.

  • MaineRottweilers
    MaineRottweilers Member Posts: 44

    Warrior:  I have Zofran (it gives me a headache but it helps), Ativan (basically makes me sleep through the nausea) and Compazine.  I also take Emend the day of and two days after my treatment.  I have two more infusions and I think I have a routine down now.  Last infusion was a much easier recovery though the effects seemed to last longer (more days).

  • waterlady
    waterlady Member Posts: 9

    I was diagnosed in 2008, but only started treatment for her2+ in 2009.  I am stage IV and currently on Kadcyla.

    Best wishes


  • maryannecb
    maryannecb Member Posts: 74

    I took 3 sennekotS twice a day...kept be going nicely