Single life after a mastectomy



  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017

    hi ladies I have been sick like a dog.

    Called. In sick today too ; (

    Finally my stomach is not hurting and I ll work tmw but at lunch I ll be able to see my family Dr. So she may be able to prescribe something for my stomach. Such trouble I wonder if it is only the fibroid or something else.

    We got results today which confirm sister has Melilitis and a lots of other virus and infeccion

    Basically she is In big trouble ; (


    Basically she has no protection from her own system . Inmune system is shot and family must try and keep her away from germs now she ll get more antibiotics to fight the existing conditions but there is no cure for the problem. They say she had the condition for years and we'll too bad no doctor was able to figure it out before. She was mx diagnosed saying it was this or that and now is too late. My family is trying to ve brave but we all think this is going to be a bad December yet again.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited October 2017

    E- sorry you are not feeling well. You have so much stress with work, school and your own health right now, on top of the worries for your sister. I hope you are not developing an ulcer. My stomach goes crazy when I am stressed. I know everything we feel always makes us worry it is cancer somewhere.

    Myelitis is a serious illness. I hope they can offer her some treatments to ease things for her. Like BB said, your family has already had more than enough to deal with. The unfairness of life is so overwhelming sometimes. Will keep Elizabeth and your family close to my heart for better days sister.

    BB, June, Artista, hope your wednesday is going well. Anyone else here too?

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017

    omg girls I have some updates .

    I hot a call I was on my desk so I could not talk much but the secretary of the dr. Called me and told me he has no space he is fully booked till January that my name is on the cancelation list nw but that she knows this needs to be done asap. Wth? After January ? So I asked her any idea as per what dates in January ? She said nop cuz they haven't release the January calendar yet so I don't know yet. I said what I am supposed to do till then ? She said hope someone cancels . I am so tired so down now I can't wait another 3 months this is crazy I feel like I want to show up at a hospital and stay I the emergency area till they see me god dame it. I am so tired this is so no good to tell me I know yours is urgent but I have no space??

    Then why takey case what no just say to me if I had time I ll do it but let's send you to another hospital or dr who can do this asap?

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017

    is it me or my luck with this keeps getting worse?

    Yesterday my family Dr. Send me to take my blood. Che is checking liver , pancrea and bacteria in case there is something else causing the stomach issue? But she told me she fears it is the fibroid doing it all SickTired

    Gave me this


    Those are the bacteria she is checking for and also liver and pancreas

    Take 1 cap a day

    Let's say I started yesterday don't feel great but pain I the stomach is better


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited October 2017

    E- I was hoping you got some news on your surgery date, but three months from now is a long time for something that needs to get done right away. January is a long time to wait, and they cannot even tell you that yet either? When will the calendar be open? I got through this a lot with doctors visits (they used to schedule you out six months in advance, but no more....) I am hoping they can get you in sooner, but know that makes everything hard to plan for which we single people have to do more of with less people around to help us. Hugs sister, not the best news.

    They may be checking everything around your digestive system to be sure nothing is off. My liver enzymes get checked all the time. I hope the pills help.


  • juneping
    juneping Member Posts: 634
    edited October 2017

    E - i am so sorry that you still need to wait another 3 months....i hope someone cancels.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017

    hi hi well I am feeling better but yet my stomach looks as if I am pregnant. Still waiting to have that surgery before Jan , me too I hope someone cancels SickTired

    Not easy to find another referral and try to get another dr to agree to do it before. But if I continue to feel sick I ll try.

    June I read you post and you reminded me to go for a fall drive lol so I went for a long drive north and it was beautiful orange and red just amazing. Had a good weekend over all I was ablessed to sleep last night. Watched a movie before bed which was film here in one of our parks and so scarry lol called backcountry.

    Anyway sending u all hugs

    Bb my niece Claritza junior is loving all the winter stuff I sent her ThumbsUp

    Sister is the same trying to find her medication which still no in place . ; (

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017

    girls it doesn't end with me . I started to feel symptoms of an urine infeccion so I made a 2 litters tea and started drinking lots to try to flush it out but started to feel as if it ll get worse so I decided to go to ER at the hospital and here I am waiting

    Lots of strange people here. Is the first time I go to an emergency in downtown and let's say maybe the last time lol too wierd

    Anyway I am not sure how long I ll be here waiting SickTired

    Just need an antibiotics fast

    I just know I could not last the night. In my case when I get one it gets bad fast to the point I won't take the pain when pee comes out so hopping they give me an antibiotic here tonight

  • juneping
    juneping Member Posts: 634
    edited October 2017

    E - oh i am so sorry. ER is no fun. i hope you'll get seen by a doc soon.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited October 2017

    E- let us know how you are doing when you can?

    Worried for you sister.....Heart

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited October 2017

    BB- I have worked in ER's with my consulting work in the we hours of the morning in urban areas. Scary places. Sitting in one is worse. I hope our E is home resting with some medication today.

    Great to hear you got out to the annual BC event and found it rewarding. Waking up feeling happy and fulfilled means you found a place to connect where you felt safe and perhaps accepted as you are by your fellow community. I know you said many of your friendships have fallen away with time. My hope for you is that there can be some sort of group in your area to be part of for the longer term. We all need some type of community even if we are single and living on our own. My music and yoga communities are it for me......

    Speaking of which, I just returned from a yoga retreat this past weekend that was just what I needed. I had a larger overseas trip in mind for this time that did not work out for a number of reasons, but was able to get a spot late summer and a room at a nearby inn. The setting is beautiful, peak with fall color right now, but beyond that is the sisterhood of the yoga women I spent time with. Women spanning the ages of 20s to 80 something. Married, single, mothers and daughters, people there alone or in groups as friends. Small group of around 12 so you can get to know each other. I knew one woman from before, many others new. Everyone there was coming in with something. At the end of our time together, we all shared some things we came in with and how the retreat had helped us. Pretty powerful stuff.

    I come away from things like this reminded to move toward the things that fill my soul (including who I socialize with) and move away from the rest. This group is creating something to keep connected for the longer term. I am IN!

    Some pictures of the area for you....




  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017

    hi girls yes I am ok and yes it was very scarry the downtown hospital was very very scarry .but glad I went cuz by the time I got there I was peeing blood and in pain. All much better now. But I have to tell you all I have this bad feeling about all. Like this morning I had to eat toast just with some butter no much and had to eat cuz the medicine I am taking are to be taken with food. So as soon as I eat my fruit and toast I had this wierd pain right of the top part as if anything I eat affect my stomach? So I worry I worry there is more to my fibroid issues like maybe a stomach problem ? Hard to say.

    On Friday I see my family Dr to pickup those results from the blood she took las week

    I am on my way to work .doing the late shift again and also brought my laptop again today hope the it team sends someone my way today to fix my vpn issue.

    I have to tell you my family still did find the medication for elizabeth and I see it on Google is available in Colombia chile so my brother is trying with a friend who lives there . The issue is that it is sold only with recipe frim the doctor one is call VALIXA 850mg and another doxiciclina 200mg. It is to kill the virus she has now which are 3 .:(

    Any way this tomes are very hard.

    Bb I saw a video so good I want to share with you .no sire u know this woman.

    Is so great I will try to follow her advises lol

    I must do what she says specially the cleaning part I mean I must let go of cloth and things so I live with less SickTired

    Cuz I am guilty I have shoes which I have brand new yet if I see a pair on sale hummm I want it ha ha ha ha so this is it . I did stop buying last year but last night I saw this video and I laugh when she mentioned that.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited October 2017

    E- I hope you can get some answers from your PCP about your blood work and possible stomach issues. Have her push for you on this surgery, that is what PCPs can do for you?

    That is Susie Orman. Well known financial counselor here in the US. She is on PBS a lot and has a lot of good things to say about how we focus our money. She seems to really try to help women be financially savvy, although a number of people have called her a scam artist. I think you take from people what works, and let go of the rest? Financial planners are a dime a dozen in this country and usually want you investing money in things that give them a good commission.

  • juneping
    juneping Member Posts: 634
    edited October 2017

    E - was it UTI?? if so...have some cranberry juice or pills (non sweetened) handy. it's very painful from my experience....

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017

    Oh yes jazz . I ll ask my family Dr to push fir me.

    I agree with you about this lady. I like some things she says. But you just grab what works for you.I ll try a few like the new mantra before falling asleep I like that one. And the cleaning out and letting go of junk I never use or have no space for. It really hurts me cuz all was bought when I had the 2 bedroom apt but now I must reduce to a very small space so it us my reality I must let go. You see I keep dreaming of moving to the country side and having my space but let's face it maybe years and years for that oh wait. Wait I take that back I am rich I am rich I am buying my dream home I am having my dream ha ha ha lol

    Live the video it made me realized a few things

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017

    omg ladies listen up

    You are not going to belive this .

    So I got an email from a guy I dated for like a month 23 years ago lol . So here is the history

    When I was 20 I met this guy who was so cute he was a ballromm dancer and boy I was so crazy about him. Nothing happened but I was asked on a salsa dance by him at a Latin club I use to go when I first arrive to Canada cuz there was no one Spanish so it was the only way to hang out with Spanish people

    He was Canadian and older than me and he had a child with an ex. So over all he was not what I needed at the time . But every time I saw him I was like wow . Just guu guu GA GA anyway we became friends just like if we saw each other we could have a dance that was all. One day he told me he was going to mexico for a year and he wrote down my address to keep in touch when ever he could be back to Canada . Then a year later I receive a post card from him which made me so happy. Then he called me and asked me if he could crash at my place since he was coming back from his trip and had no where to land. I was so stupid that I said yes right away. He came and stay at my place for a month but I realized he was just using me? And I kind of broke my heart but I manage to push him to get his own place and he did and after that we stay friends oh yes I slept with him maybe once but I didn't enjoy it. I remember it happen the first night he stay at my place and it all felt fake so I didn't enjoy that. After that night I didn't want him in my bed I had a 2 bedroom apt in a basement and so I told him that maybe that nigjt it has been a misstake .the fact that he understood and did not insist on getting back in my bed for the month told me he was not really into me he just needed a friend. Anyway when he got his place he invited me to dinner he actually cooked for me. He was the perfect guy I honestly liked him a lot. But at the same time my heart was broken before and I was not wiling to let that happen again . So

    Now the guy founder me on Linkin and contacted me and he looks pretty good still ha hahahahha we have been msging since yesterday and he invited me to dinner this Friday he will cook for me lol he loves to cook

    And now has his own house he never married or had more kids so his child is now 30 so what do you guys think here is his pictures


    And one from his business


    Now I ask why why now

    That I am having health issues :((

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017

    tell me once you read my post cuz o need to delete it in case .don't want to mess things up.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017

    lol right bb that is a plus lol I am exited just hope I feel ok by Friday to go out to dinner SickTired

    I told him I prefer just salad or fruits he said no problem ha ha ok hope the girls check in soon I ll take it off by eod .

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited October 2017

    E- think you could meet him for dinner (consider meeting in a neutral spot to take away an expectations of you know what if you are worried about that). But if you feel you can go to his place for a meal and leave easily if things get to be more than you want, you know what to do.

    BB is also right, a man that cooks for you is a very nice thing! And with all that has been going on, it could be a nice diversion too. Things don't always come to us when we think they will, but can also be a lovely surprise? An opportunity to talk about other things you enjoy like your gardening? Talking about your educational interests? You are a different person than the last time he saw you.

    I think you are looking at this guy with the knowledge of exactly who he is based on some history. Friday is in a few days. I think this is a nice surprise!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017

    I agree with you girls if just my stomach could be better by Friday .

    Fingers crossed

  • juneping
    juneping Member Posts: 634
    edited October 2017

    oh, what did i miss??

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited October 2017

    Hi June- E has a possible date on Friday with a former love interest!

  • juneping
    juneping Member Posts: 634
    edited October 2017

    Oh....thanks jazzy!!

    have a fun date E!!....that's very nice....

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017

    well I actually cancel today lol I just feel with my je ne se qua in my stomach I won't be able to enjoy plus I have dark under my eyes from no sleeping so I look like crapSickTired

    He was dissapointend and said I must make it up to him next weekend ha ha ha he is a nice guy I think he ll be ok after all we haven't seen ech other in 23 years what is 1 more week lol

    Dame I was looking forward to tomw

    O well tmw my family Dr. Better have some results and explanations or maybe help to get another surgeon

    On my way home. Need to shower n go to bed I am so dead n ll be up at 5am again

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited October 2017

    E- I am glad you let him know and think getting through your doctors apt, finding out some info on what else can happen for you, and getting some rest will put you in a better place to see him down the road.

    Not sure about the comment "make it up to him" though.....

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017

    hi friends didnt feel so great yesterday and I started crying when the dr. Saw me and said I have no bacteria nothing she didn't find any paracite that could make me this sick which means is only that dame fibroid. She then said there is no point on trying to find another dr. Cuz she knows this one too and she says he is an excellent one and that suregeries get cancel every day so that I should keep waiting SickTired

    I came home I took some sleeping pills and till 3am that woke up with the same disconfort

    But this morning it is not as big as if the inflamacion is less.

    Yes my friend understand I told him I was not feeling great to meet. Due to a cold lol

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017



    I was so sad I hoped I had a bacteria something that with medication could be control. She also says she doubt I have IBS cuz she says this fibroid gives this symptoms and I never suffer any of that before SickTired

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017

    well that is also what I fear.

    That a last minute surgery will be hard to deal with but I ll deal with that one day at the time I am really in need of some solucion now. I haven't been able to exercise and stomach is the same today. I read I maybe lacking stomach acid too I am not sure but is very unconfortable

    I will post later I am on my way home I was at ikea grabbing a few things to make my place look better ;)

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017

    bb cuz the closet doors missing depress me :(

    And I found new doors for $20.00 but they are too big by 1" so I must cut them it ll be a project now so I ll just do it next weekend or when my energy is better . Bb every time I look at my place and is not in harmony with me it depress me ; (( so I thought if I make it a bit better it may improve my feelings too?

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited October 2017

    hi ladies. Bb sis is not good

    Yesterday her little dog had to be put down and this now is just what she did not need ; (

    Today another dr. Saw her and sent more medicine wile she hasn't stated the one previously sent due to is just not available we found it in Colombia and bought it and now waiting for it to arrive. And today another set of medicine. The situation is very delicate.

    I am really sad about her luck and also the loss of her little dog which was with her for over 16 years .

    Anyway life is just hard.

    My stomach is still giving me issues no diharrea yet just inflamacion and pain. No there is no way I can go out to dinner or lunch with no man I must just forget about that for now . I am screw till I get this crap out of me.

    I just wish they call me to give me a date SickTired