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  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2014

    Oh, I guess I never considered that....having one side different like that. So many things to think about!

    Today my TE is literally poking out, I can feel it pushing on my skin. It seems that my skin is so think that the TE could push thru. It's very disturbing to see it and feel it. I don't know if this is from infection or just a botched up job by the PS. Monday can't get here fast enough!

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2014

    tanganadchris - That used to happen to me, too.  The expander wasn't quite full enough yet so it was a bit folded over creating a nasty corner jutting out.  I swear there were times I thought it was going to come through, but thankfully it never did.  It was very sore and I could push it back in or try to tape it down but it continued until my TEs got full enough to round out all the corners.  The only thing that relieved the soreness was some more fills, so be patient and this too shall pass! 

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2014

    Is it possible to develop an allergy to an antibiotic after being on it for 2 weeks? I have been dealing with a rash and crazy itchiness since yesterday afternoon. I just wonder if its the IV antibiotic I've been on...anyone heard of this?


  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,800
    edited January 2014

    tang....I ended up with an allergy to sulfa after that same reaction. After the expanders were put back in, I broke out in an awful rash and huge hives. The only thing they could figure out was the antibiotic was sulfa based, and that I had so much over the three months I developed an allergy. They don't really know for sure. I saw three docs and my dermatologist who does only skin cancer stuff and checks agreed to see me. He ruled out a bunch, but me on a strong steroid ointment for a week, plus I took hydroxyzine antihistamine to help with  the itching. It finally went away after several days. We were all saying a prayer that it wasn't a rejection of the expanders. Thankfully, no. I was monitored for the whole time I had the expanders the second time.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited January 2014

    tanga - I developed a penicillin allergy after a week, and I had taken it my whole life - not anymore.  During chemo I reacted to Macrodantin, but not until after I had finished the prescription, so about a week.  I react to Neomycin (Neosporin), Bacitracin (the irrigant used during surgery), and Levaquin almost immediately.  Also any adhesive within the hour.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2014

    Had my surgery today, took both TE's out and the pain is tolerable with pain meds. I feel relief right now, but I know in a couple of days or so I will feel sad about this. I am completely flat was a bit of a startle to see in the mirror.

    So, a strange thing happened though. I was still covered in rash all over my arms, chest, tummy, and back. When I woke up in recovery the rash and everything was more itching. As of right now stil clear, could the expander have been causing this somehow? or maybe it was nerves...idk.

    Anyway, so thankful for all of you ladies. ((hugs))

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2014

    I was wrong...rash is back. Took my infusion around 830pm and started itcing again :(

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014

    Back from vacation. I caught up on everything I missed. Too many people having trouble. Sad Tang you must be having a reaction to something they are giving you.

    Several of us have developed allergies or reactions to antibiotics and medications. I was on IV Vancomycin for almost a month the first time. I had an infection after the BMX. They monitor your blood levels every other day because it can cause liver problems. Mine stayed level for weeks but then all of the sudden, the numbers jumped to a dangerous level and I felt bad, bad, bad very quickly, ready to head to the ER. The doc said to stop the drug right away and in two days felt great. Last month they put me back on IV Vanc again for surgery #3 and two weeks afterward but I had no problems at all.

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2014

    sandra4611 - So how was the cruise?  I hope the weather was good and you had a wonderful time!  Good to have you back though...Winking

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2014

    It's the antibiotic, after I took it last night I started to get a rash again and was up all night itching. The nurse told me to take Benadryl every 6 hours, but it isn't really helping and knocks me on my keister.


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014

    Tang, surely there is some other kind of antibiotic you can be switched to. It's obvious you are suffering and your body is telling you how unhappy it is. Can it heal in a situation like that? What does your doctor say? Worried about you.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014

    The cruise was fine although the weather could have been better. Still, it was better than home. We had an ice storm in San Antonio while we were gone.

    I felt overwhelmed often on the cruise and retreated to the cabin to decompress. After being in the house for a year, all the colors, motion, noise, and people had to be taken in doses. Found myself getting depressed throughout the week, even with plenty of naps and alone time in our oh so comfortable bed. Guess it's time to get back to the counselor.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2014

    Sandra-I'm going to the doctor tomorrow....

    You know before cancer came along, I rarely ever went to the doctor. I used to get annoyed with people who talked about health issues all.the.time. I just didn't get it! But, now...ironically, I have become one of those people. How did I wake up and get like this?


    Sorry to hear that you struggled during your cruise Sandra. I can understand why though, it is alot to take in and maybe you felt a little pressured to have a good time? IDK, just thinking of how I'd feel.


  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2014

    I'm beginning to think I have the worst PS ever!!

    For those that have had a TE's removed, were you sent home wrapped in an ACE bandage, and if so how long did you have to wear it? I was sent home in one, but no info was given to me. The nurse discharging me said that the PS had not given any more detail about it. I've called my PS' nurse this morning and still no call back. Seriously??

    Should I have this ACE bandage on tight, snug, or what? and for how long?

  • Keke713
    Keke713 Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2014

    Hi Ladies..i haven't posted in a while, but I just  wanted to give my story and get some opinions incase someone can tell me what to expect...Im 28 and had IDC stage 2 and had my bilateral mastectomy in May of last year..I had my expanders placed and got through the whole filling process until I noticed after my last fill, one of my expanders ruptured and I had to go in and have my permanent implants put in the following day..well, a month after having my implants, I had a spot in my incision line that never healed correctly and was opening up and started gushing fluid that was surrounding my my ps took me back in and put tissue expanders back in for the second time and I had to start all over with fills....a month after having those expanders my breast started gushing fluid again from a weak spot of that new incision..soooo from there my ps removed some saline from my expander, cleaned out the pocket, placed a drain to get rid of anymore fluid that would surround my implant, sewed it back up and put me on antibiotics..I then had to wait a month or 2 to start fills again..well ever since then I've been ok..I have been completely filled for 2 months and have my exchange surgery scheduled for the 17th of feb...but now I noticed 2 weeks ago I had a piece of stitch coming through so I went in and she removed a huge knot that the nurse missed when taking my stitches out months ago..she said it's normal to sometimes leave small piece of stitch and normally any stitch left would eventually just push it's way out without any issues..but since this was a whole knot, it wasn't able she removed it that day and said it should heal up good and I shouldn't need antibiotics..welllllll about a week ago I noticed that same breast became really red and wasn't just the spot where the stitch was removed, but the whole breast almost..I called to tell the nurse and see if she wanted me to come in so she could take a look and she said "no I believe you" and called in an antibiotic to my pharmacy..well, I've been on bactrim for 5 days now and my breast is still red and sore..the soreness has gotten better but not completely gone..anyone know what I should expect tomorrow when I see my ps? Will he want to remove the expander and start me all over? Or will he want to try a new antibiotic?? I can't handle anymore set backs..everytime I get close to the end I get pulled back to the beginning..

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2014

    Keke713 - Pardon my French, but what you've been through just sucks.  It seems we go one step forward and two steps back, doesn't it?  I have no idea what your PS will do tomorrow, so all I can do is hope and a pray that he'll let you go forward from here.  I think I might have a word with him about his nurse, but that's just me.  (Is she the same one who left the knot?)  Please let us know how it goes tomorrow...   

  • Keke713
    Keke713 Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2014

    oh I'm def going to have a word with him..yes it's the same nurse that left the stitches in..not once, but twice! ..I had to go in a couple weeks after she initially removed them bc she left a small one that time and then this knot I had removed this time..& I know they are from the same surgery bc that's the only time the ps ever used the non absorbing I have a bone to pick with him about her AND the other nurse..this most recent infection is 100% their fault..yes she took the stitch out which had to be done, but she should have proscribed the antibiotic that same day instead if telling me "it should heal good and you shouldn't need an antibiotic". If she prescribed me the antibiotic then instead if waiting until it was already infected, I don't think id be in this position right now..I wish I could afford to be off work for a while bc I would say screw this whole tissue expander/implant thing and just go right for the diep flap surgery..but who's to say I wouldn't have complications with that!? Idk it Jain seems to me like my body has non stop been trying to reject these things 

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2014

    Keke713 - Good for you!  I'm so glad you'll be speaking up about the nurse(s).  BEST of luck tomorrow and let us know what happens!  Sending you a hug and a prayer....

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934
    edited January 2014

    Keke-so sorry to hear of all the trouble. I had my TE's removed yesterday due to infection, so I feel you pain. Good luck tomorrow with your PS and stay strong. The issue with the knot and the stitching is troubling, seems like that was an infection just waiting to happen. Keep us updated!

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2014

    Keke, they can't just put you on any old antibiotic. They need to do a culture to find out exactly what they are dealing with. It took 3 antibiotics before my doc found the one that would work on my infection.

  • TrinityMorning
    TrinityMorning Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2014

    Hello everyone.  I just had my fourth fill today, during which my ps looked at me and said, "Well that's unfortunate."  Wow, thanks.  I guess that there is some encapsulation on the TE.  He said that he will remove capsules during the transfer surgery.  I tried doing some research but can only find information about people having difficulty with encapsulation on their implants - and then having to have them replaced.  Has anyone else had trouble with this at TE stage, and do you know much about how it affects the transfer surgery, and also whether having trouble with this now predicts difficulties with encapsulation for implants?

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619
    edited January 2014

    Having fat grafting today to my left side (the side where I had to have my TE out)  We're hoping this makes my skin supple enough and healthy enough to accept a small implant on that side when I have my right exchange.  Fingers crossed that this works!!!!


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited February 2014

    Babs, good luck! Can't wait to hear how it went.

    Trinity, I've never heard of that, but I've only been on this website for five months. I thought capsulation was scar tissue that healed in such a way it distorted the implant shape. I could be wrong. (Often am. Loopy) I thought a TE was rigid in the back to keep all the saline pushing forward. In such a short time since your TE was placed, how could scar tissue do damage to a TE? Hope someone can help us understand. Have you asked Whippetmom over on Breast Implant Sizing 101? She is the resident guru on TE's and implants. I'll be interested to find out the answer.

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited February 2014

    Keke713 - How are you doing? Any luck with the antibiotics? 

    tangandchris - How are you doing with the healing process?  You certainly have been through it...

    TrinityMorning - I'm with sandra4611 here.  Of all the posts I've read, I've never heard of TE encapsulation.  Hopefully, whippetmom will chime in here or you could PM her.  She's our TE and implant guru!

    babs6287 - Hoping that everything went well for you today!  Please let us know when you can....

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Member Posts: 934
    edited February 2014

    Thanks for asking :)

    I had my TE's taken out Monday, overall I'm feeling pretty good. Still sore a bit, but not terrible. I'm on oral antibiotics now and hopefully on Tuesday we will know if the infection is finally under control so I can start chemo. I have decided that I am putting reconstruction on hold and firing my PS after my follow-up next week.


  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited February 2014

    tangandchris - So glad to hear you're doing well!  Fingers crossed that that infection has seen the last of you - or vice versa - I'm not all that sure which would be preferable...  Whatever, I hope it's GONE!  Loopy 

    You sounded like you haven't had much faith in your PS for a while, so maybe it's a really good thing to move on if you two don't 'fit'.  Hope you're getting a lot of rest and taking good care of yourself!

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619
    edited February 2014

    Well, this was not a "walk in the park" as I thought it would be! First issue was that the hospital refused to let my PS do me under IV sedation.  It is now their policy that any lipo be done with general anesthesia.  My anesthesiologist was not a gentle person so now I have a sore throat.  MY PS argued my case but lost to the hospital.  Having worked for a PS I know it can be done with IV sedation!!! Oh well.  The worst part was the general.  I was nauseous too,which was a first for me-even threw up-another first!  Came home last night and was still nauseous and so very woozy.  What a difference a night makes.   Feeling SO much better this AM.  I'm sore but that's to be expected.  My PS was pleased (according to my husband)  He got more fat than he thought he would I told him that would be the case.  300cc instead of 200cc!  I haven't looked at my left foob but I doubt I' ve got much of a breast there.  For the first time in my life I wish I was fatter!!!


  • denise4603
    denise4603 Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    I haven't been on in awhile- cumulative chemo se have me pretty much exhausted. I am continuing to wear my wound vac 24/7 and nurses say the wounds from my te removals are healing.

    tangandchris - yes! you absolutely can develop new drug allergies at any point. It happened to me too. It is so dangerous to continue to take an antibiotic that you are allergic to.  Also I was sent home from my te removals with gauze packings, abd pads, and a surgical bra - not an ace bandage. And visiting nurses came 7 days a week to care for my wounds until I started with the wound vac. I don't blame you a bit for letting go of your ps. I too, am putting reconstruction on hold. I want a bit of normalcy before starting any more madness.

    Kiki - you are so brave and strong to keep trying after so much disappointment. Best of luck.

    Sandra - I hope that the therapy will help you. Truth is, we are different people now than we were before BC. Sadness finds us when we least expect it. Keep swimming my friend.

    Babs - thanks for posting about the fat grafting. My ps proposes that fg may be in my future so I want all the info I can gather before making any decisions.  After experiencing 2 local anesthesia surgeries, I really hate the thought having general anesthesia again. Can you talk a little bit about any pain, discomfort, bruising?

    Trinity - I empathize with you. I know how it feels to have the ps announce "Oh no!" ...... that stinks.

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619
    edited February 2014

    Denise  The general anesthesia was due to hospital policy.  Check where you're having it done to see what their policy is so  you're prepared,

    Yesterday when I got home from the hospital I was in a lot of pain and took one pain pill.  When I woke up at 1 AM I  was in less pain so I took a 1/2 pill.  Today I am taking extra strength tylenol.  It's more discomfort than pain today.  I haven't looked at myself yet -wearing a compression garment-but since I black and blue easily I'm sure I will be black and blue.  FYI My breast is more sore than where the lipo was done.  I'll keep you posted each day how I feel.


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited February 2014

    Babs, you sure didn't need all that drama! Glad you are feeling better and that you were so fat! Winking

    Post Operative Nausea and Vomiting is called PONV (usually pronounced pon v I'm told.) I did a lot of research on it before my first surgery because it has plagued me after general anesthesia in previous (non cancer) surgeries. I even had an hour long consult only about PONV with an anesthesiologist at my hospital as soon as I knew surgery was in my future because my previous attempts to avoid it or reduce it failed. Today's anesthesiologists and surgeons are paying a lot more attention to it because it's effects play such a roll in patient recovery. In spite of trying a few new things, PONV jumped me again after my BMX and I spent the first 3 days in familiar misery. Before the second surgery I was desperate to do anything that might help. Fortunately on my pre-admin appointment, I was lucky to end up with a nurse-practitioner who really wanted to help me. On her own time she researched and discussed my case with her team until they came up with a plan. It worked! I had no PONV at all because I didn't have general anesthesia. Yes, I was "out" and didn't feel a thing, but it was done with versed, propofol, no gases, and a boat-load of pre and post op meds. They call it local anesthesia, which I always thought meant an area was numbed with a shot of lidocaine, but I was wrong. This may be the same thing others on this forum call IV sedation.