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  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited October 2012
    just read your My BS recommended me both -oncologists and PS...May be they doctors help each other this way?Undecided
  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited October 2012

    My Bs has a couple PS's she likes to work with but I could have use anyone that was had hospital privileges. Or, she could have done her thing and then I could have healed and gone to someone else to start reconstruction. I chose my oncologist after 4 interviews. She knew him, but at the time hadn't worked closely with him. They have since become very close friends and she refers patients to him often. She did ask me if I needed names. When I told her who I was interviewing, she approved of all of them.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited October 2012

    Going to the PS today for another fill. But I have a suspicion that my left TE might have an infection. It is red, tender to the touch and hot. I will be asking the PS if this us normal. My hubby says that it could be because its always in a bra ( regular bra and sports bra 24/7). I don't think that is the issue. We will see at 330 today.

    Hope everyone is having a good day!

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited October 2012

    Good to hear from you, Olgah!  Glad you are happy with your new PS & that you have a plan.

     A little off topic here, but do any of you use products that are "Paraben free"?  I read an interesting article, and so many products that we use day in and day out have these parabens, which act as synthetic estrogen. There are so many of us on this site whose cancer was estrogen fed. I made a big change in my sunscreen, lotions, hair products & make up. Scary stuff.

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited October 2012

    can you post the link momo.  ???? 

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited October 2012

    Went to the PS today and he took a blood sample today from my left breast. He's pretty sure I have an infection. Sent me home on two different antibiotics for the next 10 days. Not a happy camper. I'm ready for this to be over.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited October 2012

    Yes, momof3inta, I do! I get everything Paraben free, I mean, EVERYTHING! PARABENS mimic estrogen in a body and I am estrogen positive. I also work in fragrance department and some of them have it too. I used to love Lancome, Dior etc. not anymore. Burt Bees, SIBU, shampoo from Whole food. I even color my hair myself with henna, I am not blond anymore. I take it very seriously. It was a short video on Facebook about chemicals and cancer, I will try to get it here.

    Chrisrenee, I know what are you going through. My newe PS told me, antibiotics work in 85% cases, I was another 15, and my previous PS stiil exchange me TE! ( due to leakage)After that everything got worse. I hope yoou will be fine.

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited October 2012

    I am wishing you the best Chrisrenee. It sounds like you caught it early!

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited October 2012

    Olgah and momo - I switched to paraben free after my diagnosis too. All my lotions shampoos cosmetics etc went to garbage. Some of the most expensive lines - like Chanel - have the most chemicals.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited October 2012

    I switched to paraben free also. Selma Hayek has a nice line of skin care. I can't say every single thing is paraben free that I use, but Most are. I haven't found a paraben free body butter I love yet. I use coconut oil a lot at night.

    I also have a couple of pretty expensive moisturizers with parabens. Alchemie forever, and a Michael Todd product.

    I check in on the natural girls thread occasionally to see what products are out there.

  • 1Curlyfry
    1Curlyfry Member Posts: 45
    edited October 2012

    Oh dear, I've never even heard of a paraben. I like my beauty products.....I better do some research. I don't want to over react. To much of anything is bad for you. Keep it simple is the key.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited October 2012

    Olgah- I honestly don't have time for an infection. I know none of us do. I'm currently on two antibiotics for 7-10 days warm compresses. Now I just have to deal with the hot and tenderness and pain until it goes away. Can't I just wish for it to be over with tomorrow? Yeah I know wishful thinking.

    Hope everyone has a good night.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited October 2012

    Chrisrenee....take it easy and let your body try to heal the infection! They are notoriously hard to cure. I speak from experience after trying IV antibiotics twice, along with oral, and still lost the te's. I blame part of it on the fact I was still on chemo, so feel my immune system jst couldn't fight it all off.

    My PS was much less optimistic than Logan's, but I also had an antibiotic resistant infection called pseudomonas that I likely contracted during surgery.

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited October 2012

    Fluff- I relax about as well as a dog in heat. Haha if I wasn't uptight about something then there really is something wrong with me. Although last night my hubby and my sweet baby girl made dinner, while I was told to sit down and shut up. ( its our thing to say to each other). Sleeping was a bit uncomfortable so I took 2 pain pills along with all my other crap I take. Work relaxes me somewhat, because I like to argue and what better way to do that than a hospital setting. Now that I've had BC I take time to really talk to my cancer patients. I'm hoping the antibiotics will work because I really don't want to go back to being flat chested

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited October 2012

    Here you go, GM:)

    Good luck, chrisrenee77. You're in the right place. Try to stay calm and patient (soooo hard!).  Crossing fingers that your antibiotics do the trick:)

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited October 2012

    Thank you momof3. Doing much better today. Not throwing that pity party. The girls look odd because it looks almost like a uniboob haha.

  • JTunmer
    JTunmer Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2012

    Hi everyone.. new to this whole message board thing, so hoping to have the appropriate content in the appropriate link!  I had the TE swap about 3 weeks ago.  The radiated breast is huge and angry!  Like a basketball.  Thus, encapsulated.  My ps has never seen it so early, so as of now I am massaging, waiting and keeping fingers crossed.  Not looking good.  Still hard as a rock.  Other boob definitely needs tweaks and the nipple (was spared) is way off to the side.  Freaking out a little bit.  he said if the radiated boob doesn't "relax" I am looking at the Latissimus dorsi situation (spelling?).  Anyone have this experience?  Not thrilled about another arduous procedure and yet another scar.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited October 2012

    chris....I am right there with you. I am not one to sit around. I like to be out and about. In fact, when I was on the IV antibiotics, we would take the stuff in a cooler, because I wanted to go to the movies or do dinner with our friends. We would get in the back seat of the suv and my husband would help do the injection. The one that took about 30 minutes was especially entertaining. He was worried that people walking by would think that he was shooting me up.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited October 2012

    JTunmer, I had rads & I had delayed reconstruction with lat flaps. I also had contracture of scar tissue with my first implant on my rads side, so my PS has had me on Singulair (used off-label) for nearly a year now. Your PS should be able to hide your back scar in your bra line, but a lat flap will usually leave you with additional scars on the front. 

    Hope you are doing well, chrisrenee!

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited October 2012

    DLL-Last night was a bit rough. i've never really been sick from antibiotics, but last night i was up a lot due to nausea and stomach being queasy. My hubby says the redness is going away but I don't see a difference. On top of being red and sore, I can now add itching. Again the hubby being a paramedic says that's good and the antibiotics are working. I told him about how I was up practically all night, he asks me what i ate for dinner. i told him cereal, he then finds that moment to tell me that cereal is not real food. haha. But when you don't have an appetite from all the medicine you don't want a big meal. oh well, I guess that means tonight he's actually going to make me eat. The women on these boards talk about chemo brain, I just think mine is "drug brain". I went from 1 pill box at night to two pill boxes. 1 for my A.M meds and 1 for my P.M. meds.

    Fluff- My hubby has had to give me injections before when I was pregnant with our 2nd baby.The first time he had to give me an injection of phenergan, I looked up and he had HIS eyes closed. I told him one of us had to have their eyes open and since HE had the needle his better be open. He told me he can give injections to people he doesn't know all day, but he's scared to hurt me. It was one of those sweet moments between us. I was sick as a dog. If I didn't cook the meal, I couldn't eat it. I ate tuna every day 3 times a day. 1 week after I had her I had a craving for it, opened a can and that was the end of it. I haven't had tuna in 11 yrs.

    Mrscich- I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. It is very hard to lose one. the pain of losing them never really leaves. good luck with your surgery keep us posted.

    Hope everyone is having a great day hugs to you all.


  • Bonseye
    Bonseye Member Posts: 124
    edited October 2012

    Chrisrenee-I hope you are feeling better!  I had a staph infection last Nov and had a TE removed.  It was a rough time so I know how you feel.  Hang in there.  I had chemo and then had my TRAM flap to replace the TE.  I am very happy with the results and moving on. Only thing left is my tattooes that I am getting done on Dec. 7th.  I decided tattooes were enough.  After radiation I hear it may take time to heal...don't want to risk infection if I was to have nipples done....was going to see Vinny in Maryland but realized that my surgeon wouldn't be happy if something went wrong.  I am happy with good enough.  My PS is pretty amazing at tattooing so whatever he does is good enough.  My husband and I are the only ones to see it and it without nipples I can go braless.  I like that option and am comfortable after having radiation with being braless.  The little things that make us happy.  People don't understand that the the little things in life mean the most.  Not everyone could go through what we have....I do believe we are are pretty amazing to travel this journey with strength and courage.  

    Hang in there I remember a dear friend that died of Breast Cancer one year ago today.  She suffered horribly and died 13 days after I had my mastectomy.  She leaves behind two wonderful children that have an amazing Dad caring for them.  It has been a rough ride but we surround them with love.....she would be so proud of them.  

  • Chrisrenee77
    Chrisrenee77 Member Posts: 693
    edited October 2012

    Bonseye- thank you! My PS called and said that it was not a bacteria infection because after 36 hrs it had not grown. So my course of treatment is still the same with the antibiotics. My hubby and I are in agreement that if we are unable to do nips at time of exchange, that I won't get them done. And my reasoning is just like yours, no one other than my Dr and hubby ( and the occasional family member/ coworker) wil be seeing them. I'm fine being nip-free, as long as I have boobs. Which brings me to the best part of my day. My BS was walking in the hall on her way to surgery and sees me and the first words out of her mouth was " oh look boobs" so we start talking asking when the exchange will be and I tell her don't know because of the infection. In the middle of the hallway, she's pulling my bra down to see said boob. Now had this have been someone else in the hallway, they probably would have got punched. I just thought that was too funny. I mean how many people can say that their doctor will still check on

    you and do an "exam" in the hall.

    Sorry for the loss of your friend, she is looking down on her hubby and kids and knows they are surrounded by loving caring people that loves them and that won't let her memory fade from those babies.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited October 2012

    bonseye - sorry to hear about your friend - it is hard and the anniversary brings up a lot of emotion.  I lost a dear one this year too - she battled BC 13 years ago, but was dx'ed with aggressive uterine cancer a little before I was dx'ed with BC.  We supported each other through surgery and chemo and I thought she was out of the woods but it was not to be.  My peace comes from knowing she is no longer suffering and now I smile when I think of her.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited October 2012

    Chrisrenne: A friend of mine had cellulitis post-exchange; it took a week I think before the culture grew!

    Bonseye and SpecialK, so sorry to hear about your friends. {{{hugs}}}

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited October 2012

    ren - thanks - hers was the toughest funeral I have ever attended, other than for my parents and brother - I could totally see it being my own and it was sobering.

  • Bonseye
    Bonseye Member Posts: 124
    edited October 2012

    Thank you everyone for your kind words!  and hugs!  It really means alot :)  I have a funny story to dear friend had breast cancer about 4 years ago.  She had a different plastic surgeon then me.  Her one boob went south and the other moved north so she needed to have them "adjusted"  This time around she used my PS.  She had the surgery with him and absolutely loved him!  She was quite bummed she didn't use him initally.  He is quite a perfectionist and artist all in one-plus an amazing guy! We went in the bathroom to compare our boobs--laughing the whole time -- we went in the bathroom as a guy we work with was coming out.  We said that we would be the talk of the office after that-LOL.  We weren't but she showed   me her tattooes that she is having "redone" and her nipples that didn't come out too good and she is just forgetting about them now....just tattooes from here on in.  It was great to be able to compare and she was sad she didn't get the "gummy bear" implants--I have to say they look and feel  so real in comparison. Love my gummy bear!  Dec 7th my journey shall end with my tattooes and I am getting soooooo excited!  

  • SheChirple
    SheChirple Member Posts: 95
    edited October 2012

    Bonseye: thanks for the story.  I, too, have a friend at work who 'shares' this journey with me.  Every time one of us goes back to work after a procedure, or treatment, she comes into my office (I have the only office with a closing door) and she 'flash' each other.

    She started her journey a few months before me and is now down with everything, including her tattoos.  She had a GREAT PS.  Mine is good, probably not the best, but he is good.

    I am going with ONLY tattoos, and not reconstructed nipples.  My tattoos will likely be floral, vines or something gorgeous! Something to cover my scars.  Right now I feel and look mutilated.  I am trying to hold on for the time I am back to my new normal.

    ((HUGS)) bonseye and special K : it's hard to lose a friend this way, especially for those of us who are just following behind them. (((HUGS))

    Chrisrennee:  Those antibiotics will take you down.  I was 2 weeks in the hospital on IV antibiotics, then home with a PicLine for antibiotics (that ended quickly due to allergic reaction).  I'm sorry to say the bodily functions took almost 2 more weeks to get back to mostly normal.  Hang in there, you will get through.

  • SheChirple
    SheChirple Member Posts: 95
    edited October 2012

    GREAT NEWS 4 ME:  My breast care co-ordinator has approved me for prothestic breast for my right side, the one I lost, with up to 5 bras.   I'm off to Nordstroms this weekend to shop for lingerie!  I've been using the little pillow stuffing pad that came with my post-mastectomy camisole.  It's like this little odd shaped pillow that slides around and around, popping out of my bra whenever it feels like it, and at the most inoportune times, like staff meetings at work.

    Funny thing is, I was working this week at a location I used to work at 3 years ago and EVERYONE was saying how great I look.  They do not know about my cancer, my failed reconstruction, etc... So, I know they were not just being nice.  THAT felt really good.  I walk around feeling like everyone can see the mutilation that I'm trying so desperately to hide, the sadness I feel, and the fear that I crush inside me everyday to make it through the day. So, today, after a week with all these people .... well, I know I'm hiding it all well.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited October 2012

    SpecialK: Sobering, indeed.

    Bonseye: I added your tatts to the surgery schedule above!

    Shechirple: Yay on the Nordie bra spree! I hear ya on feeling mutilated. All I can say is, this too shall pass. While it is good that you are "hiding" it well (which I also understand!), it's important to also let  it out.

    I never know how to feel when someone tells me how great I look. I can complain to someone about my latest medical procedure and what I usually get in return is: "Well, you LOOK good!" Guess you'd never know by looking at me that I have been through hell. Not sure that is such a good thing cause my insides tell me something else entirely.

  • Bonseye
    Bonseye Member Posts: 124
    edited October 2012

    Shechirple-I know how you feel...when I didn't have a right side and used a prothesis I felt everyone one had a clue. To make "fun" and get through the situation I would take my prothesis out and throw it at my hubby.  Life is calm now without flying boobs....but we look back and laugh....   :)