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  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited January 2013

    roadwarrior - It's nervewracking when things don't go according to plan.  Shortly after my exchange I developed a horrible rash across both breasts (on a Friday afternoon, of course).  Turned out to be a reaction to a liquid soap.  I use it all the time on my hands with no problems so didn't make the connection right away that using it to hand-wash my bras was the culprit.  I think that breast tissue is just super-sensitive and touchy after all it's been through.  Itchy and bumpy does sound like an allergic reaction rather than infection so that is encouraging.  As I recall, I was instructed to use hydrocortisone cream and take Benedryl and Ibuprofen and that did the trick for me.  Of course, however, do as your own PS instructs! 

    Hang in there!!!

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2013

    TinaT - yeah, my PS just told me to take Benadryl for the itch and use any non-scented lotion, so I'm using my trusted Alba one. I might look into getting a hypo-allergenic detergent since I'm getting some bumps on my arms now too..

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited January 2013

    Hope the rash clears up, roadwarrior. Caution on the benadryl if you are on tamoxifen, though. (I believe it negates the effects of tamoxifen.)

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2013

    DL66 - yeah, I have to get back on Tamox today so Benadryl might be off limits. My oncologist said it was OK to take it once in a while, but it does interact with Tamox. 

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited January 2013

    It sucks because benadryl is the only thing that works for me when my allergies flare up.

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited January 2013

    Ah, breast cancer.....the gift that keeps on giving!

  • Binc
    Binc Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2013

    Roadwarrior- the skin around my TE is also really itchy. Not a full blown rash, but red and blotchy in spots. I guess maybe since this is the second time around, our skin is extra sensitive especially as it stretches out again? Whatever the reason, it sucks. As long as it's just a topical problem, hopefully it will clear up fast.

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2013

    Binc - I'm wondering if I'm allergic to chloraprep because they had me wipe my chest area with it for the first time...

    I had a rash on my face for a month after chemo so I hope this one doesn't last as long!!

  • Binc
    Binc Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2013

    I had all sorts of rashes during chemo too. My skin is really sensitive which is why I knew I was going to have a problem when I woke up from this surgery and saw they had used bandages with adhesive to cover the incision. As soon as they were removed (2 days later) the skin where the adhesive was turned red. Nice.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited January 2013

    Hi everyone,I have a question-I"ve had a minor cold since the 2nd. Little sore throat and cough,very minor. That was right after my last fill and I was experiencing minor rib pain from that fill. I thought the cold was over Monday but it seems it might be coming back. But since last week I'm experiencing a little more pain in the right rib area when slightly coughing or lying on my back. This week it's a lot more pain and spreading to the left side. If I move the wrong way it hurts,cough,lie down on my back. Infection? I feel fine but don't know if I should go in for a physical to primary doc or to the P.S. or wait it out. Advice appreciated.  

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited January 2013

    GM - I have a slight bulging disc in C 4/5 and C 5/6. It gets aggravated by lots of things. Mainly not sleeping which I'm back to not doing, which has a snowball effect on muscles not being able to adequately recover, they tense up, yadda yadda yadda. I've lived with this for years.

    I honestly don't notice my implants except for them being cold. haha It's always something! I've got strong pecs so that could have something to do with it?

    All of us can definitely attest to being paranoid over TE replacement. I had redness, warmth and itchiness after my second TE placement. And pain. Come to find mine was due to massive scar tissue (capsular contracture) and my PS was a screw up. I still have rib pain on my right side, the problem side, with my implants.


  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited January 2013

    Undercoverebel: I would put in a call to your PCP and your PS (if you haven't already) just so they know you are experiencing pain. And if it doesn't go away, get in to see one of them just to ease your mind.

    GM: Maybe you can start wearing the compression garments again 24/7 and see if it makes a difference? Sorry my dear!

    BCAvenger, I too am impressed at your gym prowess! 

    I too am always aware of my implants (I have 500cc in lefty, 450ccs in righty). 

    I also thrilled to read so many of you have had rashes b/c mine came back, then went away. Turns out it was my hand soap! I have developed a sensitivity to any kind of soap product. I switched my detergent and laundry softener to fragrance free, switched my shampoo and conditioner to hypoallergenic, and am using Aveeno soap in the shower and Aveeno lotion to moisturize my foob. My dermatologist said I have to keep the foob skin moisturized so should apply lotion at least 4 times daily. He also gave me a steroid cream to use on the rash. So the rash went away, all was well, but then last week the rash came back, worse than ever. Guess what I figured out? I had not changed the soap I use to wash my hands before I applied the Aveeno lotion. And that was enough to create another rash. So now I only use Aveeno soap to cleanse my hands before I apply my foob lotion, and all is calmed down again. My dermo also cultured my rash and nothing came back, even after a month of growing. So it def. was NOT ringworm, which my PCP initially thought. 

    OLGAH good luck on Tuesday!!

    Everyone else still healing, sending {{{hugs}}}!

  • unowhoandwhy
    unowhoandwhy Member Posts: 54
    edited January 2013

    I had BMW w/TEs on 12/4/12 and have been pleasantly surprised to have had zero problems with them ...till two days ago. Has anyone had any experience with their TEs popping out of place? I think one of mine may have. It just doesn't look or feel right and it went from being fine to not fine in a very short space of time. I was sitting on a bench in my room, bent over & tugged on the bed skirt, did I zig when I should have zagged or something?!

    Of course it happened on a Friday! I'll be calling my PS tomorrow, just wondered if anyone else had experienced something similar? There's sort of a hard, flattish section now & it's freaking me out. Not painful, but not comfortable, either.

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited January 2013

    uno - My third TE ruptured. My third TE had two separate compartments (upper and lower). The bottom compartment is the one that ruptured and completely leaked out. It was flat and hard, the hard part was the port I was feeling. It had just finished being filled to capacity. I had to go to my dr every couple of days to have it filled back up. Dr did that for about two weeks until she could get the OR. She was able to put the implant in instead of another TE. That could have happened? If it did, it wasn't you. My dr thinks the fill needle poked the plastic when it was initially started to be filled.


  • unowhoandwhy
    unowhoandwhy Member Posts: 54
    edited January 2013

    It's still the same size as the other, or seems to be. I'm definitely calling the PS first thing tomorrow. My fills have been done since late December, how long did yours take to deflate?

  • annemarieh
    annemarieh Member Posts: 124
    edited January 2013

    Uno~ I too popped the stitches on the tabs on my right TE, so now it falls to the right. PS said not a big deal concidering i'm almost done with fills. I'm sure I am going to have a lot of pocket work done come exchange time! It isnt deformed or any thing, it just moved. Good luck! :)

  • unowhoandwhy
    unowhoandwhy Member Posts: 54
    edited January 2013

    Thanks! The PS office is closed for the holiday today, so I have to wait till tomorrow. I'm done with fills, but my exchange isn't till April 30. I'm hoping he'll say all is ok, no need to open me back up till then. It feels weird, but not painful. I can deal with it for 3 months if I have to, it's the not knowing that's driving me crazy.

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited January 2013

    Mine was fine on a Saturday and flat that Sunday night. If you have a rupture it can be slow or quick. I had just had my last fill when it happened. The dr felt my skin would be able to handle the implant even though the TE wasn't able to sit as long as she likes. I was in her office every other day with an IV bag of saline hooked up to me filling it all the way back up. I can laugh now but I was freaking out then.

    Hopefully that's not your case and its nothing big!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,800
    edited January 2013

    Road warrior....I had a terrible rash after Insertion of my second expander that itched like mad. Everyone panicked and I was convinced I had IBC. It looked bad. Infectious disease doc thought it wasn't anything in his realm. I begged my doc that I see once a year for skin cancer check ups to see me. He doesn't do dermatology things anymore, but he agreed. Said it was a rash that he hoped was contact and not an allergic reaction to the the expander, but that he felt he could get me ok long enough for the fills and to get the implants in.

    He prescribed a really strong steroid cream that I was only allowed to use for 7 days. Thins skin, I think. That cleared it up. For the next couple months, I would occasionally have a small flare up and would use the cream and it would go away. After implants went in, no problem. I still don't know what it was.

    Also, for the itching, I took hydoxyzine at night to sleep. It was very helpful too. Stopped the itching, and knocked me out. I could only take 1/2 at a time.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited January 2013

    Ren-Appreciate the advice.

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2013

    Fluffqueen01 - I've been taking Loratidine (since Benadryl makes Tamoxifen ineffective), using Aveeno Cortisone cream and switched detergents. It seemed to do the trick. I still have some rashy spots, but most of it is gone. Happy yours worked out!

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited January 2013

    OK I never knew that about Benedryl and Tamoxifen.  I take Benedryl almost every night, and Tamox every morning - uh oh!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited January 2013

    Here is a list of drugs that can potentially interact with Tamoxifen:,tamoxifen-hexal-index.html

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,800
    edited January 2013

    Mom of 3, the oncology nurse for the vaccine trial I am in told me before we started to bring Benadryl in case I had itching. When I told her I was on tamoxifen and they don't mix, she wanted the info that said that. I sent her all the links. When I arrived for my appt, she said I had the whole place in a flap as no one seemed to know that, and it had triggered a big meeting to discuss it. WTH? This is a major university hospital. I never thought I wold be the person delivering the info.

    On the other side, the pharmacist in my ONC's office said occasional use of Benadryl or Advil is ok. I would probably find a replacement for the Benadryl if you are taking it nightly.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited January 2013

    I think it's good that I wasn't taking Tamox and Benadryl together.  Tamox early in the am, Benadryl around 10pm, but I still wish I would have known about this.  I'm calling Onco this morning to see if I've done any damage.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited January 2013

    I would not have known about the benadryl/tamoxifen issue if not for this forum. I bookmarked that list, SpecialK--thanks for posting it.

  • Binc
    Binc Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2013

    I just got back from seeing my PS.  Apparently, the redness on the new TE side is not just irritated skin but another f-ing infection. I'm taking zyvox and if it doesn't improve in next 24hours, then I'm going inpatient to get another PICC  line and start on vancomycin- because it was oh so effective with my previous infection. Just in time for my oldest son's 10th birthday. That's my reward for being hopeful :-(

  • 1Curlyfry
    1Curlyfry Member Posts: 45
    edited January 2013

    Binc - oh no! I'm hurting for you. I know that sick feeling when your worst fears are confirmed. Try to stay positive and fight the infection physically and mentally. I'm sending powerful thoughts your way.

    I'm two weeks out from my TE replacement and so far so good. Most of the time I'm afraid to look at it because I'm afraid I will see a red spot. Other times I look at it every few minutes for reassurance that it is still ok. I think I'm going nuts!

    I'll pray for you!

  • Binc
    Binc Member Posts: 71
    edited January 2013

    Thanks for the prayers, Curlyfry. It truly is a sick, sinking feeling to be back here again.

    Good luck with your healing. It sounds like you are doing well!

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2013

    When I first started taking Tamox, I called the Onc nurse and asked her about all drug interactions I should worry about. She brought up Benadryl but said it was OK to take occasionally, like in dire situations - like when I had an allergic reaction to Vanco. It surprises me that my oncologist didn't come right out and give me this information either - it's like we have to dig for everything! And I'm at the Cleveland Clinic, so I expect more from them. 

    I later found out I should also avoid pomegranates, grapefruit, red wine, tumeric, dark chocolate, etc. while taking Tamox. I feel like the majority of information I get comes from my own research and not doctors. BTW, to anyone interested - Medline is an excellent site and they have an awesome iPad app. You can plug in any drugs you're taking and it tells you if there are any interactions.

    Binc - so sorry about your infection! Hope it clears up quickly!

    I saw my PS today for supposed drain removal, excep he decided to keep it in for a while longer given my previous experience (I think my infection started before due to fluid build up from the drain being removed early). At least he confirmed that the slight redness looks like just a rash or irritation from the skin being stretched - he didn't seem worried. He offered to give me more antibiotics but I turned it down for now. I feel like I'm killing my stomach with all these drugs.