Birads 4, concern or no concern

As I posted earlier, I am brand new to this site
and new to the world of breast cancer or a scare
of breast cancer, I don't know which just yet. I am
38 yoa and I have had a lump in my left
breast since mid May, had a mammo, and
ultrasound, only to tell me that it's a suspicious
abnormality. I noticed another topic about birads 3
and learned that mine is birad 4. Can anyone
share their experience with a birad 4 mammo finding?
Hi apaige....Did they recommend a biopsy?
Usually that's what they do with Birad 4.
If not are they gonna do a follow up in 6 months?
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I was rated Birads 4 - biopsy proved to be positive, but I am fine.
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Thank you for your response. Yes, they have requested a biopsy. I have a consultation visit on Tuesday...but I don't know what I should expect? Not sure if I am just going there to consult about my mammo and ultrasound pictures, and then schedule for a biopsy...very scary to say the least...I look up all of my symptoms, and with each new one, it's another symptom of BC. I was given a 98 % for B9, but in the the report it says 11.2% risk of confused...I am very sore, not sleeping, and oh so worried...
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Thank you for your response. I am sorry to learn that you had a positive read with a Birads 4, I see that you are stage 1, and the other abbreviations, I am afraid that I am ignorant with. My hope is that you are okay. I think your mass was 1cm, apparently mine is 3.5 cm, but I wasn't told if it was fluid filled or a solid mass, and at the time I didn't know to ask. I am learning more and more about it now. So I feel that I am more prepared for my consultation on Tuesday. It just seems like the more I read on the internet the more scared I become. I vowed to stop googel'ing my symptoms. I am very thankful to have found this site though through a google search. I wish all of you continued good health and healing!
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I read somewhere that 90 or 95 percent of birads 4 are benign. I beat the odds on that one.
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Hi apaige - I was also rated BIRADS 4 and it was posittive. As you can see by my stats that it was caught very early. After mammo and ultrasound, I was set up with a surgeon who did an ultrasound guided biopsy in his office - got the results 3 days later.
This is a very confusing time for you but try to relax and breathe. The waiting does suck but you will get through this.
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I'm 35...had a mammo with a suspicious mass January 5 - BIRADS 4. I was given the option to biopsy or wait 6 months and check again.
I had a biopsy on January 10th and a diagnosis of invasive ductal carcinoma on January 13.
Sending B9 vibes your ways and prayers for calm nerves and a level head.
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You have all the right to be scared and confused.. ((HUGS))
Who do you have the appointment with? Breast surgeon?
Who requested the biopsy. You should call them on Monday and ask if you are going for a biopsy or not?
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Category Diagnosis Number of Criteria 0 Incomplete Your mammogram or ultrasound didn't give the radiologist enough information to make a clear diagnosis; follow-up imaging is necessary 1 Negative There is nothing to comment on; routine screening recommended 2 Benign A definite benign finding; routine screening recommended 3 Probably Benign Findings that have a high probability of being benign (>98%); six-month short interval follow-up 4 Suspicious Abnormality Not characteristic of breast cancer, but reasonable probability of being malignant (3 to 94%); biopsy should be considered 5 Highly Suspicious of Malignancy Lesion that has a high probability of being malignant (>= 95%); take appropriate action 6 Known Biopsy Proven Malignancy Lesions known to be malignant that are being imaged prior to definitive treatment; assure that treatment is completed 0 -
My last mammo was a birads 4, for calcifications. We followed up with a breast MRI and it was downgraded to a birads 3, so it can go either way with follow up. It is most important to remember that birads 4 is reserved for findings that do Not have the classic appearance of malignancy but have a wide range of probability of malignancy (2 - 95%). So you could have a 2% chance of malignancy, 95% or anywhere in the middle. If this was your first ever mammo, they could be overly cautious because they have no past record to compare it to.
It is best to stay away from Mr. Google, that can be hard, but the most reliable information is here. They should do a biopsy on it and then be able to tell you more about it. 3.5 cm is a pretty decent size, was this just a routine mammo or did you find the lump first?
Keep us posted!
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I am over joyed at the responses that I am receiving. My only wish is that I found this site earlier. Sheila, I have an appointment with a breast care specialist, I am assuming with a surgeon. The radiologist recommended the biopsy. I will call on Monday and ask if I should prepare myself for the biopsy. I thought I would just go and meet the doctor/surgeon, but perhaps they will do the biopsy that same day. I don't even know. I just feel that everyone has been very low key about this whole ordeal. And of course being ignorant with this, I am not sure which questions to even ask. There isn't any family hx of BC, so I am kind of flying by the seat of my pants. Although, I am receiving lots of support from my family, but I don't want to scare them with all of my "latest sypmtoms".
Thanks for all of the responses!
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Sue makes a good point. My cancer was little - officially sized at 0.5cm after surgical pathology. But the invasive component of my cancer was removed during the biopsy! So it was a teeny, tiny cancer.
But I had my first mammo at 30. So they had a baseline to compare to and saw that little cancer in my left breast.
Without that baseline, they may be being extra cautious with you - especially at your age.
Please keep us updated. <<apaige>>
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My biopsy was a quick, nearly painless procedure done the same day at the mammo clinic. Core needle guided by ultrasound.
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Thank you for your response. I found the lump first due to pain. I was recently told that pain is a good thing, and that It could potentially mean B9, but other things that I have read says that pain can be present with a malignant finding.
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apaige.....Wishing you a peaceful night
I had 3 biopsies since 1995 and the first 2 were benign.
Come here as often as you need and please keep us posted.
We care
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Thank you to all of you! I am sooooo happy to have found this site...
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My last Birads 4 was benign. Still waiting for the results of this Birads 4. Missed the results call today. Will have to wait til Monday.
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Hi apaige!
I just went thru this a couple weeks ago. However, the diagnosis you see in my signature belongs to my Mom, not me.
Just wanted to add myself to the list of people that had a BIRAD 4a, but a benign result. My mass had smooth edges, no calcifications, and was more oval (indicative of fibroadenoma) but they still felt it prudent to do the biopsy. Perhaps if the same radiologist had not performed my Mom's biopsy just 2 months before that, I would've just been checked in 6 months. Not sure.
Good Luck and wishes for b9 results!!
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Good luck tomorrow apaige! We'll be thinking of you
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Hoping u have benign results.Take care.
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Hi apaige,
You and I are the same age and I too am a BIRADS 4. This Friday I am having and excisional biopsy done on my right breast, the waiting is excrutiating, as anyone here will attest too. I just wanted to stop by and say good luck to you and sending B9 wishes you way. Let us know how you do.
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apaige- I was a Birads 4 too. I had both a lump and calcifications. the radiologist explained to me that the lump had grey spots in it and the calcifications were linear (in a straight line). He said both were highly suspicious of malignancy- he was right. A biopsy is the only way to know for sure. The core needle biopsy is pretty easy. I hope for B9 results for you!!
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I was BIRADS 4 in one breast, had stereotactic core biopsy which showed ALH and LCIS and then had lumpectomy to make sure that nothing else was lurking beneath. On lumpectomy confirmed ALH and LCIS and also found ADH. LCIS puts you at higher risk so I am continuing on the every 6 month follow up with my breast surgeon that I have been doing since my first mammo almost 3 years ago.
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Thank you goes out to all of you wonderful ladies!!!
I will keep you all posted. My appt. Is scheduled
for tomorrow at 2:30!! Fingers crossed for all of you!!0 -
Try to sleep tonight. I had an HMO so had to wait a few days for the biopsy after the consult. I was a birads 4, but my lesion had interior vascularity (its own blood supply), so I knew it was probably malignant--wasn't a big surprise. Most birads 4 are not malignant. I have had two core needle biopsies (one b9, one not) and they were both painless and non-events. I hope yours goes the same. I am doing well--was caught very early and all the invasiveness was taken out with the biopsy. I did a bilateral mastectomy with tissue expander placement and am recovering well. Because they caught it early, no chemo!! Just tamoxifen. Even if it is malignant, you can do this. This is a good place to come for support. Be thinking of you.
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Good luck today...hugs!
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Thinking of you (huggs) b9b9b9b9b9b9b9b9b9
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Hello just wanted to chime in and say I had Birads 5, core needle biopsy, results benign and also a lumpectomy which confirmed the diagnosis. Don't be afraid of the numbers, everyone's different. Best of luck & love to ya
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Hi everybody!I am so worried about my mom that I searched online. Luckily, I found this site and you all.
My mom was told to take a birads 4 after having diagnosed with micro calcification increment.
I'm, actually the whole family, so much worried about her. Could anyone please give me some advice?
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Hi everybody!
I am so worried about my mom that I searched online. Luckily, I found this site and you all.
My mom was told to take a birads 4 after having diagnosed with micro calcification increment.
I'm, actually the whole family, so much worried about her. Could anyone please give me some advice?