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  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92
    edited May 2013

    I can echo SpecialK's comments about fat grafting!  I am going to have to have a left "touch-up" in a few months though....

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2013

    Renn, thank you so much for your blog post. I need all the LOVE I can get! I need to post my diagnosis somewhere here but I can't figure out where. There is a strong possibility that I had the rectal cancer even before the breast cancer. Who knows... I would however like to try and encourage people not to put off getting a colonoscopy's. I was 3 years late and it is a deadly mistake.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited May 2013

    DM-For me fatgrafting was my worst surgery.  Worth it, but not in a hurry to do it again.  I felt like I couldn't sit up without wincing in pain for about a week.

    SpecialK - I had my tonsils out when I was 21.  It is not a fun surgery at an older age.  I wasn't allowed to eat solids for 3 weeks.

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2013

    I am not certain if I posted this here yet but either way, it's good to know. I was great about doing my stretches after my BMX but I never thought about doing the exercises after reconstruction tweaking and I ended up with a frozen shoulder. So... for those of you who are in the post surgical tweaking, remember to do your stretches!  (monkey done preaching)

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2013

    GreenMonkey!!!!!!! Hugs, hugs and more hugs to you my dear friend. I was so saddened to hear about your 2nd cancer diagnosis. Will be sending you lots of good vibes tomorrow. PS Feel free to preach anytime! After all we have been through with BC, it is sometimes hard to comtemplate and follow-through on other routine screening tests that we all need to stay healthy. Your experience will likely prompt many women here on BCO to not put off getting a colonoscopy. I had put off a colonoscopy for a couple of years and in Sept. 2010, I finally got around to having one done. Since I was on a roll, I decided to have a mammogram done the following month. That mammogram uncovered my breast cancer.

    Olgah, do check in, worried about you!

    Hello to everyone and healing hugs to DB13 and her daughter. I have been out of town and sporadically checking the boards here but have had little time to respond to y'all and now I'm so behind that I want to give everyone a blanket wish for wellness.

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited May 2013

    thanks Renn!!! I just joined the "wrecked tail support group" and they are soooooo not as cool as all of you! I put my panicked post out there and it has to be "reviewed" before they post it. THAT'S BULLSHIT!!! I shouldn't have to be reviewed I had fingers, scopes, rodes, etc up my ass, that should be enough.

    Ladies, yes... please please please sign up for the colonoscopy but you should know that this is not a breast cancer that spread to my "wrecked tail" if anything I had the "wrecked tail" cancer first. but who the duck knows. its all such a crap shot. UGH!!!  

    IN THE MEAN TIME... if you are recovering from reconstruction surgery remember to work the upper body!!! don't get a frozen shoulder - it sucks.  and yet, life is sweet...

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited May 2013

    GM you are such an inspiration.  Sending good vibes and prayers your way. 

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2013

    Looking forward to my follow up in two days. Fat grafting area already looks smaller, he told me he was going to take as much out as he could without giving me a tummy tuck! LOL. 

    I do have a question, not sure if anyone has had to deal with this... but there was a complication in my surgery, or before, I should say... my muscle had become detached... I was high as a kite, when my PS came around, and my DH had no idea what to ask... but the swelling and pain from having to re-attach the muscle, is substantial... Is this something that commonly happens...? Is it something I did wrong...? Will this change my physical ability where now I won't be allowed to do certain things...? Anyone know about detached muscle?

  • ndroby
    ndroby Member Posts: 16
    edited May 2013

    I think I've just been inducted into the TE trouble club. I had a revision of tissue expanders April 5th and did fairly well. I have very thin skin and had healing issues with skin necrosis in the original mastectomy in 4/2012. Tonight, I noticed a pimple on an old scar line from a previous breast biopsy. I texted my plastic surgeon tonight with a photo of the pimple and he has told me to restart Keflex. I am hoping this does not become a full-fledged infection. UGH. Wishing I'd never had this surgery.

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2013

    I am joining the TE Club.  Now, thatI I  have had the MX and the ONC has placed me on HT, I am seeing the PS at least every two weeks.  Well here's my dilemma, my PS is not a mean person but very impersonable.  Almost every question I ask him he refers me to the ONC or BC surgeon whom I am only seeing about every three months, now.  My last issue is the pain that I encounter during each fill.  The PS said I was one of the unfortunate ones that are not numb at the injection site.  Last injection was so painful--I believe he hit a nerve-I almost jump out of the chair and when I got home the site of injection stung all day and I was nauseated the entire day--so I took two Vicadin and relaxed throught the day.  Well my next injection is on May 3rd; I called him and ask for pain pills (well I talked to his nurse and she relayed) but he told me he would not give me any and that I should take Ibuprophen.  Now I have a bleeding condition so i cannot take any NSAIDS or anything that could cause a bleed.  I told the nurse and she said I would have to discuss it with him when I came in for my next injection.  I just feel like he is a noncompassionate PS.  I know I am not the only one that have a hard time with injections--I have read about others.   Now, I have a few Vicadins left from my BC Surgeon--which I am saving for my next injection--but I am pissed with thie PE and I am planning on talking to him about his lack of concern about the pain I undergo.  Can anyone advise me how to go about this?  My Vicadins are almost out and Tylenol is the only over the counter I can take due to other medical conditions.  If my PS says no again--should I go to my BC surgeon or my Family Practice DR.  It seems since the PS is causing me the pain--he should prescribed meds for me.  He doesn't even do topical numbing before the injection.  The last injections, I yelped and held my eyes and hands shut so hard--this jerk told me I needed to relax as he went on with the fill.  I was so ashamed, I ended up apologizing to him for being such a wimp about it all.  Then, I felt bad about apolozing to him for causing me pain.  So confused and not looking forward to my next visit.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2013

    dwilli: i agree your PS does not sound compassionate... some docs are afraid of patients taking too many pain pills... It does seem that it should be the PS prescribing your Rx but if he refuses, then go down the chain of command to whomever knows you better as a patient and ask him/her what to do for your pain. Hope that helps! {{{hugs}}}

    DM13: Did you have what is called diastesis recti? I'm confused if it was fixed during surgery, or if you were injured during surgery?

    ndrobi: is the pimple red? I have had a variety of those types of tiny pimples when I got a skin rash on my foob... turned out I became allergic to soap and laundry detergent... have to use unscented, dermo-approved products now. Do you have a slight rash?

    GreenMonekY: Just saw your new blog post and I'm so sorry you didn't get the news you were hoping for. S.U.C.K.S. Absolutely.

  • melmcbee
    melmcbee Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2013

    Hi ladies. My surgery went well. Im not in near the pain as I was with the tes. I have 1 drain and bruising and swelling in my abdomen. I havent taken the compression band and bra off yet till I can talk to his office today and verify his instructions. I did post some pics in the pic forum last night and I will try to get some better ones without the garments today. I posted the pics cause my friend said that looking at me changed her mind about liposuction. lmao. If anyone has any tips to make the fatgraphing successful please share. Healing hugs to all

  • patriciahurtado
    patriciahurtado Member Posts: 85
    edited May 2013

    So my ladies just wanted to update you guys.... So my TE was red Surgeont aspirated fluids twice 150 cc each time but today after aspiration is still getting filled .... She told that I should be thinking about DIEP Flap....... Then she tells me I have seroma......... I need to get radiation done but I can't this seroma had some infection... I been on antibiotics for 7 days so today we will decide if TE is coming off.... Ladies have you got TE and decided on DiEP... Does lymph nodes have anything to do with saroma... I ask my LE she said yes but my Surgeont says that has nothing to do with it ???! Confuse.... Up to this moment I'm ready to change them PS and Surgeont but I'm almost there ??!! I guess.....any advise

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2013

    Had my follow up yesterday, and got the full scoop. 

    For some reason, my pectoral muscle had thinned to the point of some small detachments and my implant was no longer covered. He spent about an hour taking my implant out, stitching my muscle up and then putting everything back.

    He does not know why this happened, which is distressing, as I want to try to prevent it from happening again. He did say that some women simply have thin muscles. 

    He took care of me as far as the lipo went. Says he took out a ton and hoping I don't have extra skin now. Finally out of the "after surgery" girdle wrap, now wearing heavy support garment from store. It's been so hot here, and feels better to be in something lighter. Despite the amount he took from tummy, didn't inject enough into the hollows of my cleavage line. I told him that unless another emergency happens, I am done! Hollows will have to be my friend at this point.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2013

    DM - I have very thin pectoral muscles as well - my PS says some women have this genetically.  He even had a body builder with it - just born that way.  I do have a couple of places that have weird bumps and I can feel the implant seam poking out - he calls them "knuckles" and they are at the bottom near the IMF - I just live with them and he doesn't seem to be concerned.  Glad you are out of the surgical garment - make sure you wear compression as long as you are directed to, it really helps with the end result aesthetically.  Wait for a while on the hollow result - some of the fat may smooth out when the swelling goes down.  It will be changing over the next six months.

  • patriciahurtado
    patriciahurtado Member Posts: 85
    edited May 2013

    My ladies I have to have my tissue expander remove ... Can any one please tell me how it feels ... Please!!!

  • cmharris59
    cmharris59 Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2013


    I had a TE in Nov 2007 that had complications and I had to have it removed and replaced with a new TE.  The second time for me was much easier.  They knew what anesthesia to give me and my muscle had already stretched some.. I had my first TE for one month before it was replaced.  I had an infection and my incision was not healing since the TE was punching through the muscle and skin. I am not quite sure I understand your situation. Why they are removing yours? Are they going to do a flap recon procedure when they remove it ? Have they discussed a different TE to replace it?

      Is your PS discussing not sparing your skin and using the flap as a cover for your foob?  I think I would want a second opinion just to be sure. NO doctor should be offended if you ask for a second opinion.  I hate that this is happening to you! We deserve so much more than we seem to get...

    Strong hugs and a shoulder to lean on..


  • melmcbee
    melmcbee Member Posts: 371
    edited May 2013

    Patricia I am so sorry that you are having issues. My te was causing me pain so it was an immediate relief yesterday when I had my exchange done. Yes Im in pain from the fatgraphing but it is 100 times better now that the tes are gone. Healing hugs to you

  • patriciahurtado
    patriciahurtado Member Posts: 85
    edited May 2013

    Connie ... I had cellutis for 2 weeks after that I had seroma... They have aspirated 3 times and still same so they are to remove its causing so many issues and I have to start radiation ASAP it's been almost 3 month from surgery..... And so many issues

    Melmcbee ... I need radiation so I can't wait any more

    Has anyone had tissue expander remove then radiation and what is the out come.... I just want options ...surgeon said I can always have DIEP that's not wanted..

  • SheChirple
    SheChirple Member Posts: 95
    edited June 2013

    I have not posted in quite awhile.  I had my BMX 11/2011, exchange 7/23/12 with complications.  I had the right permanent removed 10 days later.  I have had the one implant and a prosthesis since.  I had to make a choice between re-implant of TE, with months of expansion, and possible new implant to match the left, or DIEP.

    I ultimately gave up and went with DIEP, which I completed on 5/24/2013.

    My breasts are now soft and all my own tissue.  I haev to admit, however, that I think I'm going to miss the perky firmness of the post exchange implant.

    Good luck to all of you in completing your implant / reconstruction journey.

  • melmcbee
    melmcbee Member Posts: 371
    edited June 2013

    Shechirple its good to hear from you. Glad you are finished and are doing good.

  • cmharris59
    cmharris59 Member Posts: 111
    edited June 2013

    I was afraid when they removed mine that the skin sparing mx was a lost cause. But the second one worked fine and I had radiation after it. It shifted up on my chest a little but my new PS says that I have no lingering issues from the radiation and my implant surgery will be ok. I just need to get the cash to do it. I am not sure how it would work if you don't have replacement TE "installed".  My replacement was done at the same time as they removed the first one. IS that a possibility for you?  I am sorry that you are having so many issues. Mine failed for a variety of reasons.. the TE was overfilled from the beginning; I wasn't told not to drive and I had to drive a stick shift to my follow up appts. My PS is 2 hours from my home. That hindered healing. I also got an infection . So one month after my MX I was under the knife gettign the replacement. They also flushed out my interior to clear up the infection, and the second TE was filled over the next 6-7 weeks.  All of this delayed my second round of chemo and radiation by nearly two months.  I hope they can find a solution foryou!!!!!!!!!!

  • patriciahurtado
    patriciahurtado Member Posts: 85
    edited June 2013

    So when they remove the TE ... They need to replace it with something ... ??? She didn't explain that to me .....she just said they are removing it...... She's my surgeon ... And my PS is on leave of absence ...they work together ... It will be remove Tuesday maybe I should get a second opinion ASAP ..

  • SheaJ
    SheaJ Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2013

    Patriciahur I had to have a TE removed due to infection. Well let me back up dmx in jan. developed a large hemotoma on right side ( a 4 day hospitaal stay and 2 units of blood) that required surgical evacuation in feb. then a bad infection developed requiring IV antibiotics for 7 days and another surg to remove the TE 3-13 nothing was placed in . It was cleaned out and needed to heal for 6 weeks then another surg 4-19 to put a new TE back in. Inflation has been going well and I am back on schedule for my replacement to silicon gummies on July 24th. I have developed lymphedema in my left arm and am working with a LE therapist with compression wrapping. But I hold on to I did not have to have chemo or radiation. They did find cancer in both bresast but oncotype test was an 8! So long of the short you do not need to have a replacement at the sometime if PS is looking ink for healing first.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2013

    patriciahurtado - I had the left TE removed after 3 surgeries to save it.  It was out, with nothing in its place, for seven months because I needed to begin chemo.  It looked much like a raisin during that time - it had never received any fills other than the initial surgical fill, but when I had the TE replaced about 6 weeks after the end of chemo all was fine.  I had no further problems, did "low and slow" fills of 25cc weekly, and had an uneventful exchange.  I did not require rads, but my skin was treated in much the same way it would have been because it was very fragile and needed to be stretched very slowly.

  • ndroby
    ndroby Member Posts: 16
    edited June 2013

    Hi Rennasus,

    The pimple now has a little red halo around it. I've been taking Keflex for 3 days now and applying Bacitracin ointment. Nothing seems to be shrinking it. Does anyone else have experience with this??? Thanks.

  • cmharris59
    cmharris59 Member Posts: 111
    edited June 2013


    I am so sorry that you are having issues again. I haven't had that experience. Maybe it is just taking time to heal? It has only been a couple of days? Hopefully tomorrow you can get a better answer from your PS. Will be thinking of you and hoping this clears up.


  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156
    edited June 2013

    Need some advice on TEs.  Just started fills this week with 100cc each.  Had bmx with LD flap with implants starting at 500cc to start at surgery.  Incisional infection, delayed any fills till now.  Now incisions are again red and stretched tight but not open or draining but foobs are very sore.  IBU/tylenol not really working.  Tried muscle relaxers but also limited due to working/caring for family.  How have you found relief?   Hard to sleep at night especially, hate viocodan so now trying Ativan at night with slight relief.  Need to continue work as only wage earner, any help would be appreciated.

  • ndroby
    ndroby Member Posts: 16
    edited June 2013


    I have found a natural source of melatonin called "Just Tart Cherry Juice" that is made by Knudssen. It is available at most grocery stores. I drink 3-4 ounces about 30 minutes before bed, and it really helps me sleep. I found that Vicodin makes me so hyperactive, that if I take just one half of a tablet, I can clean my house in 2 hours or less!


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited June 2013

    mamasix - 100cc fills are pretty large - I would request smaller fills if you are experiencing discomfort.  Remember that YOU are driving the train as far as fill volume, not your doctor.  I had 25cc weekly fills and did not experience pain that required more than a Tylenol.  It takes longer to reach the final fill volume that way, but it is easier on the pectoral muscles and the skin.  Particularly if you have had trouble at the incision line I would steer clear of larger fills, JMHO.