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  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited November 2012

    Roadwarrior- merry christmas to you! My surgery should be 12-4, i'm so excited i can't think straight. It's been a long/short journey for me. But i'm ready for it to be over with.

  • oldgram1
    oldgram1 Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2012

    It's been 5 years since my bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction with tissue expanders.   Went through hell whenever I had saline added with muscle pain.   Then got infection in the right one and had to have it removed, healed and then put back in.   After a year and a half finally got the permanent implants.   Never been very happy with them.  My PS was supposed to be good but one boob looks like a flat burger and the other one looks like a Madonna pointy one.    One is also lower than the other.   It always feels like I have a bra on.   Frequently the left one moves up under my arm (where the lymph nodes were removed).

    I was 61 years old when I had this done and wish I had not done so.   I was engaged to be married and thought it was the right thing to do at the time.  It may be okay for someone younger but was not a good
    decision for me.

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited November 2012

    thats GREAT news Roadwarrior! 

  • SheChirple
    SheChirple Member Posts: 95
    edited November 2012

    I have to decide between TE hell again, or DIEP or TRAM Flap.  Back in August, after exchange to permanents, they had to remove the right one due to split incision, due to thin skin.  Now PS says either another TE, fills and then exchange or DIEP/TRAM Flap.

    Decisions, decisions, decisions....I'm leaning towards DIEP/TRAM Flap, but I'm going to a class next week to go over all the risks, complications, procedures, etc.. to make my final decision.

    What worries me is that when I was first diagnosed, this PS said DIEP/TRAM was not the best for me.  Now that implants have failed, he thinks it is.  Hard to wrap my head around that.  But, I do know that I don't want to go through the whole TE thing again.  I'm thinking one long hard surgery with a long hard recovery, but be done with it.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited November 2012

    Roadwarrior: Yay!!

    Shechirple: I initially decided against DIEP/TRAM b/c I didn't want the long surgery and long recovery. Little did I know how protracted my process would end up being and DIEP would have been the easier route! Go with your gut. No pun intended.

    Oldgram1: I feel for you! I always feel like I have a bra on too, and my lefty is lower than my righty. All we can do is make decisions based on the info we have on hand at the time. I get why you chose recon. Of course you can always have the implants removed, but that brings with it its own issues with dealing (or not) with camoflage.

    GreenMomkey: How are you doing/feeling?

    Ladies with upcoming surgeries, please PM me your actual surgery dates and I will add to above.

    It's been a while since I posted... My incisions are still almost healed. My exchange was two months ago today. Just a couple dots on the incision line on each side that have tiny scabs. No leakage, nothing like before... just slow... My newest wrinkle? I have ringworm. Yes, RINGWORM — on my right FOOB! And my PCP says it is not unusual! Oy, can I catch a break here? I haven't felt like writing about it, but I will write a blog post with more detail later this week.

    Hope everyone else is doing well and continuing to make progress!?

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited November 2012

    Rennasus - wow! did he/she say how you get ringworm in your boob? That's crazy!

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited November 2012

    SheChirple - I think what turned me off to DIEP is that the surgeon mentioned that while I'd be in the hospital for several days, they'd watch for blood flow and if the tissue was not "adapting" they'd have to do another surgery and take tissue from somewhere else. He was sort of looking at my stomach, thighs, etc. figuring out where he could take tissue from. And it was like a "woah!" moment for me when I realized how many scars I could potentially have, how long I'd be in the hospital, etc. I also had a friend who had a failed DIEP flap and wound up with TEs and implants anyway, so that sort of sealed it for me.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited November 2012

    I also know someone that had a failed TRAM after a 15 hour surgery.  There was a disparity between the blood vessel size on the abdominal tissue and the chest - she kept throwing clots when they tried to attach.  She had done a BMX with no recon initially and planned for this surgery, then woke up still with no recon.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited November 2012

    Roadwarrior: You can get ringworm anywhere on your body tho it's most common on the feet (Athlete's foot).  

    As my PCP described it, the ringworm fungus is in the air all around us, and it needs a moist environment (hot flashes coupled with my wearing a surgical vest for weeks and then sports bras since then did it for me; my rash started in the cleavage side where I sweat the most) and dead skin cells, which we have all over our bodies. My poor righty, with its sub-par circulation and slow healing, is vulnerable. I asked PCP if I should be showering twice a day he said NO! Ringworm loves moisture! So I have to keep the area dry (I haven't been wearing a bra), apply fungal cream 2x a day, and take an oral tablet once a week for a month. I can't tell you how relieved I was to hear I only had ringworm — I thought it might be cellulitis or cancer. 

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited November 2012

    Thanks for the info Rennasus - I had no idea! I've been going bra-free for a long time and now that I know about ringworm I guess it's for the best!

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited November 2012

    Jesus Renn! I remember my son getting ringworm when he was a wrestler. I never heard of ringworm associated with any of this! Glad thats all that it is. Does baby powder or (excuse me but) "Monkey Butt" help?

    I am 6 weeks out from my exchange with alloderm and I still feel pressure along the IMF and the lower poll of my noob. The ache is constant but its not intense pain and if my noobs hold I'll say it was all worth it.  I think its part of the "drop" that droop that they talk about.

    Over all I'm trying to stay optomistic. I see me PS on Monday - week 7 post surgery.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited November 2012

    Greenmonkey- IMF stands for? I'm thinking intramammory fold, but I could be wrong.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited November 2012

    IMF = inframammary fold, underneath the breast.  I am assuming that you meant infra as opposed to intra.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited November 2012

    yeah, I did. Long day at work.Laughing Thank you.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited November 2012

    No problem - I understand!  I had to pause a second and remember myself - for some reason I always recall inter state and intra state even though this has absolutely nothing to do with breasts!  I can't even claim a long day at work, lol!

    Ren - I had a PS appt. this afternoon and have re-set the fat grafting surgery for Dec. 14 if you want to put me back in the header with a new date.  Hoping this is the only one I need and told the PS to take the max fat out of the abdomen.  He said then what do I do if you need another FG - I assured him I had extra fat reserved in other places, lol! 

  • lightandwind
    lightandwind Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2012

    i had my TE's placed 2 wks ago. The right one had mx w/ immediate recon. It was very bruised and now my ribs hurt. Does anyone else have the experience of their ribs hurting from TE placment?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited November 2012

    lightandwind - the short answer is yes!  It may continue to give you some twinges while you have the TE in but I found that when I started expansions the TE sort of lifted off my ribs and bothered me less.  Keep in mind that you are not far off from surgery so all of that area is pretty irritated - hoping things calm down for you shortly!

  • lightandwind
    lightandwind Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2012

    okay, thank you special K!Smile 

  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366
    edited November 2012

    Quick update, went to see ps yesterday, no leakage took off the small bandage and the stitches are still there. No oozing,drainage. He put two layers of derma bond and we waited until it dried, and let me go on my merry way.

    I have been seeing this guy every week since January . I'm so tired . Hopefully this is it and it heals well. I don't plan to get any more refills until feb at the latest. Until my incision is fully healed.

    Has anyone else has the derma bond, is it ok to shower, my ps said yes, but I thought I'd ask u ladies

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited November 2012

    Red yes it is ok to take showers. Just lightly go over the incisions don't scrub it.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2012

    Yay, red! Continued healing thoughts being sent your way.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited November 2012

    Good to hear, Red.  Patience is a virtue (lol) - I'm still learning it. 

    The 3 Day was so awesome here in the Tampa area.  My friends say that they saw me on Bay News 9 but I never saw the clip.  I've officially signed up for next October 2013 if any Tampa girls want to join me.  We've got a great team, and you are all welcome! 

  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366
    edited November 2012

    Ok I'll have a shower tomorrow,

    I'm so nervous, like still can't believe it's healing. After so many visits to ps I practically gave up, but a miracle happened last minute.

    I just hope it stays like this.

    Thank you ladies

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited November 2012

    red- it will feel great to take a shower. You will feel much better. I understand about the whole going to the PS so much. I was just given a 2 wk reprieve. whohoo so excited!

  • Bonseye
    Bonseye Member Posts: 124
    edited November 2012

    Shechirple I totally feel for you and you having to make this decision.  I too lost a TE and had to decide how to reconstruct.  I was looking at radiation and had to use my own "tissue" before radiation to have the best chance of the reconstruction working.  My radiation  oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering wasn't totally on board but went with my surgeon and admits now  that he was totally right.  I didn't want a Lat Flap and risk I had 12 lymph nodes removed.  I originally didn't want a TRAM but have to say I kissed it up to God....said lots of prayers and did it.  I had to medicate myself as I was so nervous in the weeks leading up to the surgery.  Not only did it come out surgeon put my implant on the left and my RO at MSK said it was the best surgery she ever saw.  There are days I can almost new breasts are cancer free and fill a void, mostly allowing me to forget.  To me that is a win.  Don't get me was a hard surgery....I have to admit the drugs, anethesia and after meds have helped me forget the pain.  I am happy with my decision, not one to take lightly as there can be side effects.  Some how I had some luck.....there wasn't much along the way.  I had a staph infection, shingles, broke my ankle......what a road.  I now realize the strength and perspective I have gained......most important--pick a good plastic surgeon.  Ask to see their work and ask their success/failure percentages.  I have seen some photos online that make me cringe.....I am soooo lucky. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited November 2012

    ren -  on the surgery list you have me down as "more FG", but this surgery in Dec. is the first FG.  My July one was cancelled because of enrollment in the clinical Her2+ trial.  I would have had to fly to D.C. a week after the FG and I wasn't sure if that was feasible so I cancelled.  I will be done with the active part of the trial in early Dec. so I re-scheduled.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited November 2012

    Specialk: Fixed! Thanks for telling me.

    Bonseye, you have been through the ringer! Thanks for sharing your story, it gives hope to the rest of us out here still on this thread!

    Redninrah: So happy to hear you are progressing! Try not to lift anything heavy or do anything that might put strain on the incision until it is completely healed. You've come very far. Slow and steady wins this race! 

    Momof3: Your race sounds like fun and that's cool you are already signed up for next year!

    Greenmonkey: Sorry to hear u r still hurting. Def. question why that is when you see PS Monday!

    I'm still fungal fergie over here, but it's getting better.

  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366
    edited November 2012

    Shower was good!!!!!!!

    taking it easyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  • jmemama
    jmemama Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2012

    I currently have TE's and am fully expanded to 480 cc's, awaiting my exchange surgery on Nov 27th. About 3 weeks ago, during my last expansion, I pointed out a small bump that is located on the side of my breast. It felt kind of rigid and unusual and the PS told me it was a stitch that is not covered by subcutaneous tissue. Possibly a stitch that was placed for my Alloderm? This is on the prophylactic side of my mastectomy, btw. Anyway, I basically ignored it until yesterday, when I was examining myself, and came across it again. Now it feels to be about 2/x the size (size of a pea now) and it is more rounded and definitely bigger. I tried doing a search to see what it could be because clearly it is located on top of my expander, just under the skin. Could it be some sort of probelm with the expander? Air bubble? Leak? Scar tissue? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I will be calling the doc to ask about it on Monday, but want to be armed with information before I call. Thanks.

  • andrea623
    andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited November 2012

    I have the same thing, and my PS told me it was a stitch too. I've had it for about 3 weeks, and you think it would have dissolved by now.