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  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366
    edited November 2012

    Hm...I'm taking a year off for sure. When I had a masectomy, I desperately wanted to go back to being normal but I think I'm going to be ok with the way things are.

    Ya it's all about me getting stronger now.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited November 2012


    No I don't.  But I only had about 150cc taken out.  In retrospect I should have done what fluff did and went all out.  I am actually 10# heavier then when I started this whole journey and it is VERY frustrating.  I don't know if it is the surgeries (5), or the steriods from the chemo (but that has been done for 15 months now), or the tamoxifen.  Whatever it is I can't seem to lose it no matter what I do.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited November 2012

    chick and ren - I told the PS to go for it on the fat removal from the abdomen when I do FG next month.  Even if he doesn't need all of it I would rather it be gone from where it is.  I too am struggling with just a little extra weight but it is tough to budge.  I tried South Beach and walking (4 miles daily and fast) - nothing.  I took both the diet and exercise up a notch and lost 10 lbs., but went on vacation and gained some back.  My PS asked why take all the abdominal fat in case I need another FG later - I said not to worry that I was pretty sure I had some more fat elsewhere!  I gained on chemo (steroids and swelling) and some came off afterward but not all of it - too many mashed potatoes during chemo and not enough exercise!  If you want my diet info PM me.  It is VERY restrictive but it does work.  It is done in 30 day increments and I had no problem with it - it made it easier to stick to when I saw that it worked.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2012

    Ladies, I have had success just using MyFitnessPal, which is a free website & app. You input your stats, activity level, how much weight you want to lose & how much exercise you plan to do & it gives you a daily calorie allotment. You can then log the calories of everything you consume. The database they have is huge & you can even add your own foods into it.

    I have done weight watchers in the past & MFP is a lot less complicated & easier to stick to.

    I started at the end of June & I am down 22 lbs as of yesterday. My last chemo was in 2/11 & I have been on tamoxifen since 6/11. I wanted to get my BMI down lower as I was just outside of the healthy range. I wanted to do it now before fat grafting. My PS wants to wait another 3-4 months before he touches that spot (the spot I need filled is the spot that would not heal). 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited November 2012

    dll - thanks - I have seen this program endorsed by someone on another thread too - she really liked it.  Yay on the 22 lbs. - that is so great!  I lost 10, then gained back 3.  I would like to take off 10-12 before FG, which is a month from now.  That would put me about 4 lbs. below my pre-chemo weight, but I would still like to lose about 5 more.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2012

    SpecialK, you don't look like you need to lose anything. Smile

    I know a couple of people  (a coworker & a customer) that recently each lost over 40 lbs using MFP. Free & easy!

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited November 2012

    thanks DLL.  Congrats on the weith loss.  I just want to lose enough to fit back imto my pants!  I will assume that a few of the extra pounds are my foobs, which are quite a bit larger then my original breasts were.  

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited November 2012

    Redninrah: How are you feeling?

    SpecialK: I will be watching you FG experience with great anticipation!

    SpecialK, DLL66, Chickadee: Oh I hear ya on the stubborn pounds! I went into BC needing to lose 10 pounds. After my BMX and subsequent inactivity, I gained 12 pounds. Total of 22 pounds. I have since lost 10 of those 22. Twelve more to go. Not fretting. But in January, after all the holiday hub-bub, I am getting more serious and hope to lose the final 10 by this time next year.

    I used to track my food anf fitness, and that helped me lose a few pounds a few years ago. I do think the accountability thing (coupled with tracking calories) is key. It's just more work! Blech! 

    Hope everyone else is doing well. Let us know!

  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366
    edited November 2012

    I feel so much better with this implant out, i felt tired and just wierd with the implant, i feel like im 10yrs younger (more energy). Thats odd hey.

    I have my bandage on and a nice little annoying drain hanging out. Ive been back to work, flying day trip to toronto and just relaxing. On friday I see my new PS to have drain and stitches removed.

    And then I can relax and plan my uk trip! YAY

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2012

    Thanks Rennasus.  My PS thinks I'm taking this all pretty calmly.  I told him I know this has happened to other women because I visit this site here.  I've recommended this site to other women who have had BC.  Sandcastle I found your site BreastFree.  Maybe that is how I'll go if another surgery doesn't work.

  • SheChirple
    SheChirple Member Posts: 95
    edited November 2012

    redninrah:  I had my exchange, 7/23.  I then got infection on the left, eventually incision split and exposed the implant on the right. After two weeks inthe hospital and 2 surgeries, I, like you, said enough is enough.  I went home with the left implant in place and in tact and the right one gone. 

    The good news is that the right incision healed within a couple of weeks after implant removal.  No pressure on the incision made all the difference.

    My PS said we would wait a few months before talking replacement of the implant or other reconstruction.  I left thinking NO WAY.  I"M DONE. I really didn't think I would get past that episode and consider reconstruction. I asked for prosthesis so that I'm not lopsided.  It's actually not bad, I'm really getting used to it. But, I have come to hate popping in my breast every morning.  I'm in a high profile position and admittedly concerned about my appearance.

    I have recovered enough, psychologically,  that I have an appt on 11/29 to discuss DIEP with my PS.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited November 2012

    Hello Renn and everyone else!

    So sorry for the disappearing act. When I got back from NOLA I was deep in work and then off to Kentucky. Just got back.....

    My visit with Vinnie at NOLA was GREAT. He is very passionate about what he does.

    By the way, it turns out I would not have been a candidate for nip recon due to thin skin on the side where I had my infection. I see my PS in 2 weeks -- he will let me know if a revision is needed (things are looking better). If not, I have tattoos scheduled for mid March.

    Is your ringworm on the way out?

    Nightie night,


    When I was there, it was Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited November 2012

    dll - you are sweet to say that!  I am just good at camoflauge so people don't notice!  I weighed almost 30 lbs less than I do now when I got married (almost 30 years ago) and I know that I will never be that small again, but I am comfortable and don't look too thin about 10 lbs heavier than that.  That is fifteen lbs lighter than I am right now.  When I was done with chemo I weighed the same as I did the day my son was born - that is not good!  I am the same as chick - just want to fit back into my clothes.  I have all this stuff in the closet I can't get into.

    red - glad you are feeling better, sounds like it was the right thing to do.  Hoping you heal quickly and feel even better soon!

    ren - we should team up for weight-loss motivation!  You can nag me and I can nag you!

    tatina - glad to "see" you!

  • 1Curlyfry
    1Curlyfry Member Posts: 45
    edited November 2012

    Hello Ladies! I read everyone's posts and feel bad when someone new joins the club. It sure is nice to hear someone working through the problems and having success in the end. It motivates me to move forward and not give up!

    This week was the anniversary of my MX. What a strange and challenging year it has been. Two attempts at reconstruction and two failures. A whole year without a breast! The good news is that I'm trying again the second week of January. Third times the charm! I'm crossing my fingers, toes, and any other body part that crosses. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving to all. Life, love, and laughter is way more important than a breast!

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited November 2012

    Curlyfry- I will cross all my double appendages for you as well.

    I think all my issues with my TE's have gone away. I go to the PS tomorrow to make sure that we are on track for december. I can't wait, I'm ready to get these damn things out of my chest and get the nice soft ones.

    Hope everyone is doing well tonight.

  • redninrah
    redninrah Member Posts: 366
    edited November 2012

    I go on Friday to have stitches and drain removed. I will ask for a Rx for prosthesis.

    I'm just glad that I'm doing something that is making my body heal.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited November 2012

    Redninrah, sounds like you are feeling better! YAY! Getting that drain out will feel like heaven.

    Chrisrenee: December is literally right around the corner. Crossing appendages that things move smoothly from here on in!

    Curleyfry, oh I know what you mean. I hope to finally be healed from all this recon (and subsequent ringworm rash) by the time of my 2-year cancerversary, which is Dec. 8. If you had told me at the time of my BMX that it would be nearly two years until I would have implants and healthy incisions, I might have thrown in the towel! January is right around the corner for you too... crossing all appendages that you, too, are moving into smoother waters.

    For all the ladies out there struggling to get to the recon finish line, please know that it *can* be done. It just requires altering the game plan a few times, having plenty of patience, and doing what is ultimately best for YOU! ;-)

  • invisible2
    invisible2 Member Posts: 70
    edited November 2012

    Is it normal for the TE's to fill unevenly?   My left side doesn't project nearly as much as the right.  Has anyone else had this happen?  Could it just be that the skin and muscle on one side is tighter than the other?  

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited November 2012

    Invisible2: I did not have my TE's filled at the same time, so am not the best person to answer you, but from all that I have read here, the answer is YES I think it can def. be normal for one side to be tighter than the other! It's also normal for your TE's to look different as they are filled. One may be higher/lower, more round/more square, more flat/more projection. Your PS will make necessary adjustments during your exchange to get you to "match." Right now it's all about keeping your skin supple and making room for the implants. 

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited November 2012

    Ren- I went to the PS yesterday and the red boob from hell is rearing its ugly head around again. I'm on yet ANOTHER round of antibiotics. This time augmentin 875 mg twice a day and bactrim 500 mg twice a day. I feel like I should be calling my Gyn and seeing if she will write me a script for a standing order of diflucan the highest dose they have at this rate. If the RBFH is not gone by 12/3/12 then more than likely I'm not going to get to have surgery. I've scheduled ky follow up/pre op visit for 12/3 so I should know something by next Friday on how its going to react to the antibiotics. At this point, my boob itches like crazy. Pretty bad when your in front of a patient and you have to act like you are adjusting, just so you can scratch the hell out of the boob.

    Hope everyone is having a good night.

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited November 2012

    I have been "missing in action" from boards as life has been marching on!

    I have a date for my exchange, January 30th, but that could change as I also have a hernia and am hoping to combine the two surgeries.

    I was just reading above about tightness in one TE and I am all about that. After loosing the TE on the cancer side, the trauma has been such that I have little skin. Also, the TE is encapsulated and that too is painful! So I have one normal looking TE and one that looks like it is a big ball that has been glued onto my chest. I still hurt at times, and am so anxious to get this over with.

    Ren - if I am able to go to get together, we should carpool! CookieMonster wants to as well :)

    I have missed you guys - I see BCavenger on facebook along with SheChirple - anyone else on facebook please friend me : Dawn Marone

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited November 2012

    Red, glad to hear that you are doing well.

    Crossing fingers for you, Chrisrenee. Hope the antibiotics work.

    Hi DM13! I've been to a couple of get-togethers with area BCO girls & had a great time. 

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2012

    Curlyfry crossing my finger and toes for you in January.  ITA on being one strange year.  You think everything is going okay and then boom.

    Chrisrenee I also have a red boob from hell.  My PS had an infectious disease doctor look at it yesterday when I had an appointment.  They are going to monitor me before giving another round of antibiotics.

    Invisible my TE's filled unevenly.  My right side was always better, but that was the side that had no cancer.  My left side I had re-excision surgery and radiation.

    Ren I read your blog for November 19th. You wrote what I've been feeling lately about this whole FBC mess.  As for ringworm I remember having it as a kid on my chest area. I also had it about 2 years ago on my chest area.  It cleared up nicely with a topical anti-bacterial cream for me.

    I also got my stitches out yesterday which helped.  After talking to my PS we decided we are going with smaller squishies.  But we are waiting at least 6 months before we do anything to give my body a chance to heal.  Which is fine with me even though I have one normal soft looking boob and one that looks like a mess.  LOL.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited November 2012

    lynmichel- How long have you had the RBFH? This is the second time I've had one. The first time came up 1 month after TE's were placed. This one came up on last Friday, but it wasn't red it was pink and wasn't hurting me. Now, it's so swollen and "popping" out the little bra I wear. I am on my 4th round of antibiotics and I'm afraid that if I need them again after exchange surgery that I'm going to be immuned to them and they will be ineffective and I will then have to be hospitalized for IV high strength antibiotics. I am prone to infections, when I had my total hysterectomy 3 yrs ago, I developed an infection at the top of the vagina and was admitted into the hospital for 5 days and went through 5 different antibiotics.

    hope your RBFH goes away soon.

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited November 2012

    Chrisrenee - I had a swollen boob/TE too. Mine was fluid build up that wasn't getting re-absorbed by my body.

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2012

    Chrisrenee I just developed RBFH.  October 25th I had my exchange surgery.  My right breast got the squishie but the left TE leaked and my PS put in another TE with two JP drains.  What happened was my one JP drain pulled out about 1/4" and then I started to feel bad.  I had a temp of 101 one day before my emergency surgery November 8th and my left boob was red and really warm to the touch. 

    Chrisrenee I hope your RBFH goes away soon too.  I told my PA I like being different but this is too much even for me.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited November 2012

    Lynmichel-That's kinda what happened to me but I only had one drain. Bless you for putting up with two in one breast. I woke up on a Saturday morning and my breast was red looked like I had decided to go lay in the sun with just the one breast exposed. It was hot to the touch, pain and swelling. i went to the PS on that monday he looked at it and then he drew some blood from around the site to have it tested for infection. It came back negative for any. I was doing good until saturday, and if this dumb thing doesn't go away it may delay exchange which does not make me a happy person.

    roadwarrior-what did your doctor do for yours? Is it cleared up?

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited November 2012

    Chrisrenee77 - mine started with some redness and swelling shortly after they removed the drain, and got worse after the first fill. It was also rock hard most of the time. I started Bactrim and after 3 days on that, my drain site reopened and I started at first gushing out fluid, and then it slowed to a trickle - but I had to walk around with big bandages taped all over my side. The fluid discharge got rid of swelling, but the redness was still there and after a few weeks I developed pretty bad pain along the bottom, like someone was punching me in the ribs. I had to bind myself with ACE bandages to prevent any movement and that was the only thing that helped with the pain. 

    My PS watched it for nearly a month but the draining never completely stopped - it would stop for a day and then come back with a vengeance. And we were also running into a deadline for me to start chemo. So we eventually decided to just take it out and I switched to a different antibiotic after the TE was taken out, and also was given Vancomyacin during the surgery. The culture surprisingly never grew anything...

    My PS said that sometimes our bodies just reject foreign objects like TEs and never reabsorb the fluid. Surprisingly my cancer side is just fine and peachy.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited November 2012

    Roadwarrior- Thats what my PS said about rejecting foreign body. I'm just tired of this already. Round two is more comfortable than round one. However, round two makes it more uncomfortable to sleep with or without a huge bodypillow attached to it. So you only took 1 round of Bactrim? I've had 2 rounds of Levaquin-the highest amt given and 2 rounds of Bactrim. Then my PCP gave me 1 round of Levaquin and 1 round of Diflucan for a sinus infection and the Diflucan just incase I get a yeast infection. Then my PS on monday put me on a round of Augmentin (only because I refused to take the Levaquin again the pain between that and the Femara was too much to handle) and another round of Bactrim. I should be killing off all infections with that much antibiotics in my system. So I will see what happens on 12-03 when I go back in.

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited November 2012

    Chrisrenee - I was on Bactrim for a good month, so not sure how many rounds that is. Not sure which drug they put me on after the TE was taken out...

    Since nothing grew with the culture (before or after antibiotics), my PS said I might have never had an infection to begin with and it could have been just my body rejecting the TE.