ER-, PR-, Her2+ Roll call



  • Kheng
    Kheng Member Posts: 11


    Your prognosis is same as mine which is 7mm with mastectomy

    May I know whether you opt for chemotherapy and which chemo drugs  Have you been treated

     Please respond to ag62861210@gmail. com

  • CatP
    CatP Member Posts: 1

    With 7 positive lymph nodes, I am 10 years out! Good luck to your momSmile

  • Tinkerbells
    Tinkerbells Member Posts: 53

    cat! Congrats! And thank you for giving us hope

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,756

    CatP, welcome to BCO and thanks for posting that inspirational post!! Much appreciated!

  • mamajencoz
    mamajencoz Member Posts: 3

    New but here! I am her+ and had a mast one breast 3 weeks ago all nodes neg. I get my port this morning then I see oncol, on Monday for treatment plan. Just by reading here looks like there are a wide range of chemo treatments... wonder which one will be my winner

  • anewbeginning
    anewbeginning Member Posts: 97

    Hi Mama

    Did you see Oncologist. What treatment did he put you on? Hope your doing well

  • MaggieCat
    MaggieCat Member Posts: 315

    A New Beginning..... Was the DCIS also er/pr -, Her2 +? Your info doesn't say anything about the prior treatment.... So understand the rage against the system!!!!! Wondering about perjeta/ T-DM1, etc... Cancer just plain sucks!!!!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402

    To all of you new ladies, sorry you're here but welcome. If you go into "my profile" and fill in the statistics about your disease & treatment it will make it easier for us to understand just where you are. That way our responses will be more useful.

  • anewbeginning
    anewbeginning Member Posts: 97

    Minus Two

    Thanks for your advice but I did try to add my second dx along with the first but wasnt able to. I wanted to get my dx and treatment there hoping I could learn alot from all you wonderful people. I'll will keep trying.

  • anewbeginning
    anewbeginning Member Posts: 97


    I am not sure about prior dx other than DCIS. Back in 2011 I had lumpectomy and RFA instead of radiation.

    I tried editing my profile and putting all the info in but had a hard time. Not to computer savvy. Best to you!

  • sixtysweeper63
    sixtysweeper63 Member Posts: 10

    I am also a ER -/PR - and HER2 +,  51yr old  DCIS diagnosed Sept. 8, 2014. bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction 11/11/14. BRACA1 and 2 neg. with no further treatments needed any one else out there as fortunate but still uneasy about being HER2 +?

  • mamajencoz
    mamajencoz Member Posts: 3

    I'm going to start on April 7th.  I'll go every other week 4x AC. Then TH every week 12x then just Herceptin every 3 weeks for a year. Quite nervous. 

  • annika12
    annika12 Member Posts: 92

    Mamajencoz, Just wanted to encourage you a bit !!! Chemo sucks but it does kill cancer. I had the same treatment as you. After my very first chemo the tumor had shrunk about 60% and after AC you could no longer feel it. I had chemo first and then path report said a complete response witch means there were no more cancer cells left. Hang in there sooner then you think you will be done and life returns somewhat to normal again :) Hugs

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Member Posts: 4,243

    60, I am also ER/PR- & HER2+++ DCIS with microinvasion with no other treatments besides MX. I am hoping & praying that sx took care of the beast.

  • anewbeginning
    anewbeginning Member Posts: 97


    Good luck with your tx. I will be starting same next week.......Scared silly here. Keep us posted.

    Happy Easter!

  • sixtysweeper63
    sixtysweeper63 Member Posts: 10

    Good luck,this week..may your healing begin..always praying for those who have to endure chemo and or radiation...stay positive!

  • sixtysweeper63
    sixtysweeper63 Member Posts: 10

    I too am hoping and praying also that staying on top of this disease with a mastectomy will keep us well...god bless and hope your Easter was filled with many blessings!

  • Ldavidson17
    Ldavidson17 Member Posts: 1

    I am new to this thread but not new to BCO.  I too am ER/PR - and HER+.  I was initially diagnosed DCIS 1/16/15, had a lumpectomy 1/23/15, and was then diagnosed Stage 1 Grade 3 IDC on 1/28/15.  I'm now halfway through my chemo treatment then it's onto rads.  SO glad to have found this thread!!

  • Tinkerbells
    Tinkerbells Member Posts: 53

    I have 4 infusions left of herceptin and perjeta. I feel like I am going out of my mind- so so so tired of slagging it out this long. Can't wait for it to be done. Thank goodness there is a finish line. Thinking about all the stage IV sisters who are always in treatment. Hoping all my her2 gals are doing well

  • KillTheCancer
    KillTheCancer Member Posts: 12

    So I don't normally post a lot but I recently finished chemo, had a lumpectomy and 3 nodes removed on my right side and had questions while waiting to hear back from my Onco.

    I had neoadjuvant therapy for 4.5 month (TCH), my last PET Scan showed no more cancer, but after surgery, the pathology showed 11mm breast tumor (shrunk down from 3CM) and 1 of 3 lymph nodes involved (not sure if it was the original positive lymph node biopsied initially). My surgeon stated that a discussion would need to be had (my surgeon, along with my Onco, radiation therapist and the Panel) about what to do next ( I am going to my first radiation consult tomorrow and he should have the pathology already). My surgeon mentioned that I may have to do more chemo or more surgery (to remove more lymph nodes) in addition to radiation. I'm not sure I understand if what was left after the neoadjuvant therapy was removed during surgery, why would I need to do more of either of the two. Any thoughts?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402

    KilltheCancer - sounds like me. I did Taxotere, Carboplatin, Herceptin & Perjeta for the full 6 rounds. I did not have a complete response. Surgery cut out what was left - THAT THEY COULD SEE. We never know when micro-mets have escaped into our systems. In addition you are HER2+. After surgery I had Adrimycin & Cytoxan chemo for 4 rounds before I started rads. Then had Herceptin for the rest of a year. I wasn't any more excited than you are, but the tumor boards all concurred. Since both of us are ER/PR negative, there's no other drug to take for 5 or 10 years. Sorry for the results but based on my previous recurrence, I think more chemo is probably sensible.

  • KillTheCancer
    KillTheCancer Member Posts: 12

    Thanks MinusTwo, that's what I wasn't sure of, so it's mainly because there wasn't a complete response and it's unknown whether cancer cells are living and spreading elsewhere. That makes sense. What didn't make too much sense (which I'll have to ask again) - is why it was stated as an "either- or" , either more chemo or more surgery to remove more lymph nodes (I had clear margins for the primary tumor). It seems that the concern is on the lymph nodes, but my understanding was that radiation would kill any residual cancer there.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402

    KillTheCancer - What surgery did you have? Maybe he doesn't feel like he got clean margins. It's so hard to wait. Hope the answers come soon.

  • KillTheCancer
    KillTheCancer Member Posts: 12


    I had a lumpectomy (11mm tumor with 6mm clear margin) and 1 of 3 lymph nodes involved. Very clear margins. I went to see the Radiologist today and he seems to think that all I need is radiation but is waiting to discuss with my Oncologist as well. We'll see what the Oncologist says tomorrow since I now have an appointment to discuss this with him. I already have a complex because I always want to know what's going on, what was found, what is the plan, etc., right now I'm lost.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402

    KillTheCancer - good luck tomorrow. I know they want to be aggressive since you're HER2+ and won't be taking any hormones blockers. Let us know.

  • bostonnorthwest
    bostonnorthwest Member Posts: 6

    In 2005 ER-PR- Her+++ diagnosed at age 46, 2 masses clean SN. Chemo 4 A/C then Taxol with Herceptin for 10 months (had to stop before 1 year due to low Mugga score). Rads.

    Discovered I was BRCA + had ovaries removed and then proph bilateral mast with implant reconstruction.

    In June it will 10 years post diagnosis.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402

    BostonNorthWest - congrats on 10 years. Thanks for posting. It's always nice to hear from people who are on down the road.

  • KillTheCancer
    KillTheCancer Member Posts: 12

    So after my last post I saw my Oncologist who discussed the results with the other doctors and panel, and they agreed that I would just do the radiation to the lymph nodes and breast. He's also going to run another test on my tissue samples to verify whether there is any ER/PR receptors (the initial biopsies all showed negative). We asked what could make it change from the initial results, he said it may show more accurately with the larger tissue samples from surgery (vs the biopsy samples).

  • KillTheCancer
    KillTheCancer Member Posts: 12

    I have a question about tumor markers. I keep seeing this term but not once has my doctor ever mentioned that to me. Is this something for HER2 positive, ER/PR negative tumors, and what is it?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402

    KilltheCancer - tumor markers are a number from a specific blood test that "can" indicate cancer. Most docs don't put much credence in them since they are known for false positives and a high degree of error. My doc always tested for them but only used the results as a possible indication that he might want to do some other tests.