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  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited September 2012

    Good luck to all having things done!  KEep us posted when you all can!  I am excited for everyone!

  • mkw1
    mkw1 Member Posts: 102
    edited September 2012

    Have a wonderful outcome everyone that is exchanging to squishies this week. I look forward to hear how your surgery went.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2012
    Dunesleeper: Good luck tomorrow!!
  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited September 2012

    Good luck to all the exchanges this week! And Renn, to you who started this forum, I will be thinking of you on your special day...I am so happy this day is here for you!


  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2012

    Thanks Tatina! I feel like the youngest child finally graduating from high school! ;-) 

  • kona14
    kona14 Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2012

    Just curious to hear from those of you who had your exchanges.  Do you like the result?  Do they feel more comfortable than the TE'S?  How do they look and feel?  Do you have cleavage?  Are they realistic looking?  Thanks for any input!

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited September 2012

    Good luck this week to all the exchanges!!  There are a lot.

    Kona....I had small breasts (A) prior to BC that had been nursed on for about 25 months total between 2 kids.  So I am very happy with the result (I went up to a C).  I have cleavage, if I wear a push up I have even more cleavage.  My DH seems to like them, in and out of clothes, so they must look OK.  For me the implants are much more comfortable and realistic looking then the TE's. 

  • jill47
    jill47 Member Posts: 85
    edited September 2012

    Yes happy exchanges this week all you lucky girls!!!  You paid your dues with the TE's now go squish away! 

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited September 2012

    Best wishes Dunesleeper, Renn, Shae, Mkw1 & BCAvenger!!

    Very happy that you all are progressing :)

  • ShaeG45
    ShaeG45 Member Posts: 21
    edited September 2012

    Busy, busy morning! There's a lot to do preparing for surgery.. I have my markings done, I did my pre-op with the hospital, I have packed my bag. Now, I'm off for a relaxing mani & pedi... All this and I still won't be able to sleep tonight. LoL. Oh well, I will sleep extra hard when they put me under. :)

    Good luck to the rest of you guys that have upcoming surgeries!!

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited September 2012

    It's exchange week! I finally feel like I 'belong' to the 'in-crowd' here now! I'm in a really good mood for once before a surgery. I have some anxiety, the usual. Cleaned the house up and down. I don't know how cleaning ladies do that for a living. It's HARD WORK! Hats off to them.

    kona - I have a squishie on the left. I will be honest, after surgery I was disappointed but only because you have in your mind what they should look like right after surgery. I'm exactly two months out from that exchange and it has fallen nicely, the swelling is down and it feels so much more lived in, lol. I have silicone gel. It was pretty firm right after surgery. It's nice and soft now. Feels like what our boobs used to feel like when we were young! I do not have nipples yet. My dr was going to do them at this surgery but I told her I wanted to wait. I am in no rush for that. I just want to get the squishies in and get on with my life right now.

    Dunes - Good luck! You're either in surgery now or in recovery :)

    Renn and Shae - Tomorrow you're up at bat! :)

    Mkw1 - When you go in on Thursday my butterflies will pick up! Good luck to you too!

    Friday is my turn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Michelle :)

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited September 2012

    So excited for all of you!!!

  • rosetx
    rosetx Member Posts: 70
    edited September 2012

    Thinking of all of you getting squishies this week.  Good luck!  I know we all feel like it's about time--no matter how short or how long the wait.  I have preop tomorrow and exchange one week from today.  Soooo ready to get on with it....but you know that feeling!

  • Blessings2011
    Blessings2011 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited September 2012

    Oh, what a week this will be! Smile

    Big prayers for successful procedures and great healing for all those going through exchange...and finally crossing over to the Squishie Side!!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited September 2012

    Happy squishy dance for all of you!

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited September 2012

    Lots of exchange surgeries coming up. I will be praying for you all, knowing that you will wake up smiling and happy:)

     Renn...extra thoughts and hugs to you!! Thanks for keeping this thread going. It got me through some really rough times, and knowing that I'm not alone is priceless. Keep us posted:)

  • Babzk
    Babzk Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2012

    Hello, I'd like to be included in this topic. I had a mastectomy on March 27, 2012 on my left breast for DCIS which I was diagnosed with in 2010. After trying a lot of alternative approaches it became necessary for the surgery due to the cancer growing and leisions on the outside. I had an expander placed at the time of my surgery and after the first expansion which was about the first of June, I developed inflammation, reddened skin and swelling. I was given antibiotics and steroid packs over the course of two months which did not improve the situation. I've been off the antibiotics now for 2 weeks using a lot of herbs and vitamins to keep it from swelling which has helped however I now have a large reddened bubble at the end of my scar with a large blister. I will be seeing my PS tomorrow, September 5 and she wants to take out the expander. This has been very difficult for me to accept. I am now 5 months since my surgery and was looking forward to having my permanent implant by now. I've read some of the stories here others have gone through and it is encouraging to see there is still HOPE down the road. It is so hard to think about starting all over. 

  • Babzk
    Babzk Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2012

    Love the poems! You deserve to wear whatever you choose and be proud for all you've been through. It sure is a rough road. I've had my expander in since March and due to infection and inflammation it may have to come out and start all over. So discouraging! Your success is encouraging. I need to keep hoping! 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited September 2012

    Babzk, nice to meet you. Sorry you have to be here. If you have to have it removed, do it. Sooner out, sooner healed, sooner replaced. Once you know you have to do it, get it done and move on. Sucks, but at least you will be moving in the right direction.

  • 1Curlyfry
    1Curlyfry Member Posts: 45
    edited September 2012

    Wishing everyone getting squishes the best of luck and fast healing! I am encouraged by the success of others. I'll be thinking happy thoughts and following all your progress!

    I'm sure I'll get there someday. :)

  • bevg49
    bevg49 Member Posts: 461
    edited September 2012

    wishing all you girls the very best of luck. Can't send prayers necessarily because I'm not a believer but I do believe in healing, healthy vibrations so I am sending many of those.... While I hope each of your outcomes are perfect, I am so jealous. 8 days after my mastectomy, i had a major hematoma, another surgery, and he had to take the expander out. Then 3 days after that, ANOTHER one and another surgery, then a few weeks later after I was home, the scar opened up (since it's been opened 3 times in 11 days. I don't even know where I stand. He can't do anything til it heals. So right now it's bumpy and lumpy with major boobage under my arm. Do I want it just fixed and flattened? Do I want to try the expander again? I'm scared shitless of more surgery. My original was a breeze it was so easy but every since, man the complications have been hard. I don't know. I'm just venting as usual. Every time I have to pack, bandage and look at the lumps and bumps I feel like venting. Anyway, I guess, as has been said, i'm just taking the scenic route lol..... who knows how long this route is? or where it will end? Thanks for listening.

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited September 2012

    Babzk - It is hard to hear but if it were me and it was, I'd get it out as soon as possible so you can heal. It's true, the sooner you get it out, the sooner you heal, the sooner you get back on the road to reconstruction. Glad you have found this thread so you know you are not alone.

    Bevg - I understand and empathize with you. I felt jealous too. All my June mastectomy '11 ladies all far surpassed me in reconstruction...even ones who had radiation and chemo. Surgery after surgery after surgery - 8 out of 10 dealing with my cancer diagnosis and three tissue expanders on the right in the past 15 months. Patience is the hardest word to hear when your in the midst of it with no end in sight. You will get through this and you will be able to offer words of strength and encouragement to other ladies that will come after you. Hang in there, you will get there. (((hugs)))


  • Katarina
    Katarina Member Posts: 99
    edited September 2012

    I think I'll keep my Left implant and just replace the Right implant with Diep. The DIEP PS said he thought the Left was done so well it would be a shame to remove it. He believes he can achieve symetry. I'll let him.

    Last thing I can imagine would to have both sides done and then have a problem with the Left since it's been the good girl through all of this.

     Ladies, thank you for the support. It's not a pretty site to see what you look like without either a TE or something. I didn't see the real face of cancer until I saw my concave right side. It does make you grateful to be alive and to have other options.



    TAPPY Member Posts: 39
    edited September 2012

    ok got another 100CC fill today and my right "boob" hurts - when I moved I felt a pop and some burning inside ?

    Can theses things come unpluged ????

  • ShaeG45
    ShaeG45 Member Posts: 21
    edited September 2012

    Hello all, I stayed overnight in the hospital, (they asked, I said yes). My PS had to do some extra work on the right, cause it was taking up residence under the armpit. He used some more alloderm on the side and he needed to lower it to match the left. So, very, very sore on that side. The good thing is that the left side (my problem child) has turned out perfect. :)

    Doc unwrapped to take a look this morning & he was very pleased with himself. LoL, can't blame him for making something out of nothing! Anyway, I got home today about 1pm after texting friends, family & coworkers, I have been sleep most of the day.

    So, I'm doing well and can't wait to really look at them, cause they truly are squishy!! :)

    Welcome newbies, you have found a great thread and we all hope that we can help you by sharing and listening.

    As I always say 'there is light at the end of this tunnel'!!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited September 2012

    shae - yay for shae!

    BCAvenger - tomorrow is the day - so excited for you!

    tappy - not sure, but they aren't plugged in so I don't think that is it, lol!  Does it still hurt?  If so, call your PS.  A 100c fill is pretty big IMHO.

    kat - sounds like a plan

    ren - hope you are doing well - post when you can to let us know

    shout out to curlyfry!

    babz and bev - hang in, it will get better!  Bev - it is helpful to give the area some time to heal before trying again - my left was out for 7 months - when it was put back I had no problems.

  • bevg49
    bevg49 Member Posts: 461
    edited September 2012

    congrats, shae, so glad it's all working out.... special, you are right. I can finally see something. I never understood this healing from the inside lingo but lo and behold, I'm noticing the inside IS actually closing, slowly but surely... Doc says once the inside closes, the outside will follow. As a diabetic it's just extra slow. If you could wait 7 months, I guess I can wait as long as it takes. It's just, I'm concave now, creepy to see.... But, I have NED which is the main thing, right ??? 

    I do have a serious, very serious question. I am taking Femara - no chemo, no rads but yes to Femara... I don't know if this is the cause but my depression and anger and moods in general are totally out of control. I mean totally. It takes so little for me to go into MAJOR rage mode, against my husband, against my son... Then I end up in massive hysterical crying so I'm either angry or sad most of the time. I've taken antidepressents in the past and they've never had any affect on me whatsoever. I don't know what to do but I do know I have never felt this way before. My family thinks I'm getting crazy. I'm not. I'm totally rational... Well, except when I get irrational lol..... Has anyone had this reaction to the med or to cancer?? What can I do to make myself feel better. I have had such crazy fights with my loved ones for real things but little things.... HELP!!

    BC, Renn, Special - I guess I will share the scenic route with you guys ....

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited September 2012

    bev - yes, this can be a reaction to the Femara.  Is your onc willing to switch you to a different AI?  You may be better on a different one.  I understand about the creepy, concave thing - I pretty much avoided looking at it during those 7 months, lol!  I never let my husband see it the entire time - I told him it would be something he could not "unsee" once he looked.  He said it wouldn't matter but respected that it would matter to me.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited September 2012

    Shaw, so glad for you. Bev, happy you are healing, my left te was out for seven months, it looks good now. But I waited an extra week before I get a fill. I will get my first in that one in a week, and the first one in 8 months in the right. Tappy, don't have a clue, are you noticebly smaller then you were before the pop sound? bc, good luck tomorrow.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2012
    Hi Ladies! First, yay to Shae! Glad you made it through to the squishie side!

    I am envious of the ladies who come out of exchange without drains and feeling relief! That was not my experience. This hurts almost as much as BMX! My surgery lasted 3 hours and I was in recovery another 3 hours — Yup, despite a long talk with the anesthesiologist before I went under, I came out of anesthesia vomiting. Lovely! My PS did a lot of work on lefty (my left TE had been in for 19 months, so who knows what was going on inside there!) and like Shae, my PS also lifted my IMF slighty on one side to achieve better symmetry. My righty, which had been my trouble child all along, feels pretty good for a change! PS also added Alloderm on top of my right implant to ensure good circulation since my skin is so thin there. And yes, I have a drain on each side. I have to be honest, I do not yet feel the "squishie" feeling everyone talks about! All I feel is the stinging of the stitches and the pain of my left IMF. I unzipped my vest today and got a peek, I kinda look like I did with TE's but they are more full. Swelling needs to subside. I'm not even that interested in looking at them at this poin, I know they are just beginning to morph and I don't want to get too attached!

    Mkw1, let us know how you are doing when you can.

    BCavenger, good luck tomorrow!