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Member of the "6 Month Watchful Waiting Club", Unite!



  • mdoak
    mdoak Member Posts: 14
    edited June 2011

    Hey everyone, got back from my six-month check. Had an MRI, mammogram of right breast, ultrasound of both breasts yesterday, and got the all-clear. The radiologist said there were three areas of enhancement on the MRI, but all three correlated with fibroadenomas already identified and stable on mammogram/ultrasound. So I can breathe a sigh of relief until september.

     Melissa-- about your possible hysterectomy -- don't go with your OB's opinion, find an expert surgeon. I had my ovaries, uterus with nine fibroids, and stage 4 endometriosis removed through two one-inch incisions. The guy was a jerk, but he was an incredible surgeon.

    Shelle, I hope all goes well for you today --


  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 172
    edited June 2011


    Such wonderful news that you got the all clear!  Yay!  Love to hear good news.

    I feel very comfortable with my OB so I could probably go to someone else but not sure if I want to.  I will figure all this out within the next month I guess.  Did you have to have a hysterectomy because of the endometriosis?  I am surprised that they took your ovaries too, everyone has told me that it is important to try and keep them.  I only have one left at this point.


  • mdoak
    mdoak Member Posts: 14
    edited June 2011

    I did have my hysterectomy because of the endometriosis. If I had kept my ovaries the endometriosis would have just come back, because it is fed by estrogen. I had endometriosis all over my abdomen, colon, bladder, and they cut a nerve that was covered as well.I had my uterus removed because of the fibroids. I've been on estrogen/progesterone for five years now (I had the hysterectomy when I was 36) because the doctor felt it was very important for bones and heart health. The progesterone was to counterbalance the estrogen and keep the endometriosis in check. I just went off the progesterone because of my breast issues, so we'll see how the endometriosis does. Good luck with your decision!

  • NCkickphyllodes
    NCkickphyllodes Member Posts: 21
    edited June 2011

    @mvspaulding, So far the Tamoxefin has not been too bad. I get a few warm waves at times, had a little joint pain and cramps even though I skipped my period for two months. (It just started today, which surprised me).Oh, and the funny SE was that I would get drunk on 1 glass of wine, but that seems to be wearing off now. I know, I probably shouldn't drink at all, but it is a stress reliever.

    Good luck on the 29th. I hope you get a clear mammo! 

    @shelle hope you had a good appt. this morning as well. We're rooting for you. @sissy1 Wow, sorry to hear about the many problems you've had. @carpediem19 Good luck on July 1. Nice to know we are all pulling for each other!

  • shelle3
    shelle3 Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2011

    It was a long morning, but I am finally done at the breast center!  They did a mammogram and ultrasound.  Everything looked good.  The radiologist said she was "very happy" with all the imaging.  I will go back in 6 months, and if all is stable I can start yearly screenings since I will then be turning 40.  Oh, and the dr said for me to expect ultrasounds with every mammogram since I have dense tissue. 

    It was nice to have a doctor who took her time, asked me questions, and discussed previous biopsy results with me.  At my last biopsy they found PASH, but not in the form of a tumor.  She assured me that the findings correlated with what they are seeing, and that it is not of concern.  She then continued to tell me that they now have a good "library" of images for me, so they will know where I stand in the years to come. 

    Maybe it was the doctor, maybe it was the double dose of Valium, but I left there feeling much better than previous visits!

    Positive vibes going out to everyone waiting for their appointments/results.


  • vmudrow
    vmudrow Member Posts: 415
    edited June 2011

    Shelle - Sooooo happy for you!!

  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 172
    edited June 2011

    That is great news Shelle!  love to hear the good results!!  Smile

  • evsmom
    evsmom Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2011

    Thanks to Carpediem I found this "club" - the only thing I like about joining is the knowledge you all have. I've posted on a few of the other topics but have a few questions...I'm 37 and had my third mammo this past Monday b/c I have calcifications - the report I was given right after this last mammo "sucked" - don't know if they are micro, macro, clustered, spread apart, etc. so as I've mentioned in my other posts that I told my PCP I wanted a referral to a breast surgeon. I was told that I had more calcifications show up behind my nipple that didn't show on the initial mammo. It may just be that I'm prone to them. My maternal grandmother and her two sisters all had bc so there's definitely family history.

    So for those on the 6 month watch - is this the way it is, mammos every 6 months? When is it determined a biopsy is the way to go - what changes are being watched for? Going from some calcifications to more is a bit worrisome to me. The radiologist said she wouldn't recommend a biopsy at this point b/c the new calc. are right behind my areola therefore they would have to perform a surgical biopsy. The odds are so low it's cancer that I'm glad it's a wait and see approach but it's always going to be in the back of my mind. Thanks for the support ladies!

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2011

    Yay Shelle!! :-)

    Hi Evsmom - I think we all have different diagnostics. For me it is just a mammogram then diagnostics of the different thickening areas. Hopefully I will get an MRI at some point to look inside...  Others rotate ultrasounds with mammos every 6 months.  I think it depends on your density and whether the issue is calcs, cysts, a lump, etc. It sounds like with your issue (calcs) that a mammo is the best route, unless you have dense areas they can't see into. 

    As for increasing calcs, I have that issue, too, only in one breast, so it makes me a little nervous. I can't remember if I shared this calc website w/ you before, it's pretty good - 


    I agree - in a way, the wait and see approach is nice, but there is that nagging concern.  At least you don't have an issue that is altering your quality of life somehow like nipple discharge or pain. That's when I start pushing for resolution 

  • vmudrow
    vmudrow Member Posts: 415
    edited June 2011

    Thanks so much for the info on calcifications - didn't even know what they were last year when mine starting clustering - these web site is so useful - wish I had found it sooner!!

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2011

    Hi Valerie, you're welcome, I think this is one of the better sites out there!  Someone else out here pointed me to it, or I never would have discovered it on the web, that's for sure!

    Well ladies, I am frustrated. I have my 6 month follow up on the 1st and the doctor's office just called and said instead of jumping straight into the mammos again, he wants to just talk to me and do an examination first.  I mean, I know I am lucky to even be going to see him, the clinic is so hard to get into and he is the most in demand doc there (and retiring in August, ugh). I also like the fact that he does a thorough examination, I don't trust my own method so if he feels nothing, I do feel lots better.  And, even though the diagnostics mammos are barely useful for my dense breast ( I do like to have that picture of what is going on to see what has changed. Ugh I know this note is all over the place, I am sorry!

    I am sensing changes in the breast, I feel something happening in there at some point every day, whether a twinge, a pull, a pain. I was reaching across my body today for something and rubbed something the wrong way and it hurt. I am sure this is the two thickening areas changing over time.  I keep checking to see if the distortion is changing but it looks the same as it did in Dec last year.  Sometimes I am just afraid to feel around in there, I know that sounds terrible. Well I am glad to be going next week to see what's up.

    I've also started having a hot flash or two here and there, at least that's what I think they are. I am 46 and had a hyster last year, but kept the ovaries. Since I don't have periods anymore, I have no idea when I'll start menopause, so I hope these rushes of heat are menopause and not some other estrogen related thing. I did have this same feeling when I had problems with my duct before the excision, so it is freaking me out a little when combined with the weird feelings in that breast. 

    Well I guess I am just frustrated that he wants to chat first before picture time. We have lots of travel in July, so I won't be able to get back in there until August for any follow ups.  We'll see where this goes...

  • 22lifeisgood
    22lifeisgood Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2011

    carpediem19 - I sware I could have written half of your last post. Every single solitary day I am "aware" of my right breast, chest and underarm area.I have no idea how to describe it other than I am aware - zings? twinge? pull if I lift my arm? Pain if one of the kids knees me in the breast? I too look every day for some type of distortion - nipple change, indent, redness but still looks the same - which I am ever so grateful for.

    I have also got to the point where I am afraid to feel around in there too! I go the 3rd monday of july for my mammo/ultrasound then not until the next wed (10 days later!!!) to see my breast surgeon. I sure hope the mammo peeps don't think I am going to wait that long to read my report......

     And all of this is because of a complex cyst........... and periomenopausal changes I am sure......... I pray that with my dense breasts they aren't missing anything and am trying hard to just trust and live ya know? But now I have these appointments looming over my head and I have such moments of "oh my gosh, what if???????? " Like the day I am scheduled to go visit breast surgeon again, that night we are going to see Poison in concert (my honey surprised me with tickets for our 10 year anniversary last week) and I thought, oh my gosh, what if I get bad news that day? I DON'T want to live with this hanging over my head but what do we do? 

    I sure wish I was the type of person who just let crap roll off my back......... Good luck with your visit on the first! Please keep me posted and know that I am feeling ya! 

  • 22lifeisgood
    22lifeisgood Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2011

    oh, and ps - this is so crazy but - We recently joined the YMCA and I LOVE to swim. Forgot just how much I love to swim. How bizarre is it when I am in the pool and swimming that I feel NONE of this stuff in my breast? I mean NONE.

  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 172
    edited June 2011

    I know exactly what you guys mean.  Now that my appt and mammo is coming up next week I have been feeling changes and twinges of pain and soreness in my surgical breast.  I know it is probably all in my mind and because it has been on my mind so much lately.  I just want it to be over with now and have the all clear for another six months.  I don't want to have to think about taking the Tamoxifen and how it will affect my endometriosis.

    I am feeling the same way "22" because I have my BS appt. on June 25th and my gyno appt on July 8th and we leave for vacation on July 9th to Florida.  Because the economy has affected our business so badly this is the first vacation we have been able to take in 3 years.  So I am  so looking forward to it.  I just don't want to have any bad news hanging over my head when we go.

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2011

    Thanks, ladies.  I really try not to hyper focus on it. I don't think the pains are psychological because they come at unexpected times?  Ugh, we'll see what the doc has to say.  I have a lot lof fun stuff planned in the next few days to keep my mind off of things. Hubby gets home from his deployment after being going for a year, so we are planning to make him a cake, decorate, etc. I am busy pulling the house, garage and yard together, of course :-) I do feel badly that he gets home and I immediately have this appt to contend with, so I'll try not to whine too much. Hopefully there won't be a cascading amount of appts.

  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 172
    edited June 2011


    Good news!!  I just got back from my mammo/BS appt and everything was all clear!  I am so relieved.  Not only that, she said I only need to come back in a year now, not 6 months and I can keep watchful eye and not take the Tamoxifen right now since I have the other problem with the endometriosis.  What a relief, I can just keep things as is and feel good for a change with no health issues!  Thanks for all the support and I won't go away I will continue to try and support the ladies on here as you all have supported me.


  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2011

    Yay Melissa!! Yippee!!  Lucky you going back to the year club! :-)

    I hope you enjoy your evening!

  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 172
    edited June 2011

    Thanks, Carpe!  I am so excited.  I won't forget about all the support I have received here though.

  • NCkickphyllodes
    NCkickphyllodes Member Posts: 21
    edited June 2011


    That is great news! Congrats! I hope we all get to be so lucky. 


  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2011

    Tomorrow is my 6 month recheck, ughhhh.  As I put in my previous post, the doctor just wants to talk and do his exam, so I have no diagnostics scheduled, this should be interesting. I have a short list of new symptoms and questions about tamoxifen and getting an MRI to look into the dense areas. Also, doc is retiring so I need to be passed along to another. 

    So....hubby and daughter want to tag along so we can do something fun in the city afterward, not sure how I feel about this...I sort of like being alone on these trips.  For them this is just another doctor's appt whereas for me, it could be the one that rocks my world.  I like being alone at this stuff, and then afterward I can cry or whatever I need to do to vent my stress. With my soon to be teenage daughter there, I'll have to be careful, I really try not to stress her out. Well we'll see how it goes, I guess.

  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 172
    edited June 2011


    Sending good vibes and hugs your way that you will have a good appt.  I want everyone to have the joy I had yesterday

    I know what you mean about your daughter, my teenage daughter is such a worrier.  I didn't even tell her I was going to my appt. yesterday until last night when it was all over and I had good news.  She would have worried more than me if I had told her ahead of time. 

    Hoping for a good appt and go and have some fun afterwards with your family!!

  • JanetM
    JanetM Member Posts: 47
    edited June 2011

    Good luck tomorrow...I know exactly what you mean by wanting to do these appointments alone.  I like to be able to process what was told to me without having to deal with anyone else around.  My daughter is 26 and a pharmacist so going to appointments with her is not fun, I usually purposely shedule them for when she is working.

     Keep good thoughts and then have some fun...

  • 22lifeisgood
    22lifeisgood Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2011

    Carpediem19 - Sending you warm ((hugs)), and peaceful, calming positive vibes for your visit tomorrow!  (I will be in your shoes in a very short 3 weeks)

    All is well. All is well. All is well.............. 

    Hoping to hear how you skipped out of your appointment tomorrow feeling so great that you go and have the most fun you've had in ages with the family!

    Peace mamasita. Deep breathe. There is NOTHING you can't handle girl. You got this. You've been through these appointments a bazillion times. It's all good :) 

  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited July 2011

    Thanks, ladies - you are all wonderful.  I am feeling much better tonight.  Hubby just came home a few days ago from his year deployment so we're all attached at the hip right now - I started to push him off in terms of coming to the appt and he and daughter looked a little hurt so I told them oh yes, PLEASE come with me. I should get an academy award for that performance, LOL!

    I will let you all know how it goes. I would like some diagnostics, I never turn those down! Any opportunity to take a look.  Typically the appt is filled with "probably", "we think", "my guess is" those kinds of ambigous words. Then they send me away for another 6 months! 

    Thanks again, I feel like I've been hugged by friends!

  • jer
    jer Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2011

    Thank you for this thread. i am in the November and May checkup club. I have been a member off and on since 2002 due to fibrocysts. Two years ago it became DCIS stage 1 with benign nodes. lumpectomy July 09 and radiation not recommended at that time. I seem to have one good breast (the right) and one very stressful attention grabbing breast (lefty). I had to have additional pics of left side this May 11, 2011. I waited two weeks to find out they needed those additional pics. Then the appointment with the surgeon to discuss the needle biopsy. Then yesterday I went for the stereotactic biopsy which is what I had two years ago to diagnose the DCIS. Well this time the location or something they couldn't do the needle biopsy and I have to have a surgical biopsy on the 13th. I was really bummed after spending an hour and a half with my breast compressed on the table and nothing accomplised. When I heard them saying they couldn't do the biopsy I was definitely depressed. All the waiting and not knowing is what drives me crazy. On the 13th of July when I have the surgical biopsy I have asked the surgeon to remove that breast if it is cancer again so they will biopsy while I am sedated. I am questioning my lumpectomy decisions two years ago and my decision now. I don't even know if it is cancer again yet. I wish I could just go to these appointments and forget them. It does help to know I am not the only one that stresses over the process. The idea of having the biopsy on the 13th (almost 2 months after mammogram on May 11) and waiting to see surgeon about results and then deciding anything from then sounds like another month of stress. It seems like removing the left side makes sense one minute and then the next I am not so sure. Anyway thank you for letting me vent. We all get tired of this road we have to travel but I guess we just keep on. I saw the one post talking about her husband coming home from deployment. My kids are both army and the oldest got to iraq May 23. He has done Haiti and Afghanistan. I feel lucky to have my husband here I think. Good luck to you all and thank you again.

  • VSM
    VSM Member Posts: 27
    edited July 2011

    Jer, Sorry you have had to join us, but we can always welcome another!  I'm sending out calming thoughts tonight and hope you can focus on the holiday weekend instead of the stresses...Thank your sons for Serving, and they will be in my thoughts (as all who serve in the military) during my celebrations this weekend!

    Great news Melissa (both Melissas...)!

    Carpediem, Let us hear how it goes.  You'll be on my mind tomorrow--hope you feel the calming thoughts and strength I'm sending your way!

  • mvspaulding
    mvspaulding Member Posts: 172
    edited July 2011

    Thanks VSM,

    It is wierd, I was so thankful at my appt. that everything was clear and that I didn't have to come back in 6 months, that I didn't really question it.  Afterwards, everyone started asking me what changed and why she made such a change.  Then I started questioning why she made such a turnaround on taking the Tamox and checking up.  Now, I am kind of worried that I won't be doing enough to prevent BC.  Has anyone else had this happen?  Do you think it was just because I had two clear mammograms in a year?


  • sarahsmom
    sarahsmom Member Posts: 276
    edited July 2011

    Ughhh, what a morning. The doc and I had our chat, and we talked about tamoxifen.  He didn't really push it or try to talk me out of it, he said it was my decision.  I almost wish he would just tell me what to do, either way! Then he did an examination -  I didn't realize how tender that breast is until he was doing the exam....the right side, of course, felt absolutely nothing, all is good.  He said "I don't feel anything that worries me very much" - I almost laughed out loud! Breast issues seems to be the only type of medical issues where they use these kinds of ambigous words!!  I mean if it were a heart issue, would it ever be such a gray area?  "I don't see anything going on in your heart that worries me "very much."

    The good news is that he didn't feel any lumps, but he could feel the thickenening areas. 

    Ugh. Anyhow, he decided after the exam that he wanted diagnostics today, starting with mammo, then the close shots and ultrasound. He wanted to look at the calc situation, as well.  Of course today is like a holiday at military facilties, and it was a training day there, so there was no way to squeeze it in. Will be traveling now til late July, so diagnostics scheduled for the 27th.  Here we go again!! Let the games begin!

    He also told me I am still in the 6 month club, regardless of how these diagnostics turn out. 

    So onward to vacation and I will be back with all of you at the end of July!  I don't plan to check out here much in the next few weeks, I need a mental break from breasts right now.  I hope and pray that all of you with tests pending are B-9!!!!

  • VSM
    VSM Member Posts: 27
    edited July 2011

    Carpediem, YES, time for a break and a vacation!  We'll be here when you return!

    Melissa, I am actually still in the 6 month club, but feel the uneasiness you speak of--I started all this with discharge and then atypical cells were found in the nipple fluid...I was suppose to get a biopsy, but ended up with a cyst aspiration--yeah, I think, BUT what about the atypical cells?... Months later, the next cytology found NO atypical cells, but blood...It was close to my 6 month appointment so I waited to get more diagnostics--But when I went in, the US tech tried to argue with me and said that I have NEVER had atypical cells and if I had they would do different exams.........My BS is actually the one I'm keeping in touch with and he is aware of everything--I have the "all clear" for the next 6 months, but we BOTH (BS and me) are still watching...

    Carpediem is right, this is the only medical situation I've ever encountered where the "ambiguous" is routine...My advice is to be your own best advocate and keep watch yourself--after all you know your body better than anyone!  Never skip regular exams either, but remember, balance is the key--live life to the fullest, no regrets! 

  • JanetM
    JanetM Member Posts: 47
    edited July 2011


    Try to put it out of your mind (I know easier said than done and enjoy you vacation time.  I agree we live in the land of limbo.