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Microfat grafting or BRAVA doctor recommendations



  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936

    beacher- Just wondering how your appointment went with Dr. Koplin in Beverly Hills today.  Hope all is well!

  • beacher4209
    beacher4209 Member Posts: 259

    Hi Kate, He is wonderful.  He spent a lont time with me,but of course he should it cost 250.00, but i learned alot fmore from him and would definatly use him BUT he is out of my ppo network. So i got a couple of momths to decide. I am anxious to her your opinion on bot Dr. Koplin and Trott. One thing i have decided is that i am not going to use all fat grafting, i will use a small implant also. I just really do not want this to go on for another year. I do think(hope) with a smaller implant i will get releive from the tightness,bowling ball under th muscle,iron bra feeling!! With the use of some fg  will help that too. So i see a light at the ened of this dark uncomfortable tunnel. Hope you get what u are looking for from one of them... Take Care any more questions about them just ask :)

  • EileenKaye1
    EileenKaye1 Member Posts: 166

    Hi robo47--I am also going for an implant with fatgrafting--At the present time, I  am not ready for

    multiple PS proceedures.  I am planning on total fatgrafting in the future.  Implant with fatgrafting

    should work for the near future.  Thats my thought.  Eileen

  • beacher4209
    beacher4209 Member Posts: 259

    Hi Robo47, My reasoning is the same as Eillenkaye's. I do not want to go through another year of procedures. Although both the FG ps's were willing and qualified we came up with this instead.And as i said before i think it will do the trick for my pulling,and tightness issues. You will be having he guru of Fg so if you do not mind multiple procedures  you will be fine too. Im not sure if anyone on bco has just FG ,i could be wrong maybe somebody else know someone who has? take care 

  • beacher4209
    beacher4209 Member Posts: 259

    HI I STARTED A NEW TOPIC UNDER "INSURANCE AND OTHER FINANCIAL ISSUES" if any of you girls would be able to answer my question let me know thanks

  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675

    I am seeing two Plastic Surgeons this coming week. One that my breast surgeon works with and highly recommends, but he doesn't do fat grafting. The other Plastic Surgeon does fat grafting, but he has never done it for someone who has a mx. Do you think if I started with one PS that I could easily switch over to another...covered by insurance? I just don't want my insurance to question why I using one for surgery and a nother for follow up to do fat grafting. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield, Enhanced.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    FYI, I have done fat grafting only, but have only had my first session (simultaneous with the MX) 5.5 wks ago.  Unfortunately, looks like my recon will be delayed and more complicated b/c I am told I need radiation due to close margins.  This has nothing to do with the fat grafting - just "lucky me" had very little fat in my breast, so it was hard to get good margins.  

  • foreverhopeful
    foreverhopeful Member Posts: 10


    Anyone have any reccommendations for Colorado?  Thanks ahead of time.

  • foreverhopeful
    foreverhopeful Member Posts: 10


    Does anyone have any recommendations for Colorado?  Thanks.

  • ltinajero
    ltinajero Member Posts: 4

    My mom is in the process of Microfat grafting. She had breast cancer and one of her breasts was removed and she was completely flat from one side. She has done the micro fat grafting process 2 times already and i have to say that it is looking great. Thanks to Dr. Trott, this process has been a success. My mom is still up for another session of micro fat grafting and she is using the Brava as well. My mom is satisfied with Dr. Trott's excellent work.

    I recommend Dr. Trott, for any women who are considering the Microfat Grafting. She spent a few days working with a Doctor from Florida, who came up with the Microfat Grafting, and she has great experience with this process. She is the first Doctor from the West Coast that has perfomed this procedure.

    Here's the Surgeons information:

    Dr. Suzanne Trott

    Beverly Hills, CA

  • beacher4209
    beacher4209 Member Posts: 259

    HI Itinjero, glad your mom is doing so well. When did she have her masectomy? Did she have radiation? These questions are helpful for others thanks

  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936

    ltinajero- Thanks for the great endorsement for Dr. Trott!  I'm actually flying to California (from Arizona) tomorrow for a consult with her and another PS.  Good to know you would recommend her!

  • beacher4209
    beacher4209 Member Posts: 259

    ITINAJERO, looking for you?? It would be nice to hear more from you about Dr. trott, Do not not leave us with questions,if u recommend her please give us more info....

  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936

    I had my consult with Dr. Lawrence Koplin in Beverly Hills.  I was VERY impressed with his office, staff and him personally.  Very professional but kind and caring, too.  He spent over 2 hours with my DH and I explaining everything.  He does do fat grafting but really doesn't recommend doing just the FG.  He personally feels it's way too many surgeries to go through.  (And he said a lot of women just don't have enough fat to get the results they want.)  He believes doing a small implant and then FG over the top gives the best and longest lasting result.  For me personally, he recommends waiting another 6 months at least before considering a revision as he's optimistic that a lot of my issues will resolve with time and that physical therapy can help speed that up.  He did explain in detail, though, his plan of action if things don't improve.  If I do feel the need for more surgery in the future he would definitely be my surgeon of choice.  If anyone wants more information on him feel free to PM me.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Kate, so glad your consult was such a positive experience - very happy for you!  

  • beacher4209
    beacher4209 Member Posts: 259

    I loved Dr. koplin Too! He is out of my network,but i really like him . I also saw Dr. Trott she is a ok too,but not sure if she is experienced as dr. koplin? I know there was a women on here that spoke of her but she has not replied back so it leaves me in more doubt abot dr. trott  

  • chatsworthgirl
    chatsworthgirl Member Posts: 197

    Hello all,

    Been away for a bit going through chemo.  Still have two more to go then rads. 

     I am going to go for the whole fat grafting breast. I had originally talked to Dr. Lauren Greenberg in Palo Alto, CA who studied with Dr. Khouri and she was very excited to be able to offer this procedure.  Then when I found Dr. Trott in Bev Hills that was even better for me because I live in Los Angeles. 

    I am guessing that I will be done with therapy by Christmas and then I will wait until my chest is fully healed. I will be following those such as dancetrancer who are in the process of doing the entire fat grafting.  From previous posts I read that beacher had a consult and saw pics at Dr. Trott's office.  She apparently had trained with Khouri and had been doing the procedure for over a year.

    In re getting bc in the future in total fat grafted breast.  From what I read this is not a problem since the fat is harvested from stomach or side muffin top and is not the same tissue as breast tissue and therefore not vulnerable to breast cancer cells..  Ultrasound or MRI would most likely be the choice of scan.

    Since I will have to undergo scanning for some time in the future to monitor if the bc is gone, then I figure that will scan the new breasts as well.  Two birds with one stone.

    Question:  Why are implants plus fat grafting considered to be less "surgery" than total fat grafting?

     It was my understanding that fat grafting alone is much less of a "surgery" since it involves only lipo and needles into the breast tissue whereas implants are a much more invasive type of surgery, i.e., lifting the muscle off the chest wall and inserting the tissue expanders then after months of filling the implants.


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Kathy, fat grafting is much less invasive as you said (lipo holes and then injection holes around the breast), but it requires more surgeries, b/c only so much fat can be grafted at a time and survive.  You also have to wear the Brava for 10 hours a day, at least 4 weeks prior to each grafting, and then for some time afterwards (I don't know how much, I'm still new to this).  There are advantages and disadvantages to each type of recon - I knew I didn't want implants and didn't qualify for DIEP, so this was the best procedure for me.  You have to be a dedicated patient, though!  So far, I  am thrilled with my initial results.  My full story is posted on the www.fatgraftpatients site - not sure if that it where you are following it or not.  Best wishes to you!!!  These are tough decisions! 

  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936

    Kathy- I think surgery isn't the right word when it comes to fat grafting but it comes with everything surgery entails- anesthesia, recuperation, etc.  And the number of times you have to go through it varies on what you want your ultimate size to be.  I did one round of fat grafting and have to say the recuperation afterwards is not for sissies.  I actually felt like the exchange surgery was easier.  I think for women that don't want to go through that multiple times, or deal with the BRAVA, then implants + fat grafting may be the way to go.  If you're dedicated enough, though, I think there are a lot of benefits to fat grafting that you just won't get with implants.

  • tedwilliams
    tedwilliams Member Posts: 97

    I agree with Kate33, that is why banking my fat was very appealing. I can undergo the fat grafting with mild sedation and minimal recovery. So far insurance has not been an issue...I paid for the banking of my fat. I am amazed at the improvement in my radiated skin. I do not wear the Brava but I have the system and have worn it. Waiting for the round 3 of grafting.


  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936

    Jana- I wish more doctors did the fat grafting using your PS's method.  So much less trauma on the body!

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Jana - are you saying you are having your next round of fat grafting without using the Brava prior?  If so, why is he taking this approach?  

  • tedwilliams
    tedwilliams Member Posts: 97

    Because I really hate wearing it and the extended time I did wear it did not pull my skin from my chest wall. If my PS and I deem it beneficial in the future I will use it. Fat grafting without the Brava has been successful and I hope to do the same.


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Interesting!  I sure do wish you success and look forward to continuing to follow your progress!  

  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936

    Jana- Can you estimate how much of the fat is retained without using the BRAVA and when you had the first round done?

  • tedwilliams
    tedwilliams Member Posts: 97


    Percentages are a hard concept for me except for pie or pizza. I look at the spot under my arm where 19 nodes were removed....there is no longer a divot...just the scar. Not certain how to describe my breast....before the grafting parts were very depressed---stuck to chest wall. Today there is more softness to the edges of my breast and the stuck parts, while still stuck, are softer and pinker. My estimation is that there is little if any loss. While I have not seem a big increase in breast size, I am seeing a difference in skin texture, color and sense of being touched.

    My first grafting was done in March 2011----7 months after my DIEP failed and a year after I finished radiation. The second graft was in Aug. Not certain when the next one will be.

    Hope this answers your questions.


  • lalisa
    lalisa Member Posts: 22

    Thanks Jana, it is really interesting the way you describe the results so far.

    I consulted with Dr Trott, and if I decide to do this, I think I would be totally comfortable working with her. One thing I really like is that her specialty is lipo. I don't have a lot of fat, but talking to her, I would trust her to harvest it in a way that would not leave me with lipo "defects". She gets that that is not a sacrifice I am willing to make even in order to gain breasts. I also felt she really understood my desire for just very small breasts, with no suggestion that she might know better about how my body should be, unlike at least one PS I consulted with.

    It is cutting edge recon, and apart from Dr K, other docs are learning and experimenting. If I decide to do this, it will be with this understanding. Also, even though Brava sounds like a huge hassle, I would do it, just because it seems to be "best practice".

  • leeinfl
    leeinfl Member Posts: 46

    Kathy - You certainly have the right idea of what is involved with implants.  I have them and wish I didn't.  What I do have now after my revision with Dr. Khouri, is smaller implants with fat grafting.  HOWEVER, if I had known about this earlier I wouldn't even have that.  Some women love their implants and have no issues.  I have no pain and now (after the revision), they look great, but.....I still have them and the muscle issues that go with them.  Yes, multiple procedures are necessary with total reconstruction via micro fat grafting, but remember, you decide how large you want to be and after you are done, you are DONE.  You will have soft, warm, normal breasts without wondering when you will have to go in for replacement, which those of us with implants will always have in the back of our minds.  This is still so new and surgeons all around the globe are perfecting it and the whole fat harvesting process involved with it.  It has such promise and I hope that the day will come (sooner than later) that this will be standard for breast reconstruction.  Best wishes, yes, decisions are not easy......

  • EileenKaye1
    EileenKaye1 Member Posts: 166

    Hi Kate--I am concerned about your comment regarding recuperation from microfatgrafting.

    I have had numerous proceedures--with little post-opt discomfort-and with minimal down-town from work.  Was hoping to go back to work within a few weeks.  Would appreciate any comments you have on the recuperation and down-time.  Thanks, Eileen

  • chatsworthgirl
    chatsworthgirl Member Posts: 197

    I'm OK with the time and dedication to wear the BRAVA.  Since I was very small most of my life -  got bigger when I used hormone replacement therapy - the patch - and gained weight.  Went off the patch when I was diagnosed with bc and lost all the weight.  Lost the breasts.  So I want a barely B size which is what I was.  I only had the sentinal lymph node removed so there is no divot issue under my arm.  My chest is not fully healed but there is indentation which will have to be filled out before a breast will appear.I think I have enough fat on my side muffins and stomach.  Always had a bit of a tummy and side muffins no matter how thin.

    Given my age, 69, I can't really see myself getting implant replacement later in my life. Assuming I live to be a ripe old age I can't imagine my wrinkled old bod being updated with perky new implants at 80 or so. The mental image is just too weird.

      My neice had herself enlarged to a double D size 11 years ago and is now due for replacements.  However she is only 40.  I tried to tell her to ditch the implants and go smaller with some fat grafting as she has breasts so it would not be a total recon just adding to what is already there but she thinks she has to stay a double D because her husband (my blood nephew) likes it. Oh well, I tried.

     .leeinfl - Thanks for your vote of confidence. I understand that you can remove the implants and do just fat grafting.  Perhaps one day you will be able to do that.  
