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Microfat grafting or BRAVA doctor recommendations

pixelsupply Member Posts: 16
edited June 2022 in Breast Reconstruction

There is already a great forum regarding micro fat grafting and some really supportive posters that have been through the process. Although some have posted doctors in their area, I thought I would start a discussion where we could post the PS doctors in our own areas so it's easier for people to research and contact those doctors.

Of course, don't forget to do the proper research and if necessary get a second or third opinion.

If you are new to micro fat grafting (aka fat transfer) as a reconstruction choice visit the forum under Reconstruction entitled "Has anyone had micro fat grafting?" or visit



  • pixelsupply
    pixelsupply Member Posts: 16

    In Chicago, Illinois

    Dr. Otto Placik,

    This is not really a recommendation yet, will see him at end of rads in a few weeks and will update post then, just wanted to get the ball rolling...

  • pixelsupply
    pixelsupply Member Posts: 16

    Wired article about another method approved in Canada and Japan,

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106

    Pixels...great idea... Thank you!

  • GointoCarolina
    GointoCarolina Member Posts: 95

    Dr. Daniel DelVecchio in Boston(I have had only phone and email contact) and Dr.Anya Kishinevsky in Connecticut(had a consult and she is wonderful,very caring and from the photos she showed me,an artist).

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106 far away is Dr. Anya from your location? do you know of any PS doing this in NYS?

  • GointoCarolina
    GointoCarolina Member Posts: 95

    I am in central New York..middle of nowhere!Dr.Kishinevsky is in Darien,CT,just outside NYC, it was a three hour plus trip for me,almost all major highway though.Dr.Christina Ahn does it in New York City,but I have an HMO and it doesn't cover the city.Dr.Kishinevsky has a different method of fat grafting than most of the other doctors.I plan to have mine done by her this fall.

  • tedwilliams
    tedwilliams Member Posts: 97

    New Orleans area: Dr. Kamron Khoobehi

    He was the PS for my mastectomy, DEIP, removal of flap and now fat grafting. I have had the first grafting with additional fat harvested and stored for future procedures.

  • EileenKaye1
    EileenKaye1 Member Posts: 166


    Best of Luck,

    At the present time--Dr. Christina Ahn--appears to be my best bet.

    She wants to totally eliminate my uncomfortable implant. Am still researching my options.

    Again, Good Luck,    Eileen

  • EileenKaye1
    EileenKaye1 Member Posts: 166

    I found Dr. Christina Ahn to be quite impressive.

    My other Doctors--raved about her results.

    Anyone had any experiences?

    Would appreciate the Feedback.  Eileen

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106

    pan... would you mind describing how the method differs with Dr. Kish. from the others you have researched?  I looked it up... it is about a 6.5 hour drive for me... potentially doable depending on how often I would need to go there... did she give you any sense of the treatment protocol leading up to surgery?

  • GointoCarolina
    GointoCarolina Member Posts: 95

    I will do my best,but do not take what I say as gospel,this is just the way I understood it when she explained it to me.She does not use the Brava,she uses tissue expanders.She feels it is hard for women to be compliant plus she feels the Brava can stretch the skin too much.I had tissue expanders placed by a local PS,but had to have them removed after three weeks due to intense pain.I thought she would not be able to do the fat grafting,but she assures me she still can.I did tell her at my consult that I am not looking to have large breasts,so that may be in my favor. Dr.Michel Saint-Cyr in Texas does not use the Brava system either,he told me it all depends on how much skin there is available to use.I was in contact with Dr.Illouz in France who has been doing fat grafting to the breast for at least 25 years.He said the Brava is not needed.Dr.Kishinevsky also harvests very tiny strips of skin and fat from the abdomen, near the pubic line.She removes the top layer of skin and places them in the breast mound,this helps the injected fat live.I am not clear on how she does the placement of the fat strips,she explained it,I just don't remember.She did tell me it would result in a little tummy tuck(not a real one tightening the muscle, this would just tighten the skin) and any scar would be at the pubic line and barely noticeable.I originally emailed her,she responded very quickly,I then called the office and she happened to be between patients,so I talked to her on the phone. The initial consult at her office was free.She spent a long time with me explaining everything,but made very sure I understood that everyone is different..where some women might need more than five graft sessions, another may only need two.She also told me about the special lipo method she uses,but I can't remember what it is called.I wish I could be more helpful...I completely forgot until now,I also emailed Dr. Greenspun in New York City,he sent me a long email and said he would be willing to use the Brava and fat grafting,he attened a workshop of Dr.Khouri's..maybe the city is closer for you? If you want,you can PM me your regular email,I would be happy to forward all my info to you.

  • StaceyLynn
    StaceyLynn Member Posts: 11

    Does anyone know of PS in Southern CA doing this procedure?

  • StaceyLynn
    StaceyLynn Member Posts: 11

    Does anyone know of a PS in Southern CA or anywhere in CA doing this procedure? Thanks

  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936

    pixel- So glad you started this thread.  I just recently had the micro fat grafting and have had so many women asking me if I knew of someone who did the same thing in their area.  It's so frustrating not being able to help them!  I really wish doctors, and especially PS, would make it easier for patients to find them!

    My surgeon was Dr. Roger Khouri at the Miami Breast Center. 

  • Kate33
    Kate33 Member Posts: 1,936

    I just realized that on Dr. Khouri's website ( there is a video testimonial from other surgeons.  Not sure when this was recorded but there are several PS from all over the world who are saying they have or will get trained in Dr. K's method of fat grafting.  If you are looking for someone in your area you might want to watch this and see if any of the surgeons featured are close to you.  You could contact them to see if, in fact, they received training in this procedure.  I will try to post a link.  If it doesn't work just go to his site, click on Testimonials and then click on From Surgeons. 

  • kareenie
    kareenie Member Posts: 97

    Hi Stacey Lynn,

    I am in Southern CA and have been trying to research this. These are not recommendations but names I have come across.

    On the forum there is a member who is working with Dr. Seify in Newport on a Brava only augmentation (but was originally going to do fat grafting). I know Dr. Steven Cohen in San Diego has done fatgraft augmentations.  He is willing to try removing my implant and using fatgrafting sequentially to form a new breast also using Brava. But I would be his first Brava patient.  I am still deciding but may end up going to Dr Khouri in Florida.

    Also on the website there is a find a doctor per state but I would check them out carefully. They may just be using Brava alone for augmentation.  Or they may be fatgrafting for augmentations but definitely you should be sure they are board certified in plastic surgery.

    Also there is a list at

    of "co-investigators" in the Brava Clinical Study. (but none are further west than Colorado or Texas)

  • StaceyLynn
    StaceyLynn Member Posts: 11

    Thanks kareenie for the info. I find it difficult navigating and had become so frustrated. I will check out these doctors. Thanks again.

  • kareenie
    kareenie Member Posts: 97

    After I posted I also noticed at Brava there is a list of the "Brava Medical Advisory Board" which includes some CA doctors.

    Please let us know what you find out.

  • happy29
    happy29 Member Posts: 77

    I used Dr Christina Ahn for my stage 2 and 3 after TUG flap for lipo and fat transfer.  She is Amazing and I would totally trust her.The micro fat grafting for full reconstruction is so exciting!! Good Luck and please keep informing all women of reconstruction options!

  • EileenKaye1
    EileenKaye1 Member Posts: 166

    Thanks so much Happy 29--for the information.

    My Doctors are all impressed with Dr. Ahn--and I will need a slight lift on my natural side--Trying to achieve the best results that would be possible.

    I really am looking for someone who is an artist.  Sounds as though, she is the right PS

    Again, thanks for letting me know.  Eileen

  • kareenie
    kareenie Member Posts: 97

     I am reposting here for those looking for Doctors:

    MelanieW wrote on another thread:

    Now...the real reason I posted here.  My PS here in AR has 5 patients (last time I saw him) that he is using Dr. K's prodedure with nice results so far.  I am amazed at all of the different techniques he is using.  He is definitely a perfectionist also.  I will try to check back here regulary for PM's for anyone that might be closer to AR and interested in getting my PS's name.  I did okay this with him first.  I wouldn't normally do this, but my results with him are amazing and he still wants to make it better.  It has made such a huge difference in the way I feel about myself. 

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    I am so excited that this thread has been started.  I am going to ask my PS at USC Norris if he will train with Dr. K so I can have this procedure done.  Thank you everyone!

  • momofthree2011
    momofthree2011 Member Posts: 5

    There is Dr. Lawrence M. Koplin in Beverly Hills who does fat grafting. Has anyone heard of him or his work? 

  • GointoCarolina
    GointoCarolina Member Posts: 95

    I found out yesterday that Dr.Julie Vasile does fat grafting with the Brava.She has an office in Stamford CT and also in NYC.

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    I just wanted to pass on this info from my PS-Upon asking him about Dr. Khouri and the BRAVA method, this is how he replied:

    Yes, I met Dr. Khouri at a meeting in Jan. I also am familiar with the
    Brava. I agree with his fat grafting results. The Brava is used by my
    colleagues a the Shriner's Hospital and the results are not as good as Dr.
    Khouri has been able to do himself.


    I just wanted to add that he said USC Norris Hospital in Los Angeles has the capacity to do micro fat grafting but that insurance doesn't cover it.

  • StaceyLynn
    StaceyLynn Member Posts: 11

    MBJ: my BS at Cedars in Los Angeles told me the same, insurance doesn't cover micro fat grafting. How is it being covered when Dr K does it?

    I'm getting discouraged and may remain flat - I like the flat me.

  • leeinfl
    leeinfl Member Posts: 46

    My insurance covered everything except the Brava dome.  I know it can be a battle to get insurance companies to pay what they are supposed to.  This was billed as a revision breast reconstruction with fat grafting.  I would make some phone calls to your insurance company.  Good luck..

  • GointoCarolina
    GointoCarolina Member Posts: 95

    I think some doctors are confused about the fat grafting as it is usually a cosmetic procedure,so they assume it would not be covered.If it is used as reconstruction,it is covered by insurance.

  • EileenKaye1
    EileenKaye1 Member Posts: 166

    I had alloderm--way before is became the norm.

    My PS sent copies of studies being done.  Took time.

    Was totally covered by my insurance.


  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671

    StacyLynn:  USC Norris is a research facility so somehow he was able to get mine covered.I think the reason the MFG is not is maybe because it is new and not a necessary surgery?  Or maybe it's because they aren't yet using it for a recon procedure like Dr. K so therefore it's not billable there.  If you want to have regular FG and for some reason you can't go to Dr. K, Norris takes pretty much all insurance including state programs.