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ER-, PR-, Her2+ Roll call



  • flower68
    flower68 Member Posts: 114

    Ha ha MamaB, old age, right. Just think about this: today is another day that will pass regardless if you worry or not about what is going on. Just enjoy however you can, do not wait to feel better and start doing something, just do it. Will update as soon as more info available. Hugs and prayers for everyone.

  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350

    Hi, I haven't visited for quite a while. My diagnosis was 7 years ago and I'm doing fine.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    bluedasher - it's so nice of you to check in and bring a positive message. Glad everything is going well. It's hard to imaging the other side when you're in the middle of treatment so a note from the future is great.

  • MamaBexar
    MamaBexar Member Posts: 49

    I can't believe this but after waiting 3 days for the breast surgeons office to call, I started calling them. They first offered me a surgery date in Oct. The Cancer Center arranged for me to see another surgeon the next day and I will have partial mastectomy on Tue. The 1st BS office later called and said they could squeeze me in in a couple of weeks.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    MamaBexar - good for you for being proactive. So you're having surgery this coming week? Wishing you the best & will send hugs.

  • flower68
    flower68 Member Posts: 114

    Good morning MamaB and the rest of the lovely ladies

    I am mostly active now in the Chemo for September thread since I will start chemo on 9/11. Genetic testing today, MRI yesterday, port placement tomorrow and 8hrs in the center Friday with my significant other. Please keep me posted as well. Hugs and more hugs!

  • MamaBexar
    MamaBexar Member Posts: 49

    Again I thank all of you for your support. I had the lumpectomy yesterday. My darling new surgeon believes he got clear margins and negative node. Will let me know when final report comes in. My concern is now they are suggesting no radiation because of my age (77) and no chemo because of my Ki-67 (3%) . Any one out there in a similar situation or know of a thread that might have some info.

  • Skittlegirl
    Skittlegirl Member Posts: 138

    Present. Results just in. Dx 9/4/15 and hormone receptor results just came in.

  • lkc
    lkc Member Posts: 182

    Hi ladies: don't think I posted yet this year;

    It's been 10.5 years since I was dxed with a" nasty * ss tumor" (so said my surgeon ),Stage IIIC , miserable prognosticators, tons of nodes,and no clear surgical margins after my last surgery, blah , blah blah...That was then.

    Gradually, I have taken back my life, and

    I have remained well and give thanks every day. Remember, there is alot of hope for us er/pr neg, her2 pos ladies with the new targeted treatments available.

    Surely, the road we have been routed to is not easily negotiated but despite some bumps along the way we do manage to get through to the other side. I can tell you that my days of being consumed by BC are long gone and replaced by joy of the wonderous life I have.

    I wish you all a gentle journey!

  • fidget
    fidget Member Posts: 92

    Thank you so much lkc! You can't imagine how you popping in here has made my day. I really needed some uplifting news and you just gave it to me!

  • raleighgirl
    raleighgirl Member Posts: 56


    This is exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you so much for checking in!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    MamaBexar - I thought radiation was always a given with only a lumpectomy. I think I'd definitely talk to an oncologist & get a second opinion before making a decision. There is also the issue that you are not hormone positive so those treatments would not be useful, but you are HER2+. Maybe you mentioned Herceptin &/or Perjeta before and I don't remember.

    However, related to your question about radiation at 77, the US News published an article today about cancer treatment for "older" patients. Mind, I'm 71 so I sure don't think 77 is old, but there is some good food for thought about quality of life in this article.

  • wabals
    wabals Member Posts: 192

    Yousound youthful. If you are otherwise healthy you should have treatment. Go on the Johns Hopkins Breast Center website. There is a section called "ask an expert." Post your question and you will get a timely answer. You may need a second opinion.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    Or another trustworthy site is Mayo Clinic - but I expect you should go see a doc in person - medical oncologist if there's a question about Herceptin or Perjeta. That doc will recommend a radiation oncologist in addition if you have questions about the rads.

    This really doesn't appear to be a question for a surgeon to decide.

  • flower68
    flower68 Member Posts: 114

    minusTwo for any surgical procedure gudelines might say "consider radio"or "recommending rado". Even for mastectomy radio is considered and should be discussed with the team. Hope this helps

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    Flower - Yes, I agree. My first diagnosis was DCIS and I had a double mastectomy w/clear margins. clear SNB & no further treatment. For recurrence 2 years later, heavy chemo & rads were really not in question since the recurrence was IDC & was HER2+, and I already had no boobs. And of course every doctor & facility has a different preference as to treatment.

  • flower68
    flower68 Member Posts: 114
  • flower68
    flower68 Member Posts: 114

    MamaB please look at page four and then ask your team about their decision for no radio/ chemo: your age, stage, limf nodes, tumor size, TNM and then ask prognosis for each case scenario: surgery only, surgery plus chemo, surgery plus radio, surgery plus all and this way you will have more info. Hugs and more hugs

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    Flower - great chart. Thanks for posting. It will take me a while to decipher all of it.

  • flower68
    flower68 Member Posts: 114

    hi minustwo

    1st page general work up

    2nd page with path staging (there was surgery first)

    3rd page clinical stage (no surgery just imaging and biopsy info)

    4th page treatment

    5th page eval for mets

    6th page eval for recurrence

    7th page IBC

    8th page markers

    Hope it help

  • MamaBexar
    MamaBexar Member Posts: 49

    You women are incredible, amazing and wonderful. Thank you for all the feed back and information. I will be making a bunch of phone calls today.

  • raspysqueen
    raspysqueen Member Posts: 5

    Hey all, just checking in! I have two more herceptin tx and I am done! It's been 6 months since I finished chemo, so I celebrated by getting my hair colored auburn (too short for high or lowlights)! I have moved on with life as I know it, thankful for every moment! Congrats & Thanks to all you ladies who checked in to say you've made it 5 yrs or more! You were the highlight of my night! Stay strong, everybody 😙

  • flower68
    flower68 Member Posts: 114

    Good morning raspy, congrats on getting close to finish the treatment. Wish you all the best, hugs and more higs

  • Horsegirl
    Horsegirl Member Posts: 78

    Guess I fit in here :) I'm still in the middle of treatment, feeling blessed by a great team of caregivers.

    Sure love reading those posts about years of good health after treatment!

  • MamaBexar
    MamaBexar Member Posts: 49

    I am going to be starting Herceptin soon with no chemo. I would like to hear form others that had only Herceptin. I am wondering about side effects. amount of time to feel back to normal, or anything else you can contribute. Thanks so much.

  • Horsegirl
    Horsegirl Member Posts: 78

    MamaBexar - I'm doing Herceptin with no chemo & no port. There are a few people who have done this and posted about it. Had my first infusion 10 days ago. It went fine, but I did get bad chills & a little fever that night. Plan is to give me some benedryl & tylenol next time as I start infusion. Usually side effects from Herceptin are minimal. I've also had inflamation of mouth/gum since that weekend - not a typical side effect, but can't think of any other cause.

    You should do fine. The infusion team monitors carefully. Stay in touch!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    MamaBexar - If you deep the infusions slowed to 90 minutes, many of us have found there are fewer side effects.

  • MamaBexar
    MamaBexar Member Posts: 49

    Thanks guys. My BS called today. Clean margins, neg. nodes. I will let you know when I start Herceptine.(@ 90 min. for sure.

  • fidget
    fidget Member Posts: 92

    MamaBexar--Hooray for the clean margins and neg. nodes! Hugs!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    MamaBexar - great news. Congrats. Can't remember - are you scheduled for rads down the road?