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  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,800
    edited May 2013

    Olgah, I didnt have latissimus, but someone else that did posted about some major shoulder issues. I cant remember where I saw it. I hope you feel better.

    Curly, good luck!

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited May 2013

    Good luck, Curly!

    Special K...Went to see John Hashey in Oldsmar, and I was so impressed!  He's going to be on the Discovery Channel because he tattooed some guy's iris in Boston and helped him see again!  I start on May 20th, and am only to wear a men's white undershirt until a scab forms.  He says it will take 6 months to 1 year, going about once/month.  He also said that he will run fine needles across my scars and will completely erase them!  I didn't know that was possible.  He was very professional, and I'm looking forward to working with him!

  • 1Curlyfry
    1Curlyfry Member Posts: 45
    edited May 2013

    Hooray! I now have squishes! It was way more painful than expected, but I feel way better this morning. To be truthful, I was a bit disappointed when I first got a glimps of them, they seemed wide and flat. Not what I expected.

    Today they look much better! I think the swelling and and compression bra thing may have contributed to the flat look. I can't believe how much better my underarm feels and looks after removing that crazy TE and a bunch of scare tissue. I never realized how important a pretty underarm could be.

    Happy Saturday to everyone!

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2013

    CurlyFry: I felt the same way. It was way more painful than I thought, I didn't feel relief for a while and I wasn't happy with how they looked! After all this time waiting, it is hard (I think) not to feel some disappointment. But, as you are already experiencing, it starts to change, and you start to feel better.  So happy for you!!!

    Olgah, have you been on the lattisimus threads? Check them out, there are women experiencing what you are going through. {{{hugs}}}

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2013

    Curly... congrats on the squishies!  ha on the underarm comment! so true, so true :)))))) 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2013

    curly - yay!

    momof3 - so glad that your experience was good - still have not made any decisions about doing tattoo-ing on the left side, but great to know there is a local resource that has skills!

  • patriciahurtado
    patriciahurtado Member Posts: 85
    edited May 2013

    Hello my ladies ..... I been looking for weeks a place where i can find answers .... i finally found you guys please help i dont know what to do Had my surgery BXM on march 21/2013.... Everything went ok not a lot pain just where the lump nodes where remove ..... Well had the stupid drains in for 2 weeks .... Removed 3 left one cause it was still draining .... Well the day It was going to be remove it was red and had some pus... So the floor manager removes the drain and I explain to her what's going on ... She cleans it and tells me that's fine some times it happens..... So after a few minutes my PS comes in and tell him ... He looks at it and tells me it's ok...??????? Really.... I was in the ER with in 8 hours .... Chills back pain..... All blood work came back fine...... Finally they find the problem yes I have cellulitis in the same drain that had pus .... I been on antibiotics for 15 days ... Had 2 more days left but I told the doctor can't take it any more I was really sick ... Headaches vomiting heartburn no appetite sleep 24 /7 and everything smelled bad ... So I'm off antibiotics all red is gonna no pain.... The weird part is that I got fever pass two days same time at 7 pm... And goes away with in 30 minutes the infected foob is warmer then the other .... I been looking up stuff about TE. And cellulitis but can't find much info.... Ladies I don't know what to do..... Herception has been called off cause of infection cause its going in through my port and radiation is calling me to go in ASAP .... It's been 48 hours off antibiotics......has anyone know or have any info regarding cellulitis and TE please help

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited May 2013

    Patriciahurtado - I had cellulitis with the TE. After watching it and being on antibiotics for about a month, I was running into a deadline to start chemo so my PS and I decided to go ahead and remove the TE.

    I had it put back in 2 months after I finished chemo and all is well now. I'm fully expanded and just waiting for the exchange.

  • patriciahurtado
    patriciahurtado Member Posts: 85
    edited May 2013

    Roadwarrior28 thank you so much .... So my foob is warmer then the other one .... And it's cold some times no pain or anything no redness ..... So do you think the infection is still in there........ Cause I like to make a decision right away ... Have then PS remove it and continue with radiation then replace it later.....

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited May 2013

    Patricia - cant tell you that your PS will have to decide. My cultures didn't show anything but situation kept getting worse. My foob was never warm either. It was very red, I had drainage out the side, then it got really painful towards the end. I think in my situation it was fluid build up that hot infected - second time around I kept the drain for over a month.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited May 2013 started before Latis last October....I did 20 PT did not help....

  • sjd2012
    sjd2012 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2013

    Hello Ladies,

    It seems like l have a load of questions each week since my diagnosis of about 2 months ago. This question is regarding Tissue Expanders.  I am so grateful for the information provided by everyone, all different stories, same concerns.

    My BS that did my breast reduction (that's how they found out l had DCIS in my right breast) met with me a few days back to discuss reconstruction after bilateral mastectomy.  After she explained to me my options for implants, silicone, saline, or fat from my tummy (sorry don't know the name for that) l was horrified when she explained to me about the TE and how they will be there for at least 5 months total after surgery and then if all goes well the implants.  She told me the discomfort l will have, nerve pain etc.  and l have to say because l am prone to panic attacks, l don't think the TE is a good choice for me.

    Having read information from everyone and the possible complications l am terrified to say the least.  1 question, having the TE will that effect my breathing.  l know this is a very silly question but l need to know as to what extent.  When l hear others saying that it feels like an elephant on their chest, this scares me.

    Apparently because my BMI is a bit higher than normal they will not preform the "fat from my tummy or anywhere else for that matter" high risk, until l lose some weight.

    At the end of the day, is the pain and possible complications worth it regarding the TE, meaning, does the pain ever go away, will the implants feel as tight and painful as the TE's.... l thought reconstruction was the way to go for me but if l have to endure all this for many months following surgery, l just don't know.  My BS is wonderful but it seems like she is not able to answer all my questions, when in fact she should.  I am also wondering if l should actually have a mastectomy at all.  They scare me into thinking that it can be invasive 50% if not removed so i'm basically doomed if l do and doomed if l dont.  l am so confuesd . 

    I just really want to know if the TE causes any kind of breathing problems, if anyone here has experienced that.  Thank you Ladies.


  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited May 2013

    SJD2012 - welcome! It's great to gather all information you have, but I think the group of us here are a minority. Most people I spoke with who had TEs did just fine. 

    I did have my left TE removed and then replaced...but other than the infection, I really have not had any issues with the TEs. They've never been painful, I've never felt like something was sitting on my chest, fills went just fine, etc. I've had my right TE in for a year and the left since January 2013. I'm now working out full force, lifting weights, etc. They don't bother me. 

    Never had breathing problems either. So yes, problems can happen...but I don't think it's the norm. My PS said he sees it in  about 5% of the cases he does.

  • kathymc
    kathymc Member Posts: 21
    edited May 2013

    Contgrats Curlyfry on the squishies.  I am scheduled for mine on 6/11/2013.  It can't come fast enough.  I can't wait to get rid of these TE.  I am a small framed person and I have just felt like I've had two concrete mounds on my chest.  SJD2012 I also had a problem with my left breast and had to have the TE removed.  It was nothing to do with the TE.  The TE themselves aren't painful.  My breathing has not been affected at all.  They are made to not move and that has been the hardest part.  Good luck and know what you have a great support system with

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited May 2013

    sjd - There are always exceptions, but typically a breast surgeon performs the mastectomy then a plastic surgeon steps in and takes it from there.  I believe most of us have discussed these reconstruction options with a plastic surgen rather than the breast surgeon.  Perhaps that is why your BS is not able to answer your questions as thoroughly as you'd like?

    I had a lot of saline (350cc) instilled in my TEs right from the start.  This is more than most women have to begin with.  It felt tight and hard to stand up straight.  It's hard to remember exactly, but although it felt like a pressure on my chest, I definitely wouldn't have described it as a breathing problem.

    Many of us have little or no difficulty throughout the TE phase.  It does take a while to expand the muscle and skin so it is a process that takes months.  For slender, small-breasted women who desire small implants it is possible to sometimes skip the TEs, but most of us are not good candidates for that.  Things didn't always go according to plan for me, but I did well and other than the period right after mastectomy I had no discomfort at all.  Everyone is different, but having tissue expanders does not guarantee that you will be miserable.  Unfortunately, there's no way to know until you get there.

    I would suggest that you discuss your case with a plastic surgeon to alleviate some of your fears and help you decide which course feels right for you.  I think we were all pretty much scared out of our wits in the beginning, but talking it out and getting all questions answered to your satisfaction will help you make better decisions.  It feels like a crash course, but you will start to sort things out.  Many plastic surgeons offer flap (tissue) reconstruction, but it's important to know that there are different types.  I recommend that you consult with a plastic surgeon who does vascular microsurgery (like DIEP) as he/she will be able to offer you the most options (implant and tissue/flap reconstruction).  It is possible that an experienced microsurgeon will not feel that your weight is an issue for flap surgery.

    Hope that's not too much.  Please take a breath and keep asking questions until you are satisfied with all the answers.  It will be a hard road no matter what, but try not to let fear make your decisions for you.

    Best wishes and stay in touch!

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2013

    TinaT: Hey girl! Nice to see you again! That was an awesome reply above to sjd2012. To which I will also add that, altho I had a long road to haul, my TE's never gave me pain or gave me trouble breathing. They were tight as hell, but it felt like pressure, not pain. I agree with everything Tina and Roadwarrior said; talk in depth to a plastic surgeon (PS), they are the most versed in the recon process and will be able to answer all your questions. And if they can't, find a PS who can...

    Kathymc, you are added to the list!

    patriciahurtado and Curlyfry, how are you feeling this week?

  • sjd2012
    sjd2012 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2013

    Thank you so much Roadwarrior, Kathy, TinaT and Rennasus.  Thank you for easing my mind. It helps to know that a majority of cases are not so painful. TinaT thank you for the info regarding the microsurgeon and tissue flap.

    I have an appointment on the 13th and will discuss further with the plastic surgeon.  Should l decide to go ahead with the implants, my choice is Silicone but knowing me before l get there l will probably have changed my mind once again, due to information regarding silicone etc. 

    Thank you once again Ladies, l really appreciate your input/advice.


  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited May 2013

    sjd - Again, for me it was tight and uncomfortable for the first few weeks.  I honestly don't know how much of that was due to the mastectomy itself versus having the tissue expanders in place with a fair amount of saline.  If you end up going the TE route and are really concerned about the chest pressure/breathing issue I suppose you could request a very small amount of saline to be put in at the very beginning.  You will find from reading here that each PS has his/her own way to approach all of this. 

    It's not easy no matter what you decide.  Flap surgery (like DIEP, etc) is more intense upfront, longer surgery and longer hospital stay, but it's not as long a process overall as implant reconstruction.

    If you decide on implants there is a great thread here called Breast Implant Sizing 101.  Most women (and PSs) prefer silicone, but saline implants are still sometimes used.

    Renn - I hope all is well.  I don't feel I really belong on this thread so I don't visit here often.  I definitely had trouble during my TE phase and almost faced having one removed, but fortunately never happened.  I stepped back from BCO for a while, but have been back prior to and since my revision surgery last month.  Back in healing mode with incisions and finally had nipple surgery on the "good" nipple to match the "troublemaker" nipple.

  • patriciahurtado
    patriciahurtado Member Posts: 85
    edited May 2013

    Good morning ..... Well I'm feeling much better ... I went to my BS who is the one that put the team together for my journey..... She was not happy with the PS...Onco...Rads ... And Infectionist .... She didn't see any signs of infection left .... She will do the fills for now and will speak with PS about not paying attention to my infection from the beginning ..... So Friday I will get 60 cc each side ... Monday in back with herception Today back to PT ... Schedule for Radiation in two weeks.... She also mention to massage my breast cause it seems that there is fluids ....should I ha the PT explain that to me ??? Or is there a special therapjy a for this type of treatment ... But I'm feeling much better then before... Thanks for all your help it helped me out so much......

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited May 2013

    Oh. lovely! They want me to do whole body scan....I am scared...

  • nesw
    nesw Member Posts: 24
    edited May 2013

    SJD - I have panic disorder and feel that I can totally relate to your questions.  I have a pretty good obsession with anything that even slightly restricts breathing and swallowing, because that can send me into a panic attack. (For others without panic disorder who are reading this, it may sound ridiculous but a panic attack can be so bad that you feel you are medically losing your mind). I've had bilateral expanders in for 5 months now and they feel like chunks of granite under my pectoral muscles and skin, but never feel like they hinder my breathing. I even run with them and wear no bra.  I'm expanded to 480 ccs and a couple of the fills have been 120 ccs each, which have created massive tight mounds on my chest.  However, it's actually almost an interesting feeling, and definitely an outward pushing feeling rather than any inward pushing or breathing impediment.  Also, my PS prescribes Vallium for me and that does wonders for making me relax. I've almost become accepting of these TEs as part of my body.  I'm getting exchanged next Friday and it's going to be another period of accepting a new body, but I understand from the wonderful women on this board that it feels pretty good.

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092
    edited May 2013

    I have to have both tissue expanders replaced the third week of May.  This will be the third one on the right - the second one on the left.  The work will be done by a different plastic surgeon.  

  • SHARON888
    SHARON888 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2013

     Anyone have a problem with a weird  red rash & itching when the tissue expanders were in? I had tissue expanders in Sept. 2012 & just had my breast implants(permanent) in March 2013. I have had "chronic uticaria" per the allergist, but I am wondering if if it is a possible hair dye allergy or something with the expanders. Any comments?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2013

    LeeA - hopefully this will be the last time you have to eal with an expander replacement and you can go forth with fills and exchange.  I lost my left prior to chemo, but had it replaced about six weeks after my last one - from that oint on it was smooth sailing - wishing the same for you!

    Sharon - do you still have the rash now, or just when you had the expanders?

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited May 2013

    Sharon - Did you have any Alloderm used in your surgeries?  Some women react to that...

  • GreenCowgirl
    GreenCowgirl Member Posts: 80
    edited May 2013

    GEtting sooo tired of these huge hard expanders.  I can't sleep or do much anything normal.  I tried to have a massage today, gift from my DH and it was super painful laying on my stomache, even with pillows underneath.  I am at 600cc on right and 550 on left and need to get to 750-800, not sure if that possible.  Today i had an appt localy for an ultrasound to look at the ripples from the expamder, looks like an accordian, no rrom to lay flat.  The insisted on a mammo, i said wtf!  I had a BMX are you kidding.  Well since i have my native nipples, i need to have a mammo.  I got in a hot discussion with the Doc about it and lets just say she was pisse and i refused it.  She was a total jerk.  I have been through hell and she is trying to bully me into a procedure that is not EVER sone on us BMX girls.  I stood my ground and left feeling strong but frazzled from the B.S.  Guess who called me 10 minutes ago, my bitchy Doc with her hat in her hand, telling me I am soo sorry, you were right, I was wrong(insert phony excuse here) and blah blah.  So i said thanks for calling me however i was very upset at the way you treated me and tried to bully me into a mammo.  I told her i have been through a hel lof a ride and I have aquired some knowledge about my DX , and knowledge is power.  Sisters gotta stay strogn behind the wheel of our own health care!!

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited May 2013

    Rennasus - my exchange surgery is scheduled for June 18th!! Strangely more nervous about this one than I was even for my mastectomy...

    GreenCowgirl - so sorry about your experience! I too heard no mammograms ever if you had a BMX, but my nipples were I'm not sure if there are differences. My doc told me they'd do an MRI or ultrasound if it becomes necessary.

    Saw my OBGYN today - since I'm on Tamoxifen, he wants to see me every 3 months and get transvaginal ultrasounds and biopsies once a year. Guess better safe than sorry...

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2013

    I did nip-sparing BMX - no mammos needed.

  • tinat
    tinat Member Posts: 2,235
    edited May 2013

    NSM girl here too - my plan is for manual exams and periodic MRIs to check for implant leaks.  Ultrasounds and MRIs have already been done for some post-surgical lumps (scar tissue), but never any mention of mammograms.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited May 2013

    Anybody else going to the obgyn every three months?  I am on tamoxifen too and both my previous dr and the one I have now have never mentioned seeing me that often.  Just if I noticed anything unusual too call right away.  Roadwarrior I am wondering if it isn't because you had a positive node?

    I had my 2 yr MO check up yesterday.  I get to go every 6 months now!